Why This Tetris Tournament Was Historic - CTM December 2021 Recap!

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[Music] the december 2021 classic tetris monthly masters event was truly historic with a world record qualifying score a new playstyle world record in round one an insane streak that fell just short of a world record in round two one of the craziest digs of all time in the semifinals like seriously somebody dug out of this board at transition and the crowning of a brand new champion in the finals i'll be breaking it all down in this recap and interviewing the finalists and if you're wondering why i'm doing a ctm recap seven months after the tournament happened well there's a reason and i'll explain why at the end of this video so let's get started the qualifying scores for december blew every other month out of the water with the rolling godfather cheese nabbing the number one seed qualifying with over 1.7 million which would have been a brand new overall score world record on its own but remember this is an average of two she's shattered huff's score world record of 1.68 million in the qualifiers achieving an unbelievable 2.3 million after several clutch survival digs be on level 29 and as he would say in the title of his own youtube upload of the game this was the biggest world record score jump in tetris history and unlike the last time she scored a world record in quals where he couldn't get another big score for the rest of the session this time cheese managed to get a very solid 1.1 million as his second score but before we get into the bracket action i need to take a brief moment to talk about an actual issue that's been affecting the tetris community lately if you've been in the tetris discord service for a while you've probably been messaged by someone who's been hacked these are real dm's i've received from prominent tetris community members over the past year that have been hacked it sucks to have your account usurped and used as a tool to try and scam your friends but if you use the same password on multiple websites as pretty much everybody does it gets even worse because the hacker can have free reign on all those other accounts too if they try and a fantastic program that helps in protecting you from this kind of situation is the sponsor of today's video nordpass nordpass is an all-in-one password manager and cyber security tool that can not only easily import and store all of your passwords for you it can also search all known data breaches and tell you if any of your passwords for certain websites are out in the open it'll then guide you on exactly which websites contain duplicate passwords that you'll need to change and it comes with a built-in secure password generator i was given a chance to try a premium account myself and i can genuinely say it was actually really helpful in fixing some security vulnerabilities that i had one of the fun things is that nordpass also does research on the top 200 most common passwords every year here's the top 10 in the united states fortunately there were no tetris references in the top 200s so my previous password picks have actually been pretty secure oh shoot you weren't supposed to see that well good thing i changed my passwords before uploading this video thanks to nordpass so if you use my link on the screen you can get an exclusive 60 discount for a two-year nordpass premium plan at nordpass.com boom tetris or by using my promo code boom tetris plus they'll throw in an additional month for free so please don't let any of your accounts be the latest tool for hackers to try and scam your friends get a premium account at nordpass.com boom tetris all right now let's get back into the tetris so there's something special about the qualifiers if you break it down by play style all three of the main play styles are represented but there's only one dash player it's become quite rare to see the dash play style in the masters event over the past year and even rarer to see sharky who hadn't competed in the masters event since june of 2020. but this month he was in full form and would end up setting a dash world record in the first round versus tristop [Music] in game one both players are about to hit the level 29 kill screen and it's a nail biter sharky is one tetras away from a max out and ahead by 20 000 points but he is 13 000 points behind in pace because he only has one tetris available before the kill screen while tristop has two tristop manages to cash in both tetrises to take a commanding lead and put the game out of reach for sharky as das isn't viable past 29 but sharky gets his final tetris and still finishes with a max out a great achievement in competition with das in game 2 one line before level 29 sharkey is again just one tetris away from a maxo but again only ahead by 20 000 points he's trying to get ready for a tetris with a clever j overhang and waiting for the right piece manages to slip into t and cashes in the tetris in a level 29 for the back to back max out sharkey is pumped but tristop only needs attachers to win and on level 28 he has plenty of time and gets it for the victory even showing off a little rolling action on 29 to finish one and a half tetrises ahead so in game three sharky is in an 0-2 hall despite getting two max outs and is again on max out pace with 923 000 but he's already on level 28 and down over 100 000 points this should be impossible but he's gonna bang down a tetris to cut into the lead bang down another one to be only one tetris behind but tristop also has a tetris set up one line away from the kill screen and gets the tetris that s to the left doesn't burn anything so tristop tops out right away but now sharky needs two tetrises and has one down the center but that brings him into level 29 sharky fills up the center is tetris ready waiting at a long part the last possible moment and just misses a frame perfect quick tap that would have given him an extra tetris on level 29. sharky has done what no das player has ever done before getting three max outs in a rowan competition for the dass world record but he lost tristop was just too good sweeping the match on his personal stream sharky attempted the all-time consecutive das max's world record and ended up tying it with four max outs but tristop was on the hunt for a world record of his own in his next match versus the number one seed cheese in the quarterfinals [Music] an additional component of sharky getting three consecutive max outs and being swept is that of course that means tristop also had a three max out streak going and he was poised to keep it going just a tetris away from a fourth max out versus cheese in game one with a commanding 78 thousand point lead cheese was stuck in a high dig and hung along bar right as both players game feeds froze when the feeds resumed cheese had topped out with exactly nine hundred thousand and tristop had comfortably gotten to maxo for the win at the end of game two the script was flipped with cheese having a commanding 76 000 point lead and tristops max out streak on the line needing just one more tetris but being only one line away from level 29 he took the burden to the kill screen having switched to rolling waited out a long bar and got one just in time for the max out she's tied the set one to one but tristop's max out streak was up to five in game three both players were neck and neck on massive pace and tristop got his sixth consecutive max out on level 26 but tristop would top out on level 27 and cheese would comfortably take the game to move into the match lead 2-1 in game 4 cheese topped out somewhat early on level 24 but tristop played out the rest of the game to get a 7th consecutive max out and tie the series up 2-2 vandy covered jesus camera to celebrate the impending decider that could make history as the consecutive max outs world record was 8 set by dog while qualifying for ctwc 2021 but in game 5 tristop would need some kill screen magic as he was just short of max outpace before level 29. he switched to rolling and got a tetris into 29 then burned a single and got set up for a tetris all he needed was a long bar waited it out and tried to burn on the wrong row blocking his well and topping out one tetris short of a max out in tying the world record since then the world record has moved up to an insane 11 consecutive maxes by sidnev meanwhile cheese showed why he was the number one seed by playing the game out all the way until level 37. finishing 298 000 points ahead and moving on to the semifinals whereas rowling would be put to the test versus alex thatch [Music] in game one she's accidentally overrolled an s piece onto columns two and three just one line before the fifty percent speed increase to level nineteen he would need three long bars to stabilize the left and got one three is a bit much to ask for from rng so he plugged the hole with a jp's banking on his ability to down stack he burned into level 19 and miss dropped a j-piece right away but clutched several rolls to the side to set up some birds in the center and gets two long bars at the wrong time take some burns to open the left side just in time for a second long burn the hole and again had to plug it with a j still down stacking and burning and managed to open it up just in time for a third long bar to finally stabilize the left and survive she's pulled off a houdini act in a board situation that would have been unthinkable to live through just a year earlier in the scene but cheese was unable to capitalize as he missed a long bar to the right in a dig on level 27 ending his game with alex thatch already nearly 300 000 points ahead in game 2 cheese would again need a heroic dig but his luck ran out as he missed a tea piece on the left and topped out early and in game three cheese couldn't down stack his board on level 29 as alex t stormed to a 3-0 sweep on route to the finals to face none other than nes tetris's biggest tick-tock star miles the great [Music] miles has been well known in the tetris community for his viral digs on level 29 that garnered him over 48 thousand followers on tock but this was his first trip to the masters event finals and it hadn't been easy as he had to pull off yet another crazy dig in the semi-finals versus the 2021 world runner-up hufflepufficus in order to ultimately win the set in five games both miles and alex thatch had never won a ctm masters event before meaning a new champion was about to be determined in the finals in game one miles had gotten a max out but his board was in a perilous state right before level 29 and he miss dropped a line piece that would have opened up the center column and topped out and alex thatch entered level 29 and showed off his unmatched ability to hyper tap on the kill screen getting multiple tetrises and finishing with a 1.3 million score oh my god that's a d that's a d on the screen in game two miles could not get a long bar for a high dirty tetris and topped out early and in game three he got stuck in a dig right at the transition and miss dropped a few long bars ending his run and meaning that alex thatch would win his first ever masters event winning the lion's share of a prize pool consisting of 1 420 and 69 cents and like in every ctm recap i interviewed the finalists alex thanks for coming on congratulations on your first ever ctm masters event victory that you you're now able to add to your stacked resume so at this point what is your proudest achievement in nes tetris my proudest achievement would be i say my first tapping transition on 29. it feels really amazing to play that much on 29 to get to 30 with tap so for a long time you played on emulator but now you're on console and with your performance in the tournament it's pretty clear that you're just as good on console now as you are on emulator so what was the journey like in transferring from emulator to console well transferring took eight months to get to my level that i play on console i practice for two hours every day and i approved it slowly and slowly the journey was worth it for me and i got the ctm win so you had to face several rollers in this tournament including being the only person in the top four that wasn't maining rolling what is it like when you're facing a roller do you change how you pace yourself in anticipation for post 29 play or do you approach it just like any other opponent i wanted to go play more aggressively on 18 and 19 since i was afraid rollers would do a huge sum of kill screen points i also tried to get a plays for in kill screen to achieve post post points and after all that it worked out at the end you also showed off a little bit of your own rolling during the warm-ups of one of the matches so how is your rolling progression been is it a playstyle that you want to main in the future i've been rolling for six months i have a hundred lines on 29 and 1.2 million with rolling wow i'm not that motivated yet to mean it so tapping is my main playstyle right now well thank you so much for coming on alex it was really great to talk to you once again now that you've won congratulations and best of luck in 2022. uh thank you for having me as it so happens alex t would indeed eventually switch fully to rolling by the june 2022 masters event miles thanks so much for coming on congratulations on your first ever appearance in the finals of the classic tetris monthly masters event did you have a favorite match or game from the tournament um well probably my favorite game was when i was playing against yeezy and then huff called out in chat that i was gonna get like a 1.2 in a lot of lines that game and then i went on to like mullin that game and it was like an a into 29 and then i ended with a 1.2 and like a level 39. so this has been your deepest run so far you previously made it to the semifinals but this time you played the full length of the stream does the mood change or the feeling change when you're going into later rounds or do you kind of approach each one the same way um well i try and approach each one the same way but honestly i'm most nervous when i'm playing someone that i feel like i should be i was most nervous playing yeezy because i had pressure on myself but after that cine and huff i kind of was not really nervous at all i was just kind of playing the game a little bit tiring as you play the whole stream so when i was playing alex i don't think i played my best when i got max out alex did a 1.3 in the first game that might have uh affected me a little too much i mean it makes me feel like what is he gonna do next is he gonna get another one is he gonna get max out i feel like i have to go harder and try and get at least a 1.1 or something alex is a really tough opponent immensely he swept a lot of people yeah well you've definitely been on the rise yourself with some great new pbs and performances lately definitely living up to your username and that all kind of started the week before your ctwc bracket where suddenly you just started shooting up and up so was there anything that changed specifically and what was kind of the journey after that um well the only way i can describe it as that i think green tea did it best he posted an image of a graph on his twitter and it kind of shows um a sharp peak going up and then it slowly goes down and then it slowly starts going up not as sharply so it all comes down to just consistently playing and just not giving up because i i went for like a while without really improving that much but then it all just kind of clicked and i was really glad i did because i was able to to show what i can truly do now with rolling it's really cool yeah absolutely you've not only gotten to show the classic tetris community but the greater internet at large with your viral tick tocks what do you think have been like the factors that made that happen yeah tick tock is kind of interesting like i think just uploading a lot is the best strategy because i don't really change what i'm uploading i just kind of upload clips i have from like old games and stuff like that and sometimes you know the ones get big and you get 10 million views randomly so it's pretty cool how it's kind of showing a whole new group of people tetris and maybe gotten some of them interested even well thanks so much for coming on miles be sure to check out miles on tick tock and on youtube he just hit a thousand subscribers and got that monetization i hope to see you do well in future tournaments hopefully i'll get to interview you again thanks for having me all right so let's talk about why i'm uploading the ctm recap now back at the end of november when cheese got his 2.3 million score in qualifying that lasted over 16 minutes it really bolstered the discussion in the community on whether competitive nes tetris was broken and would eventually need line caps to limit how long games would last so my plan was to do a quick video explaining the line cap debate and then releasing a december recap with a new section at the end called line cap watch where i looked at the statistics of the event to see how close we were to needing a line cap however after i did a survey on my discord server to get the community's opinions the line cap video kind of got out of hand as it's a pretty controversial issue and got put in the back burner for several months as i kept rewriting the script but i did not stop doing line cap watch every month i kept track of a ton of statistics on every single game that was happening in the masters event so now that i have seven months of data the line cap video no longer has to be speculation on the future based on a single point in time i can actually make graphs showing the progression of several key metrics over the past year and make projections on what is going to happen next so i'm releasing this recap now as a look back on what the state of things was like at the beginning of the line cap debate and getting the line cap video out will be my top priority in july so thanks for watching and i'll see you then [Laughter] you
Channel: aGameScout
Views: 36,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agamescout, nes tetris, classic tetris, agamescout tetris, classic tetris world championship, ctwc, cheez world record, tetris rolling, classic tetris monthly recaps, agamescout ctm recaps
Id: H4XI7pPIbm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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