The 4 most braindead habits in Dota 2

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hello friends calls heroes bad and then spams them a week later here bringing you another dota 2 video on the four most terrible habits in the game that are also easy to fix number one winning team fights then jungling dota 2 in its essence is a simple game of resources if you acquire more resources than your enemies you win this is why it is beyond frustrating to see people jungling after they win team fights if you win a team fight there is usually a 45 to 60 second window where the enemy team is absolutely petrified of you you're the predator and they are the prey and this is exactly where this bad habit manifests itself people win team fights and then they don't immediately change their mindset from autopilot to predator so they do what they would do by default which is to hit the nearest jungle camp but big team fights take time and in that time resources on the map accumulate bounty runes spawn power runes spawn and creep waves amass some of your creeps even push in and enemy towers are just begging to be pushed and these resources immediately become free for a 45 second to 60 second window after a team fight is won in fact the hard part of dota is winning fights the easy part is pushing a damn tower or picking up a damn bounty rune after you win that fight and yet people still jungle people do the hard part of dota 2 but not the easy part they constantly waste one team fights and good plays then wonder why they don't gain any mmr it's funny because people are right they are too high skilled to be in their mmr bracket because they do the high skill stuff and then they get lazy and they don't accept the easy reward of their effort and skill the fix for this bad habit is simple after you win a team fight pause take a break look at the clock and think about what resources you can actually get for winning that fight it might be a tower roshan some bounties or it might be that you can now safely ward an area it doesn't matter figure out what resources you can get and then go get them number two not pressing spells this habit is something that i honestly feel slightly uncomfortable even putting it in this list because it's so strange but it happens in every single game you lose some crazy team fight and then you think to yourself i thought we were strong how the hell did we lose that team fight then you look around at your teammates and you realize that your offlaner didn't press their big team fight ultimate your carry didn't press their 10 second bkb and you slowly come to terms with the sad fact that you lost the fight exclusively because people just didn't press their buttons how how can this be such a common problem in dota 2. this phenomenon is something that i like to call the bystander effect of dota 2. the real world bystander effect as you've probably already heard is a theory that says individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim if there are other people present in other words someone can be getting the kicked out of them in the middle of a parking lot with 20 people watching and nobody will call the police because everyone assumes that everyone else will call the police but nobody does this exact same thing happens in dota 2 except instead of getting your ass beat in the middle of a denny's parking lot at midnight the end result is that you end up losing a game because your enigma didn't press black hole even though it could why don't people press their spells because they're waiting for other people to press their spells first before they press their spells that's it people hold their spells because they are waiting for a good opportunity to use them ironically to ensure that they don't waste them and then lose the game but then nothing happens and they lose anyway how do you fix this problem well i don't want to beat around the bush here the practical solution to this problem requires that you lose a team fight and realize that your team is a bunch of dumbass bystanders once you've lost a fight and you've seen that your team isn't interested in pressing spells tell your team that from now on you're going to suicide in to give them opportunities then in the next fight go in head first and get started sometimes this requires you to literally die sometimes this requires you to build tanky items like bkb and eondisk sometimes this requires you to jump in and then immediately jump out to bait spells but the bottom line is that you have to figure out how you can run in and get started and set up for your team because they won't do it without you number three not letting the enemy team waste resources what i mean by this is that often in a game of dota the enemy team will make mistakes a lot of mistakes because they suck and you suck and i suck we all suck and we all make a ton of mistakes and that's because dota is a game of mistakes but where things go from mistake to horribly horribly wrong is when the enemy team makes an obvious mistake and then people just don't allow it to happen the most common place where you see this in most mmr brackets is that people will be pushing a tower then the enemy team will over tp to defend the tower sometimes people will even tp in to defend a tower that literally dies while they're completing the teepee and then knowing that the enemy team has a bunch of dangerous heroes swarming the area people will continue to push or farm in an area as if they aren't about to die and then naturally they end up dying but what happens if you just walk away what happens if the enemy team shows up to defend a tower with all of their heroes and you just don't i'll tell you what happens you win that's right pro players do this all the time intentionally they do some crazy looking dive play so that the enemy team anxiously overreacts and then they just walk away and go somewhere else then the enemy team has a bunch of heroes in one area accomplishing nothing and this is exactly how you can get a massive gold lead without even killing anyone going back to lower mmr pubs the amount of mistakes that people make is astonishing bad tps happen everywhere people stand in places for no reason accomplishing nothing at all and yet people run in and fight for nothing this essentially turns the enemy team's useless nothingness into something useful because they're now fighting and getting kills how do you fix this bad habit if a bunch of enemies tp to some tower in front of you back off and reset stand somewhere safely and reassess with the teepees and resources that were used where the best place for you to be is sometimes the play is to farm backwards towards your base sometimes the play is to just wait and see what happens it depends on the situation but stepping back chilling and reassessing does not depend on the situation it's always good number four people ignore mana thresholds in dota 2 it's usually pretty easy to calculate how much mana you need to fight for example on my favorite hero pudge you need about 300 mana to fight because his hook and dismember cost about 150 each and so if you want to walk around it'd be useful instead of useless well you probably shouldn't pick pudge that's one thing but also you should have at least 300 mana otherwise you can't use your full kit on a hero like invoker or storm it's a little bit more complicated because you don't exactly see what their mana costs are but for most heroes you can literally just look at their abilities and add up the mana costs to figure out what your threshold is and yet people walk around with 100 less mana than they need to fight then when they engage in combat they don't have enough mana to press their spells they get team wiped and they lose the game how does this happen people use spells to farm and this is fine you should use spells to speed up your farming but you need to make sure that you're fight ready at all times unless you are absolutely sure that you are literally ignoring team fights on the opposite end of the spectrum plenty of people run around with full mana plenty of mana regen to work with and then they don't press any spells to farm even though they could farm with spells and still be way above their mana threshold that they need to fight as a result of this a lot of low rated core and even support players end up with way less farm than they should have simply because they aren't pressing spells to farm and move around the map how do you fix this problem like i mentioned all you have to do is add up the mana costs of your abilities and use spells to farm until you're at that limit but don't go under it if you find that your spell casting to farm constantly pushes you below your mana threshold then chances are that's exactly why that hero will normally build some sort of mana regen item to function properly and so you should start including one in your regular build anyway that's it for this video i do want to mention at the end here if you could like comment and subscribe it would really help me out i have an unfortunate situation i mentioned in the last video i had a population of about 50 hamsters in my house that were powering my computer my pc and you know i've been feeding them just fine because you guys gave so much likes comments and subscribes on that video fortunately i was able to feed them some really good food and i think unfortunately i had a hempster plague that swarmed through my kingdom of hamsters i don't know how it happened i don't know how they contracted it none of them went outside i was feeding them great food but they are all gone and so i think for the next round of uh animals that i'm going to be using to power my pc it will be guinea pigs these apparently are just much larger hamsters and so i will be buying a lot of those and so i need a lot of money so if you guys could go ahead and please leave a comment down below that would help out and i just want to let you know i appreciate you a lot and i hope to see you in another video
Channel: Jenkins
Views: 359,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dota 2, dota, heroes, jenkins, top, broken, op, items, itemization, build, guide, tutorial, meta, EG, arteezy, pro, player, tier list, update, drop, all, recent, gameleap, live, digest, match, tournament, skill, draft, bsj, pick, best, itemize, MMR, medal, new, carry, offlane, hard, easy, win, tricks, most buffed, OP, new patch, strongest, dota 2 update, dota 2 patch, farm, pro players, mmr, lose, gain, lane, laning, pub, bad, habits, terrible, jungle, bounty rune, spectre, herald, after, 7.29, singapore, major, mana, spells, pressing, waste
Id: ZN2wD8ogbV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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