The Vile Triple-Murderer Who Buried An 8-Year-Old Alive | Most Evil Killers | Absolute Crime

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foreign September 1991 Guilford Connecticut USA early Sunday evening a mysterious man called at a house in the suburbs homeowner Christine was told some shocking news her brother Ernest and his family had been kidnapped and were being held ransomed by the mafia I didn't quite know what to make of it he had Ernie's car and he opened the trunk was full of blood turned out the man at the door 42 year old Christopher Hightower was a pathological liar and a killer he claimed he needed 75 000 to release the family but in fact he just murdered them he had stopped it had nothing to get what he wanted it didn't matter who heard it didn't matter who he conned most shocking of all Hightower annihilated his friend Ernest with a crossbow strangled his wife Alice then drugged their eight-year-old daughter Emily and dumped her in a shallow grave there was evidence that she was buried alive that's a monster that's a master but in court he continued his lies claiming he saw the mob carry out the killings I couldn't believe it it's impossible you don't kill the child the church-going investment broker turned out to be a con man who went on to murder three innocent victims making him one of the world's most evil killers [Music] thank you [Music] Rhode Island 1991 residents from the affluent church-going town of ballington helped police in the search for 53-year-old Ernest brendell and his family they had completely vanished from their detached Suburban home the impact of this on the community was absolutely devastating because this is upper middle class America this is the American dream six weeks after their disappearance on the 7th of November 1991 police made a grisly Discovery finding Ernest wife Alice and eight-year-old daughter Emily buried in woods next to a local school Ernest Sister Christine never forgot the day she received the news her niece Emily was drugged and asleep when she was dumped in her grave feeling a child's bad enough what he did with with Emily buried her alive that's that's above and beyond the man has no soul what baddington's residents didn't realize was the man responsible was one of them the killer 42 year old Christopher Hightower was a Sunday school teacher and a pillar of the community there was shock across the town at news of his arrest as former State prosecutor Patrick Youngs remembers this is the typical Suburban father there were millions of them in America the last person you would think would commit a horrible crime on the surface Christopher Hightower was extraordinarily trustworthy the sort of man that everybody trusted but suddenly that trust was broken High Towers crimes had a lasting impact on the picture book American town people started the call when they didn't see something that looked good maybe a child and a bicycle laid at night or a strange car in a neighborhood of these terrible events they just bring about a heightened state of awareness to have an individual come along who appears to be one of you who appears to be just like everyone else and capable of such harm really does Shake people's foundations this killer Story begins on the 20th of August 1949 Christopher Jamir Hightower was born in Winter Haven in Central Florida his father worked as a printer you asked this was the post-war years it was the age of affluence the rise of the consumer Society he comes from what appears to be a traditional nuclear family the American dream and nothing appears to be out of the ordinary he was the eldest of five children the one who got what he wanted almost always but soon the young Christopher would discover a dark family truth Hightower discovered that the man whom he called his father was actually his stepfather his real father abandoned them both when his mother was only 17. it was upsetting but not something that someone couldn't recover from it drove a wedge between Hightower and his stepfather that would never be repaired I think at the time this this idea of illegitimacy is incredibly stigmatized in the US and it would have been something that would make him quite angry his family have lied to him and I think that that starts off some some feelings of Rage some feelings of resentment although determined Hightower wasn't particularly bright and only just scraped through High School graduating on the 8th of June 1967. at the age of 19 he left home to join the Navy he was committed to forging a glittering career unlike his stepfather the printer whom Hightower dismissed as a low achiever when he leaves he never sees this man ever again to be able to just drop somebody and never see them again somebody who's been such an influential person in your life suggesting me that this is somebody who does does not have the same emotional attachments to other people that the rest of us do after just over four years in the Navy Hightower wanted to start a successful new career he married in August 1973 at the age of 24 then enrolled at the University of Rhode Island to study zoology next he set his sights on medical school and would stop at nothing even gambling his family's livelihood to get his dream it was revealed that he was actually trying to sell the family home to pay for his his college education and his wife wasn't very happy when she found out about this so after just over seven years of marriage Hightower divorced and soon found a new love in his life Susan they married in 1982 and his plans to become a doctor were back on track nothing would get in his way when he found a course at Wright State University in Ohio he forged his academic qualifications to get in you're taken as transcription University Rhode Island which are fairly pedestrian transcripts and Doctor them so to make it look like he got all A's the actual truth of the matter was is that he did terrible at URI University of Rhode Island uh he just about failed almost everything and so we get into graduate school in Hawaii each other had got where he wanted through deception now he realized how Faking It could get what he desired soon he was lured by the highs and lows of the stock market and this inspired his next ruse when he was in Ohio attending Wright State University he had some sort of Investment Group where he convinced people to invest a modest amount of money he turned it into a lot of money it was all scam he kept all the money he was a good salesman but he had no idea how to actually do it he had grandiose ideas about himself and I think he was frustrated that his lack of talent and eventually he would be discovered to be a fraud despite losing his investors more than a hundred thousand dollars of their life savings Hightower was never prosecuted but he'd stumbled upon an easy way to make money so Hightower decided to ditch med school and with his wife Susan moved over 800 miles to baddington Rhode Island here the frauds were set up another dubious Financial venture to his neighbors though Hightower seemed like the happy family man they have two children together and they live with his wife's parents now his wife's parents have got this rather lovely house in Barrington so essentially what Hightower is doing here is he's being able to perform the perfect American family in that the lovely big house but he hasn't had to do a single thing to earn that what matters for him is how other people see him and he really thinks that he's got it all sorted now in a bid to show he was going up in the world the smooth talking salesman started a seemingly reputable business to match Hightower Investments Inc in his new downtown office he bumped into a local lawyer Ernest brendell he somehow convinced Ernie that he should invest some of his money with him and he had a formula that he said was foolproof of course he didn't have any formula he didn't know what he was doing in the Commodities business everything that he said was a total fabrication soon High towel and Earnest became the best of friends their families even started holidaying together in New Hampshire by now Hightower had become an upstanding member of the community he was a local Sunday school teacher and a coach of the towns junior football team he was such good friends with the with the brandels that when Emily went to the YMCA after school Hightower was on her list of approved people to pick her up he was such a good family friend he was actually on the list as someone they trusted to pick up their daughter eventually Hightower persuaded Ernest to invest fifteen thousand dollars in his get rich quick scheme Hightower is a very parasitic individual who will feed off other people and he will have come to know about Earnest and how much money he had just through spending time with him and the family so these these people are predators they identify people's vulnerabilities they kind of forget to figure about what people have and what they can get out of them Hightower is a perfect role model the kind of person everyone can trust and when con men are concerned trust is everything within a year Ernest brendell started having doubts he soon discovered that instead of making him money Hightower had squandered nearly twelve thousand dollars of his investment Ernie realized that this system was a scam and when he realized that he did what you would expect Mr brendell to do he reported it to the Commodities future trading commission which is the Commission in this country that oversees commodities there was the wrong person for Hightower to to trick he realized there was only a matter of time before people found out exactly what he was up to the Sunday school teaching the coaching the soccer team that cherished reputation that he'd built up was about to disintegrate Not only was Hightower standing in the community in Jeopardy the complaint against him looming at the Commodities regulator would mean he'd lose his license to trade and his livelihood hightower's House of Cards was crumbling down the phone at his office had been disconnected and his landlord was chasing him for eighteen hundred dollars of unpaid rent his problems with debt cause ruptions at home and this led to the final nail in the coffin hightower's wife says that she wants a divorce she doesn't want this marriage to continue now for Hightower this is this is terrible because she is essentially that the access route to this this lifestyle that he's been performing they live in her parents house it's very Grand everybody thinks that he's very wealthy um so he threatens her Rhode Island once had a reputation as a mob state with key figures of the mafia believed to be operating in the area in a desperate Ploy Hightower threatened his wife with Associates he claimed he had in this criminal underworld he allegedly had told her that he had paid a group of organized Hitmen to kill her for five thousand dollars and for another thousand dollars he would make her disappearance complete it was this his fantasy world he lived in I don't think there was any truth to any of that his marriage was ending he was concerned I believe about whether he'd see his kids his professional life such as it was was falling apart so this was all crashing in on him at the same time hightower's answer to eliminate the man who'd started the complaint against him threatening his livelihood and reputation 53 year old Ernest brendell on Thursday the 19th of September Hightower set off on a six-mile Journey to the town of Seekonk Massachusetts he goes to Massachusetts and buys a bear Devastator crossbow and he bought six bolts he had told his family he would be out maybe all night or come back very late I suspect it would have been quite a lot of stalking of the brundle family so he would have known what their movements were what time they left what time they arrived home their routines this was a very well planned murder on Friday the 20th as usual Ernest eight-year-old daughter Emily left on the school bus then Ernest drove wife Alice to work at nearby Brown University seizing his moment Christopher Hightower broke into the house Hightower goes and hides out essentially in Ernest Gary so he lays in wait for him he could decide not to do it but the fact that he doesn't suggest to me that this is somebody who is emotionally empty who just does not care about harming other people and he's there on a mission and he's not going to leave until he's executed that mission with his Lethal Weapon at the ready Hightower watched Ernest brendell pull up onto the drive believe when Ernie pulled into his garage Hightower was waiting for him with the bear Devastator and shot him three times with the crossbow the first shot to Mr brendell didn't kill him the second shot hit him in the in the posterior and then the third shot was a kill shot to her spinal cord through his esophagus into his heart so he killed him right away to make sure his Nemesis was dead Hightower bludgeoned Earnest on the head with a crowbar this individual is a psychopath he very much lives in the present moment and as far as he's concerned at this point in time Ernest has been taken out of the picture and he's hoping that actually everything's gonna be fine because this complaint isn't going to get looked at and everything will go back to normal now he'd exacted his revenge Hightower calmly cleaned up the crime scene using Hydrochloric acid then drove his former friend a mild to remote Woodland on the edge of town after burying Ernest in a shallow grave the killer returned home and calmly washed his clothes but then Hightower got an unexpected surprise the sheriffs arrive with the restraining order that had been sought by his wife so when he's served the restraining order he now has no place to live Institute and homeless Hightower returned to the scene of his crime as he monitored messages left on the brendell's answer phone he thought about what he was going to do with the rest of the family family life goes on there are commitments there are responsibilities and on that particular day Ernest was expected to pick up his daughter from school Ernest wife Alice and eight-year-old daughter Emily would be next on hightower's Hit List he had to silence them before they raised the alarm on that day Friday the 20th daughter Emily had been on a school trip the killer made Sinister plans to pick her up so he calls the Primrose School where Emily attended and pretends to be Mr brindell said Emily can walk home did their credit the school said that's not that's that's not going to happen not one to be diverted from his mission he determined Hightower then stole Alice's car and drove it to the YMCA where Emily was having her usual after-school care so he goes to the Y tries to pick her up and then we'll let her because she's no longer on their proof list so then the YMC gets a phone call reportedly from Mr Brenda Alba undoubtedly from Hightower this is Ernie brendell my friend Christopher hightah who was on my list he's going to pick her up I'm gonna give him my driver's license which has access to because Ernie's dead so he goes to the YMCA and gets Emily even though Hightower was a trusted family friend eight-year-old Emily had a sixth sense that something wasn't right tragically she tried to call her father Ernest to warn him leaving a message on the Family's answer phone Emily knew this wasn't right and his dad dad yeah this doesn't seem right something like that but eventually the YMCA lets her go and that's the last anybody that we know of saw was the the woman at the YMCA who sees her walking to Alice's car with Christopher Hightower one's home High Todd drugged eight-year-old Emily with Benadryl then tied her up in the basement the brutal killer knew she'd be useful as a bargaining chip when mother Alice came home Alice always got the bus home Ernest would pick her up from the stop but on this particular evening Ernest wasn't there so she made her own way one's home she too was held hostage by Hightower throughout the day people arrived at the house little girls came looking for Emily he said she wasn't home at one point uh Discount Store showed up to deliver a mattress he sent them away mother and daughter were held hostage until the next morning when Hightower used Alice to carry out the Final Act in his plans on Ernest computer he made her type out a letter in Earnest name to the U.S Commodities Regulators withdrawing his complaints against Christopher Hightower it's believed though she left a coded message for the police she put hightower's initials on the file she opened and we all have to tell that was a clue now Hightower had no use for his hostages he strangled Alice then later that evening he drove her body together with sleeping daughter Emily to the remote Woodland on the edge of town where father Ernest was buried under cover of Darkness High tar dug them a shallow grave then buried eight-year-old Emily underneath her mother as former detective Gary Palumbo remembers there was evidence that that she was buried alive I know he gave her Benadryl and insufficient amount that would make her a drowsy or you know or sleepy but it wasn't enough to to kill a child that's a monster that's a must [Music] many people will say well well maybe he he felt bad maybe he he didn't want her to kill her and he was just burying her body just to kind of get it out of sight out of mind um but I think he's coming towards the end of his plan here and perhaps the killing of Emily wasn't as carefully thought through as the killing of Ernest and Alice after burying the bodies Hightower covered the graves with lime to mask the smell of decomposition now the killer was satisfied he disposed of the entire brendell family he buries the quite close to that home and this is interesting for me because he has a lot in common with other Killers here um he's he's thought fairly carefully about the murders themselves but he hasn't thought very carefully about the aftermath in much detail they're in a place where they're going to be discovered the Earth would soon give up high Towers dark dark secret and the reputation of the upstanding churchgoer would come crashing down soon Christopher Hightower the fraudster would become known as a triple killer the fact that Hightower kills a child is is shocking is awful and we reflect on the fact that he's the father himself but here's somebody who is completely cold who is completely emotionally empty so he would have felt absolutely no hesitation at killing the child because he sees people in terms of what they can do for him whether they're a threat to him whether they're a barrier to him there's no emotional connection to them ballington was blissfully unaware of the grizzly family murders that had taken place in the close-knit town the destitute and homeless killer Hightower stole Alice's Toyota then went on a spending spree with her husband ernest's checkbook anyone about his business buying stuff cleaning supplies wow cashing checks we got him at a yogurt store we got him pumping gas and we got them all over Barrington and Southeastern Massachusetts aware the alarm would soon be raised over the brendel's appearance Hightower had to work out his Alibi now he's scared that everything is going to come out and he's got to find a way of sorting it out the Finger of Suspicion is almost inevitably going to point to him so he devises a plan and goes to see ernest's sister that Sunday evening in the stolen family car Hightower set off on the 95-mile journey to Guilford Connecticut where Ernest Sister Christine lived she was very fond of her elder brother Ernie was two years older than me he was my big brother and we were pretty close I think for a brother and a sister and we let a very active Physically Active childhood our parents had a house in the Pocono Mountains so in the summer we just sort of ran wild as adults they remained close even after Ernest married Alice oh we had a good relationship we argued but we argued when we were kids too Alice was the Great Peacemaker mediator you couldn't not have a good relationship with her because she was very easy to get along with on Sunday evening the 22nd of September Christine was unaware of the tragedy that had befallen her brother but his killer Christopher Hightower called at her door we had guests for dinner and he arrived at the door and started telling me his crazy story and I said why don't you go in the living room and sit down and relax I said because we can't do anything about this until my guests leave so I sort of hurried them out of the door and then my husband and I sat down with Hightower and then he started hearing his story what twist nuts although she'd never met him before Hightower told Christine that her brother Ernest and his family had been kidnapped and were being held hostage by the mafia I didn't quite know what to make of it but I didn't think what he was telling me was the truth then he decided that he would show us the car as well as showing Christine and her husband Ernest bank cards and driving license Hightower opened up the boot of the family car to reveal a massive stain of blood he claimed the blood came from a broken jaw Ernest had sustained joining the kidnap but Christine's husband Alex was a doctor and didn't believe what he was hearing he said to me was that there was a lot of blood and is probably more than someone could bleed would still be alive we knew that something really bad had happened but we didn't know exactly what hightah claimed the mafia wanted three hundred thousand dollars to release Ernest and his family he asked Christine and her husband for seventy five thousand dollars to help pay the ransom we just told him that we don't obviously don't have that kind of money around the house we don't deal in cash Al left empty-handed but he warned Christine and husband Alex not to call the police claiming their phones were being tapped once Hightower disappeared though they went to a neighbor's house and called the authorities straight away we went over there and called the FBI because I thought that you know if it's kidnapped it's much better to get them on the case the FBI alerted the local Barrington police who conducted a thorough search of the brendell's family home we forcibly entered the house the one thing that I noticed right off the top is there were no chords to the telephones wasn't connected to anything and the quads were going so I'll raise my suspicion a little bit and when we go out to the garage the Southwest window of the garage looked like somebody forced with forcibly entered through there although there was no obvious evidence of a murder scene the police were concerned about the missing family of three the only potential thing to their whereabouts was Christopher Hightower who Christine had reported driving the family's Toyota for barrington's chief of police Charles Brule Hightower had to be brought in for questioning I advise the dispatcher to put a broadcast out on the motor vehicle we were looking for and one of the officers on patrol who was in the Barrington shopping center saw the vehicle exiting stopped the vehicle and at that point we took the individual into custody once in custody Hightower feigned concern about the brendell's whereabouts he also told the police that they'd been kidnapped by the mafia meanwhile the family's Toyota that he'd been driving was searched based on the search wire we found an empty bag of lime the blood splatters and stains inside the car and in the trunk there was a crossbow and also they found three teeth which ended up being Ernie's in the back of the car it was obvious about the evidence that was inside the Toyota which was accumulation of blood stains more than the person would receive from a beating from a facial beating we thought the family was in trouble at that time especially just observing the car without searching it you could see the you know you could see the blood stains so we we thought they were in trouble with this forensic evidence and no sightings of the brendell's alive in the last three days the police believe they had a triple murder on their hands at this point Under Pressure Hightower made his first mistake in his Mafia kidnapping story when the police commented on tire tracks found near hightower's home his pretend slipped they're not buried there he told them well it's quite interesting because that's implying I do have some knowledge about this and this is a power play he's basically saying to the police I do know something about this but I'm not going to give it up that easily um so he's he's trying to to buy himself time he's very much in control as news of The brendell's Disappearance spread concerned Barrington residents helped in any way they could within a week's time they started organizing searches and they would have searches where community members could volunteer and they would come out and assist as forensic investigators swept through the brendell's home they found microscopic evidence which linked to the crossbow found in hightower's possession now it was a potential murder weapon there was a little hole in the garage door that determined to be caused by an arrow by a bolt and forensically they ended up finding blood splatters in that area with news that the police had uncovered unlikely murder scene Ernest Sister Christine was giving up all hope as time went on it just got worse and you know the the chances that they were alive and the chances that they were unharmed or less and less and it was too much as police dug into hightower's background they found a destitute man with a trail of fraud leading from his investment scam in Ohio on October the second U.S regulator the National Futures Association told investigators about a letter they purportedly received from Ernest brendell withdrawing a complaint against a broker Christopher Hightower forensics experts examined it and revealed it was a forgery now the police knew this complaint could be their Prime suspect's motive for murder the town was shocked when they learned 42 year old Sunday school teacher Christopher Hightower had been arrested in connection with The Disappearance of the brendell family despite a six-week search for their bodies Ernest wife Alice and their eight-year-old daughter Emily still hadn't been found a huge Army of law enforcement with a lot of volunteers spent six weeks looking to the brindles we searched cemeteries researched abandoned pits we looked everywhere we had dogs the FBI brought in mediums we talked to profilers from the FBI and but we couldn't find them on the 7th of November a Barrington Resident was out walking in remote Woodland next to one of the town's schools when she made a Sinister Discovery let me get a phone call saying that a woman walking her dog had seen her dog reacted to an area she showed us where it was myself and the sergeant went in and it was Briars and bushes and then all of a sudden it was no more bias no more bushes and you could see an area where there were depressions we dug the area where the depressions were one depression revealed Uni's knee and the second depression revealed Alice's knee and that's when we stopped and called the forensics as a Barrington residence it was the discovery even detective Gary Palumbo was dreading they train you they meant to you don't get emotional alluded at work but I was angry it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize what you found and and uh so I was angry the FBI and soon forensic teams swooped on the shallow grave former State prosecutor Patrick Youngs was also called to attend he saw damning evidence linking Christopher Hightower to the crime scene within the hall where Mr Brenda was was a piece of a bag of lime piece of a bag of lime that matched the bag of line that was in the car that Mr hightower's driving that we had a receipt that he bought at a hardware store so we knew in that point we got him in a shallow grave next to Ernest they uncovered the body of his wife Alice she'd been strangled as a ligature had been left around her neck but underneath Alice they found her eight-year-old daughter Emily it was extremely sad and um you could see a little shoe in the dirt state police detective Preston to make sure there was afforded there that was a very sad moment we had a photograph of Emily taking on Friday because she went on a field trip she went to Newport to see a Viking ship and we knew what clothes she had on Friday she had the same clothes on and I just to me that was just so sad it was just so sad seeing this little girl so it was a very emotional day for everybody there are police officers in the hole with them that was a very solemn occasion that same day Emily's aunt and his sister Christine was told the news we had I think already had a funeral service I mean we knew they were dead my mother was still alive and Ernie was the absolute Apple of her eye but she was in the early stages of dementia and she said things like or he he'll come to visit me recently say mom he's dead it was very difficult with the discovery of the brendell's bodies their killer would finally face Justice Christopher Hightower was charged on three counts of murder and one of kidnap his trial started 16 months later on the 8th of March 1993 at the Supreme Court of Rhode Island former State prosecutor Patrick Youngs helped prepare the case most cases that we prosecute we usually have some sort of direct evidence and a direct evidence either an eyewitness to the crime or a confession we are neither he he never confessed but circumstance or cases if you do it the right way are the most compelling cases not only did the prosecution present The Man Who Sold Hightower the crossbow they called nearly a hundred other Witnesses we could trace his receipts and we had Witnesses a Psalm around town he bought muriatic acid to clean the floor of the horse barn each little witness had a little essential dot to fill in so we had witnesses that would see him at the house we put in the delivery guy who showed up to deliver a mattress we put in the the neighbor who saw Hightower with with the hose we put in the guy at the at the Shell station to pump gas with them we put in all these little dots and in the end they all pointed in Only One Direction and that was Mr Hightower when Hightower took to the stand true to form he had an elaborate explanation for the damning evidence unbelievably Hightower explained that Ernest had got involved with the mob and some serious drug dealing Hightower claimed he was at Ernest house when the mafia arrived and murdered the brendell family in a dispute over money he claimed he saw eight-year-old Emily strangled he had already said they were going to kill her if they didn't tell him where the money was well it is it's impossible he won't kill the child then Hightower claimed he was threatened himself sometime during the evening a pillowcase or something was placed over my head I was taken out one of the cars he then said he was forced to dig the brendel's graves otherwise his own family would be killed I started digging I pecked him please I'll do whatever you want just leave him alone complete lies there is no doubt whatever Mr Hightower claimed I didn't do it the mafia did it these drug dealers did it so he got on the stand said I'm innocent kill anyone who did some people that were with Mr brindell States Attorney Michael Stone tall into hightower's claims on behalf of the prosecution I think he thought by testifying that he was going to convince the jury that he actually had nothing to do with these murders I think he's the type of person who believes his own lie Michael's pivotal moment in making his case was by proving Beyond doubt that Christopher Hightower was a pathological liar in court he produced the transcripts Hightower had falsified to get into Wright State University 11 years previously you didn't get accepted into that Masters program with a 2.5 average did you no I did not and why is that because I had contacted an individual at the University of Rhode Island in and obtained a forged transcript [Music] I think by the time I finished that it was evident to the jurors that he was a total fabrication and that Ernie brendell was just the person who got in his way and was expendable he definitely is a person who cared about nothing else but himself after four days of cross-examination the triple killer looked defeated in desperation his own defense team even bought an expert psychiatrist to the stand to testify that Hightower was delusional but the court dismissed any claims of insanity on the 8th of June 1993 Christopher Hightower was sentenced to life without parole it was the result the investigators and prosecutors had been waiting for well I think everybody was relieved we're thankful we got the monster off the street and he's going to stay off the street he's probably the lowest form of life on the earth I had the opportunity to confront him when I was in my second employment in the federal court that I just told him I said you rotten bastard I hope you rot in hell and that's the way I feel because there isn't any place for him in any kind of society at all he's despicable it's all about him people were objects to him people were there to be used to further his means Hightower is such a cold and a Despicable killer because nothing gets in his way he is literally like a steamroller and the devastation that he perpetrates lasts for a very very long time for Christine there was comfort in knowing that the man who brutally wiped out the whole side of her family can never kill again I mean I Emily was a dear child and I the fact that he could kill her just absolutely leaves me absolutely no no sympathy for him he's an awful person and he's soulless [Music] no I don't believe in sold he's totally amoral he was a con man who masqueraded as a church leader duping people out of thousands of dollars he mercilessly slaughtered a family of three just to protect his reputation and cover up his trail of fraud he kidnapped an eight-year-old girl from school drugged her and buried her alive that's what makes Christopher Hightower one of the world's most evil killers [Music] good [Music]
Channel: Absolute Crime
Views: 67,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chilling details, chilling reenactments, crime scene investigation, crime stories, criminal documentary series, criminal justice, criminal motives, criminal profiling, criminal psychology, criminal psychology study, criminal underworld, heinous crimes, homicide case, murderer, mysterious murders, psychological manipulation, psychological thriller, serial killer, true crime series, unsolved mysteries
Id: c3nETvq_YV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 15sec (2595 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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