Why the Media NEEDED Joker to Fail
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Upper Echelon Gamers
Views: 2,003,098
Rating: 4.9051566 out of 5
Keywords: Joker, Joker movie, the joker, joker review, heath ledger, joaquin phoenix, joker origin, joker 2019, joker discussion, joker plot, joker awards, joker and batman, DC comics, DC universe, upper echelon gamers, media articles, joker articles, joker media, jorunalists, modern media, modern society, joker commentary, society commentary, mental health, elitism, gotham city, batman origin, batman villains, joker villain, todd phillips
Id: Kp1pUImNaz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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Very good video analysis. The media just don't like it when any of their perceived flaws are put out into the open like that. The movie's themes and topics in regards to mental health neglect, the impact of a rotten society and just general all-around mean-spirited mockery of others for popularity can lead to others showing their dark side is being ignored in favor of more generalities like "incel violence" and whatnot because it takes attention away from what the movie is actually about.
And it's sad...
I mean, just one example, but I've seen hundreds/thousands of commenters talking about how they didn't even know PBA existed as a real-life neurological condition until after they saw the movie. And that's wonderful that the movie has shed some light on a very real, but unknown condition people suffer from. But good luck finding more than maybe a couple dozen of articles talking about it - there's a thousand times more articles warning people about how immensely violent Joker is.
Interesting but it seems like this guy has an axe to grind against the media. The media aren't threatened by Joker or in any way interested in whether or not it "fails". They're simply interested in clicks. Sensationalism tied to a popular movie is an easy way to get clicks. I'd much rather have a press that's free to sensationalize than a press that's heavily regulated. It's definitely the lesser of two weivels.