Why Starkiller's Sith Transformation is WAY Worse Than You Realize - Star Wars Explained

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greetings students of the force and acolytes of the Galaxy and welcome back we've been expecting you the sithar known by the Galaxy throughout the history of not only being atrocious warmongers but using horrendous methods in their pursuit of Galactic domination and ultimate victory over their ideological enemies the Jedi many Sith Sorcerers and Alchemists of old would create various monstrosities in attempts to gain a leg over their lights side adversaries this included mutating living creatures to create monsters such as the rentch and the Leviathan other times it might include using a deadly virus such as the technov virus to turn organic beings into cybernetic slaves and war machines well today we will be discussing one of the most horrendous Sith experiments that may rise above the rest the Sith stalkers unlike the previously mentioned creatures Sith made stalkers from their own kind these Horrors would terrorize the battlefields of the Old Republic striking fear into Jedi and they have been known to even upset a few Sith so what is a Sith stalker well students of the force sit back as we open up yet another Sith holocron as today we will tell you about the Sith stalkers and how Star Killer almost became one one image of the Sith stalker and you'll recognize the armor almost immediately it is one of star Killer's most famous looks but also the helmet design takes influence from the Mandalorian as well as the ubis Warriors so let's take you through the process of how one of these would be made and constructed we start by watching Sith Lords pursuing the aftermath of a large battle bodies are strewn everywhere but through the force they can still sense something that something is suffering not just any suffering but a great deal of pain as one of their own is attempting to use the dark side to keep themselves alive holding on to it fighting through their grave injuries a small search later and they might come across an acolyte or perhaps an apprentice that has survived the battle but is laying on the ground heavily damaged from it disfigured from Beyond aair he could be missing entire chunks of his body and barely even alive but alive nonetheless and the Sith usually adhere to the philosophy of waste not want not so they retrieved the poor wounded Soul off of the Battleground hauling him back to their laboratory however what awaits this young Sith will make him wish that he had just been left there to die on the field of battle strapping him onto a table the process would begin as machines would Fallen around him mechanical arms and needles would start to remove any excess flesh which was in a sense all of it they would then start fusing the stalker armor directly onto the exposed body many organs would also be removed and replaced with cybernetics removing the requirement or ability to eat or sleep long sharp talons would be surgically implanted into their fingers to give them a more terrifying appearance and finally the most important part the helmet would be grafted directly onto their faces they would be alive and awake for the the entire process feeling every single bit of it the unbearable pain they would go through is actually on purpose as their masters want them to grow deeper and stronger within the dark side as the stalker is not born it is created after the horrific process is complete the Sith stalker would be much stronger than before they would be physically Stronger Faster more agile and very powerful in the force their gloves and Talons would be built in a way that would allow them to continue to use Force lightning without it backfiring this entire process reminds me of Darth Vader's transformation perhaps cidus used the information about the Sith stalker creation to make Vader well unlike Vader the stalkers did not require an automatic breathing system and could breathe on their own which came out as ragged and weezing breaths through their face plates the Sith stalkers would now be a part of their own private sect of the Sith Army their masters and Lords would dispatch them to take care of Jedi targets or even kill off their Sith of whom the Masters perceived as rivals the Sith assassins of the imaran academy had nothing on the absolute weapons of war that were the Sith stalkers their terrifying appearance help strike fear into their Jedi targets which as you know is a powerful tool to employ against a lights side wielder keeping them too distracted will impede their ability to touch the force and terrifying the Sith stalkers truly were from their appearance to their movements as well as a stalker's tendency to collect lightsabers as trophies they were truly masters of the art of killing Jedi and Sith Rivals the Sith stalkers and how they act not only remind me of Vader but also General Grievous in a way by how they are cyborgs and collect lightsabers as prizes I'm beginning to think that perhaps cyas had this knowledge on hand and was a big fan of the Sith stalker process wanting to use it on a non-force sensitive before maybe using it on one of his apprentices in the future in the end though likely deeming Anakin Darth Vader too great of a prize to fully transform into a Sith stalker speaking of which the stalker armor is only seen in the Force Unleashed as Galen Merrick is plagued by visions of fighting an evil version of himself that wore this armor however it did exist in the ancient days of the Sith later galin learns that if he is successful and kills his master in Darth Vader then ciis would take him and transform him into a stalker of his own many believe that the Sith stalker version of Galen Merck is perhaps the most powerful iteration of the character showcased by his ability to conquer and defeat the son of the chosen one Luke Skywalker ultimate tool of the Sith nothing like a full-blown Apprentice with their mental state being far too deteriorated still though it is appropriate of the dark side and the ancient Sith that they did not let their near-dead apprentices go to waste and had a terrifying plan for those that survived the battlefield it's also interesting of course that Darth cidus took huge inspiration from this process on General Grievous Lord Vader and in Legends continuity even attempted to do so and was successful with Star Killer himself in my opinion this is one of the darkest and most sadistic aspects of all of Star Wars lore and showcases the true brutality of the Sith the way of power and the way of suffering with this in itself being an aspect of the Sith in Star Wars Lord that I would love to see highlighted in some media one day but anyway my friends students of the force and acolytes did you know what a Sith stalker was before this video were you aware that this is the ultimate fate of another alternate version of Galen mer and Star Killer what are your thoughts on the story of the Sith stalkers outside of the Force Unleashed there isn't a whole lot of information about these strange Warriors again though they do exist but if you like what you saw and want to see more videos like this in the Deep Sith lore be sure to force Crush that subscribe button and comment down below what other topics you'd like to see on the channel until next time my friends be careful and May the force be with you [Music]
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 171,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sith, Ancient Sith, Startkiller, Galejn Marek, Sith Stalker Explained, Jedi, Darth Vader, Darth Vader vs Starkiller
Id: co0p0OzzmNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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