The Cargo Fracking Virus Possible Origins Explored | What Context Clues Exist and Tell Us What It Is

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what if you had 48 hours to live and once that time was up you knew that you were 100 boned would you clock out early just kind of wait and see what happens or take a trip to the arid australian countryside well if you chose option 3 then prepare to become a mule for your uninfected kid in a random because that's what we'll be talking about today with that vague intro set up let's continue into the actual explanation in 2017 an unknown variant of virus springs forth within the confines of australia seemingly there is no way to control it no medicine to delay it and it gets so bad that the government actually starts issuing emergency packs with a 48 hour timer on the watch and an assisted game over needle that pierces the temple of your skull and ends you should you become infected a man woman and newborn are attempting to survive the virus by traveling downstream to a smaller town that may not have been hit yet they refuse to step foot on land as it's teeming with meat thirsty infected however they do not present like the normal infected which we would normally expect to see and kind of your standard zombie movie so in today's episode we'll be talking about the possible origins of the virus from the movie cargo as well as the changes to the infected body why they present the behavior that they do and how their brains have been mostly completely destroyed i say almost mostly because there's still some instances that can actually bring them back momentarily so as per usual which is interesting because there's like kind of a large amount of people that don't know that's actually grammatically a correct statement it's just overly legalistic but there will be a time step up on screen if you want to bypass a summary head there or you can head down into the chapters otherwise let's talk about why people's own mucus ends up suffocating them which maybe it's not mucus but man i gotta tell you watching this just it's an absolute different state of gross anyhow let's get to it we begin our story with fires all over southern australia and a boy running through the wait a minute uh i know the australian lingo um running through the bush that's right i am mr international we then jump over to a houseboat floating down a river as the mom feeds the baby and the father looks on he sees a balloon floating by super excited to see people he goes out and yells to the family well the dad isn't too keen on that and basically gives the international symbol for don't come any closer if you like your brain and brain case arrangement so they move further on down the river later that night they find emergency kits given out by the australian government which also contains maps showing the areas that are completely inundated with infected as well as the assisted spike temple introduction program as andy and kay sit across from each other and discuss which way to go they get into a proper domestic over it as they don't have enough food to keep going to reach the small town that they want to but there's a town coming up to which they can search for food andy wants to keep pushing while kaye knows that their food reserves will not last and their baby rosie would be in real danger of starving we now jump back over the little boy who's running earlier he's covering his shoes and dirt and leaves as to not leave footprints before descending out of the tree he's apparently completely on his own then jumping back over the family as they go along they end up actually spotting a stranded boat in the water taking a dinghy over and he then heads inside the ship to raid it for supplies getting inside he finds that it's flooded but completely lux out and finds a ton of food apparently whoever was in there was stocking up as well but even more luckily he finds some wine but he continues searching and then the bathroom door opens slightly which spooks him as he gets out and goes back to his boat talking to his wife he shows her that he found all of this to which they all rejoice because now they can just keep heading down the river with no issue she was concerned asking if it was safe and rather than you know tell her like hey it might not be totally safe definitely stay away from it he kind of just casually lies to her in order to not alarm her that no it was not safe she asked that there was a shaving razor on board because apparently she's not fans of beards i mean what is it makeup is to women as beards is to men she tells them then to go take a nap and she ends up finding the wine and decides that she needs to go on the boat to look for a razor because it's that big of a deal in the apocalypse finding a razor and looking through the place the door opens back up again except as she goes to get out because she also got spooked she gets grabbed by one of the infected and dragged back in so way to go andy you could have literally made yourself look like a badass like yeah that's right infected were all over the boat but you know your boy made it through instead now your wife is uh infected anyhow andy is awoken by the baby crying and finding blood in the house but he gets a little concerned he goes into the bathroom to find kaye is bleeding profusely they get into a bit of a tift about what she was bitten by andy is in denial about it and says they have 48 hours so they can deal with it then but she's bleeding a lot and at this rate she's only got about three or four hours before she drops they decide that they have to leave to go to a hospital to get some help as they walk along they start seeing some infected have their heads buried in the ground and spears have been struck through as well accompanied with their bodies being burned jumping back to the kid you see he's drawing the same thing as he goes to throw some meat in a hole we see that he's actually feeding something back to the family they luck out and find a car getting all their stuff loaded and he begins fueling the car while kaye gets the baby settled as k finds goo on the seat which that's something you never want to find in somebody else's car but she looks back and sees an infected is coming rather than you know knock on the window she goes for the turn signal like the thing knows you're already there just knock on the window like what in the world as they drive along they have zero radio signal which who knows that really actually might be common out there anyways so i've like seen something online where there was like this one sign that says like the next gas station is 430 kilometers which implies no civilization between that point and the next but anyhow as kate gets out to change the baby and he looks at the map and after hearing the baby cry he looks up to find that kay has fallen and started convulsing on the ground as k and annie then continue to drive along she checks her wound and finds that her blood is becoming congealed indicating that she is most definitely infected k decides that andy needs to go on and take rosie somewhere safe she wants to stay behind because otherwise she's going to put them all in danger but andy just straight vetos this grabs her and throws her in the car and then proceeds to break the door handle so she can't escape andy what the hell anyways not paying attention andy then sees a man in the road and straight crashes a car and instead of doing like the normal thing assuming that they are infected because what would a random person be doing standing looking at a car he just decides to crash the car so because of this the wife gets a tree branch in the guts and then andy goes unconscious due to his head injuries he wakes up to see save her written on the door and then his wife is basically totally infected which the icoop see this is like sometimes kids gross me out right because like they get like eye goop and snot and all that oh god anyways as he reaches back like a total idiot to get rosie he then gets bitten on the forearm which is a proper punishment for being a brainless he goes back to the car to take out his wife has a nice scream and then puts on her watch resetting the time he's now got two days to find someone to take rosie as he walks along and hears constant crying from the baby my nightmare which actually side tangent for a moment because it's just interesting did you know you as a human are hardwired to react to crying babies you ever hear one and it makes you agitated like you might think it's because you're angry or you have this feeling of like the parents need to do something or someone should do something yeah that's your biological instinct reacting to a certain frequency that there is a threat to the young what's interesting is it can be hijacked in many ways so two examples are have you ever gone like a horror movie and you hear that high-pitched stinger noise during a part of the movie just before a jump scare that's actually mimicking the same frequency that babies use to cry because of this it naturally puts you on edge and makes you uneasy the older you get the stronger the biological drive becomes until you're a parent in which case it's pretty much topped out at that point also cats manipulate us all the time they use meowing and this activates the same pathway in our brains which is absolutely messed up being controlled by like a 10 pound hairball with a 25 gram brain but hey man you gotta love cats but it's pretty interesting i think anyhow andy sprays some perfume around both him and rosie which presumably is the mother's which ends up calming down rosie for a moment and he then sees the guy that made him crash begins yelling at him but realizes actually he's infected a kid then runs out and cuts his hands saying to leave him alone which draws the infected away by the way the kid was telling andy to leave the infected alone continuing through the bush andy eventually happens upon a compound of sorts heading inside he finds a lone woman etta just being a total creepazoid in the dark she starts talking to him about how she used to be a teacher while she patches up his arm she tells him that everyone is gone almost like they sensed this was coming she tells him there's an extra bed if he wants it later that night he sees people in the distance burning the infected and a woman screaming for the boy well he doesn't see her screaming for him but the boy sees her screaming for him the infected is actually the boy's father who he has been protecting that night as andy goes to the bathroom he ends up having the seizure his wife had earlier however it's not fatal and the next morning he wakes up and sees that he has about 32 hours left and i told him that there is a family of people around that might be able to take rosian since she has cancer and she's clocking out soon as well so both of them basically cannot take care of rosie as he moves along to figure out where he can dump the kid he ends up finding a few old buildings in the middle of nowhere he decides to stop and then finds that a few soldiers have their heads in the ground to which later he ends up finding a truck and goes to check it as a man and a hole snipes one of the soldiers from earlier before it can get to andy but with the shot the infected heard it for miles so now they're all inbound a gas tank has landed on the leg of the man in the hole and has pinned him he throws andy the keys to his truck saying not to screw him over to which andy is a pretty cool dude so he helps the man out and they both take off before they become meat pies so the man's name is vic all three of them head back to his compound which a single woman is waiting for them although she doesn't look too thrilled to be there or receiving gifts from vic i mean that's probably a good sign right definitely not an abduction scenario anyways she makes some tea and discusses that the compound is fueled and actually pretty safe lorraine goes on to tell andy that he's the first people that they have seen in weeks she has assumed probably everybody else has gone by now vic suggests that the kids stay with them lorraine has a room upstairs so she can raise the baby and everything i mean what a great adoptive family and then vic and andy go out and then andy is taught how to actually use a force multiplier and surprise surprise he's a lousy shot whereas vic is an excellent sniper as i go to check on what the infected were after andy sees a boy in the cage which is definitely violating a ton of human rights and he brings up how this probably isn't you know the right thing to do but vic brings up andy's kid to which that basically shuts him up as lorraine plays with the baby she finds that there actually is some infected goo on her which alarmed her a little bit and once again back out with vic he has people in cages to attract the infected as he then returns back to his cage to kiss a woman who clearly not into it classic vic you can kind of tell this guy is uh maybe a little bit of a tool later that night andy starts getting the tremors again from his progressing infection he kisses rosie which might not have been a good idea since this thing is quite literally transferred by saliva and then goes out to a concrete tube to play a game of spike brain however he can't really bring himself to do it which i mean i get that seems massively unpleasant luckily lorraine goes out there to stop him we get some backstory on why she's so distant from vic and he mentions that her husband wouldn't like her being out here to which she says that vic isn't her husband the dude locked in her husband with the infected when the outbreak happened but she had no choice but to shack up with them for safety lorraine says that she needs to get out of here and she can protect rosie better than if she stays here andy relints and then says that there are people close by but does not know if they can make it in time so now player 3 has entered the game and here comes vic he mentions how he thinks andy is trying to steal his girl to which he then smacks him in the face with the force multiplier and knocks him out awakening several hours later he finds that he's chained up in a cage used to attract the infected he strikes a deal with the kid in the cage to which then the kid helps him get out and he then ties some meat to a strap near him which then allows the infected to open the cage but like i just gotta say the cage really doesn't seem that heavy if you can just maybe lift with your legs well luckily they're able to escape raiding vic's compound now they wake up lorraine who apparently was knocked out as well or at least punched in the face while vic sleeps they grab his truck keys and then head out now andy you had a force multiplier you need to stop playing fair and just dome some people as they leave though vic comes out and takes a pot shot but then nails lorraine in the chest and that's why just take people out in the apocalypse i mean if they're if they show that they're bad just go ahead and do it i mean what are the cops gonna do anyways and he follows the kid to his hiding spot as vic gives chase he yells the usual threats about the kid you know like a proper jackass until eventually vic just kind of gives up and goes home later that night which seems to happen only at night likely indicating this disease has a degree of hormone interaction andy's disease is progressing as he's licking blood off the walls of their hiding spot but dawn of the final day he's good for another jaunt down the road as the kid goes to check on his infected father he finds that he's already been found by the other group that he was trying to hide them from and taken out and placed in the trees this kid uh he then kind of grabs a rock and hits himself i mean it stated later as to why he does this but it still kind of seems like a bad plan i mean the infected are attracted to the sin of blood but the reason he says he did it is because it's like if your head heals maybe the pain in your heart will heal at the same time i mean again the infected are attracted to the scent of blood like okay so now we have a moment considering andy is almost warm food and he's trying to stay pretty calm about all this and his inevitable end as he walks he sees that he has about nine hours left and then falls to the ground to begin digging a hole by natural compulsion because he has stopped moving the baby starts crying which brings the kid back to hold rosie so that she doesn't get eaten the two now take off in a boat and actually end up passing the houseboat they were on earlier basically one massive circle they go back to the same area where the family was actually having the party earlier and find the place abandoned as they head outside and he then runs into the dad who's been bitten in the neck he mentions how he said he wouldn't leave his family as he continues digging all their graves so i stopped to ask everyone in this movie is like super calm about meeting their end like it's not even that big of a deal i mean the dad is literally digging graves and the mom is like oh honey that's great you're digging holes but what for or does she know i mean at least give survival the old college try right anyways the man says that the caravan is andy's if he wants it as annie walks away three shots ring out and the dude sort of like chases andy for some reason before doming himself i'm not sure if he was like changing and that was his last little bit control or what the deal was but again everyone is super calm about heading into the void at this point i don't know if i've said it yet but the kid's name is tumi anyhow as andy contemplates doing the same thing the other man just did with rosie to me says that he's ready to go back to his people and that andy and rosie should come seeing that there's a chance for survival for rosie he agrees to go with him he mentions how they need to cross the bridge and that they're close crossing the bridge they find a ton of infected eating probably a kangaroo that's the largest animal over there i imagine but entering the tunnel they find infected with their heads against the wall and at the end of the tunnel they find vic standing there like a complete weirdo toomey then goes to get into the truck to steal it and andy stands with the other infected to blend in as it goes and starts beating in heads he turns around and then hits vic in the chest with a shot vic heads back to the truck and rips toomey out of the cab and knocks him out for a minute and then vic gets a hold of the baby andy begins negotiating with him saying that he's already done and he shouldn't hurt the kid and eventually vic relents knowing that the news is out and the jig is up so it really doesn't matter they then leave vic to his fate to bleed out in the tunnel andy is now also running out of time as he walks along he begins to experience the changes and blood loss from the gut shot which appears to have accelerated the infection he begins walking as if he's really feeling it mr krabs and starts dripping the goo from his face before spotting a mutilated animal coming back to his senses he grabs some of the meat to use for later we now see that the group is basically doing the same thing as vic and taking out the infected andy then wraps some meat around a stick and then what's supposed to be a touching moment but actually is pretty gross if you think about it grabs toomey's hair and then he starts to change he begins digging into the ground to bury his head like the others while his eyes are crusted over also gross he puts in a mouth guard so that he can't bite anybody and then succumbs to the virus however toomey and rosie pac-mail them through the area using the carrot on a stick method and this would imply that the sense of smell is actually quite potent the group then stops zombandi and grabs toomey and rosie toomey then sprays the perfume in the air which appears to remind zombandi of his past for a moment or at least some form of memory the elder then spears him through the head taking him out of the nightmare that is this infection on top of a large plateau the group then heads home with toomey and rosie as they appear to be a safe area as there's one entrance and one exit which is why a raiding party and defense party is sent out there all the time and would be quite important and then we now see that andy is also in the trees where he will remain so the first thing we should discuss concerning the cargo virus is what virus is it well it's ravies thanks for watching but apart from all the people that i've lost now there is in fact a virus out there that's not rabies thank god that would essentially cause most of what we have seen within the bodies of the infected with some slight variations from the real world but i believe it lines up almost perfectly with a virus that we actually have on this planet right now but before divulging what exactly that is because hey we all need watch time let's first learn about some virology and also pathophysiology and discuss what we have seen in the bodies of those infected which will give us clues as to what this infection is the first and most obvious change of the human form is how the body's blood begins congealing someone it appears to enter the blood of a person first and begin affecting a specific aspect of this blood and this is known as the blood plasma blood plasma is what acts as the medium in which all hormone cells salt and proteins as well as pretty much everything that's like contained within the blood itself flows in this liquid is actually straw-like in color and should become dehydrated it will actually become darker in coloring and more viscous jumping back over the people who are in the later stages of infection we see quite clearly that they are leaving this material on faces and in random areas eventually this material becomes so viscous that it approaches a brown-like amber coloring and can be completely sealing the eyes and mouth of a person as it leaks out from the mucous membranes to the exterior of the body this is achieved by small blood vessels which are very clearly leaking this substance as the infection takes deeper hold early in the infection however we see with the wound on kaye's leg that despite her being up and walking around it's still quite functional the material begins leaking out from around her wound and this indicates that the blood internally has been compromised which can lead to a whole host of other issues but how is this achieved well it's clear once the virus enters the body for it to actually release plasma from blood vessels the vessels themselves must be damaged this would mean that likely within the body the virus is infecting macrophages and you're probably like well what does that have to do with leaking well once infected with this type of virus inflammatory signals are sent out as well as nitric oxide which can cause the lining of blood vessels to become weak letting fluid out and this coupled with likely the blood clots circulating in the system would also deprive oxygen to critical areas like your brain as the blood becomes more and more corrupted over the next 48 hours this is why we may begin to see issues arising at night when a person is in a calmer state when andy is walking all day despite being infected blood is circulating and keeping oxygen perfusion up but when the body is winding down for the night and hormones are being sent out to sleep it enters a state where the body is starting to become more relaxed which is a critical issue with this virus as even on the first night it can be seen inducing seizures and tremors until ultimately other symptoms begin to arise 48 hours later which speaking of the nervous system that's our next clue as to what's happening here it's clear that as this virus begins to take hold the body the nervous system is heavily affected and this is working in conjunction with the blood corruption during the initial infection period the virus would be circulating and replicating within the body causing a whole host of problems but one of the major ones being it would be a complete imbalance of electrolytes and hydration considering that the plasma is darker in coloring this does kind of hint that the body is struggling to maintain this balance and this can have some pretty profound impacts on the body and how the nervous system fires but another one would be oxygen saturation levels within the blood itself i mean think about it more viscous blood less oxygens moving around the body it's clear though with the seizures and how the person is neurologically affected at night which induce the tremors that oxygen levels would be low in the brain and this likely would begin to have some effects on mental status as well as how to work out problems making logical thought more uncommon the longer you go with this infection it's likely that the first night after infection your mental ability to work out problems will become severely hindered by the second night your logical thought has taken a massive hit which may explain why the man at the birthday party was really not in his right frame of mind so maybe we shouldn't be so hard on any then but essentially what happens is as oxygen levels are below what the brain requires and considering the brain requires 30 of the oxygen you take in pieces of it would begin to die off now slowly at first would be the case but as the virus continues to overwhelm the body and cause leaky blood vessels and affected blood is not doing so well likely the cerebrum would be the first areas to start losing communication and this is ultimately what is causing the seizures each time this happens it's basically a piece of the brain just straight piecing out the tremors can also be explained along the same lines as well as likely the cerebellum of the brain is experiencing the same issues but interestingly possibly the core of the brain is the last to go which we will talk about a little later on but back to the oxygen deprivation it's likely it really wouldn't be large swaths of areas but small patches here and there as the person is still capable of thinking for about two days that they are infected until what is essentially the big one happens the tremors exist because of these areas meeting their end much like it really happens when a stroke happens on top of this the electrolyte imbalance within the blood would not be providing proper fuel for the muscles which can cause shaking and loss of motor control another thing to note about this is our old pal encephalitis accompanied with probably meningitis because of the leaky blood vessels this means that the inflammation process would presumably swell the meninges that actually surround the brain and this would absolutely put pressure on the brain in the areas such as the cerebrum and cerebellum which would cause further damage this is likely the reason the virus only takes 48 hours to pretty much drop you encephalitis would also cause swelling within the brain itself to meet the meninges which again produces issues such as cranial nerve abnormalities in some cases which i don't believe happen to andy based on his ability to move you can actually quite literally herniate your brain stem out of your skull so try to avoid that in life if you can but the idea is that the brain is swelling and this is supported by his breathing when he's experiencing issues at night the brain stem is responsible for automatic breathing patterns which unfortunately now that i've said that we are all manually breathing but that'll go away in a little bit but with the swelling taking place in different areas such as the brain stem this would cause false signals to be sent increasing the breathing rate of andy because it doesn't really know how much oxygen is in the blood as the chemoreceptors are probably failing and this is causing him to almost hyperventilate it also should be noted that the virus does not just indirectly affect the nervous system but may also be preferring these immune privileged sites another clue as to what this virus is is unsurprisingly the head burying in the way the eyes look when you get a good look at the infected they almost appear blind don't they well that's not actually blindness in a conventional sense as they can still see but it's incredibly hazy and blurry like they can definitely still sense light this is known as uveitis this is when symptoms can develop quite suddenly without warning concerning the inflammation of the uvea which is between the sclera and the retina it is located right in the center of the eye but what's most interesting is due to the rapid onset of this infection light sensitivity goes through the roof the eyes will become quite painful as well and red and with any light reaching them it would feel excruciating this couple with what's going on in the brain case at the moment would be incredibly painful for any person who's infected so you find yourself infected you're located in southern australia during what appears to be their summer and your eyes are burning in your skull and your brain feels like it's probably about to explode from the inside oh and you're operating on pure animalistic instinct what do you do if you said dig a hole and bury your head well then you are correct this is exactly why the infected are seeking out either tunnels or digging because of the pain being caused by the seeing of light during the day and finally the last clue as to what this virus is that i want to discuss is how it's transmitted now it's clear that those who catch the virus had to be bitten or were exposed to bodily fluids at some point in time when andy gets infected or really anyone who's infected and then get got they had a bite wound so saliva is the vector by which it seems to go through but in this movie i would say that there are plenty of ways to get through the body it does not appear to be able to enter through intact skin but much like any other virus it may be able to actually go through say like the mucosa membranes of the eyes nose or mouth which tells us several things the first being that when andy kissed his daughter he probably sealed her fate straight up because there's no way that didn't transfer by saliva and he's showing symptoms which means that he's definitely contagious but let's say she got lucky and didn't have it basically enter a mucosa membrane or the congealed plasma on her shirt didn't get touched by her own hands and placed her mouth or when she's quite literally chewing on the freaking watch that i'm not sure if it's clean or not but bro that 100 percent is an infection right there like all of the like the kid is definitely infected i mean she's not infected according to the movie but in reality she'd be definitely infected but that's the only thing i saw that didn't make sense yes it can be transferred by saliva but bodily fluids appear to be highly infected as well so with all this shown you've probably already gathered what it is by now but i believe this to be a form of ebola spreading across the country and continent of australia as all the clues line up in some way or another with a few missing issues that might hint at it being sort of a new strain of ebola not yet discovered and understood the leaking of bodily fluids in the eyes is very common with ebola conjunctivitis accruing around the eyes is a well-known issue as blood vessels are leaking causing blood to become dehydrated quickly the nervous system is a prime target for ebola to flourish which then leads to a ton of issues like swelling and then problems such as seizures and tremors forming also the fact that the virus can sidestep the immune system would make it successful in taking down anyone who becomes infected which let's go into that now that we know that likely ebola is infecting the people so why were they not able to get a handle on it and how did this result in the infected that we have seen because likely these aren't really zombies in the traditional sense so when you contract ebola from somebody else's bodily fluids the virus will enter your system through any broken cuts skin abrasions mucous membranes or ingestion once it's in there it will then move out into your bloodstream and be circulated all over your body the issue is once your body responds it's not very effective in a lot of ways the macrophages will arrive to eat the virus but upon doing so they will become infected with the virus this can cause the macrophages to release inflammatory signaling to the surrounding tissue as well as nitric oxide as mentioned earlier and then damage the small blood vessels causing leaking but also this will cause the blood to begin clotting which can cause strokes in the brain as well as block off organs from receiving enough oxygen to survive which can then send you into multi-organ dysfunction syndrome or mods which from here your fate is virtually sealed so you're probably asking well what about the adaptive immune system with its antibodies well you know this virus is just a complete virgin on that end as well it will still infect a specific immune cell known as the dendritic cell the dendritic cell's job is to go to your t and b cells and activate them so that they can go out and begin destroying the virus laden cells specifically with the t cell and with the b cells they present a piece of the vanquished invader until it finds a b cell who recognizes it by complete chance to which then the b cell replicates releases a ton of antibodies and immobilizes the virus before it can get out of control to which your macrophages go in and then destroy it however once ebola has entered the dendritic cell it stops the cell from properly displaying the information about ebola because of this an effective immune response from the adaptive is never formed and the body is ransacked and ultimately destroyed at least concerning the devil we know the devil we don't know is the virus in this movie but with all the context clues pointing to it being ebola we can see how this has affected the infected it's clear that the person has their immune system sidestepped quite easily much like ebola does normally it's also clear that the cargo virus has had a quick incubation time only taking about 48 hours for it to cause enough damage to the body to take out the most precious cargo you have your brain but it does not completely destroy the brain but critical areas associated with higher thought like the frontal lobe are seemingly decimated other areas are very likely also destroyed but in some areas of the brain they appear to not be untouched but still functional the lower portions of the brain the more baser areas that make us us appear to still work one area of particular interest to me based on what we have seen is the olfactory bulb this area is responsible for a sense of smell and when infected it appears to be working just as fine as they can smell blood quite well which is also interesting and you can actually see it functioning in the movie because the sense of smell is actually very closely for some reason linked to memories you cannot remember something for years but if you smell a certain perfume or i don't know a garbage can reminds you of when you were a freshman you got canned or something it can actually bring back those memories stronger than any visual stimulus so when the perfume gets sprayed and even in andy's infected state he stops because he's still able to recall a memory based on that scent but these senses may actually get better because he's also partially blinded by the uveitis other areas had to make up for the lack of sense which we have seen in people who lack certain senses in real life now usually this takes time to develop but again this is a movie so with sight gone or at least greatly hindered as we have seen with andy as he begins to succumb with his tunnel vision the sense of smell would work better as well as hearing which has been displayed with the infected as when the meat is hung or blood is spilled or music is played they will arrive in droves to investigate what's going on and eat which you may be wondering why do they switch teams if they aren't zombies but just infected well as mentioned in a few videos before but for all new people you are absolutely capable of cannibalism if you get hungry enough you will quite literally eat anything as it all has to do with the hypothalamus in certain areas if you tweak it just right with an activation of particular nerve cells hunger increases but with others if the activity decreases this will allow you to literally eat anything you wouldn't normally eat this coupled with the destruction of the frontal lobe in other areas of the cerebrum means that smelling blood and meat means food the brain no longer cares what the food is made out of just that it's edible not to mention if there were any part of you left the fact that you were mostly unable to distinguish shapes and bodies means that there would really be no activation of other areas to stop you from chowing down on friends and family this is essentially why the infected were able to overcome the citizens and governments so quickly which is also why people were given kits to take themselves out if they were infected rather than seek help we have seen the infected eat anything like it didn't matter for instance the kangaroo earlier as i figure something of that size has to be a kangaroo out there does australia have bears i mean koala bears are marsupials and bears are mammals but as it turns out australia does not have bears it only has fosters it's like beers anyways so definitely it was a kangaroo so they will eat anything that moves or makes noise meaning that they don't have a preference and are really just operating on baser instinct and that they need to eat they were able to overcome your typical quarantine measures because of the incubation period and the natural abilities of ebola right now ebola takes out roughly 40 to 90 percent of any creature that it infects or population essentially at least concerning the zayer species with humans it has a mortality rate of about 60 percent which is incredibly high present company included is about 2 percent now usually people can be contained and as the virus progresses they become weaker overall however with this new mutated form possibly targeting specifically the homo sapiens race it destroys the brain but still uses the host as an excellent vector to continue spreading to other hosts ensuring that its own species is successful which is exactly what viruses love to do the mysterious virus and cargo i believe is a form of ebola specifically attuned to the human system which viruses have been known to do as they infect and interact with a specific species they get better at infecting that species again present virus included this particular ebola strain does not outright completely send a host into mods but because of the effect it has on the nervous system and the ability of the normal variant of ebola to exist in these immune privileged spaces already potentially ebola has evolved a way to interact with either destroying tissue or just let the inflammation process destroy the neurological tissue the normal pathophysiology presents in several ways concerning the cargo virus when compared to the ebola virus except for the addition of expelling bodily fluids at a rapid rate that has caused possibly somewhat of a balance to be maintained in the body allowing people who still shamble around to consume anything that moves as higher thought has been taken and instead they are left with more primitive drives all this means that they are not some like super survivable infected they are in south australia and if there's one thing i know about australia it's that it gets really freaking hot down there during the summer which is our winner up here but i would say more than anything if andy kate and rosie had just stayed on the boat for a little while longer the infected would have dropped by natural exposure as their bodies were taxed beyond what they were capable of surviving all while the burden of sustaining this massive infection
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 745,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cargo Movie, Cargo 2017, how to beat cargo, how to survive cargo, the fracking virus cargo, cargo explained, cargo explored, cargo fracking virus explored, cargo fracking virus scene, Roanoke gaming, Foundflix, Dead meat, how to beat, how to survive, Cargo virus origins, cargo virus scene, cargo virus explained, Cargo movie zombies, cargo movie review, cargo zombies movie, Cargo fracking virus, Nerd explains, Cargo movie, cargo zombie virus
Id: oAlD34JmFOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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