Why Was Metal Gear Solid So Good?

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open that door you've got a card don't you why so we can get the hell out of here looks like we'll be a little delayed what are you doing don't think shoot when i look back at the playstation there's a handful of games i always associate with the console one of these is final fantasy vii which reminds me of leveling up with cloud tifa and sid mastering material flying around in the high wind breeding choker bows and wishing i could breed tifa the other game is metal gear solid the first game i ever played in the series and honestly i'd say one of the games i spent most of my teenage years with when i wasn't off killing demons in doom or throwing c notes such strippers in duke nukem 3d developed by konami and directed by hideo kojima a man who's kind of turned into the elon musk of game design or at least he'd like to think so it was released back in 1998. when it was the absolute best time to be into gaming as a hobby and looking back on it now it's something that i think we really took for granted this was also the year i think that kind of gave birth to the 3d stealth genre with tenchu stealth assassins also another game on the playstation and of course thief the dark project on pc it looks like you chose the wrong party to crash metal gesso has gone on to become one of the industry's most loved and hated franchises played a huge part in the whole console debate at the time in fact i pretty much dedicated myself to becoming a sony fanboy and buying both the playstation 2 and the playstation 3 simply to get my hands on the sequels [Applause] along with that it just kind of changed the way that video games were made along with half-life on the pc i'd say it was one of the first games to really nail the narrative aspect in a profound way half-life did it by explaining everything to the player they needed through environmental storytelling letting you see the world through the eyes of gordon freeman metal gear solid on the other hand did the opposite by having much more of a focus on the cinematic aspect before we get too far into the video i do have to thank expressvpn for sponsoring this review you might not realize it but when you're browsing the internet you're often putting your personal details at risk that includes your emails your passwords and all that kind of stuff a vpn is a virtual private network which protects all of this information through an encrypted tunnel that can't be seen which means you don't have to worry about those pesky hackers getting a hold of all your private details expressvpn has servers in 94 countries rooted through over 3000 servers so you can even choose where to appear from this can be pretty useful for gaming but also with streaming services like netflix streaming services like netflix have different tv shows and movies available depending on where you live if you're living in the us for instance and can't watch the absolute 90s classic that is space jam well just change that location to australia or the uk 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notice this in the very first environment you explore where it's snowing you leave footprints behind wherever you run and you can even see snake's breath metal gear solid heralded the return of solid snake a name which at the time i assumed was supposed to be a dick joke and snake was basically an action hero he was a comic book character come to life decked out in cool looking body armor and able to wield a variety of weapons you'd be scaling down the side of a building as a chopper strife's past with machine guns you're gunning down soldiers as you escape out of a prison cell and taken on a cyborg ninja with a katana i mean it was amazing stuff and yet despite all of that there was still a sense of realism and grit to the premise you really felt like you were in this dangerous high-stakes situation and this was a very real threat hey shut up in there will ya the story in this is that you sent to the shadow moses base in alaska where a terrorist group made up of members of a special forces group have taken over and are now holding the world hostage threatening to launch some nukes if their demands aren't met snakes sent in by colonel roy campbell who's a bit of a walking homage to colonel troutman from rambo and given the impossible task of stopping them got it okay i'm ready to go this game would introduce some of the most iconic characters not only in the series but also i think just in gaming in general you've obviously got solid snake voiced by david hayder that nervous glance that scared look in your eyes they're rookies eyes if i ever saw them a voice that's become so identifiable that the only voice that argue people recognized more at the time was that old [ __ ] who used to do all the movie trail narrations so there's something you like about me huh yeah you've got a great butt helping him out is roy campbell naomi hunter and mate ling all three who'd returned for metal gear solid 4. whether or not snake eventually bumped uglies with mei ling we'll never know but i'm pretty sure he had a crack at it i can't believe i'm being hit on by the famous solid snake you've got a great butt and there was a pretty cool mechanic where these guys could call you on a codec at any time to help you out with mission objectives or just to shoot the [ __ ] snake get a hold of yourself i'm sure i'm not the only one who had the codex sound effect as a ringtone for their mobile phone way back in the day or the enemy alert sound effect when you got a three dollar text message i know what you're wondering and yes i had that ringtone and i was absolutely drowning in poontang at the time what are you talking about anyway on shadow moses you've got liquid snake voiced by cam clark who also did the voice for leonardo in the ninja turtles cartoon they're not responding to our demands and he's the one leading the whole operation sporting a pretty damn epic mullet after that you've got meryl who's campbell's niece who i blame for getting me interested in tomboys she plays a pretty big part in the story and assists snake for a fair chunk of it too and let me just say she can assist my snake anytime what are you talking about this is also the first time we get to see hal emrick or otacon who delivers that classic line it's like one of my japanese animes he seems like a little bit of a wimp here but little did we know that pissing his pants in fear was actually a power move as we learned in the sequel this guy's so goddamn alpha that he went on to [ __ ] his own dad it's like one of my japanese animes not close behind is the darpa chief donald anderson and a bag of bones wrapped in loose skinned kenneth baker both whose snake is supposed to be rescuing but it seems that every time he tries to rescue someone they end up having a heart attack leading the rogue gallery of villains you got revolver ocelot and if only we knew at the time how much kojima would milk ocelot's tits until they were bone dry their psycho mantis a creepy dude in a gas mask who has a couple of lions that sure haven't aged well and they also set up some pretty good rivalries with both vulcan raven and snipe wolf two characters who i don't think could be further removed from one another in terms of appearance and design falcon raven's a big shaman looking dude covered in tattoos who chases you around with a minigun and an ammo pack on his back the size of a jet engine and sniperwolf is supposed to be a world class sniper who they claim waits days for her opponent to show their weakness though whenever you fight up seems she can't stand still for more than four seconds but she's a badass femme fatale that's handy with a rifle and has also been the inspiration for some downright awesome cosplay so i'll let it slide no i'm serious sniper characters went on to play a pretty big part in the sequels too i mean you had the end in metal gear solo 3 prying wolf in metal gear solid 4 and then quiet in metal gear solid 5. and much like sniper wolf at least two of those characters were also blessed with humongous tits you have my thanks these characters all get introduced in suitably cinematic fashion ocelot's whole set piece is a typical example of a character talking too much when they really should just shut the hell up which results in him getting his goddamn arm chopped off what my hand to be fair though i guess that arm was gonna come off at some point this amputation later going on to be the backdrop for one of the most insane plot devices in any form of media ever not so young anymore a snake and meryl's intro is tailed with an awesome shootout not to mention a great shot of harass and quite an important ass that is sunny jim because let's point out that eventually you'd need to identify it out of a bunch of other soldiers to help find her when she's undercover and i guess we can close the book on that case kojima is a confirmed ass man a man of culture so there's something you like about me huh it's a good example of memorable characters before a time in gaming where they had to start hiring big name hollywood actors for clout back when there was enough confidence in the writing or i don't know maybe just not enough money in the budget to hire keanu reeves or kevin spacey norman reedus to fall in for your main characters it also started a trend that kojima would eventually take way too far in the sequels which involved lots of cinematics and dialogue some of these cinematics are genuinely entertaining with decent cinematography and action set pieces but there are a lot of them where you're just listening to characters talk about something related to the plot metal gear solid might have a pretty slow start but once it gets going it doesn't really ever stop and the constant increase in challenge as the game keeps throwing you things at you i think is masterfully handled you start off with only a socom pistol with some idiot left flying in the back of a truck but you'll soon get a famas rifle explosive grenades along with stun and chaff grenade which scrambles security systems which you'll also be using in numerous boss fights then finally you've got a sniper rifle which snake sways around so much when aiming you think the guy's suffering from alcoholism then there's a radio controlled nikita missile launcher and a stinger missile launcher yeah a literal anti-aircraft weapon that snake just keeps in his back pocket along with the anti-aircraft weapon he keeps in his front pocket for your inventory you've got thermal goggles night vision goggles rations to restore your health along with mine detectors body armor and a gas mask and it's a pretty good speed and pace at which you acquire all of these i mean you never feel like you're caught off guard in this game and every obstacle is introduced to the player in a way that feels seamless each time you knock off one of the bosses you get a maximum health upgrade and can even carry more health rations and ammunition in fact at times this almost feels more like a boss rush than anything else especially early on in the game first off you're up against revolver or slot trading shots with your molly jerks off over his revolver and shoots out these cartoonishly ricocheting bullets that you'd kind of expect to see come out of yosemite sam's gun what after that you're ambushed by vulcan raven in a goddamn tank you'll have to use claymore mines chaff grenades and explosive grenades to take this guy out right after that you'll take on the cyborg ninja and the less said about this guy's origin the better this guy wants a straight up fight if you try to cheat and use guns against him he gets really pissed off yeah sure the guy with the samurai sword and the cyborg exoskeleton wants to straight up fistfight yeah i'll get right on that i remember that you end up punching this guy's armored face so many times it's kind of a wonder that snake's fist doesn't turn into pulp before you've even caught your breath you're then up against psycho mantis an otherwise straightforward fight hidden behind an at the time confusing fourth wall breaking gimmick before you then watch poor merrell get shot to [ __ ] by snipe wolf ending in a boss fight where snake takes on this crazy [ __ ] in a shootout inside what's basically a giant tunnel this tunnel being a bit of a metaphor for your mum all that's missing is a weaponized hot dog to throw down it and that's really only halfway there at this point we're not even up to the second disc the coolest part about it is how just vastly different all of these fights are ocelot's fight is pretty simple you just kind of run around this square room and try to hit him off then when he stops to reload you just pump a couple into him for the cyborg ninja this guy's got like four different phases with different attack patterns for each you can use chaff grenades to mess him up and then even use a gun towards the end of the fight later on during the rematch with vulcan raven there's a bunch of ways you could tackle this guy from using nikita missiles stinger missiles or even just running away leaving claymore mines or c4 traps behind you for him to run into the second fight against sniper wolf i'd later learn you can completely cheese by just shooting nikita missiles at her from a distance now keeping all of this in mind you can really see how much of an impact it had at the time and the sheer amount of options given to the player in all the ways you can take these crazy pricks down i mean it was game changing literally it changed the game i don't know if i can truly capture the arse clenching tension i got from fighting vulcan raven for the first time and hearing him huff and puff as he tried to blow me away with his minigun well how about that awesome fight on the elevator where it turned out those guys in stealth suit had ambushed you there was also another cool elevator fight later in the game as well what is it with this game in elevators there he is even the game over screen in this game was awesome and i think it's one of the few times i didn't mind dying and having to restart [Music] it was pretty crazy the amount of just general stuff you could do just in terms of the simple gameplay features to the way that it would often break the fourth wall one of the classic ones is that you'd actually have to check the back of the cd case to get merrell's codec frequency i mean try to put yourself into the shoes of a 13 year old g-man playing this for the first time being stuck for hour was only to have the game literally tell me how to progress in any case you should contact merrell by kodak wasn't her frequency written on the back of the cd case during a few key sections you've got to move through lasers and not set them off and if you don't have the thermal goggles you could light up a cigarette causing the smoke to show off the nearby lasers and off the back of that having a cigarette out also drains your health yet they don't say smoking kills on the back of those packets for no reason one of the real shocks i had playing this as a kid was realizing you could stick c4 on the back of enemy soldiers yeah walk up behind one of these guys and plant a block of c4 on his back then you could use him as your very own explosive trojan horse the cardboard box is also one of the series most iconic mechanics there's a few of these in the game and if you hop into the back of a truck and wait while one of these is equipped it's gonna deliver you to a different area on the base i mean i guess even though these terrorists took over they're still making deliveries on time how courteous you can even sometimes get away with hiding in one of these in plain sight as long as you don't move when someone's looking at you but then it's even more than that just down to the simple things like wear a gasket mask and when you go into first person mode the vision is going to change to reflect snake's limited field of view along with hearing his muffled breathing stare at merrell too long in first person mode and it's gonna weirder out just like how women react in real life what are you staring at and get to the bathroom fast enough to catch her and she'll still be in her underpants and yeah snake knows what's up i had no idea you were so feminine what are you staring at halfway through the campaign you can even catch a cold and unless you find medicine snakes gonna sneeze randomly giving your position away i mean this is all from a game made in 1998. now on the surface this does look like a pretty standard action game and there is some fun moments in the campaign where you do get into shootouts with soldiers but most of the time you're better off just trying to avoid everyone doesn't say tactical espionage action on the front for no reason so you're better off just leaving everyone alone aside from this guy here who's always taking a piss and no one takes a piss on my watch and lives you've got a radar that shows enemy positions at all times as well as the entire layout of the room and when you press up against the wall to take cover the camera shifts to a more cinematic angle to show your surroundings enemy ai isn't brilliant but it is consistent which is really what you want with the stealth game these guys have some serious short-sightedness though and even when you're standing right in front of them in a well-lit room as long as you're not inside that vision cone they're never going to see you when enemies are killed their bodies are going to disappear a second or so later so you don't even have to worry about other enemies finding them so it's not quite as advanced as the kind of stealth we got in a game like thief the dart project you don't have to worry too much about the surfaces you're on making too much noise different light sources or bodies lying around but like in most stealth games the most skillful way to play it is to ghost it and go completely non-lethal well aside from the bosses come on snake people who tell you that this game is aged like a fine wine though i think need the lenses checked on their nostalgia glasses and this is coming from a guy who dedicated months if not years of his teenage life to playing this it still stacks up for the most part but some aspects of it do feel really antiquated i think the main issue is the shooting controls and some of the boss fights the fight against psycho mantis for instance gimmicks aside is just kinda crappy having furniture thrown at you is just lame and later on the second half of the fight against the homing missile spamming metal gear rex followed by a beat em up against liquid really epitomizes boss fights from the 90s and not in a good way i do like the concept that the sniper will fight but every time you take a hit your aim gets thrown off which is so annoying that i can actually feel my blood pressure rising in real time the vulcan raven fight on the other hand might i think just be one of my favorite in the entire series as well as the whole sequence with liquid chasing after you in the high indeed you're not going any far and i also love that first fight against ocelot so it's not all bad it also brings me on to the biggest problem with the game shooting which is how every time you take damage you get stunned and lose control for a second or so unable to fire your weapons or even move i mean imagine playing doom and every time you take a hit from a demon you had to stand still for a second and can't shoot back i mean that's basically what it's like one of the most annoying things is having to constantly switch back to your key card to get through locked doors in metage solo 2 they'd fix this so you don't have to worry about it but it's still a pain in the ass having to take off a gas mask just to pull out your key card to enter a locked door only to put the gas mask right back on again when you're detected by an enemy an alarm goes off instantly and then everyone rushes to your position in metal gear solar 2 they'd again fix this so when someone saw you they'd first run away and try to radio for backup and if you could interrupt them you could even stop the transmission from going out which is not only a lot more realistic and makes more sense but it's just also a lot more forgiving i don't know i guess these guys will have some kind of hive mind and somehow all know exactly where snake is once an alarm goes off a fair chunk of their campaign also involves backtracking firstly you need to backtrack to the armory to find the nikita missile launcher to get past an electrified floor on your way to reach otacon after that you need to then backtrack again to get a sniper rifle to take on sniper wolf for the final part of the game you have to backtrack to two separate areas to put a keycard into different temperature states so you can activate three separate consoles in a control room on the top of metal gear rex's lair before that though you lose it when it's shot out of your hand so before you can even begin you have to go trudging through toxic waste to recover it from a rat that's stolen it yeah this actually happens then you have to climb back up rex again and input the palki in its neutral state then you've got to go back and change it to both its blue and red state which involves running back to both the blast furnace for the red state and then a refrigerated room you fought vulcan raven in for the blue state and quite literally just standing there and waiting for the power key to change temperature and both times you've got to make that lonesome journey climb back up the side of rex and input the power key okay there goes pal code number two honestly i reckon if they'd given kojima free reign at this point in his career there'd probably even be some kind of a piss key where snake would have to backtrack to the toilet in the nuke building and take a piss on it or maybe even a semen key where we'd have to well you get the idea what are you doing the whole torture sequence i also think is just a bit of a speed hump at the point when the game was really starting to pick up momentum you've just gone through a couple of tough boss fights and you're flying pretty high after taking out snot wolf then the story pumps the brakes hard and you're taken back to literally one of the starting areas for what ends up being a 30 or so long minute interlude where ocelot torches you how did you like that the outcome of this torture though is important because if you fail the test merrill ends up dying and otakon ends up helping you escape the base if you can instead make it through the torture both meryl and otacon survive and you get the infinite ammo bandana and this is the canon ending jeez it's pretty creative though in the ways you can break out of your cell and overcome the ineptitude of poor johnny sasaki a guy with the worst case of irritable bowel syndrome in all of gaming a trait that's apparently hereditary but i can't help feel like the overall pace of the campaign would have been better off without it had enough yet what comes after this is almost constant action until the end of the game there's the shootout where you're pushing up that tower that has like a bazillion flights of stairs then the awesome cat and mouse sequence with snake facing off against liquid in the hindi which i will never get sick of playing culminating in a boss fight that ends with one of hader's most badass deliveries in the entire franchise see you in hell liquid after that you take on sniper wolf and vulcan raven before the final ending confrontation against metally rex still it is a pretty damn solid campaign and one that's not bogged down with constant codec calls like what we suffered in the sequel and i think even if you're playing it now for the first time but it still managed to throw enough stuff at the player to keep them constantly invested finally let's get on to the subject of how to play this thing and there's a few options to do this the most obvious way is just to hook up an old playstation the way kojima-san intended i think you can also download a digital version of this for the playstation 3 and play it like that as well which works fine emulation is also an option but it doesn't work all that great and i've never been able to play this thing smoothly or even accurately without massive amounts of slowdown there's also a pretty decent pc port now i say decent if only for the fact that you can at least play it at a high resolution and this is the version i've captured all of this footage on on a positive note the good thing about this port is that you can skip entire codec calls by just pressing the escape button are you sure you can also save your game without having to go through the whole rigmarole of calling my link no i'm serious and yeah speaking of mei ling the vr missions on this port has a mode where you can even have a photo shoot with them no i'm serious what's also kind of cool about this version is that you can lock the view in first person mode even moving around and shooting guns from this perspective which is kind of handy for certain sequences but this port i think suffers from a few issues firstly the controls i don't think really work all that well with a keyboard so your option here is to plug in a controller which works fine but you can't use both the analog and the digital controls at the same time like you could with the playstation one here you've either got to set it to one or the other which is a bit of a shame because both of these control schemes have a purpose in different situations with the analog control settings you can't move diagonally you've got to move either up down left or right and that just feels kind of odd on top of that the pc port has graphical issues too for starters it uses texture smoothing removing the blocky pixelated look of the original which honestly is part of that game's appeal some of the cinematics just flat out do not work either and it also [ __ ] up some of the visual effects too most importantly the stealth camel effect for the ninja making him look just like a silhouette there's also an outright game breaking bug at the end too during the bit when you're about to take on metal gear rex a door doesn't open that's supposed to and the only fix for this is to change the game to software mode and run it at the lowest possible resolution which makes the game screen literally the size of a matchbox is that right honestly i'm just amazed there's never been any kind of remaster for this thing either yeah and i said remastered not remake and if you try to tell me that the twin snakes is just as good well find the nearest busy intersection go out there and start dodging traffic twin snakes epitomizes everything i hate about remakes the voice acting and the soundtrack is subjectively worse in some areas not to mention adding in all the features from metal gear solid 2 like ledge grappling and first person aiming makes the game laughably easy i mean look at the ocelot fight for instance he just stands there and i can shoot him right in the face it's just like no one even bothered to test this stuff out before implementing it being able to aim in first person mode and take someone out on the other side of a room with the m9 is broken as hell and enemy placements haven't been altered to suit this feature either they added in that mechanic to steal the enemy's dog tags like your metage solid 2 but there's no reason to do this seeing as there's nothing to unlock from it anymore freeze this non-lethal aspect i think also goes against the grain of the whole story at the end of the original game liquid makes snake deal with the fact that he's just murdered a whole bunch of people in cold blood and this becomes a hell of a revelation when you learn who the genome soldiers actually are being able to tranquilize these guys now severely weakens that twist considering you didn't really murder anyone you just let them have a nice long nap visually i do think it's lost a lot of its edge as well even though the visuals are objectively improved with high resolution textures and character modelling they still somehow look worse off like check out the area where you fight vulcan raven in the original game now check out how boring this looks in twin snakes probably the worst fault they made is how bad the animation for merrell's arse is now look i'll accept a whole lot of [ __ ] ups but one thing i won't stand for is ruining how an arse is animated in a video game i can't stand for it i won't why are you staring at me the main thing i hate though are the cinematics which are so goddamn awful and over the top it's aids inducing i mean i actually contracted aids from watching these now look i don't have an issue with the over-the-top cinematics and the larger-than-life characters i get it this isn't tom clancy the difference though is that in the original game even though you'd have the other characters doing these physically impossible actions snake was still relegated to the limits of human physicality about the most agility he ever showed off was doing a backflip to avoid vulcan raven trying to shoot him with a tank shell but in twin snakes it's like everybody's taking the red pill in the matrix and they're all pulling off these superhuman moves including snake he was kind of supposed to be a way to ground the plot to keep one foot on the ground but when he turns into neo doing back flips over floor panels and pulling off gun foo moves every two seconds well it kind of makes it hard for us to put ourselves into his shoes if the playbook character starts to do things we can't do during gameplay well it creates a disconnect i mean at one point he literally dodges a bullet and i think we all probably remember the cinematic against liquid snake where he backflips off a missile in mid-air i mean come on son the second one when he meets greyfox before coming across otacon is even worse and at this point they're just messing with the fundamentals of how the game tells its story in the original game you went to this hallway and find it littered with bloody corpses combined with some really creepy background music i mean listen to it it's the stuff of nightmares in twin snakes though they vividly show each and every single soldier meeting their violent demise at the hands of greyfox it's so blatant one did even get slammed into the wall multiple times just like this game is battering us over the heads with these stupid cinematics yeah so what all of the voice acting has also been redone but in a lot of ways it's worse off too and some of the deliveries for some of the more memorable lines is just not the same look out snake the guys who stole my stealth prototypes are in there with you look out snake the guys who stole my stealth prototypes are in there with you even the music is out of place check out the track that plays during the title screen in the original game now check out the one during twin snakes [Music] what next you know i could do an entire video on why i don't like this game but maybe that's for another day my point of all that is i don't consider twin snakes a good idea to play before the original and i don't even consider it a good remake in the slightest besides the original game i still think definitely holds up but the fact of the matter though is that everything that metal gear solid did well i think the second game and the third game did better the gameplay here is kind of like a lump of coal that hasn't quite become a diamond yet having said that though the sequels also had their faults as well i mean most people would agree i think that metal gear solid 2 went way overboard with the cinematics there's times in that game where you'll spend upwards of 15 or 20 minutes listening to other people talk that's right metal gear solid 3 i think was a good combination of cinematics and gameplay giving you a literal jungle to walk around in and turn into your very own stealth sandbox however at this point it was like kojima had carte blanche with the storyline and the characters have become some of the most absurd stuff yet i am the fury the flames of my rage will incinerate you i mean a character who can control and shoot at hornets a character who can dislocate his limbs and run around like a spider or how about a character who's a literal ghost making snake deal with the people he's killed throughout the game in a real meta way nothing else though that did serve as fantastic boss fights and this is still my favorite game in the entire series not to mention it's one of my favorite games of all time the name's eva if you didn't cry manly tears at that game's ending well i have to assume that you don't have a soul metal gear solid one though still has a special place in my heart and like a lot of other games from that same time period it just reminds me of a simpler time in life what about the only thing i ever had to worry about was school assignments and acne as opposed to now one i've got to be concerned with paying bills grocery shopping and whether or not the country is going to go into another toilet paper shortage as a consolation though if that did happen i could at least spend more time reminiscing about games like this you're a strong man i don't think there's ever been any other game that has a combination of fighting a cyborg ninja with your bare hands escorting a tomboy pasta denim wolves or witnessing a man suffer from explosive diarrhea [Music] and at least if nothing else you can check out the kind of games kojima used to make before he made overly glorified and pretentious walking simulators that takes care of the cremation
Channel: GmanLives
Views: 609,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal gear solid, metal gear, big boss, solid snake, outer heaven, video game, metal gear solid 5, hideo kojima, peace walker, the phantom pain, video games, mgsv review, metal gear solid 4, shadow moses, mgs2 review, david hayter, mgs twin snakes review, gamecube games, gamecube review, mgs review, metal gear solid review, playstation games, ps1 games, playstation 2, konami, metal gear solid 3, snake eater review, gmanlives, gggmanlives, metal gear solid ending
Id: aQ_uXA-jc3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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