Why the Tesla Model Y is the best selling car in the WORLD ! | 4K

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hey guys and welcome to petrol ped now love them or hate them if you do a search of the best-selling cars of 2023 in the UK Europe or the world probably top of the search results is going to be a Tesla Model y these things are flying off the shelves hugely popular they have their absolute Fanboys and they have people who can't stand them the question is why are they the bestselling car in the world in Europe and the UK well thanks to the very cool guys at Tesla Bournemouth I've been living with the Tesla Model y performance behind me for the last week and I think I've got the answer to that [Music] question now straight from the get-go I want to say something I just love cars and I try and bring a mix of cars to the the channel from internal combustion engine cars all the way to full battery electric and everything in between including hybrids and hydrogen and I have an appreciation for both and I think I'm quite unique in that respect on YouTube I don't just do EVs and expect an Eevee dedicated audience and the challenge with that is whenever I do a review of an Eevee car I get hate from Petrol car owners and whenever I do a petrol car I get hate from EV car owners but I still think it's possible to appreciate both and I've run an EV now as a long-termer um over a long period of time and I've been driving EVS for probably three or four years so it's not like I'm a newbie I I understand the challenges and the pros and cons of running an EV I've never however run a Tesla for more than a day I've driven uh the model S the model X and I had my matate model y on the channel not that long ago but the guys at Tesla Bournemouth reached out and said look would you like to live with a Tesla because whenever I drive a non- Tesla EV I'm always surprised at how those manufacturers are still missing a trick Tesla's not been around that long really in the grand scheme of making cars yet they seem to do the EV thing way better than anybody else especially when it comes to living with an EV on a daily basis and that's what I want to try and get across in this video and certainly the thing I found out about over the last week of running this car and I've done a good amount of miles on it I also want to say a few things and get if you like the bad news out the way first up I don't think it's a particularly pretty looking car it's quite awkward from some angles and I'm sure many of you will agree it's not ugly it's just awkward secondly I know quite a few Tesla owners and even the most Ardent Tesla fans will say the build quality of Tesla isn't brilliant there are better made EVS out there but none of those owners really care because they still love their Tesla and they still if you like they're kind of evangelists for the brand even though they admit the shortcomings of the car and then the final thing is it's very good at what it does but it's not a particularly inspiring car to drive it's not the kind of car you would save to a Sunday morning and go out for a spirited drive to dust off the cobwebs of a rubbish week at work it's just very good at what it does if you need to get from A to B and move stuff around and take the kids to school and you want to do that under electric power with no stress and no range anxiety where you can make most of the savings of things are off peak electric tariffs and so on this is the car for you and in this video I'm going to explain why now first thing I love about this car is it's it's basically just an extension to an app on my smartphone in fact this my smartphone is the key so I've got a Tesla app on here and as long as this is on my person in my pocket I walk up to the car it opens the car is now ready to go I put it in drive and off I go it's that simple and there's a huge amount of functionality in the car that I can control from my phone so I really like that but I want to talk a little bit about range and range anxiety often when I drive a or test drive a car I'll State how big the battery pack is how many kilowatt hours and and really to the normal person the normal car is that really a number that they can quantify all you're really interested in is how far does it go on a full charge and I tell you one of these Tesla Model y performance on 100% charge will do 300 mil and that is an accurate 300 miles the the the estimation of how far you're going to go is so good in one of these things now it may dip a little bit if you drive really hard that number is going to reduce just like it would do in a petrol or diesel car if you drove hard your fuel economy would go down and your range would go down we're in the middle of summertime so it's quite warm at the moment in the middle of winter it might Reduce by by some miles but my understanding from talking to owners is Teslas are far less affected by that than some other EV manufacturers and Tesla don't State a range in miles on the dashboard it's just a percentage I can check on my phone to see what the percentage is in miles but it's not an important number because range anxiety doesn't exist when you own a Tesla first up 300 mil I very very rarely drive more than 300 mil in a day so I wake up every morning I've got 300 Mi of charge in the car I do what I need to do I come home I plug my car into my charger I get an overnight cheap electric tariff to charge my car back up again and the next morning I'm good to go with another 300 miles if I need to go further than that stated charge then I the the integration of the Tesla satnav and their own charge network is unsurpassed Nobody Does it Better Than Tesla I don't need to have zap map and a whole bunch of other charge Network apps on my phone I've got the car that's all I need you plug a destination in the car says oh you haven't got enough charge to get to that destination stop at this supercharger for 5 or 10 minutes and you'll have sufficient charge to get home and when you charge by the way I plugged into a charger the week I was getting 600 M an hour what that means is if I plug this car in for 1 hour it would charge 600 mil of rain so in realistic terms let's say you could get 200 m in 20 minutes well 20 minutes I'm not being funny but just long enough to basically go and have a Wii grab a coffee from Starbucks and be on your way it's just so easy we're going to have a look at the supercharge Network and I'll talk about that more in a moment but that that's the number one reason why if you want to buy an Eevee and you're worried about charge anxiety and by the way this video is not sponsored by Tesla in any way shape or form the way Tesla do long Journeys satnav to charge Network integration and reduce or remove that range anxiety is unsurpassed Nobody Does it Better it's that simple shall we talk practicality just get my app out first up massive amount of storage space at the front the frunk or fruit um it's a good old space not quite as big as my boxer but pretty uh pretty impressive now I think the Tesla Model 3 is a better looking car but the advantage the Y has over the three is it's got a tailgate and a huge huge boot but it's even bigger than it looks because if you lift this up I mean we talk about underfloor storage there's a massive amount of space just there I mean it does make me question where the hell have they put the motors you know it's a bit like bit like my Porsche you look at my Porsche you think there's an engine in there somewhere there's absolutely loads of space even for a tall lanky gear like me to sit in the back now the next reason I think model wise are so popular is the buying experience first up Tesla do have a network of showrooms I got this from Tesla in Bournemouth please head down there this is their test vehicle if you want to have a go I'm sure Hayden will hook you up but you can also go on their website and literally order one on the website which is a little bit daunting but there's not a great deal to configure to be honest and prices well prices have come down quite a lot now Tesla have just slashed the price of their Model S and model X because they form quite a small percentage of sales they mainly sell 3es and y's and the new shape 3 has only been out a few days um now the base rear wheeel drive only model Y starts from £45,000 the long range is £53,000 and that which is the Tesla Model y performance they start at £60,000 but there's not a great deal extra to add to one of those first up that one's in white and you don't have to pay anything extra for white um if you want them in black gray or blue uh it's an extra £1,100 and if you want a red one it's an extra £2,100 if you want a tow hitch because a model y by the way I often get people asking about Towing Caravans and trailers with electric vehicles a Tesla Model y can tow up to 1,600 kilos so if you want to spec a tow hitch when you buy one that will cost you just over ,000 £ 1,090 to be precise and that's it you could drive your car away at that price so that car there 60 Grand if you want some of the autonomous driving features so if you want enhanced autopilot this is where the price starts to go up a little bit that's an extra £3,400 and if you want full self-driving mode that is an extra £ 6,800 now personally I wouldn't spec either of those I'd save my money I'd pay 60 Grand and that would be it thank you very much but the next bit is the bit that will if you go into any manufacturer and try and order a new car in most cases you're looking at 12 to 18 months weight list if you order a new model y today you'll get it between the end of September and October and I'm filming this at the beginning of September so that's like six to maybe eight weeks and you're going to have new car I mean nobody else is doing that now admittedly I'm sure there's a whole bunch of these already made all in that spec and you're just basically they're picking one that is is the same spec that you've bought but the thing that's clever about Tesla is the additional things like the self-driving features and the autonomous driving that's just an over-the-air upgrade these all come with everything on them you just activate that by an overthe upgrade and that means that they can make them in bulk that helps them Drive the price to a more sustainable level and I know £60,000 is a lot of money but honestly I wouldn't buy a performance either I'd just go for the long range one there 53 Grand and if you didn't really need that kind of range then 45 Grand you're in a new model Y and actually if you're really smart and you don't want to buy a new one have a look at the used car market because you can pick up a new or sorry a one to twoy old model 3 for like 25 Grand now if you don't like touch screens Teslas aren't for you I'm afraid cuz that's it that's all you've got a whopping great big touchcreen everything is controlled by there there are no physical buttons in this car at all except for the buttons that operate the windows going up and down and a couple of little scroll Wheels on the steering wheel everything else is touchscreen that said it's very intuitive and very easy to navigate I'm not going to do so much on the ins and outs of that because honestly you could play with that forever it's got really cool things like an arcade obviously important things like a fart machine if you're you know having a charge and you want a bit of romance you can light a fire and chill out while the fire goes really useful that there's light shows and all kinds of things however there is one feature in this car that would be one of the reasons that I buy it now often I'll joke about whether I can get two dogs in the boot oh let me just turn the air conditioning off can I get two dogs in the boot well yes I can but I can also put them in here but on a hot day like today it's currently 27 degrees outside there's a big challenge with taking your dogs in the car in case you have to park up somewhere and leave them in the car not a problem in a Tesla because Teslas have dog mode so yesterday I had to go up to Podium place to film a podcast with Joe and Pat and I took the dogs with me to try out dog mode we are on our way to pod in place in newb to record a couple of episodes of the drive tour podcast and my lovely dog c k is on holiday this week so I've got no dog care so the pups are coming with me but that's cool on a couple of fronts one I quite like bringing them in the car anyway and the whole point about this model y actually is boot spacewise it's brilliant for the dogs in the boot and and much better than something like a model 3 because you wouldn't be able to put dogs in the back of a model 3 but I've got lots of podcast kit in the boot so I've put them in the back of the car they've got their harnesses on and to be fair when we go away that's more commonly where they would be the second reason it's quite cool is they can come on the podcast but the third reason is it's going to be a really hot day today and on the way home from recording the podcast I need to pop into the shops to buy a couple of bits for tea and I'm going to try out dog mode so so the end of a long but brilliant day we recorded two episodes of the drive Talk podcast today but interestingly enough um where we were filming in Podium place we were actually in The Roastery where they roast all of their amazing coffee and the I hadn't realized we were going to be in there and the girls really weren't allowed in there obvious reasons they like a food prep area so the girls actually stayed in the car during each podcast recording which is sort of an hour or so and and we use dog mode um and therefore I've now used dog mode and it is brilliant so I'm on my way to um the supermarket on the way home and when we get there I'm going to have to use dog mode again and I'll show you how to put the car in dog mode and and just what a cool feature it is but I couldn't have done what I've just done today without dog mode because the car was parked outside in the sun it's been it's now 30° and if you leave a dog in a car in 30° heat it I mean you you can literally um get to a point where dogs die in hot cars it's a serious serious problem but in a Tesla that's just not a problem because you use dog mode um I have arrived at sab's um I need to just pop in to get a couple of bits for tea but it's still 27° outside and under no circumstances would I normally arrive at a supermarket with the dogs in the car and leave them even if it was only for you know 5 minutes I just wouldn't do it because cars get so hot so quick and dogs can overheat really quickly in cars still still getting to grips with the gear selector on the um on the stalk and with the one pedal driving in interestingly your the way you control the cars quite interesting you don't really use the brake that much um you've got all the different parking cameras so we're all good there wait till it goes beep beep beep and then just push the stalk now you can only put the car in dog mode when you're in park basically so if you it's in the air conditioning controls um and you've got dog mode it's just here dog mode and basically it will be dog mode enabled so when I leave the car uh you will see uh uh on the screen um a little thing that just says the car's set to 19° I'm all right you're going to be okay aren't you you going to look after the car yeah you're nice and cool right so I'm going to pop in get a few bits of shopping uh and I'll to see you surely you can see the screen appear with dog mode I've got to get something out of the boot [Music] first see I told you driver will be back soon don't worry here you go how's that girls you're still cool you're shaking what are you shaking for you bit cold it's probably a bit cold for them to be fair right there you go super super easy dog mode now the other cool thing is while I was in the supermarket it on my app I can connect to the car and watch live video footage from a little um camera that's just there so I can check that they're okay um and I just think for me that's such a great feature you this car is full of full of some technology that has no purpose whatsoever other than to make you smile the fire you can put on the screen the fart machine the light show all of these things are really useless bits of tech that are just there for a bit of fun dog mode however dog mode is just genius as a dog owner especially in the summertime it's a feature that would make me buy this car simple as I think it's absolutely brilliant genius hold on Tesla now I stated at the beginning of the video that this car was a bit I don't know uninspiring to drive but what if you want to push on I mean we all know how fast they are in a straight line we all know that 0 to 60 times of Teslas are ridiculous or ludicrous even what are they like to drive well on my way home yesterday I ended up going up the petrop pedal climb and I thought I'd have a bit of a play let's see how I got on now the big question is Teslas are known for going very fast in a straight line an order 60 time of this model y performance is 3.5 seconds which is so quick it actually makes you feel ill but what are they like when you have to go around corners oh here's the petrol ped Hill Climb feeling we might be catching up the cars in front because do you know what they go around corners really really well like really really well very low center of gravity all I would say is they go around corners well and they handle and handle and handle until they don't when an EV lets go whether that's under steer or over steer it lets go in a spectacular way and that's normally because the speed you're going so they do go around corners nicely and I got to say actually in terms of just sporty driving the performance for me is actually more noticeable um on the mid-range acceleration ation it's brilliant for overtaking and when you get to the Apex of a corner you put your foot down and you really got that instant torque just gives you that pull out the corner but they are better around the corner and on the twisties then you'd think Teslas aren't just a one trick pony they're not just about going fast in a straight line so far it's ticking a lot of boxes no range anxiety easy to buy uh if I wanted to change my mind and spec something like Auto pilot 6 months down the line I can I can just buy it and it will be over the air upgraded to the car I've got a huge amount of tech on the car it's it's comfortable it's fast it does its job the last bit I just want to try and talk about and demonstrate is this amazing charge Network so I need to take this car back to Bournemouth Tesla sadly this afternoon so on my way I thought we'd stop off at a charge station on the way and just talk about the pros and cons of Tesla charging and then then we'll drop the car back off at Tesla Bournemouth okay now I'm gonna navigate to Tesla Center bourma so I've got 30% battery charge and interestingly uh it's pointing me to the supercharger at Portsmouth that I thought I might stop at so I'm going to get to the supercharger Portsmouth with 23% of battery left and then I'm going to charge there for about 15 minutes I don't think I'll need that long perfect absolutely perfect right let's go now you may well be thinking well you just said you'd wake up in the morning and have a 100% battery charge and you don't have to go to supercharges well yeah that is the case but I on purpose didn't charge the car up last night cuz I hoped it would do that I hoped it would go oh you haven't got enough charge 30% charge I'm pretty sure I could get to Bournemouth actually but it's playing safe so I've got uh 30% battery at the moment um I will get to The Supercharged network with 23% battery now this is the other genius thing that Tesla do to alleviate range anxiety is it tells you what the battery State's going to be like when you get to your destination so if I wasn't happy with that if I wanted to run within that 20 80% rule that we often try and do maybe I you know I would charge a little bit more or or whatever I'd adjust my journey profile for that so I I really like that the other thing is because I'm using the native satnav now this is the case for other Eevee manufacturers as well if you use their native Saab and you plug in a charge destination a lot of them will precondition the battery so that when you get there especially if you're using DC rapid charging um the batteries are at the optimum temperature to get the fastest charged into them possible and that's exactly what this car is doing it says at the top preconditioning batteries for fast charging but you only get that if you use the native satav so if you're going to use something like zap map and ways then you miss out on that functionality and that means that your rapid charging isn't as as optimized as it could be I'm coming off at the next Junction I'm only 1.8 mil away now my anxiety levels are building because in the past when I've used public charging infrastructure oh you know maybe there's a car plugged in already or it's not working I can't find it I don't have any of that worry in this car because I just there's the charger it's just over that side of the road there and I can see that there are eight stalls available at this supercharger and four of them are currently available um and it's going to charge me at 150 KW and even better than that nearby amenities there's a toilet if I need one and if there were coffee shops or whatever that would show there as well just brilliant absolutely brilliant zero range anxiety in this car zero there you go four available that's exactly what it said Mega right let's book into this one right that's that put it in park I go into the charging menu like that current charge open charge port charge port's open and I'm going to put some juice in the [Music] car and as if by Magic should be charging what am I charging at currently it's ramping up 11 kilowatt 14 zooming up place in games I guess good nice Sudoku skyforce beach buggy racing oh yeah don't use the gear stick or accelerator pedal while driving try using steering wheel and brake to play oh I see look at that get the back end out look drift oh no crash now then I've been plugged in for less than 10 minutes I've just done a couple of phone calls now as it stands now although it's actually telling me I've Got 5 minutes remaining to continue the trip I'm at 31% charge if I look down here it says I'll get to Tesla Center Bournemouth with 12% which is fine um it's probably just being on the safe side so I'm actually going to unplug and get on my way because I'm a bit behind schedule of where I want to be today uh it's 48 miles to get to Tesla Bournemouth so yeah I'm going to get on my way easy peasy I can see why people buy them I can see why they they're just it's so easy now don't get me wrong just in defense of other charge Network providers and other electric vehicles I've I've had easy charges on those as well but the speed and convenience is just it's just so easy I didn't have to present a charge card I didn't have to have a specific app on my phone I just plugged the car in and and it does Tesla does everything for you it's it's just super super easy so with 20 minutes to go what are my final impressions of the Tesla Model y well I've done over 500 miles in this car in the last week and they've been the most Stressless WorryFree 500 Miles I've ever driven in an electric car it really has been a pleasure so easy to live with so easy to integrate into your life I don't think there's that level of planning and worry when whenever you do a longer trip that you kind of end up having to do with other electric cars and I kind of get it I now totally get why anybody you speak to who owns a Tesla Raves about them I don't necessarily Rave about the car this car is by no means perfect let me wrong in a straight line it's fast but you know it's it's not the most inspiring thing to drive it's not the prettiest thing to look at but as a as a thing to do it job but God it's good like really really good and you know the three and the S and the X they'll all be just as good they'll all do the same thing so yeah there's my take on it that's why there're such a well regarded car that's why they sell so many and that's why I still don't understand how all the other manufacturers just do the people who design those cars have they never been in a Tesla have they never seen the integration of the satnav with the with the charge Network and I know Tesla did a huge step by building out their own charge Network they invested billions doing that but but it bears fruit it makes the car so easy to live with now I know we're going to see that Network opened up to non- Tesla vehicles but the challenge I still have and every launch I go to of a new electric car when I've got some designer from the manufacturer every single time I say does your satnav integrate with the charge Network as well as Tesla does and the answer is always no I mean they're they're getting there but they got miles to go and that for me it's a simple fix well A Simple Theory a very difficult practice sort that out sort that the fact I know I'm going to get to the destination with that charge State the fact I know if I can't it's going to be dead easy for me to get that charge State that's all you need it's all you need range anxiety is the thing of the past but if you enjoyed that give me a thumbs up comments below are always welcome and if you haven't done so already please subscribe to peted for plenty more content to come and I'll see you on the next film guys you take care drive safe ah
Channel: Petrol Ped
Views: 106,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: petrol ped, ped petrol, petrol head, petrol ped youtube, youtube petrol ped, vlogger, youtuber, cars, performance cars, car review, launch events, press drive, automotive, fast cars, suv, ev, electric vehicles, expensive cars, tesla, tesla model y, tesla model y 2023, tesla model y performance, tesla model y review, model y, model y performance, tesla dog mode, tesla supercharger, tesla model 3, living with a tesla, living with a tesla model y, living with a model y
Id: X-6qLS-Ix7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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