Why Tire Choice Matters? | Kubota Tractor Tires

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it's jack from bt mcfarland today we're going to go over the types of tires that you can get on your tractor so let's get into it one of the most common questions that we get at the time of purchase is which tire that you should be putting on your tractor and normally i like to say you got to look at your application first and then decide which tire best fits your needs so in front of me here we have the three most common types of tires and we're gonna go into them one by one and then hopefully you guys can narrow down your decision when it comes to pick the tire on your tractor right here beside me we have everybody's new favorite tire it is the r14 tire so this is kind of a cross between a agriculture tire and an r4 industrial tire so the number on this tire actually has a lot of meaning so an r1 tire that's going to be your standard use agriculture tire tire so those are the skinny ones that are really tall to go through the rows and then your r4 tire that's going to be your traditional tractor tire that you would see on most backhoes and most tractors that are about two to three years old because these tires they are relatively new for kubota and for the tractor world the huge advantage of the r14 tire from my personal experience is that if you run these on your lawn they're going to cause way less turf damage than if you were going to use a traditional r4 tractor tire industrial tires sometimes they get called as well just the tread pattern on on them the lugs are they're a little bit narrow a little bit shallower so they don't tear up your lawn when you make those tight turns and a huge advantage that i also found was pretty surprising was last winter we used these tires to clear our driveway and they had amazing traction in in the snow far more superior to the r4 industrial tire as you can see in the tome here there's very few tractors that we sell that don't come on r14 tires now i'd say about 85 to 90 percent of the tractors that we sell except for some of the bigger ones we do put the r14 tires on them huge advantage as well they are six ply tires so if you're going to be going off-roading on any kind of hills or anything like that you will have that little bit thicker sidewall so you don't lose traction and you get punctures a little less easily sticking with the r14 tire a huge advantage that i actually like is how smooth they run on the road if you're used to running an ag tire on the road you know you'll be rocking back and forth as the lugs bounce in and out right here you can see that there is a pattern of rubber that goes right up the middle and that's the contact on the road when you're driving on a hard surface like asphalt or some kind of pacted pax stone so this does make it a very smooth ride when you're using the next style of tire we're going to cover is going to be the r4 industrial tire this is a very common type of tire as well generally we see this on slightly larger machines right here this is a 60 horsepower mx-6000 once you jump up to this size of tractor adding our 14 tires it does incur a significantly greater cost than going with the standard r4 industrial tires on smaller tractors like the bs bx's lx's even owls the extra cost really isn't that much to warrant switching over to an r4 tire when you can have the superior r14 tire nonetheless these tires they're going to be very good at just running on hard surfaces if you're running on asphalt gravel anything like that where they really fall short is if you're going to be using this for an agricultural agricultural tractor if you're going to be plowing the fields with this and you want a little bit skinnier tractor tire to go through your rows of crops of whatever you're planting and these tires they might not be best suited for you this is more in like in line with mowing a larger field that you don't really care if you damage the grass that goes beneath it with that being said too our four tires on a finished property say two acres of finished grass and it's a little bit wet and you go to turn that wheel you will have a greater chance of ripping up your property next up on the list we have our turf tires so this is going to be noted as an r3 tire from kubota as you can see these patterns they're more of like a lawnmower style pattern to go on your grass so this is really nice if you have a really finished property and you're just looking to do some flower beds and some light tractor work along those acres of finished property where these really fall short isn't any kind of rough off-road use the huge disadvantage of going to a turf tire over a normal tractor tire your r4 or r14 is that the ply on these is actually rated a little bit less so the ply on this is four ply versus six ply tires on the r4 or r14 tire you're gonna notice this in loader work so if you're doing any kind of heavy loader work and you have a large load up in the front of that bucket and you go to make a quick turn the sidewall is actually not strong enough and stable enough to stay on that front tire we see it all the time guys they'll put a thousand pounds in their front bucket and they'll actually slip a bead on their front tire so that's a huge advantage again going into a more tractor tire if you're gonna be doing more tractor type things with your machine as well you're gonna have a little bit less stability on hills so when you get on a hill with a tractor with turf tires on it the tires they will bulge slightly and this loses a little bit of traction when you're on that hill one of the surprising advantages of using a turf tire is how good it works in winter applications if you use turf tires to clear your driveway you'll know right away that these turf tires they do a surprisingly good job i think it's because they have a higher surface contact with the ground so it allows them to get a bunch of traction with the snow and with the ice a lot of people too that you can put chains on these turf tires fairly easily because the lugs are not that big and it's easy to get the chains wrapped around them beside me i have my nokian snow tires so these they're going to be sold into commercial snow applications or guys that are going to be running their tractors mostly mostly on asphalt or hard compacted surfaces these are going to do exceptionally well on on the road they don't wear down very easily and they're a little bit harder than your traditional tractor tire where they're not going to do so good if you're looking to plow the fields or do anything like that you're not going to get very much grip because these lugs they can actually fill up with mud and with sand and dirt and then they almost turn into racing slicks much like the turf tires they do have the same sort of pattern but they are six ply tires so you do get the added benefit that you still can use this as a loader tractor with these tires on but where they're really gonna stand out is in the snow and ice applications you're gonna have unbelievable traction if you try and use these on the snow or ice generally on the size of tractors that we see these they're gonna be about 40 horsepower and above they don't really make them for your bx lx or l series of tractors once you get up above 40 to 60 horsepower that's when we can start putting the nokia and snow tires on for you beside me here they're a little bit less popular tires we don't see them as often since we have the r14s now but they will be your bar tires these are another form of industrial tires but i like to think of them as kind of like a prototype one to the r14 generally ever since we started getting the r14 tires we see less and less of these bar tires they're intended to do the same sorts of thing be in between an ag tire and a normal tractor tire it's just the r14 does it that much better than this tire this is again it's another option if you wanted to you would generally see this on a used tractor not too many new tractors now go out with these tires before we wrap up today's video there is one more thing we need to cover it's when you inevitably need to change your tire or if you get a flat tire the way kubota works is they actually make it cheaper to order the entire rim and tire assembly together than it would be to just order the rim or just order the tire itself i don't know why kubota does that i think they'd rather you just buy the whole tire and rim so they actually price it very competitively and very well to make it easy for you to just come in pick up a tire off the shelf and then just re-bolt it onto your tractor it saves you a little bit of hassle rather than re-beating your tire and pulling it on with your tie straps or even some people use a torch it's just one of those things that if you do end up needing to change your tire it will be much more cost effective to come in and just order the whole assembly as one i just wanted to thank you guys for watching and if you need help with parts sales or service give us a call at 613-225-0-555 thank you [Music] do you
Channel: B&T MacFarlane Equipment
Views: 47,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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