How we met!

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[Music] yo yo yo welcome back to episode 2 of our youtube channel the gibson family um i am co-host thomas gibson with wifey taylor and here's thomas the fourth right here sorry i missed this last time yeah he missed us i just want to say sorry i'm eating right now i literally just got done with the workout and then have enough time wifey said i could eat as i'm doing this so busy life um anyways today we are going to be talking about how we met um this is kind of something that when people typically ask us we don't always want to answer so the short answer is through a mutual friend or like college whatever comes first so here is how we really met and um yeah [Music] okay so how we met um i've played i play basketball overseas though i still do and um after my first year i came back to kansas kansas state and you know it was a summer time so you know i had a lot i had a little bit of free time and everything i was seeing some of my old friends and um yeah and you got to understand we both went to kansas state obviously you see the purple we didn't play that today yeah we didn't plan this at all but um you gotta understand it's a small town you know so you know a lot of people know each other well you know i was i was uh i was staying i was staying with one of my uh one of my guys uh and that morning we woke up you know obviously again it's a small town you know but uh woke up the next morning and um as i was getting you know prepared for my day i hear a door closed and you know she comes out he was not gonna prepare for his day first of all he was laying on the couch i was sitting up i was sitting up on the couch okay i'm sorry yeah so um you know i hear a door closed and you know taylor comes around the corner and um i was i was i was shocked you know i was at my admiring her beauty her looks and everything and you know it was definitely a big surprise and my best friend was sitting next to me and i'm like i'm like nudge him a little bit but i was really like low-key like starstruck and uh i had nothing else like to really say it's like one of those things where you were just caught in the moment caught by surprise so the first thing that came out of my mouth was a good morning i said good morning like that was the first morning yeah it was it was really bold honestly but again it was i was so like struck like i had to say something you know what i'm saying so as she's walking by walking past the tv i was like good morning good morning how are you you know so oh my god good morning yeah so so after that [Music] i was the after the guy came out like yo who was that you know and he was just like oh you know that's just like you just said it all nonchalant yo bro what like nah that ain't just no nonchalant like person right there like you know what i'm saying like you don't you don't do that so i was just like yo like are y'all are y'all dating y'all talking i mean i'm not your bro listen i need a definite answer because honestly even the answer that you give me like i'm gonna find her number like i'm gonna figure out how to get in contact with her you know we have to exchange information so if you're not serious then let me have her number for the recording yes yeah supposedly they weren't serious so um i don't know you know that's some it's in the past it is what it is obviously but um yeah he ended up giving me the numbing i texted like right away it was like around 12 o'clock yeah it was like instant i was like and he goes what's up this is thomas gibson i'm like yeah i hit it with them i hit it with the first and last name again you got to understand small small town manhattan kansas like i just graduated there so my name kind of you know rang a bell not to be cocky or anything but um i just said my name and she did not know me you know she didn't know me at all so i also never watched sports yes even though i was on the wrong team pay attention to that yeah so i mean like that's that's basically how we started texting and ultimately like became pen pals yeah so um basically with that um he was like there that summer and then so we started texting i never saw him that summer again after that morning and then um yeah so he just remained texting and then he went to france for his first year that was your second year playing overseas second year was the first year in france yeah and then um so we just started texting each other and it was kind of like um like you said we were like pen pals and for me personally it was nice just because i felt like i had somebody to talk to like i let out like my emotions and like how i really felt and i don't know it was like kind of intimate like texting but like i felt like i was never gonna see him again so i didn't really care like back then i was super like closed off to people and stuff and he was like the only person i really opened up to so um yeah so and he was kind of the same way towards me yeah i was definitely the same way i was going through some things as well you know being overseas you get you know he's pretty crazy so uh yes our son is looking at himself in the camera so don't mind his cheese yes um but yeah we met each other we kept uh tested texting each other and then um honestly like i don't even know if you're really taking each other that serious but it was just like comfortable we found comfort in each other like um through that day we felt comfort in each other we felt comfort in each other and um just like kept talking like for what reason i don't know we were supposed to be together so um then he comes home he takes a break in the city i didn't take a break i ended up leaving france i ended up leaving france because i didn't like the position that i was in um but knowing what i know now you know i probably should have stayed but at the same time it was great that i left because i would have not but even when i came home i went from france to ukraine and in ukraine that's when i came home for thanksgiving and christmas and everything like that her birthday is on the 16th of december so you know when i came home i definitely wanted to see her and um it was my 21st birthday yeah 21st so yeah well you got to get out the way man we're trying to talk trying to let the world know how we met anyway so um yeah it was her 21st birthday and so i was definitely trying to catch up with her but uh again it was her 21st birthday so it was extremely tough to keep up with somebody who just turned 21. well you know how 21st birthdays go and my sister well it's just like every time we would text each other he it's like i would be somewhere and then you would just see it and then we would already be gone so like it just didn't it was it wasn't supposed to work out like that and it didn't work out it didn't work out that day but then he ended up back going back up to france to a different team and um we basically stayed pen pals through that time too we just stayed talking to each other i think there's actually a time where we kind of stopped a little bit and then yeah i think you would hit me back up and it's like like what happened and then we started talking again and then um i'm sorry you guys can't see me he totally took me out so y'all talked to thomas before let me eat anyways um so yeah when you say fifth house and then um you are almost done with this season yeah so when i got done with the season um i ended up winning another championship instead of winning another championship i um came back for the summer but again i really tried to connect with her the first time and i'm sorry if well you can't really see my face now i was kind of sweating because of the pasta like my pasta spices yeah but um when we came back when i came back i was like yo listen i was like yo listen i'm i'm i'm coming to see you i'm staying with you i've been talking to you the whole time so don't flake on me that's basically what i said like don't flake on me like i'm like we're gonna like meet this summer yeah okay she ended up letting me stay with her like oh my gosh i've heard everyone oh my god he ended up staying with me like literally like moved in basically the first day we saw each other but then um like we're so unconventional but that's just us like we're cool with it too but we saw each other so we stayed with each other or he stayed with me and so the first three days of him staying with me we literally like said probably like five words to each other it was like the most awkward thing that i think i've ever been there not really but it was pretty freaking awkward salsa guys salsa chips and salsa anyway yeah like the first few days we like barely spoke to each other yeah it was kind of awkward you know but um after like that third day i was like yo no way we can't kill you yeah we can't keep doing this so i invited her outside uh uh i twisted some up and went outside and i asked her if she wanted to talk to me you want to come outside and talk and i think you know the the space that i was in um it definitely helped me open up more and i think from her perspective me being in the space that i was in and it was like okay like this guy might not remember anything or whatever so i'm gonna go ahead and spill the beans but so that's that's the time we ended up talking and it was um it was great it's been great ever since so we spent the whole summer together and it was really good it was um i mean it worked out it worked out i was working out all day she was working you know so we would always link up in the afternoon and talk you know so spend the rest of it spend the rest of the year we never would went out like that i don't think so we just chilled we enjoyed each other's time and company then the summer ended with thomas getting a call from his agent with a job in finland and you left like what september yeah but she don't like before that like i knew it was coming to a point to where like i was gonna leave soon it was it was it was like mid late july usually leave like around august september so i knew like it was about to come to an end as far as like i stand together in manhattan so i would ask her questions like periodically you know just to test her and see like where her mind was at to see if she would want to move overseas or you know be with me or anything like that so um i'll definitely put her to the cooking test too yeah he's been putting me into the cooking session yeah but i obviously think i've passed away he's much more myself obviously that's funny anyways i honestly didn't even know what to expect i think i was kind of like not even thinking he was going to leave like yeah like selfishly like hoping like yeah like no that was not realistic at all but he um ended up getting the call and i remember i had to drive him to did he do that no i had to drag him to kansas city and i just remember like crying the whole way back like so sad no i literally cried i was crying the whole way almost the whole way home no i would hurt that i had to leave too yeah but anyways he had to leave and um that's pretty much it yeah so he had to leave and i thought that was possibly the end of us i wasn't sure i was scared i didn't know what to think um i thought we were just going to go back to being penthouse but clearly that didn't happen and i was plotting from the beginning so thankfully and clearly that didn't happen but um you guys are just gonna have to stay tuned to see what else happens yes please stay tuned because there's a lot more alright guys we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: The Gipson Family
Views: 8,709
Rating: 4.949367 out of 5
Id: or6a4UQT6Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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