Why the Bone-In Tomahawk Is the Best Cut of Steak — Prime Time

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- Did they tell you that when you apply here, like you're gonna have a front row seat to awkward first dates when your cooking? - Yeah, break ups. All sorts of good... - Oh no. - Fucking breakups? - We have a little thing in the back where so many days since a break up. - Are you serious? - It's always zero. - What? - If there were a steak draft, what would be your number one overall draft pick for best steak? - The rib eye. - Yes. Ding. That's why we are here in Williamsburg at... - [Ben] St. Anselm... - [Brent] To try a bone in rib eye. - A lot of classic New York steak houses serve kind of the same thing across the board. These guys serve a lot of different stuff. Really care about where they get their meat and it shows. We're here to try it. - Let's do it. - This is a piedmontese Tomahawk rib eye. - What makes a Tomahawk a Tomahawk here? - We have the bone, which I think traditionally is like more than, I wanna say five or six inches. Is what they consider. These one's we don't french, so it still has a little bit of the short rib and just like a little bit of meat to gnaw on. - How many of these do you cook a night? - Weekends, we'll cook usually 16, 20 of them. The smallest we've ever had is like 20 some ounces. Largest I think was a hundred ounces. So they really... - A hundred ounces? - Yes. - A hundred ounces. - My God! - So they really... - Did you sell that one? - [Katrina] Yeah. - [Sarah] The racks of rib eyes, there are typically seven steaks. - [Katrina] Do you guys wanna pick your favorite? - [Brent] Which on do you guys like? You guys are the experts here just as much as us. - [Katrina] Yeah, I think this one. - [Sarah] Yeah, I think that's my steak. - [Katrina] Yeah, you gotta little bit of meat there still. - This is like one of our games that we play is... - Guess. - Guess how much it weighs. - So let's wager now. - Yeah, I got money in my pocket. It's a little bit loose. Let's do this. - Do we need to get a real scale, so that we're ah... - Yep. - Yep, let's do it. - I'll go get the scale. - Each member of each team gets to pick up the steak. Confir amongst your teammates. We'll write it on the paper. Whoever loses is going across the street for a six pack. - That's exactly right. - [Brent] Oh my God! - Do we see? What do we... Oh man. We all suck. - 40. - You gotta have a tie breaker steak. - [Brent] Okay, tie breaker steak. We'll guess another one. - Let's do the big one. - Here we go. I think it's a winner. - [Brent] 64. - 62, damn it! - Yes! - Alright, so we owe you guys a six pack. You guys can choose the beer. I'm sure you know the beer selection across the street. - [Katrina] Yep. - Very, very well at this point. Now that you've shown us up as far as knowing what weights of steaks are... - By doing our job. - You can show us up on how to cook a steak. - Alright. Lots of seasoning pushed into the steak. So much of it's gonna fall off. - [Brent] Yeah. - [Katrina] On the grill. - [Brent] So pretty much if salt and pepper can stick to the surface, you want it there. - [Katrina] Yeah. - You guys have cooked more steaks than anyone else, what's the 101? - Turn it often. You know, you don't want it to sit. I like to get a good even char so it's not about like cross hatching and like any of that. With the fish or anything we do. The next move on this rib eye that I'm gonna make is just to scoot it over a little bit, so hopefully the grill gets like between where the marks are now. We'll start it like good and hot, and get a good char going. Then if you need to, if it has a fat cap, move it over to render the fat. - You're just vastly different from the landscape. You're not one of these 200 year old New York (bleep) iconic steakhouses. You're like and a really amazing, transparent about where your meat comes from, neighborhood steak house. - [Katrina] A lot of times you just have to decide like, I don't give a (bleep) about that. This is how we're doing it. This is how it's made. - [Brent] Wooooooow. - [Ben] God that looks perfect. - No barbecue sauce with your steak. Just gets some butter. Let that melt on there. - And that's it. - That's it. - [Ben] Love it. - As it should be. So, you guys aren't just gonna abandon us? - No, we're gonna help. - You're gonna eat some of this too, right? - What kind of six pack do you guys want? - [Katrina] Closest to water is great. - I got you. This sucks. - [Katrina] Yeah. - Living up to my promise. - Thank you. - Can we please serve you guys? - Yes. - You did all the work. This is the crucial move? - This is the sop right here. You gotta butter it up. - You got this like big, beautiful steak. Does anyone ever get upset that their getting this like big, beautiful bone? - You know I feel like the people that order it know what they're getting into, but there are people that won't order it. You know usually like, why would I pay for that bone on that steak, yeah? - I've met a few of those. - But most everybody's pretty excited about it. - [Sarah] And they know upfront that it's... - It's a Tomahawk. It's part of the name. - That's the point. - Yeah. - Yeah, cause you get this thing to gnaw on. You get some of the short rib. You get that short rib fat. Like that's part of what makes it so great. - This is your whole steak with the bone that it came on. - This really is the best part. The bone is amazing. Rib eye is like the king of the American barbecue. The American steakhouse. I feel like some people would probably argue porterhouse. I would tell those people they're wrong. Thank you so much. - This is fantastic. - It really was. - Yeah. For more of this, click here.
Channel: Eater
Views: 2,241,307
Rating: 4.7795653 out of 5
Keywords: tomahawk, best steak, best cut of steak, tomahawk steak, ribeye, steak, bone-in ribeye, bone-in steak, cut of steak, best steak cut, best cuts, prime time, how to cook a steak, the meat show, steak show, eater, eater.com, food, restaurant, dining, dish, foodie, chef, food porn, best ribeye, cut a steak
Id: pTbOD34Mq9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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