Spiritual Gifts and the Body of Christ - 1 Corinthians 12 [Daily Bible Study]

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what's going on guys how's everybody doing today so you may notice we're in a bit of a different venue so we've been changing scenes here building a new new set for the branch together studio and we're not done yet we're in progress but the other set up is unavailable so we're we're just going to be filming here as in the middle of construction okay you'll see things get decorated a little bit more around here but it's it's a good day today and today we're going to be reading chapter 12 of first Corinthians so I'm gonna pray and I'm gonna jump right in Oh Lord you're good and God I know that today I'm tired and weary and I know some of us who are tuning in today may feel tired and weary and worn out god I just pray that you bring us strengths and encouragement wherever we are I pray that our hearts are open now to hear your word and yeah God just just prepare us to hear from you today your name we pray amen all right this is 1st Corinthians chapter 12 now concerning spiritual gifts brothers and sisters I do not want you to be unaware you know that when you were pagans you used to be enticed and led astray by mute idols therefore I want you to know that no one's speaking by the Spirit of God says Jesus is cursed and no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit now there are different gifts but the same spirit there are different ministries but the same Lord and there are different activities but the same God produces each gift in each person a manifestation of the Spirit is given to each person for the common good - one is given a message of wisdom through the spirit to another a message of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another gifts of healing by the one spirit to another the performing of miracles to another prophecy to another to another distinguishing between spirits to another different kinds of tongues to another interpretation of tongues one in the same spirit is active in all these distributing to each person as he wills for just as the body is one and has many parts and all the parts of the body though many are one body so also is Christ for we were all baptized by one spirit into one body whether Jews or Greeks whether slaves are free and we were all given one spirit to drink indeed the body is not one part but many if the foot should say because I'm not a hand I don't belong to the body it is not for that reason it it is not for that reason any less part of the body and if the ear should say because I'm not an eye I don't belong to the body it is not for that reason any less part of the body if the whole body were an eye where would the hearing be if the whole body were an ear where would the sense of smell be but as it is God has arranged each one of the parts in the body just as he wanted and if they were all the same part where would the body be as it is there are many parts but one body the eye cannot say to the hand I don't need you or again the head can't say to the feet I don't need you on the contrary those parts of the body that are weaker are indispensable and those parts of the body that we consider less honorable we clothed these with great honor and our unrespectable parts are treated with greater respect which our respectable parts do not need instead God has put the body to giving greater honor to the less honorable so that there would be no division in the body but that the members would have the same concern for each other so if one member suffers all the members suffer with it if one member is honored all the members rejoice with it now you are the body of Christ and individual members of it and God has appointed these in the church first apostles second prophets third teachers next miracles then gifts of healing helping administrating various kinds of tongues all are all apostles are all prophets are all teachers do all do miracles do all have gifts of healing do all speak in tongues do all interpret but desire the greater gifts and I will show you an even better way so have you ever found yourself coming to a chapter and just skipping over a section to get to the parts that talk about what you're looking for well yeah we've all done that and in this chapter the first few verses that I just read they're talking about the Corinthians going from pagans to believers and at first glance it wasn't exactly clear to me how this fits in with the discussion of spiritual gifts that we see through the rest of it is it clear well I think if we go back and look at it I think it is I think I think these first verses set up the thesis for the whole chapter Paul's basically telling them that they used to be pagans but now they are not and the key here is that there's a charge that they now have the spirit Paul's making a point that none of them can even say Jesus is Lord without support and enabling from the Holy Spirit so as believers they they need to know that all of them have been given the spirit of God and there are certain things that come with that spirit I think that's the thesis that all Christians are enabled by the Spirit of God let's unpack that every believer every one who testifies the name of Jesus has been given a manifestation of the spirit for the common good do you get that did you see that in verse 7 we have all been given gifts or enablings from the spirit and they're given to us so that we use them for the common good now what is this manifestation of the Spirit he says well their gifts their activities or services to use Paul words and and the Spirit has given them for a particular capacity the close of this chapter gives us some big categories like teaching Apostleship prophesy miracles healing helping administration speaking in tongues and at verse 9 Paul says do all prophesy do all do miracles do all speak in tongues he's implying no not everyone has all of these gifts we are giving gifts from the Spirit of God for us to use but they are different from each other if you're like me you've had seasons in your life where your gifts didn't seem as important as someone else's go read this chapter again because Paul's telling us that every member of the body the church every member should be celebrated and every gifting in the community is valuable and beneficial what has God gifted you with think about that today what has God gifted you with yes Paul says we should seek more giftings and additional giftings from God but we should also be delighted at whatever it is that he has given us if you aren't sure what giftings God has given you and what you can contribute back to the community I ask that you take some time in prayer today put it before God and see what he shows you through prayer he'll show you ways that you can contribute in unique and beautiful and special ways because if you are a believer in Jesus then then you are part of this church and if you are part of this church you're a member of the body and you have a role to play so get out there and play your role that's all for today we'll see you tomorrow for the super love chapter it's actually a continuation of this Paul's talking about these different gifts and then he goes on tomorrow to tell us how all of these gifts need to be exercised and love Jared's going to be talking with us about that tomorrow see you then
Channel: Branch Together
Views: 7,611
Rating: 4.9193549 out of 5
Keywords: daily devotions, inductive bible study, Daily Video Bible Reading, bible study, protestant, christian, monmouth county nj, church
Id: YcTJ98apHL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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