How Undertale Yellow (Nearly) Perfected Undertale

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[Music] anyway I started blasting I don't see so good so I missed then they ran away I ran after them okay you know what undertale is I know you know what undertale is it's only one of the most successful indie games of all time a game that spawned a following big enough to overturn countries which at the time was really unheard of now it's just Tuesday God bless your soul gooseworks I used to love undertale a bit too much but I digress but like how could I not this game captivated everyone everybody wanted the [ __ ] the funny skeleton never mind however and this is a big big ass however undertale aged and in a lot of places aged bad the combat as great as bullet held combat is in theory dragged on for a millennia and a pacifist run also parts of the game post waterfall suck ass and the way the game bades you for deviating off a pacifist run is bottom line is that undertale is a game that in retrospect could have done better in quite a few places but that didn't stop the hoorde there was so much undertale fan stuff that it was nauseating both in terms of quantity and contents through the Harvest Valley of fan content one video pequ my interest it was a trailer of a Snowden segment from a fan game called you can guess what caught my attention was this beautiful animated bit from fig bur which I'm going to completely go off topic here and say that fig bur is one of the greatest artists I've ever seen here's his Twitter which you're going to go follow this is not a request this is an assault threat from then on the term undertale yellow was logged into my brain Palace where it would remain dormant for years until current year when writing and last year when uploading when undertale yellow finally released directed by Master Sword remix who's someone who's been around the block for a while and the same assault threat applies here and a team of over 20 people and a development cycle of 7 years Jesus Christ development started on February 4th 2016 after Toby Fox scen lit the game's creation a demo was released on November 30th of that year that I somehow missed and look how dinky this thing is compared to now come on that's genuinely all inspiring and finally the full game got us release on December 9th 2023 and it was good it was really godamn good like Astron ically good it has no business being this good the level of backto back quality this game oozes out of every crevice and pore is mindboggling this game took everything undertale did and damn near perfected it even doing better than Delta Rune in some cases everything down to the characters to the world to the music to the animation and I do mean to the animation oh my God okay I'm getting way ahead of myself this wasn't supposed to be the next video this wasn't even meant to be a video I wasn't even planning on working on anything YouTube related for the rest of the year but this game completely changed all of that and the little Goblin in my head will not grant me mercy so I guess this is what we're doing for the next 15 to 20 minutes for stter this is one of these so I can't have this and instead we have this and I ain't going to front I prefer this this is gun hat the sixth child to fall into the underground which is a weird Choice why not the first child or the second and you know anybody but the sixth one and then you realize Clover's heart represents Justice and he has a [ __ ] gun I see why they chose him the game starts pretty much the same as the original undertale which I think is a do decahedron brain move by giving the game almost the same start but just having toriel's design being slightly different gives us a false sense of direction if you barely looked at any of the gameplay beforehand like I did you think the game would be a reskin with just some slight differences but once you get to the second puzzle of the ruins the floor gives way and you get taken to a lower level this level is entirely new and from here on out the game never reconnects to the original until the last 10 minutes this fall quite literally sets the path through the game's Direction and this never connecting extends to the characters I have to hand it to the development team for having the balls to make an undertale prequel but barely using anyone from undertale and none of them are the funny skeletons one of the biggest selling points of a prequel is to see the characters you love before the appearance that made you love them unless you're before the storm in which case your goal is to make me wish this stupid [ __ ] was never born and undertale's characters have prequel stories that could be told but again they had the balls to not use any of them and you know what's [ __ ] up is that it works it mostly works every single character in this game is great and not once that I wish I was with somebody else in hindsight though I do have gripes but I me to be a little vague about them and instead save the spoilery stuff for the more you know spoiler filled story section of the video to vaguely put it they do not give multiple characters enough screen time in this like I like them but you got to give me more of them plus none of them in my opinion quite reach the same highs as undertale's roster some get close but they just barely fall short though I can say that I wholeheartedly at the very least like every single one of them which is something I can't say about the original this extends to the enemies too some of them are the greatest things to Grace God's creation however and this is a small small ass however I did notice something the designs in this game don't really fit with the original undertale what I mean by that is look at every design and undertale all of them fit together and you can easily tell that all of them are from the same thing it's the same with delter Run 2 yellow does have this every character looks like they fit together yet they all seem different from the way undertale's characters are I don't really know how to explain it better than this maybe it's the softer fluffier designs compared to the more rugged downright creepy at the time designs of the original or maybe it's that yellow's characters are more anthropomorphic than you know monish but they do feel different this isn't a bad thing not at all it's just a thing though I can see the argument that how this Choice deviates from the whole you know scary monsters that are actually good on the inside thing that undertale had going for it alongside the amazing looking characters is the amazing world design don't get me wrong undertale is a NIC looking game and has its fair share of pretty scenery but yellow is just on another level this game is a constant treat for the eyes just look at Snowden in the original compared the yellow it's staggering how much of a difference there is I think a good portion of it is how yellow uses a lot less empty spacing the original in the original undertale you have the immediate area around you then you have this black nothingness everywhere else and it stays that way for the entire game game there are a few places where this isn't the case but for the most part the void stays the void doesn't take away from anything and yellow also has a few good moments like this but for over half of yellow the screen's fully filled which I think helps these areas feel more full and believable coupled with the better pixel art and you have a game that makes my brain melt there are six locations in the game the four returning ones are the ruins Snowden hotland and new home with the dunes and the Steamworks being the completely new locations as previously stated the returning areas are completely different this time around and because of that despite these being returning areas they feel completely new and the areas that are new are pretty great too I could have seen the Steamworks seeping into the annoying territory like with how hotland did in the original but they managed to keep it short enough and fresh enough to stop it from getting to that point the dunes are also super damn pretty and the best area in the game hands down I don't really know what else to say besides that very n what I can say though is that the animations have also received a massive upgrade enemy attacks are way more animated than this hell enemies in general are way more animated than this like look at this little fella coming out of his Igloo shell thoughtful every single enemy is animated during their fights which is something I found odd about the original like a portion of the enemies are animated but another portion isn't and what which ones were and weren't felt like random chance like Papyrus isn't animated but Aaron is in the latter half of the game most of the enemies are animated but it just makes the ones that aren't feel weird this feels weird move damn it the fight backgrounds have also been touched up in the sense that they are interesting now because in the original with some exceptions you're either hit with geometry or [ __ ] nothing yellow said [ __ ] this and look how goddamn pretty that is the regular fights are still just basic geometry but it wasn't an issue to begin with I'm just an [ __ ] but now the colors change to fit the area you're currently in and that is such a nothing addition they didn't need to do that but they did it anyways like look at the first major fight in the game he has a lightning attack and when he uses it and illuminates the corridor behind him that's so [ __ ] up and that's just in combat the Overworld Sprites have also been polished to a shine they look better they're shaded and they move more like look at Clover getting down this is is [ __ ] nuts for some reason though they didn't polish up the returning characters and it does result in one scene with alfus looking weird because yeah way to make the already different looking characters feel more apart hooray and of course they didn't just stop at the visuals they also made the game playay game better first things first they added a run button now like what I said with quake and its jump button about a year ago something that seems completely simple can end up making a huge impact a run is a bit less impactful than adding true verticality to a shooter but you get what I mean backtracking in the original became a chore a headache and was downright unconstitutional oh but a hear you say oh just get the 90 quid glamburger and quit bitching no I'm going to March my happy ass all the way back to Snowden to give the nice lady my money for her food that's just as good thank you very much yellow also has puzzles and they are not better nor worse than the originals and that sense of empathy is how I feel about the original's puzzles hey remember the snow racing the original and how it was a pretty okay little Min game well there's a few more and they're [ __ ] weirdly high quality an entire schmu a card game I you don't need to do this Jesus Herobrine Christ now in terms of the actual combat you know an RPG staple uh-oh the combat is more or less the same as the original for better and worse you have a choice of what you want to do when it's your turn and when it's the enemy's turn you get a small bullet Health segment the bullet Health segments are incredibly fun and unsurprisingly very well animated some enemies will even do standout things like an enemy that makes the floor wet to an enemy that attacks with sound on either side of the screen and the music will only play from the side that they're attacking from that's neat as hell fights have two options fight and mercy with the mercy option being undertale's whole reason for existing to Mercy an enemy you need to figure out what specific thingy you need to do in order to not have the enemy want your head on a pike and then spare them the real challenge comes from not wanting to kill somebody out of anger with how long these fights can go they can go up to well over a minute depending on if the monster has multiple steps to spare them so you have to do one step Dodge do another step Dodge do another step 7 hours later and I just want to oh boy it's time to [ __ ] about undertale's main selling point the pacifist route can become super St very quickly because once you fight one monster every single encounter with that monster will play the exact same way forever yes I understand in normal RPGs that's the standard but quickly clicking through menus to make the red stuff come out and not having to worry about being Putt in the bad bin is a bit more digestible than the same Toho Peacemaker you've done four times over in the past 5 minutes the jokes help but they'll quickly go from funny to cause for violence before the halfway mark which actually destroyed any sense of replayability undertale had pass its two routes and it's the same here I just ended up running from fights near the end because I did not want to [ __ ] deal with this [ __ ] and if there's two enemies [ __ ] that the other option is to of course murder people but if you murder people you go in the bad bin where Frisk was more of a melee focused person Clover is an American it's the same concept as undertale's attack system attack at the right moment to deal more damage and make the red stuff come out faster except and I don't know how they did it but it feels a lot more satisfying to attack in this game and once you get the wild revolver and at six shots it's like crack I don't think anyone has described undertale's combat is crack nor should they unfortunately though if the pacifist route had to have a problem the genocide route did too well until they actually fixed it in this game in a genocide run you'll need to kill all the areas and the location you're in to continue the run this is all find an epic until you get to the final few enemies where in the original game it'll take you several minutes just to get one spawn which I get is intentional to make you really feel like there's no one left after your spree literally having to dig around to find any stragglers but the town's being empty and all NPCs being gone do the job just as well they also make you do it multiple times with your reward being more Bible verses as the game keeps telling you to repent and also go [ __ ] yourself this dragged the genocide route to a complete hall for worst over like 20 minutes just to do this [ __ ] yellow handles it in a way that still drives the original Point home but also makes it a lot more bearable instead of grinding out an Ever decreasing spawn pool of enemies in one room you now have a certain amount of enemies that will spawn in that room with normal encounter rates once you kill everyone in the room the game tells you that the room's empty with the encounter bubble above your head which means you'll have to go to the next room that has encounters to keep going the encounter rates never drop down and all you have to do is move on until the next time you can encounter enemies it never hits that sludge feeling that the original has and in my opinion feels a lot more brutal making you have to go and fight every type of monster makes it feel a lot worse and narratively you have a kid going room to room slaughtering everybody with the people in the Next Room having no idea what's about to happen to him that's metal as [ __ ] they also added fatal wounded Sprites to every enemy in the game to make you feel even more like a piece of [ __ ] this change turned the combat from having two big problems to only having one problem and it's when you're trying to be a good person the consistent thing between every routes are the quality of the boss fights genocide Neal pacifist it doesn't matter if it's a boss fight it's going to be so damn good especially the harder genocide route bosses those are phenomenal except for one I do have one more problem with the combat and it's more of a I'd rather this be the case than anything else in the Overworld there are some segments where obstacles are being thrown at you and if they hit you you're booted to a quick bullet heal fight to try and Dodge the obstacles which is okay but in delt run they actually had these encounters happen in the Overworld with your heart showing up above you it's a way more seamless and cooler method of doing this rather than booting you into a regular fight it's not a big deal but I would rather it been done this way instead of this way overall the combat is pretty all right the bullet hell aspect is amazing and the genesi route is actually tolerable it's just the sparing that bogs it down it's not putrid I don't feel violated by how it's done but it is my least favorite thing about yellow in the original in all reality though I've just woned the game with normal RPG elements but with undertale's gameplay for like 8 years the last thing I can mention before the big thing is the music anyone who is anyone knows that undertale is a kick-ass album with a free game included Toby Fox is an amazing composer hand is down one of my favorite composers of all time undertale soundtrack never goes below a 7 out of 10 for any of the songs hell half the OST is in my music library and unsurprisingly yellow's OST hits hard as [ __ ] and [ __ ] hits hard the soundtrack was composed by Master Sword remix note block my new soundtrack and fig bur with glitch pie and burn dzel providing additional tracks as well as Scott Joplin threw a cover of his 1902 rag song the Entertainer for song 16 organ demo [Music] having a [ __ ] brand old time the OST has an impressive 135 song track list and all of them are bangers the track list features both remixes of vanilla undertale songs as well as a bunch of new tracks something I've noticed through my five runs of this game is that they highlight motifs and the music constantly for example the song in darkness has a segment from heartache in [Music] it [Music] and the song vigorous terrain contains a segment from your best [Music] friend [Music] [Music] actually while researching this to make sure I wasn't crazy with the vigorous terrain's light motifs is that there's an entire wiki page on just the soundtrack light motifs and it's expansive too one other cool thing that the soundtrack does is have a battle theme for every area you're in the original undertale has exactly one theme for fights two if you count the 30- minute long ruins only hard Mode's fight theme yellow on the other hand has four one for each area with fightable enemies and it's [ __ ] up again they didn't have to do this but they did anyways and it's all so good you know what [Music] listen [Music] I don't mean to make a segment about the music in every godamn video I make about a game but damn it this [ __ ] is too good to not point outo where we at now oh this word speech counter says 19 minutes I don't mean to keep making long videos I really don't this [ __ ] just happens the creepy pum was supposed to be around around 15 minutes yet well there's no going back now except for you if you haven't played undertale yellow because this is the everything section of the video story any loose features actual discussions on specific characters this is where it all is and I strongly urge you to play the game to completion before going further in case you can't tell I like this game a lot and I think it's an experience worth going in completely blind for well as blind as you can since people are spoiling bosses and key moments and YouTube thumbnails like [ __ ] [ __ ] anyways here's a time stamp to skip to the conclusion of the video and here's the time stamps to specific routes of the game if you want to skip two or over one all righty then let's keep going the story of undertale yellow godam starts with a familiar story of the war between humans and monsters in which the monsters got cucked and forced underground many years later five humans Journey to the top of Mount ebbot and never returned leading Clover the journey into the undertale to exact his form of justice that form of Justice is changing depending on the route you take yellow story more or less follows the same flow as the original story that being going from point A to point B and meeting a lot of wacky characters along the way until the game trauma dumps on you near the end in the pacifist run you'll get to fully meet the following characters in order like it's a firing squad which I mean it technically is oh [ __ ] the first place you'll meet is flowy who serves as your safe point and Main partner for the rest of the game and is totally not a backstabbing double Crosser at all definitely from then on you'll meet Dal who's a purple twink with barely any SC time so it's hard to get a judge of his character other than he's a Bruder which might be enough for some people in Snowden you'll meet Marlet the barely functioning Royal Guard Marlet is the character that gets the most screen time in this game and I'm completely fine with that Marlet herself isn't particularly funny but it doesn't seem like she was meant to be she's a sweet girl who holsters both traits from Sans and Papyrus that being papyrus's puzzle making and sans's laziness overall she's just a sweet character give or take the next face you'll meet here is Mo whose introduction is he's a grungle stand type hack through and through who offers you helpful question mark items on your journey typically at least one of his items will be useful per time he shows up he does have the benefit though of being one of the funniest characters in this game and his theme is [ __ ] kickass so there's that lastly you'll meet slurpie yes that is his name legally and carnally he's a [ __ ] that got his tongue stuck to a pole like he's in A Christmas Story and send you on a fetch quest to get him something to get him unstuck this is the only fetch quest in the game which just makes it stand out more I don't know why it's like this but it doesn't really matter I suppose in the dunes you'll meet The Feisty 5 and sooba The Feisty 5 are the law of the town and the dunes and are comprised of moray the eel Ace the something mooch the squirrel and Ed the purple lur thingy and at the top is starlo AKA North Star see the funny thing about the feisty 5 is that outside of starlo the other four barely get Jack [ __ ] anything in terms of screen time it's even worse than Dal because there's four of them morray is nice Ace is serious mooch is a thief probably not a good tradeit of a lawmaker and Ed gets hit by a train I feel the same way with them as I do with Dal I like them but I need more of them it's kind of hard to fully like a character when you're given the breadcrumbs of them The Feisty 4 don't even have a genocide appearance they're just gone I like their designs but that's really the most I can say now starlo doesn't have this problem in fact starlo is the best character in this game hands [ __ ] down it's not even a contest no it even comes remotely close see starlo is a big fan of the human culture he saw in things presumably like gunm smoke and any other old Western shows because honestly they just start to blend together I haven't watched any of them since like Elementary School I love this guy he's cool Goofy and funny all wrapped up in an edible looking face yes I will kill for him but I would also kill for much less hey that's a neat strand of numbers there finally you'll meet saroba who is the epitome of fan character she is also the person we are going to be spending the rest of the game on the game's narrative completely shifts to her from here on out so I hope you like her because un lucky if you don't sooba used to live with her husband chujin who's now dead and her daughter Kono who's in a coma that's not funny that is such a [ __ ] up way to explain that holy [ __ ] and we get to learn all about chujin in the Steamworks he was an engineer at the Steamworks who created a line of robots that all failed and got unired leaving the seemingly last successful model behind that being the robotic Royal Guard axis model 014 or just axis I like axis a lot mainly because his humor is dead pan and I am a big fan of dead pan humor he chases you through the Steamworks for the entire duration of it and he gets more and more pissed off as time goes on I love it the other face in the Steamworks is this [ __ ] I hate this [ __ ] this entire segment is dangerously close to annoying you have to do these puzzles back to back in order to gain a code and this part [ __ ] sucks I'm moving on at the end of the Steamworks surprise surprise Coba tries to betray you but it's stopped by this tough and terrific boy and the rest of the game is about this betrayal because oh here comes the trauma dump we're told about chuan's dark past and Coba plans through tapes containing journal entries found in her basement these entries tell that after chujin was fired a human attacked a monster that Kano is playing with in Snowden chujin six axis on them and a tape hidden behind his grave for some reason reveals that axis absolutely [ __ ] this human up but now he has a human soul in his possession which he begins using for experiments he makes a the that when combined with a boss monster Soul can create a super soldier unfortunately it uh it [ __ ] kills him and his last words are I swear to God you know that funny blue raspberry serum don't use it it's garbage instead wait for another human to fall down that isn't a murderer and don't involve kaco in this literally anyone else in the entire underground will work except for her this is the only thing I'm asking of you daughter no no no no no No in fact never punt daughter and experiments and the same sentence ever act like we don't even have a daughter starve and neglect her I don't know anything that'll keep her away from this build a cardboard box put her in that cardboard box have that cardboard box have a flap that she can eat food of put nothing but Kibbles and bits down there I don't [ __ ] know anything and then she proceeds to use it on her daughter anyways you're a bad mother after hearing about or dly plan you team back up with Marlet and head into the new home that confronts zoba the fight starts normal enough with fairly easy attacks until saroba gets unreasonably pissed off that you aren't dead and beats you to less than fractions of your health and then honestly I'll let the scene speak for [Music] [Music] itself I'm not going to lie this actually got me really hyped it's dumb I know but let me enjoy things damn it the rest of the fight is phenomenal and when you're in schut mode you now have a dash that's sick as hell honestly I like this fight more than serial murderer over here yeah this fight is more visually impressive but God damn do I like my arcade Shooters I think this fight actually has some of the best orchestrated attacks in the entire game I also have to mention that the music for this fight is incredible I'm not doing another music segment but you can hear it in the background your objective now is to fill this Crystal above her head and then destroy the mess that her daughter gave her each time you take a chunk out of it you get a lore dump about her and this is how you find out about her act of being what I like to call a shitty parent look I don't care that Kano literally asked for it chuan's one [ __ ] wish was for her to not get involved I'm sorry Coba but I don't feel bad for you because you [ __ ] around and found out that is not my problem once you bust her mask up you're given the choice to spare or kill her and if you're wondering what happens if you kill her asgar just bodies you and takes your soul once you spare sooba comes to her senses and realizes that this was [ __ ] stupid but now what Clover can't go to asgor because they'll die and as much as they wish it they can't convince asgore to let them go it doesn't work like that they can't live in the underground either because eventually the royal guard will catch them and at worse hurt those they love but it's not fair to juggle Clover around while other humans get killed that's honestly more messed up than anything else Clover's sense of justice warped through this journey what was once a mission to avenge the Fallen humans has turned into something more Clover first hand got to see the struggles and hardships of the people that they were supposed to hate now he wants to help his friends to help all of monster kind there is no right answer to this no matter what someone is going to get hurt but with this at least there's only one casualty and it's of their own valtion FL sacrifices their soul to push monsters closer to the outside and make sure none of their friends get harmed fulfilling their form of justice and earning their rest until a voice calls out for help what the [ __ ] was that I like this ending do not get me wrong but it doesn't make a whole lot of you know sense when it comes to reading between the lines and finding the meanings of literature and media I'm n too good at it and it usually falls on deaf ears however I still don't think this ending makes a lot of sense the entire zoba fight is you battling for your soul only to give it up even flowey says that you just become a cog in the machine there's not even a guarantee that this would have done anything Clover just took a Gamble and got lucky I'm still also iffy about the make the entire ending about Coba thing especially when it's entirely her fault for not heating when she was warned it's a bit messy but overall it's a nice story that left me satisfied and these are just things I picked up after thinking about what just happened though you may have forgotten that flowey is the one in control of the Save State so all it takes is a simple reset [Music] to in the original undertale the neutral route was just kind of there it was basically the same up until the Omega flowy fight which is the best fight in the game but overall it's not worth doing especially when you can just do it on a pacifist run and then be brought back and do a true pacifist run but here they actually did a little bit more with it the game's mostly the same up until the end of the dunes where sooba doesn't join you in the Steamworks because you partook in a little bad Banning so she can't use your soul this makes it so that you have to explore a different part of the steamwork since you don't have Coba to unlock the doors flow is also more present in this route and the PF this route he gets almost entirely sidelined by the dunes and only briefly comes back in Parts here no one can interrupt them so we get a lot more of the second best character there's nothing too noteworthy about this part of the Steamworks except the fact you don't have to deal with this [ __ ] anymore best routes so we're going to skip all the way to the end of the route where you have a rooftop meeting with martlet which flowy is very much against on the rooftop Marlet pulls out a syringe and tells you that she did have a plan to stop your violence but she can't bring herself to do it you did spare some people so there's at least some good in you too bad flowey guts her he finally breaks the facade he's been playing the entire game and takes your soul for himself but at this point we know Clover is a persistent bad bastard and won't give up that easily so the rest of this route takes place in an internal battle for control between flowy and clover flowy reveals that you are not the First Clover or the second or the third or 10th or 30th or even the hundredth countless clovers have come down and at the start Clover's Journey would end with them living with torial until fly rigged it to get you to leave the ruins but that also didn't work as Clover couldn't get through the base undertale's locations [ __ ] weak ass [ __ ] eventually flly decided that the only way forward was to split the path off immediately and tampered with a switch to make you fall into the deep ruins with the rest being the last fiveish minutes 100 times over after this big reveal flowy just decides to beat the [ __ ] out of you welcome to the Earthbound Binding of Isaac delirium ass first part of the flowy boss fight where you can't do anything other than spare or heal when the game lets you this fight's honestly pretty unnerving and something I like is that depending on who you kill in the route flyy will imitate their form in the fight so if you murdered every boss in the game my God this fight's going to hurt a lot more after a while you get these full screen bullet hell Parts where if you survive you'll get Vortex into a Chase where flow's Roots hunt you down undy style get to the safe point at the very end and the cycle will continue I can honestly gush about this part of the fight for a while the pixel art is really good and the flowy Brak cor is pretty damn funny but I think this speaks for itself after you survive this phase you get taken to a FAL Snowden where you meet up with martlet again uh maybe not well if you thought this fight was crazy so far then well [ __ ] welcome to the best fight in all of undertale and I do stand by that I don't even have enough adjectives to describe this fight it's non-comp menus it follows the same structure as the original Omega flowy fight survive until you're taken to a different aspect of the fight beat that and rinse repeat until the fight's over though those different aspects make this fight after a while flowy grabs you and gives you a pick your poison roulette and what you want to tackle first these sections have you fight different versions of flowy in schmu combat I you I mean look at this what the hell every one of them has a different art style of music accompanying it I keep saying that they didn't have to do this but you really didn't need to pump the Omega flowy fight full of acid the battery kind again this just speaks for itself I could just play the whole fight and you'd probably Danny deito I get it it really does feel like a Cutthroat fight for survival here after you pluck all the flow's pedals he reaches the end of his rope okay and the original undertale at the end of all the routes the game goes haha fourth wall break I am video game which is neat except when it happens on every route and do not get to me started on the genocide routes [ __ ] yellow has exactly one fourth wall break during gameplay and it's in this fight for a few seconds the game drops everything and flowy just stares directly at you there's no audio cues or anything and if you weren't paying attention you might have missed it not going to front this is creepy as hell and is a damn good fourth wall break because nothing like this happens again see when it's constant it just becomes a factor but when it's rare it becomes an anomaly which fits this better flowy realizes that this will never end him and clover are too stubborn to give up so this internal battle will go on forever so he decides that instead of fighting for all of eternity he'll reset and gives you the advice that maybe a neutral route won't be the path of Salvation you got to pick a lane dude and with that the game resets but we already tried peace and picking and choosing who lives and dies didn't work either so maybe what if no one lived oh it's bad bins as far as I could see from here on out the genocide route in this game has Clover's mind twist to think that what they're doing is the right thing to do earning this route the Vengeance route name the game Conant tells you that this isn't Justice and that the other humans weren't All Saints but by the end Clover is a cold killing machine so I don't think they care all too much the noticeable changes are the saroba axis in both martlet fights martlet Snowden fight for some reason beat my ass purple I don't want to tell you how many times I died because I don't know it's just a harder version of a regular fight but this [ __ ] beat my teeth in she even let you get half of her health down at the start of the fight for free because she tries to calm you down but for some reason I just kept letting her split my skull up in like a [ __ ] watermelon soba's fight is similar to her passes fight except that she got bumped down from final boss to Mid game Boss this is one of my favorite fights in the entire game the attacks are so well done here and each have the stinct patterns that are fun to learn except for one that feels like [ __ ] it's both easier and harder than her paist fight if that makes sense it was easier than martlet fight for some reason I can say that the main thing in this fight is Health conservation not making sure you have full health but making sure you have the top health to handle it for Red beam attack drains your max health and if you're not careful you'll be looking at 10 to 20 Max HP being what you have to work with towards the end axis's fight is NE as hell because it's a rooll reversal of his pacifist fight instead of letting you wield the trash can lid he himself wields it and it just becomes an endurance match after a while axis [ __ ] up royally when he tells Clover that he killed the Blue Soul this pisses Clover off so bad that they raise seven levels in seconds reverse their heart in the Blaster mode [Music] and holy [ __ ] and then there's the final boss see in any route you can't kill Marlin on the first encounter and towards the end your rooftop meeting with her becomes a pseudo judgment Hall she still has a syringe that she plans on using on herself if you become too big of a threat well guess who's too big of a threat now [ __ ] this boss [ __ ] this boss oh it's supposed to be like that you're being punished for being a shitty person I'm completely confident in saying that this is harder than fighting Sans because Sans has patterns and Rhythm and sense to his attacks this should throws everything against the wall you want to know how bad this is almost every no hit video for this boss talks about how [ __ ] it is the dash is your Saving Grace because of the eye frames it gives you for some of these attacks all you can do is Dash and call upon the life around you like some sort of [ __ ] Spirit Bomb and this is just the first phase that's right this is a two-phase goddamn fight once you bust up a chest armor you can finally start doing damage to her this is easier by a super continent but it's still hard as hell they actually had to add the ability to heal through the ACT menu in Phase 2 because of how draining phase one is you want to know how hard this fight is I'm still fighting her it has been days it might even have been weeks I'm losing my sense of time if and that's a big if you manage the beater you're treated to an honestly horrific scene of Marlet screaming and melting from the serum then flowy shows up and staps at you for basically putting the entire Underground on lockdown unfortunately for him though Clover's now control the timeline which flowey lets you have it because of that though he doesn't get the shine for very long as Clover rips him apart piece by piece leaving his lifeless husk behind Clover then heads to the castle and confronts asgor who tries to tell you that your fate was sealed the moment you fell down but by God we know how good they are at [Music] listening with asgor soul Clover makes it to the barrier collects the souls and leaves the underground his sense of justice being fulfilled and that's it's all of undertale yellow this video became way larger than I expected and completely shot the schedule I had but it's fine undertale yellow is a colossal achievement it's one of the best games from 2023 and it's one of the better games I've played in a hot second this game was definitely worth the wait and more than lived up to the undertale name yet it has its hiccups some by virtue of being an undertale game and some of its own valtion but overall this game was incredible and through this I found some more neat undertale fan games I didn't know that this was an active community the one I'm most interested in is undertale nihilism so when that's released in a few years maybe we'll find ourselves back here again you know what's the most [ __ ] up thing about this though is that this game's free that's criminal I know they can't monetize this game because obviously but the fact that this game is free is still insane I really want to see this team do an original project I don't think they will but I definitely feel that they could they more than showed that they're capable and I want to see what they would do with their own unique world of mechanics delun still bodies both of these though and it's only on its second chapter [Music] [Music] he
Channel: Prodigital
Views: 46,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undertale
Id: SuGbUTxrl2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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