Why Darth Plagueis' Master Was the Most ANNOYING Sith of All Time - Star Wars Explained

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who was the absolutely horrific dark lord of the Sith that taught Darth pleus why was he possibly one of the most evil Sith Lords that had ever lived and why was his death so terrifying and horrific that it turned out to be one of the most grotesque and unsettling moments in all of the Star Wars Mythos Lord pagus was one of the most prominent members of the rule of two coming in behind that of course of Bane and cidus pleus was one of the few Sith Lords that actually got his own novel and expanded Works pleus would make him self quite famous or perhaps Infamous due to his very contrarian views on the force and the Sith order but more than this pleus being the Sith who actually discovered how to cheat death but every Great and Powerful Dark Lord starts somewhere and where pleus began was with his own Master a master named Darth tenias we only ever directly encounter pl's master in the very first chapter of his novel everything we learn about him is told in retrospect and from other sources but like all Sith we have found tenebrous to be quite unique in both his approach to the dark side as well as his grand plan which was different from plases a plan to completely decimate the Jedi but beyond this his fate left us absolutely speechless so my friends let's discuss the life and character behind Darth pleus the wise as we examine the Deeds of tenebrous the cruel the being that would become Darth tenebrous originally went by the name of rugus gnome before he was given his Sith Name by his Master we don't know much about his life prior to Sith hood or even who trained tenis other than it was a male twac of an unknown name but what we do know is about the grand plan that tenius and his master concocted together it would be around this generation of the rule of two when the Sith were beginning to sense the completion of the grand plan and in the coming generation or perhaps even this generation the Sith would again gain control of the Galaxy this was a very pivotal moment for the rule of two as they had spent centuries gaining power but they now had to decide how to wield that power how to interweave all the spies and Connections in the Republic in order to topple it completely something that later pleus and his master would find in common was that they both had an aptitude for science at this point in history the Sith had comfortably began integrating their normal daily lives into their pursuit of the dark side and its knowledge this was yet another way how the Sith had evolved past the Jedi no more were they religious zealots trying to fight a war of strength of numbers or combat ability alone rather tener's generation of Sith had embraced the fact that while they were indeed still Sith they had become very powerful members of society as well in the future cyas would use the dark side in tandem with his political stance to topple the Jedi for good and as a banker pleus would start financing certain political bills in the Trade Federation this ultimately would result in a spark that would conclude in the Clone Wars but with tenebris and his master they believe that somewhere within their grand Laboratories was the key to the Jedi undoing tener's plan was to concoct a virus that they could unleash on the Jedi Order the idea behind the virus was that it would infect the order and cause a pandemic only among force sensitives with the result either concluding in death or the pathogens severing the Jedi from the force to me this seems like a drastic and a terrifying Prospect the idea of a force-based bioweapon is horrendous especially one that threatens to sever anyone from the force entirely luckily for the Jedi though though the experiment was ultimately a failure and was never seen to completion it would be sometime after this or perhaps because of this the tenis no longer saw his master as useful and therefore removed him after taking the mantle of the dark lord for himself tenebris began manufacturing machines and weapons of Terror believing that one day technology would simply render the force obsolete he believed that he could grow so powerful that he would no longer need the force At All by strength of military might and super weapons tenebris would take the Galaxy by storm the force would finally be surpassed how arrogant of him tenis in fact became fascinated with the prospect of growing beyond the need for the force unlike nearly all the Sith that came before him tenius refused to believe that the force was some sort of all-encompassing all powerful entity he didn't particularly like the idea of the force as it was written by The Sith and Jedi alike his logical mind refuted the idea of something so mystical and Out Of Reach that he could never fully control it as time went on tenius decided to use the force as a useful energy source to be used to fuel his experiments an ideology that we have seen pass down to Darth pleus the two of them being some of the most arrogant Sith in the entire timeline reading the passages in pesus chapter in the book of the Sith will explain how he truly viewed the force which we can apply to tenebrous and how he viewed it as well they didn't truly believe in the will or the mysticism of the force at all with pleus not believing in Sith Spirits because of this they did grow powerful but this arrogance ultimately stopped them short of what they truly could have become I believe that the dark side decided to keep certain secrets from tenebrous and pleus because they did not respect it entirely unlike cyas who would come later who gave massive respect to the dark arts when pagus visited Corban all of the Sith Spirits refused to commune with him because they believed he was a heretic Unworthy of even their presence a surprising Revelation that had it not been cious to get the Sith back on track the Sith very much were falling away from who they were meant to be but back to tenius and his personal life Darth tenris would continue his Persona as rugus gnome and be a lead engineer designer of some of the best and most luxurious starships that the Galaxy had ever seen scen this made him extremely wealthy and put him in the place to become great friends with the head of The Intergalactic banking Clan an individual by the name of car damask tenous sensed that Carr had a good amount of force potential and medoran within him but just falling short of what tenebrous was looking for tenebrous though also knew of another Moon a female who too was reasonably gifted in the aptitude of the force Desiring for the two of them to create a powerful force sensitive Offspring ten manipulated the moons into having an affair which resulted in the spawning of one higo damask later on in the young boy's childhood tenous convinced Carr to let him take the boy on as a Protegé but in truth this was the training of what would one day result in Darth pleus at first tenebris trained pleus quite classically to the point where his aptitude with the force as well as his skill with the light saber was quite impressive and Beyond any Jedi Knight of the time although both master and Apprentice regarded the lightsaber as more of a homage to a bygone era and became skilled with it more so out of tradition than anything else although pus would remember that tenius would enjoy a good sparring match and that the two would Spar often if nothing more for entertainment for the dark lord through these sessions pagus grew to understand that he was a generational Talent with the blade and that at a very young age was encroaching upon his master and skill with the lightsaber but as always this meant nothing to tenebrous it was the intellectual Pursuits of the dark side that he cared about and this too grew to be pl's Obsession by now the race to immortality among the Sith had become more empathized with them sensing the unfolding of a grand plan any one of them could be the final Sith Emperor to rule eternally although their plans had been delayed for centuries a ray of light had presented itself to them one dark night tenis had a vision that the chosen one of the Jedi prophecy would soon make himself known to the Galaxy terrified that this chosen one would huntt him down seek him out throughout the stars and destroy him in a desperate grab for life itself tenebris came up with a plan his first step was an issue with pleus he knew that his Apprentice was growing in power and needed to seek out another Apprentice that would be more subservient to his will he appreciated pus to be sure but he needed an apprentice that was perhaps less ambitious and willing to serve as his right-hand man rather than succeeding him as the Sith emperor tenis then began the training of another young bth who he named Darth venomus he then began researching his own method of immortality behind pl's back creating something known as the Maxi glorian this went unnoticed for months and Darth tennis's plan nearly came to fruition but pleus would turn on him in a moment that he least expected on a trip to the planet bnck tenebris and pleus went inside the mines to search for some cortosis ore along the way though one of the mining droids had suddenly exploded having been sabotaged by an unknown as salant tenebris managed to contain the explosion with the force but while he was focusing pagus caused the ceiling above him to collapse crushing tenius under large Stones as he Lay Dying he was hit with the Revelation that would be followed by pure rage it was pleus that had betrayed him at the very beginning he was proud even impressed with his apprentice's cunning but his pride quickly turned to an utter loathing the rubble had destroyed the very ship that the two Sith Lords had arrived on leaving pleus stranded on a world that required him to wear an Enviro suit a world where he could very likely be killed pleus had risked the entire future of the Sith just to kill tenias tenias would meet his physical end as pleus approached him and then snapped his neck displeased with his master's sour reception this would have been the end for tabbris had had he not completed his experiment his own pseudo version of essence transfer had been enacted and using his knowledge of the failed virus tenris created a new virus that contained the maxic chlorians the best way to describe what a maxic choran is is to call them something like artificial vessels for Force energies by using this virus he had preserved his Consciousness within the maxican and as they left his body they fled to the closest living thing the body of Darth PL PL and completely unbeknownst to pagus his master would live within him but in order to do this tenius had sacrificed something precious his ability to sense the motion of the future the master had believed that he would no longer need this as his future was certain his ultimate plan was to possess the prophesied chosen one whenever he was discovered perfecting Essence transfer and doing so when the chosen one was still very young and unable to resist the Dark Lord this would give tenebrous access to a body with a historic amount of medoran and therefore ultimate power ironically tenebris had bet everything on the powers of the force as his physical body died tenris entered his apprentice's body and slipped into his very cells infecting them with his Maxi chlorians but as the infection spread tenius again gained access to pl's powers of foresight and in this single moment he discovered and felt pl's own death at the hands of his Apprentice who tenebrous could only see as a smear of Darkness the vision horrified him and now knowing that pagus would die soon leaving tenius unable to fulfill his ultimate goal he began to panic tenius decided to escape pl's body to think about a way out to discover A New Path but as he exited he discovered his own mummified remains time had passed possibly decades centuries even but tenius had been unaware of it all he then wondered if his foresight instead of being eliminated had been Twisted in upon itself forcing him to endlessly relive his own death it was all a cruel joke tenebris had finally acquired immortality but not as he had wanted now trapped in an endless loop of death tener's Consciousness still lives on in this hell a hell of his own creation without even a mouth with which to scream and so this was the life and ultimate failure that was Darth tenebrous but my friends we certainly would like to know what you think of this Sith Lord do you believe that he had the potential to become one of the greatest dark Lords in history or was he simply misguided unworthy to ascend as the Sith Emperor let us know your thoughts on this controversial and Powerful sth Lord in the comments down below and as always May the force be with you
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 79,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Darth Plagueis, Darth Tenebrous, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Jedi, Sith, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader, Star Wars Explained, Darth Sidious, Darth Tenebrous Death, Darth Plagueis Death
Id: 5k5ODkNX0YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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