Job Interview Question "Why Should I Hire You?" How To Answer.

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hey everybody I get a question regularly on this channel and the most recent uh one is from Doug Kemp which is how do you answer why should I hire you in a job interview let's dive into that question we're going to talk about why recruiters and hiring managers ask this question what they're probing for what they're hoping to hear we're going to talk about a great answer to this question we're going to talk about what not to say which could be a real red flag and we're going to talk about what things you could say that are really going to help you stand out and have the recruiter drool over you as a highly desirable candidate okay so let's Dive In first I got to get some stuff out of the way first and there's two things that you should never say in response to this question trust me on this the first one is if they say why should I hire you you say well why would I want to work here okay don't say that I had a lot of people saying that in the comments it is not going to do you any favors just that this sarcastic slash arrogant response doesn't work also if they ask you why should I hire you uh don't say well I need to eat okay I need a job right the question is not about you they're not asking why should I hire you they're asking why should I hire you okay the question that they have before them is they have interviewed probably several people for this position and they're wondering why they should choose you instead of any other candidate for the position that's where this question is coming from okay that's what it means okay so let's be clear about that why should I hire you as opposed to any other candidate that's put themselves forward for this okay um now where can we start here number one this is a really great question to be asked okay they're giving you almost like an open floor to sell yourself to talk about yourself okay this is a great thing uh in fact this is what you hope for when you go down to a job interview presumably you've done a little bit of preparation but before you go to the job interview and you might have gotten it straight in your head exactly what you want to communicate to them okay and that's actually going to frame our answer of how we're going to answer this question um you know it's a question of what did you come down to the interview to say okay that's the big question presumably you came to tell them that a lot of the things in the job description under the requirements section when they say we're looking for somebody who has five years experience in this and this educational qualification and this skill and possibly these traits right if they've said that presumably what you want to do in the job interview is communicate to them well look I have five years experience of in that and I do have this educational qualification and I do have that skill and I have those traits you want to communicate that to them and they will think oh well you are a perfect fit for this position then right that's one of the things you want to say in the job interview and this question is a perfect Avenue to say that they say why should I hire you and you say well as I understand it you're looking for somebody who has and then you go down the requirements five years experience in this I have five years experience of that I also have this educational qualification and I understand you're looking for somebody who has these traits and these skills and I have all of those right so that would be a great answer to the question why should I hire you okay now it doesn't stop there there's a little more to this here okay um the problem that you everyone has to understand is that strengths are relative okay uh you go to a job you go to a job interview and you interview for a certain role let's say um I don't know what job you could you have let's say you go down and they're looking for a very detail-oriented person okay and you say well you know hey I'm a very detail-oriented person you regard it as a strength and you assume that they will see it as a strength too okay and maybe it is for certain positions to certain people however you go down to another job maybe they're looking for a sales person and you say oh I'm a very detail-oriented person you think it's a strength you pride yourself on how you don't make mistakes and you really verify things and you find out that they regard that as a considerable weakness because they have made the assumption that oh if you are detail-oriented person you're not really going to be a big picture type person and you're not going to want to go out and get in front of customers and make sales okay that's what they've decided they weren't looking for a detail-oriented person so if you tell them what you consider a strength you run the risk and sometimes this is a considerable risk that they don't see it as a strength they have a very narrow list of things that they consider strengths and that wasn't on the list okay so strengths are relative and when we guess at what the recruiter is going to find us a strength then we run into problems okay so that's kind of the first thing that I want everyone to understand um now it's all very well to sort of answer this question by listing off things from the job description from the requirements and saying I have this I have this I have this I have this that's great the obvious question is what if you don't meet all of the requirements okay great question a lot of people have asked this and Doug Kemp also asked this as sort of a secondary question um here's the deal in a lot of jobs when they post it if you're responding to a job posting um a couple of things here number one they uh they list a lot of requirements that aren't actually requirements a requirement me being something that you must have it's a must-have it's a deal breaker if you don't have it okay uh usually what they list as requirements aren't actual requirements they're nice to haves right so if you have that great if you don't have it it might not be a show stopper if you can show that the lack of that thing is not going to lead to any issues okay so for example let's say they want five years experience in something okay a certain role now let's say you don't actually have five years experience you have two years okay so you can say look I got two years in this but I have five years experience in this other role that's very similar or um I don't have experience in that but I do have experience in this thing that's that's quite closely related to it or you could say something along the lines of I only have two years experience but in those two years I have worked with people that have 20 years experience in the role I've learned a lot from them and it really didn't feel like I was the junior partner we all felt like equals I could handle any situation that they can handle so I'm not really worried about the fact that I've only got two years I'm pretty confident I can handle myself in this job you know something like that whatever puts the recruiter's mind at ease that it's not going to be an issue okay these are important considerations um some other aspects of this uh questions I've gotten in the past is if we're talking about you know rattling down the list of requirements how do you know the list of requirements do you memorize it I'd say no bring the job listing to the interview okay if you're having a face-to-face interview printed on a piece of paper yeah I know it's old school but print it on a piece of paper have it on the desk in front of you and I mean don't read it right off the paper but just have it there as something you can glance at and you can jog your memory so when you have to go down the requirements and speak to them you can just sort of glance at the corner of your eye and say yeah I got that I got this and I understand you're looking for this too and uh and that just like that right that's uh what I would recommend people do there's nothing wrong with taking materials into the job interview with you as long as you're not staring down at them the entire time make eye contact with the person that's interviewing you and keep the eye contact for most of the time but it's occasionally good to look down and just glance at something there's absolutely nothing wrong with that it's not distracting so don't be afraid to bring materials in if you have it on a phone there can be other issues with that so I would not necessarily recommend that you have it on your phone and have the phone in front of you because there's a bunch of issues with having a phone uh on the table during a job interview it can be a distraction it can signal a bunch of negative things but if you just have a couple of pieces of paper there's absolutely nothing wrong with that that's what I'd recommend there um now the other thing that people have asked me about when it comes to answering this question okay is what if they've already asked you a question like what are your strengths okay so you've already sort of maybe done this you've gone down the list of requirements and you've spoken to most of them you've already done this and then afterwards they ask you this question why should I hire you right and you want to give the same answer again but there's a little voice in your head that says wait I've already said that I can't say that again here's how it works you have permission to say something more than once in a job interview if they ask you two questions in a row or two questions over the course of the interview that basically have the same answer there's absolutely nothing wrong in giving essentially the same answer again I would not repeat it verbatim you know like word for word but the substance of your answer you can say it again if they say why do you think you're qualified for this role maybe you answer with the fact that well I have 10 years experience being in this role so that's how I I'm pretty confident I'm qualified to do it right and then they ask you again well what are your strengths you could say well I'm a fully qualified whatever the role is I've been in this role for 10 years I considered that a considerable strength I know how to do this job and I've seen pretty much almost every scenario you could imagine that you will encounter in this job so I feel pretty confident I can do it it essentially has the same answer and it's okay to say it right don't feel that you can't repeat yourself at all during a job interview also the advantage is that you know sometimes people don't always retain and register everything you say you know there's a statistic out on that you know isn't it like uh 50 you know what you how you look and you know thirty percent how you sound and like 10 10 20 whatever it is how you what you say whatever that statistic is it's true okay sometimes people didn't register what you said the first time around so to really make sure that they got it you could say no I am a fully qualified person I have 10 years experience in this exact role and the second time you say it they they get it they register maybe they were writing down your answers you know on a piece of paper or something the first time you said it and they were distracted and they didn't really register what you were saying so this is a very important point and you make sure that they get it right so don't think you can't repeat yourself um so that's perfectly fine uh just remember okay strengths are relative and what you can say to really stand out is gonna be an exact match with the requirements when it comes to a recruiter okay as opposed to a hiring manager recruiters are paid to find a candidate that has pretty much you know line for line match with the job requirements that's what they consider to be a good candidate there are other things too like you know they they make sure that you're a low risk candidate that you know you're motivated but you're suited to this kind of work you don't have any red flags in your past or in your personality or in your communication style that that could be an issue but basically barring any red flags they're looking for somebody that line by line satisfies all the requirements does that mean you have to meet all the requirements fully no but it means that you have the essentials they're the the absolute requirements and then there are no other things that are going to suggest that there are any Red Flags uh about you so just to sum up if somebody asks you why should I hire you a great answer is to say well as I understand it you're looking for someone who and then you go down the list of requirements from the job description and speak to each one either you fully meet them or you can speak to it you have some kind of equivalent of it or some reasoning that shows it's not going to be an issue and that's a great answer that gives the recruiter exactly what they're looking for and it helps you stand out as a candidate that fits perfectly so hopefully that makes sense thank you very much you guys are awesome I'll see you on my next video take care
Channel: The Companies Expert
Views: 49,551
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Keywords: why should I hire you, why should I hire you best answer sample, why should I hire you best answer, why should I hire you best answer example, why should I hire you interview question, why do you want to work here, why do you want to work at our company, why do you want to work for us, why do you want to work for us examples, what makes you the best candidate, why do you want this job, why do you want this job best answers, why do you want to join our company, job interview
Id: NQCYGMq43g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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