Why We Abandoned Our Dream Of Full Time RV Living -- It's Unfortunate

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hey everyone izzy and mj from endless rving so we all love rving right i'm assuming you're watching this video because you're an rvu or you want to be an rver or you dream about rving and for a lot of rvers the ultimate is full-time rving and we were there also we wanted to full-time rv we had our mind made up but then reality hit right so in this video we're going to share eight reasons with you why we decided full-time rving is not for us and why a lot of our viewers are quitting full-time rving as we speak [Music] okay so for the first one is going to be medical and what do we mean by medical so when you are established at a home base you have you know your doctors the people that you see norma normally whether it's for your eyes your normal checkups especially as you get older it kind of becomes part of your life right i mean that's just things happen right if you watched our channel about a year ago i had a medical scare that put me in the hospital for six days we also have a lot of good friends in the rving community that have had issues and they're on their rv and i know for me being in the hospital and then coming home it would have i know for me it would have been very difficult trying to get all my needs met and everything on an rv having a home base to go back to you have stability right if you're out on the road and you don't have a home address and you don't have like primary medical where you're going that that can be a real issue if you're on the road some people it doesn't matter but you know for us that's kind of a big deal we want to thank the official sponsor of this video rv snap pad now this is one of our favorite accessories that we've put on our motorhome since we got her it's like four years yeah then we had her and they're still going whether you have a trailer fifth wheel motorhome even a truck camper rv snap head has you covered so rv snap heads is the world's only permanent jack pad they were made to snap onto your levelers or stabilizers and stay there for good so the benefits of rv snap pads you're going to have permanent jack pads installed at all times it's increased stability for each landing foot there's added protection for jack feet from bending or damage reduce slipping or sinking on soft surfaces that's a big one i like that and protection from indirect lightning strikes now the other thing we love they're made in the usa i think you might have mentioned that but they support first responders military always give them a discount however if you don't fall into that category you can use the discount code endless 10 and you will get a 10 discount we will put all their information below the link to purchase your rv snap pads below go check them out one of our favorite accessories they've lived up to the test of time rv snap head now number two this is something we've actually mentioned i think people know this about us we like our space not only space but privacy right so our home we live in a very uh wooded area at home and it's it's quiet and it's private and we like that yeah and i know for myself speaking you know if we go out especially all of us the three of us and the two dogs after four or five i'm tapped out it's too much there's too much going on too much energy in a tight space i need some space some people it doesn't bother but i know for us like that's a big one even we had like a giant fifth wheel i think i still think that we would need some space yeah because we're i mean we just like we all like our alone time like we love being together but i like my alone time izzy lakes is alone time so definitely having a house is definitely a park for us number three this this is an important one and we've seen friends of ours in the rv community of how to deal with this if you have a problem with your rv and it's out of service you're out of your home so people have to go stay in hotels and and that is pricey too so you're kind of out of luck when you're when you need repairs how about if like you crash your rv that too or a tree falls on your rv any of these like crazy things that you think might not happen but they do happen you know rvs are not built like homes you know they take a lot longer to repair than homes do and it's a lot harder to find people to repair them so if that is your permanent residence and you don't have really anywhere else to go you may be in a hotel for a while and then it starts getting really expensive right up to this point the few that we've mentioned put in the comments below if any of these apply to you so far so the fourth thing is going to be cost now you may think some people think that rving can be inexpensive and it can be it all depends on how you rv so if you're a minimalist and you try to live off the grid a lot you you could probably save money we're not really like that we do like our hookups we do like our room so that kind of eliminates you know being in a small trailer and rving has gotten expensive even in the last five years that we've been rving the prices have gone up price of fuel price of rvs price of trucks to tow them price of food price of places to stay it has gone up depending on what part of the country you are at or where you're rving to it can actually be equivalent or even more expensive than owning your own property number five is going to be an investment so as we know rvs are just a depreciating asset now the last couple of years for the most yeah i mean some people were getting more than they paid but that's really not the case in most uh most times so having a home it is appreciating and we are building equity thank you building equity in our home so down the line we know this is in most cases unless you know the market crashes or the economy crashes it does it it always comes back so it's nice to know that you have that little nest egg yeah i mean anybody that's been a homeowner that watches this if you keep a home long enough it appreciates if you rot it out you know through the years up and down so yeah it's it's a real asset you know you can take loans against your home you can pull out you can't really do that no on an rv so yeah if something crazy comes up and you need cash you have a home you know you have access to cash so number six is unpredictability now just about two years ago from the making of this video which is march of 2022 we were hit with a pandemic now kovid kind of hit us out of nowhere full-time rvers had a really hard time we actually had one of our friends who was a full-time rv or we we was he's no longer anymore yeah we told him you can stay in our driveway because he was getting kicked out of a campground so so many people at that time were scrambling to find a place to stay that's really really scary to us so having that home base knowing you can always come back to that sticks and bricks or even just having an rv pad somewhere somewhere that you know that you'll be able to land god forbid something happens like it did two years ago that's really important to us so number seven is our favorite thing not not really yeah it's gonna be crowded campgrounds and again it depends on the part of the country where you were at however i mean it's kind of across the board people that are rving there is a lot more rf years on the road with a lot less space to go even like the blm lands like people that was their refuge to go they're kind of like complaining that a lot of people are using it up even like like the walmarts and the cracker barrels places people could stay a lot of times they're not now you know you wind up having to plan trips out more it becomes like a job you can't you don't you don't have that spontaneous like oh we're just going to go out here we're going to go there how many times we were sitting together on the phone one's on the computer he if he was you know in another place and we're trying to decide to check this place check this place and how many places were booked that literally for memorial day this year almost everything was booked we found one place like kind of a local place that we were able to book it was insane yeah so i guess a little bit of frustration because the rv you want that adventure right you want to just kind of go out but sometimes that's not a reality maybe the title change maybe yeah i was just gonna say in the comments below put do you think this is is starting to change again i think it is we've seen things that are happening so maybe campgrounds will start to open up but it certainly hasn't been the case recently and the last one really important one number eight is family family yes and friends i should say because a lot of my friends are just like my family yeah some of your family and friends and this may often be the case they don't want to hang out with you in your rv for a long time they might come visit you and they're like no i want to go back home i don't want to be kind of in the middle of nowhere crapping in a in a toilet that goes into a holding tank right so yeah i mean this becomes an important thing especially like grandkids you know we've read a lot of uh people that have sold their rvs and they buy a home close to their kids because they want to be around their grandkids and you know who knows that that might affect us i don't know but yeah that's that's a big reason with all that being said we plan on being most time rv years that's like six seven months on on the road i have 40 months left before i can retire we should start again i'll be out of this i'll be updating this every month i have 39 months left but once that happens we're going to be on the road a lot i guess so it's kind of like the balance of both right you have the security of a home plate and we could downsize a lot but then we could be on the road a lot right so if you're a full-time rv or put in the comments below how are you managing with everything that we talked about we're really interested and also if you're not a full-time irv but you're considering full-time rv do any of these things concern you you missed one though how about if you were a full-time rver and then you're like stopped right we want to know the reasons why put that in the comments below and to the left of us we have very informative videos rv diys rv newbie playlist we're going to put those all over on the left and then for myself and mj we thank you guys for watching and we'll see you on the road [Music]
Channel: Endless RVing
Views: 107,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: endless rving, full time rv, full time rv living, rv life, rv living, full time rving
Id: 1_iDCw1E838
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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