The Metal Gear Solid Iceberg Explained (Secrets, Easter Eggs, and Theories)

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the Metal Gear Solid Master collection just released so what's a better time than now for a big old metal gear solid Iceberg video in this video we're going to be deep diving into the whole series so if you want to avoid spoilers but still want to hear the sultry dulet tones of my voice might I recommend uh any of my other videos go check them out as well and subscribe for those not familiar with the concept of an iceberg basically it's just an excuse to talk about interesting little nuggets of information about a video game or whatever and it starts with a shallow layer like hey did you know that snake is based off of Kurt Russell's character from the Christmas Chronicles as the iceberg gets deeper you'll get more of those rare nuggets and by the time you get to the very bottom it's just dumb conspiracy theories and stuff that's really out there but in a fun way this is going to be fun so put on your bandan get inside your favorite cardboard box and get comfy let's get started with the top layer of the iceberg snake verse monkey got got first on our list of surface level icebergs is a little miname that older metal gear players will remember but some newcomers might not have heard of well it's not quite a hot Damsel in Distress but it is a rescue mission rescuing ho Apes what in this miname naked snake is tasked with hunting down the AP Escape monkeys you said Monkeys but don't worry he only uses tranquilizers and stung grenades rip harambe this was originally included on the PS2 copy of Snake Eater and its subsistence upgrade but wasn't carried over to the essential collection or the HD Collection or any other version of mgs3 three and since we know the new Master collection will be using the HD Collection version of Snake Eater it's unlikely we'll ever see the snake versus monkey game again but wait Jordan Voit Roberts has supposedly been writing a metal gear movie for some time now Roberts made Kong Skull Island so is there a chance he'd throw in a scene of Oscar Isaac chasing some monkeys around we can only [Music] hope middle gear allad midal Gear Solid 2 substance included a ton of bonus stuff that die hard fans could really get excited about like a cutscene theater a boss survival mode a ful length documentary movie and almost 500 freaking bonus missions just because but Kojima apparently thought not good enough throw in a skateboarding miname too Evolution skateboarding was konami's take on Tony Hawk but it kind of bombed so the developers just said whatever slap the engine into middle gear we're not using it anymore unfortunately like the snake forus monkey game this also wasn't included in any future versions of mgs2 so you'll need the original substance PS2 disc if you want to see super spy Solid Snake or Elite agent Ryden shredding some Wicked narar Ro spe one side shut keep it going Johnny Sasaki ruins his khakis Johnny is kind of a running joke of a character in the middle gear timeline he was first introduced in mdal gear solid as a hapless guard that is knocked out and has his outfits stolen by Merill and then he goes off and has diarrhea in mgs2 he's a guard working on the big shell and he also goes off and has diarrhea he has a huge story upgrade in guns of the Patriots where he joins up with Merill as a member of her Rat Patrol team but of course he has diarrhea here too Johnny's grandfather makes an appearance in Snake Eater as a guard in grrad he's tricked into letting naked snake out of a cell much like how his grandson would later be tricked by Solid Snake and you guessed it he has diarrhea Johnny's character was based on Hideki saki the character model designer for the first MGS game he apparently was a bit of a slack off and so the other developers threw Johnny into the game as a joke on Hideki poor guy imagine being such a putts at your job that your co-workers put you into a game as a dude who shits everywhere and craps his pants all the time [Music] someone's in the ouse some soldier with stomach trouble I think he's going to be a while better leave him alone David Bowie references this one is pretty wellknown and not particularly well hidden Kojima apparently has great music taste with mgs2 substance being named after the New Order and Joy Division albums that along with a cassette tape selections from the phantom pain should tell you uh this guy isn't messing around I mean having a helicopter extract you to the tune of Billy Idol's Rebel Yell is just awesome so of course Kojima is going to be a fan of David Bowie too in Snake Eater major zero goes under the alios Major Tom in mgs5 venom snake names his militia the Diamond Dogs and The Man Who Sold the World is the theme song of that game solid Snake's real name is David ashes to ashes and space aity were originally going to be the end themes for Snake Eater the list goes on Metal Gear Solid alternate endings this one is apparently common knowledge in the metal gear fandom but brand new to me since I only ever got the happy ending did you know that the original metal gear solid has two different endings during the torture scene where ocelot is zapping snake you could either overcome or submit if you submit to the torture it will radically affect the ending of the game after defeating liquid snake will discover that Merill was killed while in captivity Merill there's a pretty significant scene here where snake doubts his whole meaning in life and oton has to give him a pep talk to keep him moving people die but death is not defeat I lost wolf too oton shut up Sniper Wolf didn't even love you the final chase scene plays out the same but with oton as your partner they right off into the sunset together and it's truly a great bromance when talking to Colonel Campbell he reveals that Merill was actually his daughter via an affair with his sister-in-law on the other hand if you withstood ocelots torture you get the canonical ending where Merill survives and is the one to ride off into the sunset with snake sadly though some of aon's character growth and the reveal about meril's parentage are absent here so it actually benefits the player to see both endings there's also one last change that's pretty important both versions end with ocelot revealing that Not only was he the double agent but that his real employer was none other than president of the United States George Sears in the Merl survives ending extra dialogue is added explicitly calling out the president as solidus snake pretty cool considering solidus snake won't make his appearance until Mel Gear Solid two and the plot twist about him being President George Sears doesn't happen till later in that game crazy to think all these plot points could be missed if he simply didn't press the circle button fast enough Merill is from police knots speaking of Merill you might have heard that everyone's favorite genome Soldier didn't originate on the first middle Gear Solid she's actually a character from an earlier hideo kajima game police knots is a story about a police officer investigating the murder of his ex-wife and The Disappearance of her current husband merilla is another officer that assists the protagonist on his journey and Kojima was so smittened with meril's character that he copied her wholesale into middle Gear Solid including rehiring her original Japanese voice [Music] actor Metal Gear survive this is a game I think most Metal Gear fans wish they could forget but it's an interesting topic nonetheless Metal Gear Solid 5 released in 2015 and it would be the last entry helmed by director hideo Kima there was a lot of friction between Kojima and Konami and if you want to learn more about that there's plenty of videos and articles covering that drama but afterwards Kojima left to create a new production company aptly named Kojima Productions meanwhile Konami foolishly thought that they could keep the middle Gear series going without its creator survive takes place between ground zeros and the Phantom Pain immediately after the attack on mother base a wormhole opens up in the sky for God Knows Why and it sucks up a bunch of the Diamond dog soldiers and transports them to a world full of zombies with Crystal heads survive uh shamelessly took the fox engine and assets from the phantom pain slapped a couple new things onto it and called it a brand new game the character models menus terrain basically everything else is recycled so that Konami wouldn't have to actually make anything new every mistake Konami could have made here they did for starters they turned a smart political Espionage Thriller into a Mindless survival horror game about zombies not understanding what makes the original great is pretty dumb already but choosing to make it about zombies in 2018 when people were already pretty burnt out on the topic is just a whole another level of dumb it's also a waste that they didn't just do a remake of the original two Metal Gear games using the new Fox engine if they had went that route they wouldn't need to create a new story without coima and they would be able to bring those super old games into the future with a phant of paint's engine talk about a swing and a miss the game flopped hard and Konami seemingly learned their lesson and hasn't tried to mess much with the series since time Paradox the Metal Gear series used to be told in chronological order that is until the release of Metal Gear Solid 3 it was the first game set earlier in the timeline and after that other entries in the series would also break the chronology so when players first experienced the Snake Eater storyline we knew that certain things had to happen and certain characters had to survive so when the player gets a game over if you wait long enough the text will change to read time Paradox you may even hear the voice of Colonel Campbell lamenting how the future mustn't change snake what have you done you changed the future you've created a Time Paradox you'll get similar messages if soof ocelot or Eva are killed as they are all instrumental in shaping the events of the series as a whole funnily enough in the HD Collection version of Snake Eater if you kill ocelot you'll get a trophy called problem solved series over the time Paradox joke carries over into ground zeros in the phant of pain you'll get it if you die during the mission at Camp Omega and in mdal Gear Solid 5 if CA ocelot Eli or huy die you'll get a Time Paradox and during the hospital Escape if ishm dies you'll also get a Time Paradox interestingly you don't get one if you the player dies this is a huge Hint by the way at a plot point we'll talk about later in the video the quiet controversy the middle Gear series is a bit of a feminist par on one hand you have well- Rd strong and independent female characters like Merill Ming Fortune Eva the boss the list goes on these characters are great role models and stand on their own and aren't just romantic devices for the male characters that's all great but on the other hand the objectivization of these girls or the option to is also always present in these games in Mel Gear Solid Merill could be seen in her underwear and additional dialogue could be unlocked from UGL her in Snake Eater both Eva and the boss have impractical revealing outfits guns of the Patriots really up the anti on sexism with the Beauty and the Beast unit a series of boss fights where you take down the Beast and then the beauty underneath there's something odd about fighting these vulnerable voluptuous women especially knowing that they're all mentally ill and have experienced severe trauma in their childhood the cherry on top here is if you have the camera item you can do a photo shoot with these girls while they strike sexy poses this is of course right before putting them out of their misery there's a very weird line between sex and Trauma and violence here and I don't want to touch that line with a 10-ft pole so with all that said Kojima has had his share of criticism in the past about middle gear being sexist when quiet was first introduced in the trailer for The Fan of pain critics were quick to point out how skimpy her outfit is gojima doubled down on this saying that there is an important story explanation for her outfit then when the game finally did release we find that the story justification is that she is basically a big old Frog who breathed through her skin and so wearing clothes with suffocate her needless to say this explanation didn't assuage the concerns from people in the Kojima sexist Camp as for me I like quiet's character and I think she fits into the middle gear World really well but also I I'm not going to pretend that having a silent subservient scantily clad woman companion is some kind of feminist victory [Music] Merl's codec hey remember in the '90s when most people didn't have the internet and if you wanted to know something obscure you couldn't just Google it and figure it out in 5 seconds well put yourself in that frame of mind for this one early on in Metal Gear Solid there's a part where snake needs to get past these cargo bay doors Colonel Campbell will tell you to get in contact with Merill so she could open the doors for you he tells you that her codic frequency is on the back of the seat CD and by that he means the actual MGS jewel case where there's a screenshot of snake talking to Merill this was a cool little puzzle for players to solve back in the day and an infuriating dead end for people who rented the game and didn't have the official jewel case non-canon installments with a series as prolific as Metal Gear it was only a matter of time before spin-offs and non-canon games popped up actually the first non-canon game is the first middle gear itself well the nest Port that is this version was developed without coima and it had to have a lot of content removed or altered to accommodate the less powerful Hardware one huge change was removing the titular Metal Gear boss fight and replacing it with a giant immobile computer another non-canon game is the sequel to Middle gear titled snakes Revenge it seems that kunami disrespecting of Kojima goes all the way back to the beginning made without kojima's knowledge or con he only found out about snake's Revenge by chance when running into one of the game's developers on a train the developer told coima what they had worked on thus far and Kojima spent the next 24 hours thinking of a more preferable storyline he immediately went to Konami and told them his ideas and they green lit the actual canonical sequel to Middle gear but only for Japan as it was too late to change much for the game they were already producing so in America we got snakes Revenge but in Japan they got kojima's true sequel mid Gear 2 interestingly if Konami hadn't made Kojima so paranoid about butchering his series he may not have ever came back to it a dick move on konami's part but if they hadn't done that the Metal Gear series probably would have ended right there next Metal Gear acid 1 and2 released on the PSP in 2005 and 2006 notably this one doesn't have a whole lot in common gameplay-wise with the rest of the series rather than tactical Espionage action we have acid which stands for active command in elligence duel and you guessed it it's an action card game which was all the rage back then I've never played acid but I heard it was fun the storyline here isn't considered Canon there's a few other ones as well like mobile games and downgraded ports and also ghost Babble which I'll cover later in the video but really the big one up for debate is Middle gear portable Ops this game actually does hold some important storywise as it officially establishes the downfall of the fox unit snake meeting Roy Campbell and the creation of foxhound the game was referenced briefly in mgs4 which you think makes it Canon but in multiple interviews hideo Pima who wasn't involved in the development would tend to sidestep the question about the game being canonical so is it a Mainline game mostly but maybe not 100% European extreme Metal Gear Solid 2 first released in America and Japan in November of 2001 but due to some delays wouldn't arrive to European Gamers until March of 2002 to apologize for the delay their version of mgs2 came bundled with the making of middle Gear Solid 2 documentary DVD as well as a new difficulty mode aply named European extreme it's a cool addition and was bundled in the later substance edition of the game although uh fans have mixed feelings about it the enemy's line of sight is a lot further and the players can take far less damage to the extent that the game becomes more frustrating than difficult snake [Music] snake middle Gear Solid 2 original ending middle Gear Solid 2 which was made in 2001 had to have a lot of its story changed at the last minute I think you could guess where this is going the story focuses on secret agent Ryden going on a mission to stop the terrorist group dead cell it ends with solid snake's clone brother solidus crashing a giant warship known as Arsenal gear into Manhattan after the 911 terrorist attack in real life Kojima and his team had to quickly remake a lot of Arsenal gear scenes not to mention getting rid of all the World Trade Center buildings which were featured prominently in the cut scenes a lot of the story had to be Rewritten too as what was happening in the real world was getting eerily similar to g2's plot namely the attack on New York Iraq acquiring wmds and the US president trying to start a war honestly the story Kojima created was so weirdly specific to what ended up happening that it was almost prophetic that being said coima went through a hard slump knowing he'd have to change so much of his story and he considered scrapping the project entirely fortunately his team pulled him through it and they ended up releasing the game two months after its original due date to kojima's surprise he didn't receive any criticism about about the real life parallels and Sons of Liberty ended up having one of the best story lines in any video game ever and you have to do naked [Music] cartwheels the Soro and the ghosts the Saro is probably the most interesting member of the boss's Cobra unit he was a spirit medium and during his Heyday was able to reach out and use the powers of the dead he and the boss had a baby together but they ended up being on different sides of a conflict and the boss had to kill him his remains could be seen after snake is tossed from the bridge when the boss in the Cobra's returned to selenar in 1964 the Soro AIDS them secretly and goes against snake to help out the boss because the sorrow was still in love with her the fight against the dead Cobra member is a creative one snake walks through a haunted Marsh where the sorrow summons vengeful spirits to attack what's really cool is that the spirits that appear in the boss fight are in fact everyone that you the player killed during the game up until that point so naturally the difficulty of this fight will depend largely on how much blood is on your hands if you did a no kill run you'll encounter no Spirits at all except for the other cobras if you went in like Rambo well this is where you'll have to pay the price for that susetta man quick who voiced Eva in Middle Gear Solid 3 you may be surprised to learn that in the credits her voice actor is named susetta M and that she isn't a real person that [ __ ] back there is not real it seems like susetta is just a fake name for whomever voiced Eva who for whatever reason didn't want to be identified since snake eater's release there's been a lot of theories about Eva's true identity some say it's Cynthia harell who's sang The Snake Eater theme song and others say it's Donna Burke who sang some other songs for the series I do think Donna kind of looks like Eva in the same way David hater kind of looks like snake so I don't think this is too outlandish the most likely candidate though is jod Benson you may know her as Ariel from The Little Mermaid and uh Jody's voice certainly sounds like Eva considering her work with kid-friendly Disney it could simply be that jod didn't want her name attached to an m-rated game or it could have something to do with being in the screen actor's guild and them not wanting her to take on the work which is something that happened with the first M Gear Solid where most of the cast use false names this is all speculation of course because until the real Eva stands up her true identity will forever remain a mystery Miller's assassin a pretty big plot twist towards the end of metal gear solid has Master Miller revealing that he was Liquid snake in Disguise the entire time giving Solid Snake bad Intel with the hopes he'd fail his mission this Revelation comes when it's discovered that the real Miller was found dead in his Alaskan home kahira Miller ended up being a huge character in the prequel games and so his death has a lot of retroactive weight to it the actual game doesn't specify who killed him but it's safe to narrow it down to three possibilities the most obvious is liquid who assumed Miller's identity however he may have been too busy to do this while orchestrating his Heist of Shadow Moses Island so the second option would be Revolver Ocelot at the end of the phantom pain ocelot tells Miller that someday they'll be on opposite sides and he'll have to pull the trigger it's pretty likely that he followed through with that threat the third option is some unknown assassin working for liquid by the phantom pain Kwa a double amputee so it wouldn't necessarily take a super soldier to perform a hit on him the sorrow and the secret camera middle Gear Solid 3 is well known for its Easter eggs and secrets the most famous of these being the hidden R1 camera During certain cutcenes if you hold R1 you can move the camera around freely all allg you to see things that would otherwise have been just off screen these extra scenes are mostly goofy like looking out the window of the Oval Office and seeing ocelot peeping in man the White House really needs to up their security you'll also get to see the ghostly Apparition of the sorrow on a number of occasions like after vulgan is defeated and after the boss dies he even shows up at one point and gives you the frequency you need to escape jail pretty nice guy all things considered you are bad guy but this does not mean you're bad guy by middle Gear Solid 4 original ending according to a 2007 Gamespot interview guns of the Patriots was originally going to have a pretty Grim unhappy ending after the events of the game Snake and oton would turn themselves in for breaking the law and they would be executed as anarchists the game was going to end with Here's To You by Joan bayz and Ino morone the song is about nicoa saako and bomo venetti two Italian immigrant anarchists that were executed for murder a controversy at the time because many believed them to be scapegoats a fitting song to end snake and aon's Legacy however coima got heavy push back from his team about this ending so he decided to change it a cover of here to you does still play in the mgs4 credits and the original Joon bayz version is used as a motif in ground zeros which is also fitting this time however Nia and Bart are kahira and big boss who also arrive at an unfortunate fate for being anarchists [Music] Monster Hunter crossover and peace Walker as part of a promotional campaign to boost sales for both Peace Walker and Monster Hunter portable third Konami teamed up with Capcom on Metal Gear side of things that meant a few Monster Hunter themed Extra Ops where snake would fight baddies like the veloca tigrex and Rathalos film director Paul WS Anderson not to be confused with the far superior Paul Thomas Anderson said the inspiration for his 2020 Monster Hunter film came from playing the Peace Walker crossover and thinking that the idea of military dudes fighting giant monsters seemed cool well I've certainly heard of worst Inspirations for a movie actually maybe I [Music] haven't keratin frogs in throughout middle Gear Solid 3 are tiny cartoon frogs called keratin if you shoot them they make a distinctive croaking noise and do a little Bobble there's 64 hidden throughout the game and they are definitely not easy to find without a guide if you manage to shoot all 64 you'll unlock the stealth camo which renders you completely invisible to enemies in the 3DS version of the game all the frogs are replaced with Yoshis a fact that most people probably don't know because nobody played the 3DS version of Snake [Music] Eater the Cypress statue the phantom pain begins with an exciting but super tense escape from a hospital in Cyprus xof who put snake in his coma initially comes back to finish him off for good or maybe just kidnap him it's not totally clear but either way it wouldn't be good if they caught him with snake makes it out of the hospital things get a whole lot worse when the Man on Fire appears and causes a whole bunch of Destruction considering all the chaos happening it'd be pretty easy to miss certain details about the environment but eagle-eyed Metal Gear fans notice something odd about the statue outside the hospital yep that's none other than the legendary boss herself now I think it's fair to say that this is an Easter egg and not meant to be a big canonical plot point after all it doesn't really make sense story-wise major zero hit away big boss while he was in a coma so having a giant statue of his mentor outside the hospital would be a pretty big indication that that's where he is still a pretty cool idea though and one that a lot of fans probably missed killing the End early any Metal Gear fan worth his salt should know about the alternate way of defeating the end in Middle Gear Solid 3 one of the boss's Cobra units the end is notable for his extreme sniping abilities and his extreme age when it's time for snake to fight him it's on the ends terms meaning it's sniper vers sniper this is one of the most Innovative boss fights in video game history rather than butt mashing or memorizing a pre-programmed routine the fight with the end required both skill and a lot of patience in fact kojima's original plan was for this fight to take literal weeks to complete but his development team xn that idea because this battle requires patience intuitiveness and quick reflexes it's truly satisfying when you actually do beat him but for those Gamers that want to beat him quickly all you have to do is save the game push forward your ps2's internal clock and then reload the game when snake discovers the end's body he realizes that the ancient sniper died from old age it's pretty funny and there's some dialogue from the game calling you out for not being able to beat him in a fair fight this is one way of beating them but actually not the method I wanted to talk about I wanted to talk about how I defeated the end the very first time I played the game and by complete mistake the end is first introduced in a cut scene and once it's over there's a few moments where he's barely in view hidden behind some guards they'll wheel him inside a room and that'll be that but if you've acquired a sniper rifle you'll have a brief opport to snipe him from a distance interestingly the end will have a health bar on display here despite this not being an actual boss fight if you kill him his micro bomb will go off and explode and his wheelchair will come rocketing towards you knocking you out when I first played Snake Eater I thought it'd be funny to see if I could shoot him from a distance not expecting it to actually be possible when it worked and the wheelchair hit me I about had a heart attack from the surprise if you kill the End early his later boss fight will be replaced with some ocelot unit snipers which is not nearly as challenging so what sort of person are you the type that appreciates a fair fight or the kind that Snipes at a distance Kojima cameos hio Kojima not unlike director ight Shyamalan likes to insert himself into his games through little cameos let's go through all of them now in peace Walker Kojima is a recruitable msf soldier with a unique game designer title he makes pretty major appearance in ground zeros and the phantom pain as a soldier that needs to be extracted back to mother base in the Twin Snakes version of Metal Gear Solid a framed picture of Kojima could be seen on the wall behind psycho mantis and lastly at the beginning of mgs4 during one of those weird ass liveaction TV segments you could see Kojima hanging out here in the corner of the screen that was [Music] perfect wolf urine Kojima is well known for having well a lot of piss in his games whether it's Ryden getting pissed on or oton pissing his pants almost every MGS game has some sort of piss in it piss piss but here's a more obscure one that you may not have heard of in Mel Gear Solid after defeating psycho mantis and journeying into the caves you'll run into a pack of wild wolves that are less than friendly but there's a weirdly specific way to get past them unharmed and I'm honestly not sure how anyone discovered this initially but here it is punch Mar then immediately equip the cardboard box she'll get mad and call over a wolf to attack you but since you're already in a box the wolf won't harm you instead it'll piss on the box congratulations you now have the wolf piss box and so long as it's equipped other wolves won't mess with you it's a pretty useful maneuver and only as I'm reading this aloud do I realize how satisfying it is to say the word piss piss piss piss maybe kojima's on to something ah a rden my sympathies sneaking missions are called wet wordss for a reason after [Music] all Venom steak stinks speaking of a stinky snake that brings us to the next Topic in the phantom pain several new features were added to enhance the game's realism if snake kills an enemy close range for example he'll progressively get covered in blood this won't come off until you've either run through some water or taking a shower at mother base similarly snake could get stinky by hanging out in the dumpsters or by just not showering for days at a time a sneaky snake will attract flies which will in turn attract unwanted attention from enemies making sneaking missions considerably harder but if you're stubborn and absolutely refuse to shower don't worry a cut scene will unlock at mother base where ocelot fed up with snake's boo tosses a bucket of water at [Music] him guy Savage in Middle gear Sol 3 Snake is tortured by the sadistic Colonel vulgan looses an eye thanks to ocelot being a dingus and passes out only to wake up as a prisoner in a grne grad jail cell definitely a low moment for our hero so how could his day get any worse well naturally he could have a nightmare on top of it right before snake falls asleep he'll have a conversation with paramedic discussing Dracula and snake will reveal that he's got a healthy fear of vampires now if he keeps playing normally here you'll miss out on this mini game but if you were to save reset the game and load up after this conversation the mini game will begin guy Savage is a hunter of the undead and he hacks and slashes through a mob of zombie policemen using these weird hook swords you'll get about 5 minutes to play this Devil May Cry Style game and afterwards stin will wake up and complain to paramedic that all her Dracula talk gave him a nightmare for some reason guy Savage wasn't included in the HD edition of Snake Eater so if you want want to play it you'll need an original PS2 copy of the game maw heads the mawai heads on Easter Island are perhaps best known for being built by aliens probably and also for being the home for Squidward but did you know that moai heads are also hidden throughout the middle Gear series one could be found in the basement of Shadow Moses and multiple heads could be found across the big shell there's even one in Camp Omega you don't get anything for finding these guys it's just a simp Easter egg a reference to the enemies in the Konami classic gradius who looked like muai [Music] heads hidden radio frequencies they say that music could heal the soul but in the case of midal Gear Solid 3 it can also heal bullet wounds and alligator bites besides the special frequencies reserved for major zero paramedic cant and Eva there's also a variety of hidden codic frequencies just waiting for the player to discover and these frequencies are different depending on what difficulty setting you're playing on these radio stations include surfing guitar rock me baby salty catfish and more listening to these smooth jams will slowly refill snake's Health gauge to find these specific frequencies hold up an enemy soldier and threaten them and there's a chance they'll tell you the [Music] frequency Pinko hey you all like Pachinko right right what you don't even know what that is well I don't blame you Pinko is a type of gambling arcade machine that originated in Japan it's basically just a slot machine in 2016 Konami released a middle Gear Solid 3 themed Pachinko game with a water down version of Snake Eater storyline playing throughout are brand new cinematics of famous scenes from the game recreated presumably with the fox engine from the phantom pain this whole machine's existence caused a lot of controversy in the middle gear Community namely why the hell would Konami develop brand new character models in animations of Snake Eater which look amazing by the way for a freaking slot machine some theorized that these assets would later be used in a Snake Eater remake but as the years went by that seemed less likely in 2023 a Snake Eater remake was finally announced but it's hard to know for sure if it's just been a long production or if Konami literally did just build a Pachinko machine and then 7 years later thought oh hey maybe we should make a modern remake I mean considering there other dumb post gojima de it's not [Music] unlikely developer ghosts the midle gear series isn't shy about the existence of ghosts in the main storyline the Soro is the most obvious example of this but other ghosts have appeared too like pause in the phantom pain but did you know that the ghosts of the game's developers could be found throughout the series in the original Metal Gear Solid the camera is a hidden item and when you get it you can take photos and save them on the ps1's memory card if you take a picture in certain areas a ghostly image of one of the developers will appear in the photo only one ghost that of Kojima appeared in mgs2 in mgs3 the developers can be seen if you take photos during the sorrow's boss fight and naturally in mgs4 the ghosts show up again when you revisit Shadow Moses Island well I guess technically you could say that they never left don't send me creepy stuff like this what if I get possessed or something venom snake in original Metal Gear the phantom pain was a controversial entry in the series not just because of its notorious rush to delivery or because of the drama around the development leading to a falling out between hideo Kojima and Konami the game ended with a massive plot twist that wouldn't just retroactively change mgs5 but other entries in the series as well it turns out that the player was never playing as big boss but the medic from ground zeros who went down in the helicopter crash with snake K and Chico in an effort to protect himself and go into hiding Big Boss had plastic surgery performed on The Medic turning him into a body double the real big boss would be able to hunt down zero while skullface and whoever else was distracted with the decoy snake this plot twist was met with mixed reactions because while it was a cool idea many players felt the game had pulled a fast one on them it's worth pointing out though that there were Clues from the very beginning indicating this such as the theme song of the game being a cover of David Boe The Man Who Sold the World but what this meant for the remainder of the series was Monumental for starters kazaka up until that point had a great relationship with big boss but we know that in Middle Gear 2 they're on opposing sides the end of the Phantom pign makes it very clear that big boss abandoning Miller was enough to destroy their friendship this would also ultimately lead to causes demise as ocelot makes it clear to him that if he's not on big boss's side he's their enemy years later in Middle Gear Solid Miller would be assassinated by either ocelot or liquid to get back to the point though it seems that big boss's decoy the protagonist of the phantom pain also known as venom snake was in fact the big boss that Solid Snake defeated in the very first Metal Gear Game during the events of the fan of pay the real big boss is building outer heaven in South Africa and sometime between the Phantom Pan and the original metal GE Venom and the Diamond Dogs relocate to Outer Heaven kind of feels strange in retrospect building and recruiting an Army in Middle Gear Solid 5 only to have them be the anonymous soldiers you kill a solid snake in Metal [Music] Gear World Peace after completing the first chapter of the phantom pain you'll have the option to build a nuclear weapon if you want they don't have any practical uses in the single player but will act as a deterrent in the multiplayer as it prevents players without the hero status from invading your forward operating base fans speculated wildly about what might happen should all the online players get rid of their nukes and several MGS communities even rallied together over the years to accomplish this then one day in 2018 World Peace was finally achieved well sort of it turns out that Konami servers were hacked and that prompted Metal Gear online to register the nuclear weapons count as zero this triggered a lengthy cutscene that never been seen before by players where cause gives a big speech about staying Vigilant to preserve peace for future Generations 5 years later the goal of nuclear disarmament was achieved for real at least on the PlayStation 3 edition of the game it didn't take long before people started building n again but nevertheless it was an amazing feat that nobody expected would ever [Music] happen vampire Vamp is a pretty cool villain introduced in mgs2 and one of the few minor villains to survive into mgs4 however for players who hadn't experienced guns the Patriots yet it sure seemed like Vamp had died by the end of suns of Liberty well vampires going to vampire and by that I mean they're notoriously hard to kill sure enough during an endgame cut scene after the final boss fight if you zoom in at just the right time you can spot Vamp in the background standing next to this car if you're playing on a PlayStation you'll even get a nice little trophy confirming that you're not just seeing things Zanzibar land is selenar Selen Ark was a region in the south of the former Soviet Union full of swamps canyons and forests and most notably was the setting for operation Snake Eater this is where naked snake meets Eva and ocelot and storms grrad to defeat Colonel vulgan and supposedly the region would later be renamed Zanzibar land this would become the stage where Big Boss makes his final stand against Solid Snake there's some debate as to whether this is actually the case we know that both locations are roughly in the same area that is between Russia China and Pakistan both locations share the same geography and thematically it makes sense that big boss would want to build his base here big boss had worked his whole life to fulfill the boss's will so building his ultimate Legacy on the same soil she died on would be a poetic tribute the only confirmation we really have about these two locations being the same is from the novelization of metal gear Solid 4 by project Ido I don't know if this novel is Canon but considering IO was close friends with Kojima and coima wanted him to do further novelizations I think it's fair to say that the book is probably Canon and thus all the information inside it is too battle gear for as much fuss mgs5 makes about constructing a battle gear a non-nuclear combat version of metal gear it's weird that you never actually get to play with one there's a few scenes about Huey constructing it and sure you can use it in the text based deployment missions that doesn't add up to much well apparently the battle gear was intended to be playable but according to notes from the official licensed art book for the game the battle gear was just so overpowered that it completely broke the game so instead the closest thing we actually got in the game is the Walker gear data miners for the fan of pain also found unused audio of ocelot going into details about all the weapons and abilities that battle gear had a shame we never got to see it the sorrow in Metal Gear Solid 4 in guns of the Patriots snake faces off against screaming mantis the leader of the beauty the Beast unit her powers and attacks are based on psycho mantis from the first M Gear Solid and for good reason she was possessed by his Spirit who wanted revenge on snake mantis uses two marionette dolls to control people against their will one resembles psychomantis and the other resembles the sorrow interestingly the sorrow's voice actor appears in the game's credits and sure enough if you defeat mantis look up in the balcony the sorrow will be watching you the spirit of the warrior will always be with you Moby Dick technically this one may be considered more surface but because it involves a bunch of spoilers I didn't want to dig into yet I saved it for now what do the Phantom pay and hervin Melville's Moby Dick having in common a lot as it turns out the first hour of middle Gear Solid 5 has a ton of references to the classic American novel both stories are about characters with an insatiable desire for Revenge CA Wants Revenge on Cipher for taking his legs and his crew into the sea and Captain Ahab Wants Revenge on the whale for the exact same reason in the book The Whaling ship they write on is called the pquad and that name is also given to your rescue helicopter to really smack you in the face with this homage the protagonists run away from a giant whale and Escape danger by sneaking aboard a literal whaling vessel the most interesting comparison here is the significance of ishm in Moby Dick he's the protagonist but before long he disappears from the story then reappears later on from a third person perspective and then after the titular whale destroys the pquad and kills Ahab ishmail is the only Survivor in the Phantom pag the man who helps you escape the hospital goes by the name ishm and we later find out that this is the real big boss calling himself ishmail is another Hint by the way that he not Venom is the main character he then disappears for the majority of the game only making an appearance at the end after more tragedy has befallen venom AKA Ahab to push that further in Metal Gear Venom is killed outer Heaven is destroyed and all that's left is the original Big Boss the real protagonist ishma most M dick and its themes about the destructive nature of Revenge was obviously a huge inspiration for Kojima when the phantom pain was first teased to the world it even was presented with a fake company name have you guessed it Moby Dick Studios Mission 51 Metal Gear Solid 5 had kind of a rocky development and was rumored to have been pushed out the door long before it could have been finished properly some of this thinking comes from the bad pacing of the story the first chapter is great but then the second chapter is a whole lot of repeating the same missions you had just played almost as if the developers needed to pad the runtime that combined with kind of an Abrupt ending had fans thinking that parts of the game were almost definitely cut due to time restraints a year later the definitive edition was released which included ground zeros and some DLC on top of that a Blu-ray disc that contained cinematics for an unfinished Mission 51 called Kingdom of the Flies in this Mission Eli steals the sahelanthropus and snake goes to take it back it provides a more conclusive ending to Eli's story and so it's a shame that it was never finished chapter three peace speaking of Unfinished content in the phantom pain data miners found a title card for a chapter 3 titled piece within the game's code this is led to a longlasting rumor that a whole new chapter is hidden somewhere in the game possibly hidden behind the nuclear disarmament goal however with just a title card found but no other assets it's pretty unlikely that an entire third of the story is somewhere within the game's code undetected by all the hackers that dug through the source code already it's likely just wishful thinking from fans who wanted more from this game it does beg the question though what was the title card for why would just the title card be made for a third chapter but nothing else China man and old boy Metal Gear Solid 2 was full of rewrites and cut content mostly due to the circumstantial reasons I mentioned earlier but also to trim down kojima's overly ambitious story among these Cuts were two additional dead cell members China man and old boy China man joined the group due to his hatred of America and New York specifically due to an upbringing Meed and racial discrimination he was a Navy SEAL and so his boss fight was going to be water-based actually the vamp fight was supposed to be China man originally and some of his skills like running on water were carried over to Vamp instead old boy on the other hand was a German World War II veteran who was well an old boy 100 years old to be exact he was also going to be a mentor to Big Boss he was scrapped pretty early in the game's development and his traits were reincorporated into the boss and the end in metal garal 3 according to the game script China man and old boy were both killed 6 months before the Big Shell incident so technically these characters are Canon we just never get to meet them MSX tape in the phantom pain at the end of the phantom pain venom snake learns his true identity as a body double for big boss and that he was more or less tricked into that position during the final scene there's a Time skip symbolized by the changing lights and the sound of a battle happening in the distance Venom inserts a cassette tape with the title operation intrude and 313 into a Sony SDC 500 bit coder and a high-pitch noise plays [Music] out now for anyone familiar with the original metal gear game Operation intrude n313 was the name of the mission to infiltrate outer Heaven by that point in time Big Boss had come out of hiding and had retaken command of foxhound foxhound was big boss's legitimate US Government sanctioned organization but as we know in in secret he was also building the anarchist outer heaven in South Africa the plot of the original Metal Gear has big boss playing both sides sending snake outer heaven to take it down but also secretly trying to sabotage his efforts he obviously didn't want his cover blown and he expected Solid Snake would fail but of course Big Boss underestimated him but back to the cassette tape despite hearing nothing but a high-pitch noise the player could reasonably assume that this is Big Boss giving Venom a heads up and that Solid Snake will be arriving shortly to ruin their outer heaven party this is all fascinating at least to me but it isn't exactly Iceberg territory I mean it's just the main storyline even if it is a big Revelation what puts this into Iceberg territory is the sound played on the bit coder itself for those that don't know a bit coder was a device that could read dataon cassettes it was meant to work in conjunction with a computer but if you were to play a data cassette on it it would play that data in audio form by analyzing the raw data from The Sound play some Keen middle gear fans were able to figure figure out what the data on the cassette was as it turns out it's the raw data of the 1983 computer game the portopia serial murder case a game that was a huge creative inspiration for hideo kijima a pretty cool Easter egg but here's where it gets even more interesting later an update was released for the phantom pain and it patches a new sound into the cassette tape replacing the previous sound like before middle gear fans decoded the data through the audio and found that it was the raw data for the first middle gear game there's no explanation from kajima or Konami as to why they replaced the sound but I'd like to believe that they realized it made more sense thematically I mean Big Boss warning Venom about operation intrude by giving him the literal first Metal Gear game in data form that's just awesome and a great way to Loop the storyline back to the very [Applause] beginning ocelot has psychic powers from his father one of the most ridiculous story arcs in the Metal Gear series is without a doubt ocelot replacing his arm with liquid snakes and then getting possessed by liquid's vengeful Spirit the liquid ocelot plot is confusing and kind of dumb and it's a little unclear how much of it was real anyways as mgs4 reveals that ocelot had discarded the arm at some point but I'll play devil's advocate here lot being a conduit for liquid's soul makes sense for his character when you consider who his father was in Snake Eater the boss explains that she had a child with the sorrow and it's heavily implied to be ocelot the sorrow was a spirit medium that could summon the spirits of the dead and even use their powers ocelot could have inherited his father's medium powers and used that to summon liquid Spirit via the arm the liquid ocelot plot line gets a bit convoluted but it at least makes sense within the logic of the metal gear World I am the arm and I sound [Applause] this Chico is quiet after ground zeros middle gear fans were anxiously awaiting the next installment and when the first trailer for The Phan and pign premiered a new conspiracy theory was birthed quiet snake's assassin turned Ally was introduced without a lot of context and notably Chico wasn't mentioned in the trailer at all but Chico died at the end of ground zeros so that should be the end of it right well some fans spread around the rumor that Chico actually was quiet after growing up and getting a sex change this rumor may have started as a joke but it certainly wasn't the most unlikely thing in the world much less the metal gear World for starters snake cause and the medic all survived the helicopter crash from ground zeros so why couldn't Chico the phant pain also takes place 9 years after ground zeros which would put Chico in his early 20s which is about how old quiet looks they both have similar eyes and hair coloring and although Metal Gear fans didn't know it at the time a major plot line in the game revolves around the protagonist getting plastic surgery to assume a different identity so when you consider all these things the Chico's quiet Theory wasn't that crazy of course when the phantom pain was finally released this rumor was put to bed interestingly it seems Chico was originally going to be in the game as we've learned through concept art he was going to be an assassin character that stalks snake possibly to get revenge but the idea was scrapped probably because it was already too similar to the plot line with vulgan SL The Man on Fire to my knowledge there isn't any information in the Phantom pag that directly contradicts Chico being quiet but there's also nothing to support that theory either so hit me up in the comments if you think Chico is still out there somewhere I want to hear from The Conspiracy Theory holdouts 20 4863 PT short for playable teaser was a proof of concept for a horror game made by hideo kijima with the twist at the end being that it was in fact a big tease for a new Silent Hill game Silent Hills it was going to Star Norman Reedus be directed by Kojima and be co-produced by gyo deloro sounds amazing right well naturally Konami scrapped it because why can't we ever just have something nice the demo was removed from the PlayStation online line Network resulting in PT being a rare commodity with people even selling PlayStation hard drives with the game install someone also made a VR version later which I can't even imagine doing because PT is legitimately one of the scariest pieces of art SL media ever created hell no what in the hell oh my God what is no no what's going on I'm not happy I'm not happy I hear someone breathing I don't like this one of the creepy things in PT is audio you'll hear at different times with the number 24 4863 being said over and over this number ends up being important for the gameplay later but fun fact 20 4863 is kojima's birthday August 24th 1963 but how does that relate to mdal Gear Well in the phantom pain in at least two different areas in Africa players have found radios playing the same audio from PT there's talk of Lisa the ghost from that game as well as the repeating numbers again that's it there's no storyline importance or anything like that simply an Easter egg to coima other project eyes on kihira near the middle of the game once you get code talker relocated to mother base he'll occasionally mutter a few cryptic things if you're standing close enough to hear him most of these are innocuous like complaining about the cafeteria food or commenting that ocelots aim is off that day but he'll also say aizon kahira a message from the parasites with the Japanese text being more along the lines of be on your guard against him now naturally fans have theorized endlessly about what this message means it could simply be code talker for telling Miller's eventual turn from Venom and big boss it could be referencing his actual eyes which I mean his partial blindness is a small plot point in the game so I guess that could mean something as far as a message from the parasites that can mean that cause used the healing properties of the parasites to help his vision and if we really want to stretch here maybe the parasites are able to convey what Miller sees back to code talker so when Co talker warns Venom to keep an eye on Miller it may be because the parasites witnessed Shady things about Miller and private again it it's a stretch honestly this isn't by any means the most enigmatic phrase uttered in the middle Gear series so I don't know how it ended up on so many icebergs but whatever mdal Gear Solid 3 parasites vocal cord parasites are a term you're going to hear a lot in the phant of pain especially from this ancient wner Herzog recruit a different strain from the vocal cord parasite known as the one that covers a man of your skill should make short work of this they play a pretty significantly harmful role in the story but they could also be used for good kalker uses the parasites to prolong his very long life and quiet used them to keep her alive after her mortal wound but how far back do the parasites go according to a secret cassette tape calker says he found parasites on the end when Exum his Remains the parasites that gave the end an unnaturally long life would do the same for COD talker after infecting him the end wasn't an isolated case though the fury apparently also was powered by parasites I actually really like that the parasites go all the way back to the beginning and how it parallels nanom machines and fox diey in the later games was huie innocent this is a topic I've seen on a number of icebergs and the short answer is no what are you stupid but we'll dig into it anyways huie was first introduced in peace Walker as a mechanical engineer working for the CIA huie is recruited by snake helps him stop Peace Walker and joins msf in their R&D Department seems a pretty honest bloke so far right ground zeros opens with a planned United Nations visit to mother base to ensure they don't have any nukes huy insists on the visit happening saying it will make them seem suspicious otherwise he goes over snake and Miller's heads and arranges a date for the inspection without their consent and then as we know the inspection was really just a trojan horse for skullface in the xof to destroy mother base over the 9 years Venom and big boss are in aoma huie is held prisoner by xof and made to design a brand new metal gear for them during that time he gets busy with an old flame and colleague drct Strange Love and she gives birth to lovable dork Hal Emer during Hue's time developing the S anthropist he uses Hal as a guinea pig to test it as the cockpit was only big enough to hold a small child that's oopsy number one for huie needless to say Hal's mom wasn't happy to learn about hu's experiments and she sends Hal off to live in America and away from his crazy father to get even huy trapped Strange Love inside an AI pod from Peace Walker her where she suffocates to death that's oopsy number two snake rescues huie from xof and brings him over to the new mother base where ocelot tortures him and Miller grills him about the xof attack from years earlier Kaz has no doubt about huie selling them out to XF during the events of ground zeros huy is kind of a weasly guy so we're not meant to view him favorably or anything but it's also worth noting that cause is clearly biased at the end of the game there's a vocal cord parasite outbreak and guess who's responsible huie planned on selling the parasites to Cipher as a biological weapon but needed to test its limits first there's no real question about hu's guilt here I think Miller and the rest of the Diamond Dogs want huie executed but Venom decides to Exile him instead later we learned in mgs2 that he reunited with Hal and continued raising him but then years later huie would Remar and discover his son was having an affair with his second wife he was so depressed from this that he drowned himself in their family pool trying to take Hal's young stepsister Emma along with him but only managed to kill himself now I don't see a lot of people arguing that huie wasn't a huge turd of a person but what's really up for debate is whether he handed mother Bas over to xof on a silver platter during ground zeros or if he was just as much of a victim as the rest the most compelling evidence that he's innocent is the simple fact that there is no evidence for or against his involvement we never definitively find out but huie was always a guy that would lie to save his own skin he lied multiple times about strange Love's death and he isn't above taking others down with him as he was willing to kill his own stepdaughter just that he wouldn't have to die alone huy plays the victim for most of the phantom pain so that you'll empathize with him but his actions are always self- serving so the question isn't really did he sell out msf it's would he have if the price was right and the answer to this is of course he would he's a bastard [Music] ghost Babble was a simulation for Ryden did you know that Ryden didn't make his first appearance in Middle Gear Solid 2 ghost Babble is a Game Boy Color game that came out between MGS 1 and 2 it takes place in an alternate universe Where Metal Gear 2 never happened that's Metal Gear 2 not Metal Gear Solid 2 as such most people consider the game non-cannon however what is Cannon is that Ryden went through a series of VR simulations before the events of mgs2 and so I don't think it's crazy to think the events of ghost Babble could also be one of those simulations nay aers to this Theory will point out that in mgs2 Ryden doesn't seem to know what outer Heaven is despite it being a big part of ghost Babel's story on the other hand in the same game the AI version of Roy Campbell specifically talks about gallad the Fortress you infiltrate in Goose Babble so a bit of conflicting information here but at the end of the special missions section of the game Ryden AKA Jack is directly mentioned so make up your own mind but I'm firmly in the ghost Babble with Canon [Music] Camp Caz was always working with Cipher Kaz is first introduced in the Metal Gear series in the second entry as Master Miller but Peace Walker is when we get to meet him in his prime he and Big Boss met on the battlefield as enemies but over a mutual appreciation for each other became allies C helped snake build msf but while snake is doing it for ideological reasons Miller more so sees it as a great business opportunity we find out in the secret Peace Walker tapes that CA was at some point recruited by Major zero as a plant with a goal of aligning snake skulls with ciphers this is why he knew P was a double agent right away because they were working for the same employer pus was also a plant but with a goal of reuniting fighting snake with zero but when P stole a metal gear to force snake's hand that's effectively when CA broke things off with Cipher it wasn't long after that the ground zeros incident would occur which completely wrecked K's whole world and made him hate Cipher all the more but some fans apparently think that cause never stopped working for Cipher I saw this topic on a couple Iceberg images but without any justifications for the Theory's own existence so it's probably just BS for B's sake it just doesn't hold up to any scrutiny Miller hated Cipher and while he eventually does sight against big boss that doesn't mean that he was ever back on team Cipher or anything I don't know if somebody could explain the logic of this Iceberg to me in the comments I'd appreciate it they played us like a damn [Music] fle skullface is psycho mantis's father psychomantis and skullface two enigmatic Halloween faed villains that have very different story lines but briefly share a mutual desire to kill our protagonist whether it's big boss or solid snake respectively when mantis was a child he worked for skullface in the xof but would later defect and indirectly kill his boss some people think that he may have committed patricide and here's why when mantis discovered his powers he blacked out and burnt down his home Village killing his father in the process in the Phantom pag mantis turns against his boss and use the satal anthropist to crush him to near death I guess because skullface would have been old enough to be mantis's dad and the fact that they were in the same place at the same time and the fact that mantis kills him that's LED people to draw connections the problem of course is that we know exactly why psycho mantis killed his father preemptive self-defense in Metar solid mantis tells snake that his mother died in childbirth and he was able to read his father's mind his father despised him and wanted him dead and so mantis killed him first there's nothing in the phantom pain that indicates skullface had any sort of familiar connection with mantis I guess someone can make the argument that we just don't see it in the game but the biggest contradiction here is how skullface dies he doesn't die in a fire which mantis specifically said is how his father died skullface dies being crushed by a giant metal gear and then being shot by huy the only other explanation for this theory is the origin of skull Face's deformity he says that in World War II during an Allied bombing he was caught in a factory explosion received intense oil burns to his face some fans the that this matches with mantis's story better except for the fact that it happened at least 20 to 30 years before mantis was born either way you slice it this Theory just isn't [Music] correct everyone is decoy octopus this one is more of a running gag within the metal gear community at this point but let's address it anyways in Metal Gear Solid decoy octopus is one of the six foxhound members that start the Revolt with liquid on Shadow was his Island he had a superhuman ability to disguise himself as other people even going as far as to inject himself with their blood which I mean how would that help unless he's trying to trick like a dog or something when the Shadow Moses Revolt begins ocot accidentally that's accidentally in quotes tortures DARPA Chief Donald Anderson to death trying to get information out of him on how to activate Metal Gear of course we find out later that ocelot killed him intentionally as Donald Anderson AKA Sig was also a fellow Patriot and would blow ocelot cover as a double agent or a triple agent or a quadruple double stuffed Oreo AG I can't remember anymore but anyways decoy octopus disguises himself as Sig so that he could ask snake what he knows about middle gear not long after snake's Fox die kills decoy octopus because he was in Disguise the whole time the player never actually gets to see octopus's real face that led a lot of conspiracy theorists to realize uh hey decoy octopus could have been anyone up until his death skullface could have been decoy octopus Roy Campbell could have been decoy octopus s Porter Bridges from the bridge making game in Iceland The Walking Dead Guy obviously it's Mr Puss In Disguise Mr octopus code talker trained Ryden as the title suggests this theory is about who trained Ryden in the events between Sons of Liberty and guns of the Patriots apparently there's a small bit of dialogue in the later game where Ryden talks about being trained in Alaska by a Native American Shaman but I I couldn't find that specific clip so take all of this with a grain of sand or a grain of salt whatever the expression is some fans have theorized that the shaman must be Cod talker snake's Navajo Ally from the phanom pain the only problem with this is that Co talker was born in 1880 and the time perod perod Ryden was training was between 2009 and 2014 which would make Co talker like 130 years old yes he's already a century old in the phantom pain and he's doing pretty well because his parasites are keeping him alive but 130 seems like a stretch even for midal gear standards I think the Native American Shaman question is just that a random guy but uh if everything needs to be connected then it you know it was probably more likely uh a relative of Vulcan Raven one of the foxhound members that revolted in the first middle Gear Solid game he was Native American and in Alaska and so the idea that he may have had like a son or something in the area isn't too crazy secret Vlog number 36 to keep fans busy while mgs5 was in development Konami released a series of videos on the game's official website or at least the Japanese version of the site these video blogs would cover everything from basic cardboard box mechanics to Metal Gear online content right now there are 36 entries on the Vlog but the last one is inaccessible it merely has a thumbnail that says confidential it's been a long time since the phantom pain was released and it's a fair bet to say we aren't getting any more new content for it uh but strangely that last Vlog is still missing there's a lot of theories on this but I'm going to cover what I think are the three most likely explanations the first is that there is no Vlog number 36 it was made as a tease to troll middle gear fans and leave them wanting more it's the developer's way of telling us you feel like there should be something there but there isn't and that makes you remorseful it's a phantom pain get it now shut up and play this Pachinko machine while we cancel PT we're Konami and there's literally no bottom to our infinite abyss of bad decision making the second answer is that it has something to do with coima himself maybe it was like going to be a thank you for playing kind of message from Kojima but after his parting with Konami they scrapped it this isn't unlikely considering konami's decision to retroactively scrub kojima's name off of middle gear as we saw in the recently released middle Gear Solid Master collection the third answer which I think is also just as likely is that it has something to do with nuclear disarmament there was only one legitimate instance of the scene triggering on the PS3 remember but Konami later claimed that this was illegitimate and achieved by cheating I'm not going to get into the validity of that in this video only pointing out that Konami didn't count it as valid so it's possible that true nuclear disarmament may be the trigger needed that sends the signal to konami's website to publish the unlisted Vlog 36 the Vlog would probably say you know congratulations on reverse optimering the world uh I didn't think that this would ever happen so here's a treat here's photos we got a Bigfoot and Area 51 and here's the real reason we fired Kojima spoiler alert it's because of our hubus the truth really is that we'll probably never know the truth about Vlog 36 and over the years I've learned to live with that and hopefully you can make peace with that too wait a minute make peace chapter 3 peace chabas the the goat killer of Mexican folkore folklore is stories from the past that are often fictionalized fictionalized to heighten drama drama student students at colleges usually have bicycles by B binary it's binary code well that was the middle Gear Solid Iceberg thanks uh to everyone that stuck around till the end I read and respond to all the viewers comments so if you leave a comment I will respond I will not ignore you if you like the video please hit the like button and if you hated the video hit the like button anyways I'm thinking about doing a series of retrospectives for each middle gear game after this but that will depend largely on how well this video does so so if you want more middle gear content from me let me know in the comments thanks again for watching and I'll see you on the next [Applause] [Music] one
Channel: Wes Does Games
Views: 276,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal gear solid iceberg, metal gear iceberg, metal gear easter eggs, metal gear solid, metal gear solid master collection, chico is quiet, the phantom pain ending, liquid ocelot, snake eater, metal gear mysteries, iceberg explained, metal gear solid iceberg explained
Id: w_SZzoh6jZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 42sec (4362 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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