Why Undertale Yellow's Neutral Ending Is A Horrific Masterpiece (1/2)

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the following video Dives pretty deep into some psychological horror so if you get easily scared from that kinds of stuff click off no pressure to continue watching and it won't shame you for it either lots of I guess you could say intense scenes will soon to be shown on screen sorry y'all for starting my 2024 or video esss like this but I really love undertale yell so I had to make a video on one of the aspects of this game so uh hey everyone welcome back been a couple months e as you know I took a break from the overwhelming stress of 2023 and uh this year might be even more ambitious year than the last I have some insane videos planned ahead including some about knuckle so don't worry sack fans I promise so really soon anyway to start off the year I'd like to talk about probably my most favorite fan game of all time that's so good it kind of descended from the title fan game and more like a game on its own yeah that's right today we're discussing undertale yellow not pacifist or genocide though we'll save those for another day today we'll be going over the third route neutral route more specifically the ending neutral ending can be obtained pretty easily killing off a couple of main characters or if you abort the genocide route Midway through once you reach Yugi Apartments rather than just going to the rooftop fairly easily flowy actually warns the player to advance and moving forward nonetheless leads you to discussion with Marlet where she talks and talks and then flowy kills her off before we could get some sort of happy ending this is where the real nightmare begins starting with the first special track that plays for the neutral which is actually fire as hell this track specifically is motif of sorts to the intro to a mega flowy in the undertales neutral route but way more terrifying than the original already giving us a hint as to what's to come FL goes on and rants after he kills Marlet about how he's basically tired of our [ __ ] and he tries to absorb our soul leading to a cut scene where he gives us the Revelation that he's basically the reason why we got so far and he's the person that put the other switch there in the room ruins back at the start of the game super cool how that was set up ever since the beginning however we aren't here to overanalyze the entire neutral ending so let's just skip to the first boss for the neutral ending the boss begins just like the original flly encounter where he taught us the main game stuff but now it's completely Twisted after the first attack the background has changed to something we've never seen before the entire dialogues are completely [ __ ] up and the music is just this adrenaline pumping Banger we haven't even got into the boss itself firstly the item button is completely blocked off as well as the fight button rendering you basically useless for the entire fight all you can really do is use actx which just turn out to be a bit of a help if you decide decid to click on endure which heals HP as for the boss attacks there's so many of them that are just [ __ ] up to another level and it's awesome there's some interesting ones like the pulsing pellets or the soul attacks but we'll focus mainly on the more horrific ones such as the one where an incredibly hyper realistic and disturbing face of flly just pops up and you have to avoid the tears or the attack where you have to dodge a wave of pellets while there's thousands of hands from the bottom of the screen reaching out for help or maybe the one where a [ __ ] faceless flower just starts hurling attacks on you we're not even doneal with the terrific experiences yet in fact strap in because a roller coaster is only beginning I feel like it is worth mentioning how this fight also takes you to places you've been in both undertale yellow and undertale true lab waterfall the ruins and it goes on running for long enough in this section takes us to avoid and this is also where we get to one of my favorite parts of this ending here we see what seems to be a memory of Azrael just crying out for his family after being turned into a flower and the music really sets the tone of this entire scene just complete isolation from the rest of the world no matter how hard Azel tries to cry out for someone to help nobody would come both pretty sad and disturbing at the same time the game breaks again after some time and we get taken to Snowden however the music mus clearly shows that this isn't Snowden or at least not anymore the theme feels incredibly similar to that of everywhere at the end of time music but maybe it's just me we meet up with martlet and somehow she's alive but it doesn't matter right because now we can go to her house from Snow dead and we can have the perfect enemy we wanted right just us and martlet and no worries about Coba trying to kill us or asgar trying to kill us but of course this was another setup as her face completely melts off and oh man honestly this was probably one of the craziest moments in the game she turns into a bunch of Goo after staring into her soul and we move forward we hop onto The Aviator and then we meet up with FL and his almost final form as he discusses what comes next after he observes her soul and then we Face Off in one final fight okay okay but before we actually get into the final fight I do want to discuss a little bit more about the buildup I mean come on like the lightning showcasing a bit of flow's face looks menacing as [ __ ] leading into the reveal anyways back to the final fight the music is a little similar to The Omega flow fight in under but it's also extremely different I probably love this a lot more I mean without a doubt your best nightmare is Iconic but afterlife the song that plays during this fight is so Peak let's have a look at the attacks just to see what we have to deal with in this oh god what the [ __ ] is that yeah so in this fight rather than us having to deal with the soul segments like Omega F we just get to fight six other versions of this boss all of them have custom tracks custom art styles and custom attacks the amount of effort put into this boss fight is actually insane so let's go over all of them since they are all terrifying in their own right and are a major component to this video I think we'll start with the first specimen specimen patchworked the art style here is composed of several different materials matched together and the attacks are balls that flowy drops down and a bunch of r nails that shoot out of the fingers which is honestly pretty freaky so I could see why this could be unnerving upon first playthrough the second specimen is specimen organic which is my personal favorite out of the six as a name hints this version of flow is just a bunch of cells and tissue turned into this very unnerving Beast to look at the attacks are also a bunch of cells up next is specimen clay which you guess is literally created from clay and has one of those attacks as clay blobs he's just a little silly guy I have not spoken about the tracks I play during these sections but I will be having them as background music every time we switch to a different pedal phase continuing onward for the fourth specimen specimen paper which is self-explanatory the face though it's pretty [ __ ] terrifying I mean just look at those soless eyes maybe one of the more scarier ones of the six however then again there's also speciman polygo which we'll get to right now this one gives us the Vibes of those old PS1 Graphics type games that it kind of hits right at home this is another Super terrific one and probably is even better than specimen paper in terms of soullessness and maybe even the scariest of the bunch especially one of the attacks where what seems to be a flower mutant crawls its way over to us just to attack us super cool yet almost petrifying attack not to mention the ending where the face turns even more nightmarish than it was before that's sa all apparently the files are unused polygonal F Sprites which I'll show on screen and they look horrendous but in a good way Master shout out to whoever found it and post it onto the undertale yellow Wiki link will be in the description if you want to see some other unused content long there lastly we have specimen mechanical which if you'll notice has a pattern that looks almost a to cup head I mean mostly the AR sty on attacks so it does feel a little bit similar following this flowy gets bored of us and the Run eventually ends ending neutral route so as you can clearly tell I am in love with this neutral ending and this ending is definitely a thrilling roller coaster to be on there's tons of extra stuff that I won't go over in this video video the Neal ending is so incredibly layered and detailed that if I kept going this would go on for possibly forever so let's just end it here next time I may cover the genocide Roots as it has his moments too and I love it a ton it also features one of my favorite characters as a key role in that route but we'll get to that in the future for now thanks for watching and I'll see you around
Channel: SocioIV
Views: 24,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E5vx84w55Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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