Why Uranus and Neptune Swapped Places Once

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we also might have just stumbled upon the mother of all water reserves floating in space and it's been hiding under our noses for at least around 12 billion years as for its size it's hard to even imagine 140 trillion times larger than all the oceans on our home planet combined this Cosmic water world is orbiting around a large black hole known as a quazar located 12 billion Lighty years away quazar STS feature super massive black holes spewing out colossal quantities of radiation this one in particular is estimated to be 20 billion times heavier than our sun and carrying energy that could outshine a thousand trillion of them here in our cozy Milky Way we're used to seeing water in ice form this water Reserve in particular seems to be in the shape of vapors the important thing about this discovery is that there may be water everywhere in the universe we just need to learn where to look you might be surprised to learn that not all stars are hot to the touch we used to think all stars were like our sun these blazing hot Balls of Fire ready to melt anything in their path their cooler counterparts are called Brown dwarfs what makes them special is that they're too small to pull off the nuclear fusion that keep stars like our sun shining they don't give off much light or heat which makes them hard to see these Brown dwarfs are also split into different categories there's this one group called Y type stars and they're the coldest with a surface temperature lower than your average cup of tea if you could reach out and touch one you'd probably just feel a cozy warmth around 4 billion years ago Uranus apparently switched places with Neptune it's hard to imagine planets that big doing that but this Theory might solve the mystery of how our solar system came to be we know that rocky planets formed after big collisions take our planet for instance around 4.6 billion years ago things kept bumping into each other around the Sun until our watery Earth reached its final form it also included one larger Collision that blew up enough Rock and gas for it to generate our moon but when it comes to our larger solar system neighbors Jupiter Uranus and Neptune scientists still haven't got an answer standard models said it'd take forever for them to form way longer than the solar system itself has been around if this new theory is correct it suggests that Uranus and Neptune came from this dense cloud of gas compacted around the Sun problem is for the theory to make sense they had to have swapped places at some point in history Neptune is about 2.8 billion miles away the farthest any planet can be in our solar system Uranus is a bit closer located at 1.9 billion miles this new idea suggests that after they formed way closer to the Sun than they are today their positions were altered it could have either been because of many comets passing by over billions of years slowly tugging the giant planets away it's not a definitive answer to how gas giants were formed it's more like a strong hunch backed up by looking at a lot of numbers speaking of weird things found in our universe what about this floating spoon that NASA's Curiosity Rover took a picture of on Mars as the machine was cruising around the red planet it stumbled upon this oddly spoon-shaped Rock during the summer of 2015 The Rock has a handle and even throws shade on the ground it's not a leftover utensil from some Martian picnic but rather what NASA scientists call a ventifact that means it's a rock that got sculpted by the wind it's not the first time the Martian surface has delighted us with weird windy sculptures there was the face on Mars a rat and even jelly donuts it's also possible that diamonds are raining down on over 1900 exoplanets out there in space scientists found out that you don't need particularly hot temperatures for carbon to turn into diamonds like it was previously believed up until recently we only knew of Neptune and Uranus to potentially feature sparkling showers astronomers were on to this interesting phenomenon for about four decades but these planets were hard to study we've only had one space mission Voyager 2 swing by for a peak a lot of progress is being made though thanks to lab simulations Neptune and Uranus are called the ice giants because their outer layers are filled with hydrogen helium water and ammonia what scientists call ice and that gorgeous blue hue they have is due to the methane in their atmospheres the beautiful diamondy phenomenon happens deep down however if we could visit we would see that beneath the thick atmosphere there are layers of very dense ice and under all that pressure chemical reactions are happening possibly generating Diamonds the size of a small town we can't just dive into Neptune or Uranus with a diamond seeking probe instead the same conditions are being replicated in Labs here on Earth squeezing matter between Diamond anvils and zapping it with lasers to mimic the extreme conditions under these circumstances scientists managed to create artificial diamonds understanding how these rocks formed down there could also explain why Neptune is hotter than it should be and why it's got such intense storms these diamonds might also be the key to unlocking the mystery of Uranus and Neptune's weird magnetic fields if we compare it to our planets it doesn't behave the same way so there may be weird things happening under the surface to affect the magnetism NASA's plans include sending a new probe to Neptune or Uranus in the next decade with the planets aligning just right in 2030 it's the perfect time to explore these potentially Diamond filled worlds up close planet Kepler 78b is another weird Cosmic Discovery it's a hot molten world that's doing laps around its start in record time once every 8 and 1/2 hours and pretty close less than 1 Million Miles Away hot environments aside if we could set foot on its surface we'd notice its Sun being 80 times larger on its sky than the daily view we have here on Earth from our star if we apply what we know so far about how planets form this little guy shouldn't even be there Specialists still don't have a clue how it came to be or how it ended up where it is now what we do know is that it will disappear soon sort of since it's so close to its start this scorching hot planet is going to collide with it in a couple of billion years sounds like a lot but it's a cosmic jiffy what's similar between our planet and Kepler 78b is the density sure it's about 20% bigger than Earth and weighs almost double but it's got that same solid interior there's no possibility of it forming any closer to its star and simply moving away with time it also couldn't have been borne much further away and migrated in any movement inward would have been Unstoppable and it would have also collided with the star this may not be a particularly groundbreaking discovery but chances are you've never thought of it there may be space dust in your hair right now every day loads of outer space matter comes raining down on Earth sometimes we get flashy objects like when a meteor turns into a meteorite by crashing down to the ground but most of the time it's quieter this Cosmic material drifts down through the atmosphere Landing Softly As what we call space dust it may not sound like much but it does add up to around 14 tons every single day this space dust contains tiny fragments of rock and metal broken off from asteroids and comets during big collisions these particles are very small you can't see them without special tools but every time you step outside some of it might land in your hair that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, uranus, neptune, uranus and neptune, neptune facts and history, neptune and uranus, differences between neptune and uranus, how are neptune and uranus different, what if earth and jupiter swapped places, uranus planet, uranus vs neptune, neptune vs uranus, if planets swapped, uranus facts and history, facts about space and planets, comparing neptune to uranus, planet neptune, neptune planet, facts about space and the solar system
Id: oNkUwBshna0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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