Why was Taylor so EMOTIONAL?! // FIRST GIVEAWAY // Birth Story

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome to the latest episode of the gibson family hey guys um would you want to give a quick shout out to everybody who has followed us as a blade on our instagram uh we totally appreciate it you know we're just looking to get our followers back up so stay tuned yes and also we hit 300 subscribers so every milestone that we hit we want to that's the problem yeah thank you we want to um do a little giveaway just to say thank you to you guys and with that being said our first giveaway is going to be a shirt from i am taylor t's it's one of the stores that i have online and well but first you have to follow both of us on instagram make sure you subscribe to um our channel and also follow i am taylor tease on instagram and whenever you're done doing those things make sure you comment your favorite emoji below or just let us know that it's done and we will reach out to the winner and get you your free t-shirt so as you know last episode we had a little cliffhanger and uh i know you guys love that but um yeah i mean the question was why was taylor so emotional yeah i mean she was pregnant so you know that was the real reason and it was one of the greatest blessings we had tried before and you know it took a lot for us to be able to you know have our first and so it was definitely nice and it was kind of it wasn't unexpected but it was um it was a nice like it's a gift yeah like i said we had tried before getting married and it was like almost kind of like god wanted us to be married because i don't know yeah i don't know really how to describe it but it was it was really nice but um yeah i was super emotional crying about everything like you guys know and um oh my gosh yeah he's teething right now so oh don't mind this little monster yeah um anyways so about three days after we found out i was pregnant um we left turkey we got the news to go to turkey so packed our stuff up whole another year moved out to turkey um balakessa yeah it was which was real nice it's close to izmir about two hours from izmir so it was a small town our time in turkey we it was spent with me being emotional growing up and doctor's appointments doctor's appointments a lot of doctor's appointments you know practice just juggling you know everything all at once but it was great it was a great experience and obviously we lasted through it yeah it um you know turkey was very beautiful the culture was pretty cool and i i really feel like you know my first time there i wasn't really able to appreciate the culture as much as i wanted to and like the food because all i wanted was you know this nasty american food over here no i did not want a mcdonald's but well i guess i was the one that wanted mcdonald's i would travel there was no mcdonald's in our town i would literally travel for 15-20 minutes to go get mcdonald's it was so nasty yeah it wasn't even good it really was but i really couldn't handle anything all i ate was apples and oranges like seriously i threw up at least five times a day every single day i looked miserable i was miserable honestly that pregnancy was not easy on me um but we did see you know some very beautiful hotels like turkey has some of the most like crazy the architecture yeah architecture the modeling and everything like that of the buildings it's just really good it's also like you know like very beautiful scenery you know mountains in the distance like it's so pretty it's very it's a very beautiful country water there's a lot of water there you know there's a seed next to us and you got you know istanbul has a nice city izmir has a nice season it's nice it's wonderful you know it's a sight to be home you'd be surprised how many beautiful countries are truly out there you know something another thing that i like didn't mention in the first um like finland video is we always like to bring something back to our family [Applause] she's like attacking her chin right now like it feels good yeah um but oh we'd like to bring home treats for our family so like something that's like a popular treat um even if it's nasty part of their culture yeah what is their culture yeah i'm sorry because she's a little distracted clearly but you know just like when she said we would bring treats home and when we came back home from feeling the first time we were uh we brought back um the geishas chocolate i would like chocolate i didn't eat them i i'm gonna eat them like that but um in turkey there's a uh i don't know what it's called powder it's like powder on it though for all my turkish people please let me know what this is if you're following but it's a it's powdered candy it's kind of like a gummy thing in the inside yeah but it's not i personally didn't try it because i was pregnant yeah it's not um it's not like like sugar powder though it's it's different it's different yeah i don't i don't know what the name okay we'll say like this everybody in our family that tried it thought it was like baby powder yeah you immediately spit it out it was not good somebody liked it was it no or was it my grandpa i think it was yours one of our grandpas like i think it was yours actually well they were like i want to eat this all the time but it wasn't bad yeah you ate a couple um and then we bring back liquor that's what what was this finland was licorice because they love black licorice yeah they eat black flickers like crazy overfilling so we brought that back for our people as well yeah but it was just uh something like kind of fun that we like to do um so yeah even after all that you know it was a great time in turkey for the time that we was there unfortunately we had to leave early i think it was around um around your birthday yeah like around january um we had to leave because i wasn't uh i wasn't getting my money out they were two months late and um they just kept giving me the run around and everything it was very very unfortunate because we were a very great team and uh undefeated undefeated team and i was doing really well as well so um everything was lined up but unfortunately it didn't happen it didn't plan out that way so that's and that's cool i mean knowing what we know now that was the universe didn't want us to be there and she was pregnant at the time and knowing what we know now that probably would have not been the best pregnancy i mean to give birth in turkey just because they um are very heavy on the c-sections there um like for instance there was people that were just telling oh are you going to have a c-section no what are you talking about so you kind of discovered that you know like doctors there really just do that that's not what i really do that everywhere it's not really people just do c-sections just to do c-sections just because it's easier it's time yeah and you have a time schedule you know what i'm saying so we'll talk about that another time we have a lot of adults and to share yeah so um but moving forward we went back to finland and um that was a very good place you know to give birth it's one of the safest countries in the world to actually give birth um however i was in labor for 53 hours 53 hours it was very intense um i really honestly thought i was gonna die i i don't know it was you know i had never heard of that and so i was very concerned um but all in all when it came time to push you know it took me 10 minutes when they you know when i felt like i was ready it was kind of one of those things where it was um they told me i could wait a little longer and i was like no i feel like i need to push and you know they immediately got the doctor and everything in there it's just kind of a natural thing when you know that you're ready you gotta go but yeah it did not take me long to push them out and you know look like thankfully we gave birth to a healthy beautiful baby boy and that's the thing that matters and for me on my hands from the man's perspective i was during that time i was in basketball season fulfilling obviously and it was um it wasn't bad but it was a tough time just because we had playoffs and everything and i knew i wanted to uh to deliver a cobalt another championship so um i really balanced it out i balanced it out i did what i could anytime after practice you know i would go uh i would go you know with my family i would go with her to see her you know and um unfortunately they wouldn't let me spend nights in there they wouldn't let me spend nights in there but it's about it was about a what 15 maybe 20 30 minute drive i don't know almost 40 minutes 40. either way it felt like to me because i was speeding back and forth so um it was it was fine you know and um for the time that she wasn't labeled for 51 hours um 53 hours i was i was there every moment and uh all i did was just play the game all day it was yeah i had a good burger from from one of the city centers but i wasn't playing the game and uh and when it was close to that time because i think it was about what what time did you give birth it was earlier um at 5 30 yeah so that around that time i was a watching family guy and um literally there was family guy playing in the room yeah it was yeah when she started pushing those family got planned and then the doctor had to say like can you turn that off and i'm like oh well yeah my bad like i wasn't i wasn't worried about it at the time i wasn't gonna let it play like but she wanted to the doctor wanted to turn it off so um that's just the perspective from the male side and then um you know when when the birth was given you know i was there for it all i got to see it you know cut the umbilical cord yeah and then um yeah after that like i had to go home i had to go home that morning um because again i couldn't stay while she was resting with him but um the whole time i went the whole time i was home i'm only home for like two hours because she gave birth like around five went home i think probably laid down until about like eight a.m and then i immediately yeah because you were all the same yeah i wasn't allowed to stay so i got some a little bit of rest too but not so really just because i was so excited um to see my son again you know a quick little story man i took a picture of him before i left and like all i did was really stare at that picture and [Music] yeah one thing that i naturally felt like it felt like how do i describe it um like you know when you see a light like oh like have it's like overwatch like when a light explodes like the light bulb like explodes like yeah super bright lights like and then you can watch like the light like light up the whole time until it explodes like that's kind of like how my heart felt like when thomas was first born um and even even tobias like it was like an explosion in my heart that released like so much chemicals that but it was like love it was like yeah it was it was wild like it was the wildest thing i've ever felt like i got i got scared because i never felt something like that so overwhelmed with happiness i threw my phone i threw the phone because like staring at him like it like i could feel it like level up and you were by yourself and i was by myself yeah so as i was like as it was leveling up i'm like what's going on what's going on boom like my heart just like exploded and i was like oh like no that's wild you know what i'm saying so um yeah that's just a quick little story that's just my experience you know and um so yeah it was actually kind of funny because i really thought i was going to cry when he was born and i was so exhausted i was just like okay didn't happen just laugh just like let's just stay here together and i i was so tired i was i really i don't think i could have shut it's here if i wanted to but i was obviously you know very happy to it was it was um interesting you know and like amazing to feel like what was kicking me on the inside and the love that i felt from him on the inside just like combed like into physical obviously it was like physical form but like being able to hold him in my hands and if you think about it that is really amazing yeah like you really have like another human body like that's a good like women we really have a gift and um [Laughter] maybe if we do it it's trying to be a girl but we'll see [Music] also before we get off here i wanted to um shout out my girl yana again she threw me a wonderful beautiful baby shower right before the baby was born on her birthday on her birthday it was so special and um she knew you know like my mom's gonna be there my sister's gonna be there my grandma she knew my family couldn't be there for me to do it and she did it and it was so amazing and beautiful and all the ladies that showed up for me it was it was awesome so i just we wanted to thank you again for that i know that you know how thankful we are for you and everybody but um we just wanted to say that again and um you know i don't think we really have a cliffhanger for you guys we didn't play that well but as you know there's obviously so there's obviously still more to come so you guys just gotta stay tuned and don't forget if you want a free t-shirt you gotta do those things i will put them in the description where you need to go and yeah that's it thank you guys again we'll see you next time
Channel: The Gipson Family
Views: 2,954
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: roUvUpyt7_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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