Why the Police Came to my Shop and Threatened to Arrest me!

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oh it has begun the police have arrived i'm not perfect but who are we kidding neither are you nobody's perfect i make mistakes you make mistakes well just recently i made a big mistake and now the police have to come out to my business you never want the police to come out to your business and now the state troopers are coming out to me to ask me some questions they even threatened me with an arrest here's the whole story so my name is craig from flying wheels i own a car dealership and a repair facility well owning a car dealership everybody thinks the car dealers just ah they're just out there to screw everybody car deals are such bad guys they take advantage of us well there's like a thousand licenses that i as a car dealer need me as a car dealer needs to do things the right way i pay a lot of money in insurances i pay a lot of money in bonds and i have licenses upon licenses to make sure that i'm doing things the right way i even get audited a couple times a year a trooper comes to my business and makes sure i'm doing the right things well this time i made a mistake and i had to make an appointment for a trooper to come up to my business and tell me what i did wrong and also tell me what could actually happen to me this right here is german german knows as much about this business and probably more than even i do well german sold this saab 9-3 when i wasn't here customer was a little difficult she wanted more car than she had money she wanted a toy well saab convertible is where it's at get a lot of bang for your buck in a sob but sometimes expectations are way up here especially when you get a karen buying a car from you if you don't know where karen is look it up because we got a karen she has to speak to the manager she's unhappy the manager is the state police so that's why the state police had to come down jeremy you sold this car what were the stipulations you sold it as is right it is unsafe as is with um it's not i needed tires so german sold it to a customer unsafe as is unsafe meaning no inspection sticker so yes unsafe the term unsafe is scary but unsafe means no inspection sticker in our state so we sold it with no inspection sticker no warranty at a discounted price because she was on a very specific budget so the state of new hampshire has an incredibly strict state inspection we have a lot of rust up here a lot of salt a lot of snow so we are incredibly strict with state inspections both of us are certified licensed state inspectors so we know we're looking at but there's a lot of liability because we're telling people their lives are safe in a car so i'd actually rather not do an inspection on a car because i don't want to put somebody's life on my name that's the best way to say it i don't want my name on somebody else's life the other thing is if we put an inspection sticker on a car that customer if they're ever unhappy they will gladly fly to their mechanic and have them tear apart any car we sell with a fine-tooth comb and if they find anything they don't like guess what the unhappy customer does they don't go to us they go to the state troopers and say this person sold us an unsafe car they put an inspection sticker on it they said it's okay i could have died next thing happens the troopers come to us so you sold this car correctly no inspection sticker she negotiated the price anytime you negotiate the price first thing comes off the table inspection sticker warranties those have to come from somewhere so we want to bring that price down we take things off the table to get to that price well she wanted a high-end car on a budget so we met her budget german called me sold this car a week later she comes to pick it up and she's like well i really want an inspection sticker what's it need well i'm not around we usually do inspection reports on every car and then we tuck it in the title jacket so german would just go to the title look for the inspection report can't find it yeah this one wasn't available i lost it i'm just gonna say i lost it i don't know where it went so german said what's a need i said tires so we gave the customer two brand new tires on our dime you say it best yeah our cost her expense our cost her expense so i gave it to her at our cost so she got two tires at our cost put them on german put the inspection sticker on the lady is unhappy with the car so the first thing she does go to her mechanic and he tears the thing apart you know what i made a mistake we found a couple things that were wrong that slipped through the cracks it happens it doesn't happen often but it happens so i told this customer you know what i'm so sorry i'll take care of all of it take care of it on my dime so i went above and beyond i did springs i did shocks i did shock brackets i did exhaust hangers i did what else did we do to this thing brand new brake pads and rotors we fixed her exhaust for her and there was like a tiny tiny little spot in the frame that they were unhappy about a little bit of rust so you can see the previous owner painted the rear subframe and the rust bled through they actually did the same thing on the front subframe and this you know everything looked like that but there's no holes so there's no holes anywhere so when you push it it was solid but somebody had put poked a screwdriver through to create a hole there so i had new metal new steel welded the same gauge factory recommended gauge steel welded onto the spot she's still unhappy i want a refund so she says to me i want a refund well you sold it yeah no refunds no returns no warranties she signed she initialed on like six different pages she bought it as is and agreed to it so what does she do calls the troopers now the troopers come down and tear this thing apart in front of us and threaten us with prison with handcuffs loss of license misdemeanor permanent records he even went as far as saying that we won't be able to go to our kids field trips we can't chaperone our kids field trips if we get arrested so those are all the things that are on the line if we do a bad inspection that's why we're so strict with state inspections but again ideally i'd rather sell a car without an inspection sticker let somebody else go do the inspection and then it's not on us so the state police is coming to judge us basically tell us what we did wrong tell us we did right and tell us if we have to go to jail because of it oh it has begun the police have arrived so they went in the garage without even permission and just started going at it hey welcome back how you doing sir do you mind no okay i won't show your face right now so what do we do here we need the springs you look new yeah right in the beginning so uh here hanger yep spring spring shock the shots didn't need to be replaced did i replace it anyway okay and even just the one yeah just the one the only reason i did it two hours later so the troopers are gone best case scenario in a bad situation he wants us to return the car i don't have to do anything i don't have to do a damn thing to this lady because we did all the paperwork right so cya do you guys know what cya is cover your butt okay and i'm gonna show you what i mean on every sale we make you'll see right here it's being sold as is no warranties returns or guarantees expressed are implied the vehicle has been inspected by the buyer and is in running condition and has been discounted from its retail value in consideration of any possible repairs it may need so it's sold as is no returns expressed or implied it's been inspected by the buyer so the buyer looked at it it's in running condition it's been dis discounted from its retail value for any repairs upon signature and payment the buyer assumes sole responsibility so they're assuming all liability and responsibility and never holding me or the dealership liable ever again get the famous buyer's guide as is no warranty you'll see she signed there but squeaky wheel gets the grease right she's a loud noisy moody woman unhappy customer and she's not gonna stop until it's over with so the best thing the trooper said is it really worth the money just resell the car you know it's safe is it really worth the headache just get her out of your hair and he's right so do i have to do anything for her absolutely not do i want an unhappy customer unhappy at us absolutely not i want good customers i want good reviews and i don't want unhappy customers they can go be unhappy to somewhere else that woman is like the definition of misery loves company she was unhappy from the time she agreed to the sale i even had three phone conversations with her saying i kind of have some doubts can you resell me on this car tell me why i want this car anytime somebody says that you know it's going to be a headache if they're a headache before they buy the car they're going to be a huge headache after they buy the car so that is like i know going into this this woman is going to be a pain in the a and she was but a sale is a sale and you still want to make a sale from any type and all types of people i can't discriminate if you have money i want it i want your sale i want your business i don't care who you are what color you are what age you are i want your business and hopefully i can keep you happy this is what i'm going to do i'm going to offer this customer a total refund i'm going to give her a refund she can be unhappy with somebody else headaches follow people that want headaches and she's one of those people so let her go somewhere else and take care of it i just want her off my back so i'm going to refund her money but not only am i going to refund her money i'm going to request a positive google review because i'm taking care of her and i'm also going to make her sign that this transaction is complete she is satisfied there is no recourse after this she's not gonna call the troopers anymore i'm not gonna have to lose my license or any headaches after the fact and then the trooper gets notified that everything's done and over with she's no longer a squeaky wheel so i whited out the customers names but i'm going to read this aloud the purchase of the 2005 saab 93 convertible between flying wheels and purchaser has been cancelled a refund of 4 500 has been issued to purchaser in full and there is no balance owed to either party in connection with the refund and canceled purchase of this vehicle customer agrees that that the matter was handled by flying wheels and employees in a satisfactory manner miss purchaser will no longer hold any liability or obligations to seller any charges claims or possible suits by seller will be dropped and purchaser agrees not to proceed with any and or all claims in any institution legal judicial civil or any other purchaser agrees not to review or discuss any matter verbally or on the internet in or on social media as well as leave negative reviews remarks of any kind or will otherwise be held liable for any losses incurred for doing so now clearly i'm willing to help out all of my customers that car was taken care of before i even knew she wanted a complete refund before i even knew she called the troopers down here i had all those issues taken care of instantaneously i took the inspection sticker off i wouldn't let her leave in it because it was unsafe for the road i took care of every issue and didn't ask for a single dime i was paying for it all out of my own pocket because i don't want her to be an unsafe car i want everything to be good and i want a happy customer and i want everyone to come back and i want everybody to tell their friends a good review is when a friend tells a friend an unhappy customer will complain a hundred times everywhere they can a happy customer will give you a review to their friends and a friend's review for somebody's service is worth its weight in gold over and over and over again so i want to keep customers happy so i want to go the extra mile for everybody so that scenario was about a month ago and that story went on way too long so if you're still following thank you very much the way it ended up was i wrote a check i took the car i sold it a week later for more money because i knew what i had into it i knew how nice that car was the troopers were content the troopers came in they know me well they've been here before and they know i'm a good guy and i'm polite and i'm courteous to them they said they've gone to the dealerships before the people telling me get the f out and try to shut the doors on them but what is that going to do to you you get more bees with honey right be polite with them give them the information that they want and they'll help you when you're good to them they'll be good to you guys the car is gone the situation is taken care of i hope it was at least informative or educational for you if it was make sure to subscribe if you haven't already if you haven't what are you waiting for otherwise thanks for watching and i'll see y'all later adios [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Flying Wheels
Views: 1,056,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: State Vehicle inspection Requirements, NH State Inspection station, State inspection license, Vehicle inspection, Prepurchase inspection, Pre-purchase inspection, fake inspection sticker, NH Inspection sticker, MA Inspection Station, VT inspection station near me, ME inspection station near me, MA inspection license, VT inspection license, ME inspection license, Is a NH inspection license valid in ME, What will happen if I get caught with a fake inspection sticker
Id: JeuLvfEtvgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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