Why Slipknot Fired Joey Jordison

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[Music] joey jordison is without a doubt one of the most beloved metal drummers of all time the metal world was shocked when they found out he was leaving the band slipknot a group he helped create many years ago since his departure from the band joey started a group called scar the martyr which ultimately broke up in 2016 later starting a band called sensanum which unfortunately hasn't released any new materials since about 2018 his band vimic has also been inactive since around that time despite these projects joey has mostly kept a low profile since leaving slipknot with a few sporadic interviews and well wishes to his former band mates in slipknot including expressing the hopeful sentiment that he'll one day share the stage again with his former bandmates which could either take place at a one-off performance like let's say a rock and roll hall of fame induction or a full-time return to the group which seems highly unlikely to those still holding out hope for an eventual return to slipknot with joey jordison it unfortunately doesn't seem like this is even a remote possibility for one jay weinberg appears to be doing an outstanding job in the band both internally and with his unbelievable talents behind the kit and we're about to go over several other reasons that joey has cited in interviews over the last few years there's been a lot of new information about why joey is no longer in slipknot so sit back relax as we take a look at the reasons why joey in slipknot parted ways by the way if you haven't already drop a thumbs up on this video and hit that subscribe button with notifications on for more deep dives just like this one and breaking news and updates about your favorite rock musicians joey jordison was born on april 26 1975. his parents steve and jackie also had two daughters sadly joey's parents would divorce when he was young and he would live with his mother as a teenager joey played drums in a speed metal thrash band and was heavily involved in a then thriving local music scene he would perform with bands like atomic opera featuring his future band mate jim root and another band called heads on the wall which featured someone named sean crayon which you obviously know is clown members of his family reportedly owned a bowling center and they would host a night called the rock and roll bowl where bands would play joey worked at a local gas station and on november 28 1995 a man named mark anthony cadavos went into that gas station where joey was working and offered him a position in a new band called the pale ones joey would later meet up with the band during rehearsals at anders colcephany's house then the band's vocalist and it's reported that joey knew right then that he wanted to join the band joey said in an interview quote i remember trying so hard not to smile so i didn't look like i wanted to join i remained poker face but i thought they ruled joey would happily join the band that would end up becoming slipknot and the rest became music history in the years that would follow there would be subtle hints of tension among the members in slipknot take this 2004 interview for instance with kansas city publication the pitch joey hinted at internal turmoil in the band questioning whether or not slipknot could even stay together long enough to release their volume 3 the subliminal versus album we're going to make it through this tour he said and i'm thinking we're going to make another record i know corey probably said some things about the band breaking up that were a little bit misconstrued at the time and he doesn't feel like that anymore we're getting along really well which is a little strange there's always been really distinct personalities in the band we all love each other but at the same time it's like i'm gonna kill you dude it's just like that in our band it's just tension and if it wasn't for that type of mentality we wouldn't have the band that we have and we wouldn't have the sound that we have slipknot vocalist corey taylor would also hint at the demise of the band in 2002 he said the group would soon be releasing their final record expounding on the topic on the stone sour message board he said when i talk about the knot it's never pessimistic it is pragmatic it is never in a negative way it's just how it is none of you have any idea what goes on behind the curtain of that band do you know how many people from slipknot i've talked to besides jim in the last 6 months 1. you want to tell me how i'm supposed to feel upbeat about a band that is eating itself first of all no one can touch what we did in the knot we accomplished something everyone said we couldn't do we put out two of the best albums in my opinion of all time i believe we can do one more album and go out on a high note but as far as hanging out after we have lost our relevance never i got one effing word for you guar i will never do that and i would never let that happen to a band i bled and almost went blind in one eye for not to mention nearly losing my voice and losing the ability to sing it's this simple i love the knot i have more than earned the right to talk about the future of the band especially when there's so much going on behind the scenes that thankfully you guys don't see and i would do everything in my power to keep from you because if you don't like what i say and when taken out of context indeed it does appear like i'm talking you would lose your effing minds if you hear the real i have more respect for you guys than that this is true there will be another slipknot album and another slipknot tour if you want me to lie to you i'll tell you every effing thing is absolutely hunky-dory but if you know anything about me i hate lies and i don't like getting into the habit i love you guys but sometimes happens lucky for you most of the will happen all over me as i was corey in the years that would follow the members of slipknot would allude to the demise of the band in various interviews while at the same time the group continued to climb the ladder of the music industry getting bigger and bigger and developing a global audience slipknot would go on to become one of the most recognizable bands not just in north america but also around the world unfortunately despite that global success early on in their career slipknot was marred by bad business dealings and as indicated by multiple members of the band the group has yet to make any money from selling millions of albums this due to a long-term record deal with road runner records as a result the members of slipknot were forced to adopt a grueling touring schedule which would undoubtedly place the members of the band under even more stress slipknot has reportedly sold a whopping 30 million albums around the world though they claim that they aren't getting any royalties from that music the band would continue their exponential growth around the world and it seemed with every album in the years that would follow the band would get bigger and bigger their song psycho social would become a mega hit for the band the video on youtube alone has a whopping 393 million views that's quite the impressive feat for a heavy metal band slipknot's video for the devil and i comes in a close second following the shocking passing of founding slipknot basis paul gray on may 24 2010 it appeared that the members of slipknot had grown closer together in the wake of such a tragedy that's why roughly three years later slipknot fans were stunned to read the headlines joey jordason was no longer a member of slipknot by this time joey had become a heavy metal icon and he was the third person to join slipknot his signature drum solo showed him drumming upside down an incredible feat that would regularly circulate in fan film videos on the internet joey's drum solos became a major draw for slipknot at their live shows something you truly had to see in person by this time he had performed with bands like metallica marilyn manson corn and many others the news would shock slipknot fans with many wondering how the van would continue without such an important ingredient the band posted a brief statement on their website on december 12 2013 though it was unclear at the time whether joey had quit the band or slipknot had fired him the group wrote to their fans to our maggots and fans around the world it is with great pain but quiet respect that for personal reasons joey jordison and slipknot are parting ways we all wish joey the best in whatever his future holds we understand that many of you will want to know how and why this has come to be and we will do our best to respond to these questions in the near future it is our love for all of you as well as for the music we create that spurs us to continue on and move forward with our plans of releasing new material in the next year we hope that all of you will come to understand this and we appreciate you for your continued support while we planned the next phase of the future of slipknot thank you the not this statement from slipknot would ultimately lead to more questions from fans than answers joey wouldn't respond to news of his departure until about a week later when he posted the following statement on his facebook page to my fans friends and associates i would like to start the new year by addressing the recent rumors and speculation regarding my departure from slipknot i want to make it very clear that i did not quit slipknot writing in capital letters this band has been my life for the last 18 years and i would never abandon it or my fans this news is shocked and blindsided me as much as it has all of you while there is much more i would like to say i must remain silent to further details at this time i would like to thank you all for your unwavering love and support and wish everyone a very happy and healthy new year vocalist corey taylor would also address the news in an interview around that time with minneapolis radio station 93x he said it's still so fresh and there's a lot of things going on behind the scenes that people don't know about so legally and respectfully i can't say a lot about it i can confirm that we have parted ways with joey and as soon as we can say something we will but we're trying to protect him trying to protect us just making sure we do everything right because that's what we would expect from ourselves and what we would expect from the fans then roughly three years later in an interview with metal hammer joey jordison cited a rare neurological disorder called transverse myelitis which contributed to his playing difficulties in his final years with slipknot he also alleged that the band fired him via email which came as a total surprise he told metalhammer no band meeting none anything from management no nothing all i got was a stupid effing email saying i was out of the band that i busted my ass my whole life to effing create that's exactly what happened and it was hurtful i didn't deserve that after what i'd done and everything i've been through they got confused about my health issues and obviously even i didn't know what it was at first they thought i was effed up on drugs which i wasn't at all i've been through so many things with those guys and i love them very much what's hurtful is the way it went down and was not effing right that's all i want to say the way they did it was effing cowardly it was effed up since around 2018 very little has been heard musically from joey jordison though he does occasionally post on his instagram he's previously stated that he would be open to rejoining slipknot he told metalhammer quote honestly i'm not trying to be dramatic but if that was brought up what i'd want to do would be to get together i'd want to see them just hug it out and feel that energy that we had when we were effing young and hungry and all that they're my brothers we'd hug and talk and do like we used to do we used to sit up all night long planning this and what we wanted to do so that's how i'd want to do it it'd have to be in person if it happened that would be effing awesome but only time will tell sadly it does seem unlikely that joey will rejoin slipknot full-time but jordison has wished the ban well speaking on their first album without him the grey chapter he said quote i listened to the whole record multiple times and i think it's great it's effing cool and i'm glad they moved on i'm glad they're carrying on the name because what's important is the fans that's all for now thanks for joining us today on rockfeed check out some of our other videos in deep dives if you're new don't forget to subscribe with notifications on for more videos just like this one and breaking news and updates from your favorite artists
Channel: Rock Feed
Views: 1,089,489
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Keywords: slipknot, joey jordison, corey taylor, slipknot (musical group), chris fehn, all hope is gone, slipknot (band), slipknot before i forget, slipknot psychosocial, slipknot live, tragic history of slipknot, joey jordison drum solo, slipknot iowa, stone sour, joey jordison (musical artist), joey jordison drum cam, joey jordison eyeless, joey jordison metallica, joey jordison interview, joey jordison drum solo upside down, joey jordison vs jay weinberg, joey jordison korn
Id: hOTfuk5xW_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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