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hey guys it's Peter fry pastor of Union Congregational Church and this week at church our sermon recording didn't work to put it up here on this channel so I wanted to create a video to recap the sermon and one of the things we talked about was bodies are complex things I mean if you just think about it our our bodies are made up of cells that make up organs that work together to keep us alive we've got the heart pumping the lungs breathing organs filtering blood circulating nerves stimulating it's a complex and complicated thing you have so many parts of the body but they come together to give life and the Apostle Paul in first Corinthians uses this picture of the body to describe the church we're continuing a series here at Union Congregational Church called why Church rediscovering God's vision for his people meleave that the church is crucially important for our spiritual lives it grieves me that there are many who have left the church but say you know I still love Jesus but I'm not quite so sure about the church was the passo Paul uses the imagery of the body and first Corinthians 12 he wants us to realize that we are not made to do the Christian life alone we need each other we we weren't made to be solo Christians walking in this spiritual life with Jesus on our own we need the church we need each other it's quite simply because that's the way God designed it and the 1st Corinthians chapter 12 the Apostle Paul describes the body of Christ as being one body made up of many parts and he describes how each part of a body has a unique and significant role and we can't ignore that when we talk about the church because every member of the church every believer in Jesus has a significant role in the body of Christ that is the church and so the point of 1st Corinthians 12 we looked at verses 12 through 27 if you want to read that this week it describes how one part of the body can't say you know what because I'm not the hand I don't belong to the body or if or if one part of the body said you know what I don't need you you know you know feet you aren't quite that important in fact you're kind of smelly and I don't need you if the body would be lacking in in how it's designed to function me to see we need each part of the body and that's exactly what it says here in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 18 it says but in fact God has placed the parts in the body every one of them just as he wanted them to be you know we each have unique gifts unique passions unique things about us about our personality and how we relate to each other and how we relate to the world and how we think we are all unique and different and there is diversity among the body of Christ among the church and and we can't view the church as a factory that produces uniform Christians this is what the Christian looks like sure there are qualities that the Spirit of God brings about in us to to make us christ-like but in that journey each of us have unique gifts and have a unique part in the body of Christ you see God designed the church to depend upon diversity we need each other simply because that's the way God designed it so here in the church we don't come together as people simply with common interests or things that are similar about us we come together as people who have differences about us sure we come together with the single cause of to know Jesus and to make him known but as we do that God's design for the church his dependence upon diversity let me say that yet dependence upon diversity is God's design for the church and that's simply the point of view of pause passage here in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and I think that the Spirit of God wants us as the church to come together to value your unique role in the church and that's my hope for you and that's our hope here at unique Congregational Church is that each member of the body can use their unique gifts their unique passions to serve not only each other but the people around us so they can be clear at the end of the day that God's design for the church his dependence upon diversity and as we live this I'm convinced that the world will see Jesus in our unity because as we looked at last week in John 17 when knowing Jesus is what unifies God's people the unity of God's people will make Jesus known and that's God's design for the body and so simply God's message for you today it is we need you we need each other not because you're a great person or you are an exceptional human being know quite simply the opposite because God's design is to use broken individuals and to bring them together with unique gifts unique works unique personalities and for us to come together and to depend upon diversity because that will bring unity that makes Jesus know you
Channel: Peter Frey
Views: 15,454
Rating: 4.9357429 out of 5
Keywords: peter frey, preaching, body of christ, unity in diversity, sermon, union congregational church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2016
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