Why Should Christians Suffer

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why should Christians suffer I have done a study  there are 27 Greek words that are used in the   Bible that are all translated by the English  word suffer not one of them means being sick   going with a needs unmet or any negative thing  like that it's amazing you can own this 19 CD   set for your love gift of 9595 for more call the  number on your screen or write to dr. Frederick   Casey price why should Christians suffer  they shouldn't welcome to ever-increasing   in godliness walk by faith not by sight hi everyone its dr. Betty and I have a real  treat for you a pasta price teaches Tuesday Bible   studies here at Crenshaw Christian Center and  we decided to share some of these awesome lesson   series with you we need your faithful financial  support to keep every increasing faith on the   air and online and we stand in agreement with  you for the return on your good seed sown into   this good ground and now let's join apostle price  when I say why should Christians suffer I mean why   should Christians go with their needs unmet long  term why should they go with some debilitating   disease or physical handicap or ailment that there  is no way they could get any help from it for it   but go through that just in pain every single day  of their lives never comfortable those are the   kind of things I'm talking about when I say suffer  okay now you can use your own definition I don't   have a problem with it and you can disagree with  mine I don't have a problem with that but when   I think of suffering I'm thinking of long-term  situations where there's no observable way out   and I don't believe that that's the decreed will  of my Heavenly Father to go with my needs and men   repossess my car had to declare bankruptcy stuff  like that that to me that was different they took   the car back took the TV back took the credit card  back and then then after all of that still didn't   have enough to survive if it was survival rations  it was not living it was existing so I just want   you to understand where I'm coming from now if  you can if you can plug into that find it's not   well you know you just stay with us you pick up  a few goodies here and there they can still help   you but I I personally believe God does not want  me to go with my needs unmet long term my family   to suffer lack and want all of your life and I've  known people like that we would as we would have   been there now it wouldn't have ended in 17 years  if we had not found out what the Word of God had   to say really because we were doing the same thing  the same way all the time because we didn't know   anything else to do and life was accommodating  us in the negative side of the ledger never had   enough I mean never there's always a struggle  so I wanted to be sure that I did I mention that   and we're talking about why should Christians  suffer and we're primarily focusing in on what   the traditional denominational and theological  church world has to say about suffering okay   because the church by and large through all of  the theology all of the denominations they have   ideas about suffering and the saddest part  is that they always seem to hook it up with   like God is responsible for it that God's got  some magnanimous purpose behind it those are   the things I'm dealing with that are unscriptural  theological yes denominational yes traditional yes   Bible no okay now in order to answer the question  why should Christians suffer I want us to look at   two important facts back number one what does the  Christian Church as the whole that's what I was   just referring to quit there's a Christian Church  as a whole and Christian leaders in particular   teach or say about the purpose say purpose purpose  of suffering in the life of the Christian I call   these concepts of suffering and there are 19 of  them that I have found that's not to say that's   all but in doing the research years back when I  first taught through series I wanted to find out   because I didn't want to go off I didn't want to  say something that wasn't supportable by Scripture   and I found in chemical him upon 19 different  concepts of suffering by prominent religious   leaders many names I could mention you would  immediately know who I'm talking about and they   have risen to such a place such a plateau in the  Christian community over the years that their word   has more weight than God's Word does to people in  the pews are you understanding me people people   will take their word more than they'll take god's  word because in most cases they don't even have   a clue as to what God's Word says about the issue  but dr. so-and-so said so Reverend so-and-so said   Bishop so-and-so said and dad is dangerous and I  tell you all the time and I've told you for years   just as the pastor of Crenshaw Center and then  even when I was confirmed as an apostle you don't   you don't take anything I say as the last word on  it I ought to tell I ought to say and I've made an   effort to do that to always couch what I say in  the context of the Word of God whereby you can   see it for yourself now it's without question  growing is a process growing from a physical   stature standpoint and growing from a knowledge  accumulation standpoint when you were 12 years old   you knew more about life than you knew when you  were 3 years old and when you were 20 years old   you knew more than you did when you were 15 years  old so there's an increase over time so there are   things that we learn as we go through life as  we study the Word of God and like I've said so   often God's Word is forever pregnant which simply  mean that constantly gives birth to new facets of   Revelation the word stays the same god I haven't  found any scripture where God has dismantle a   chapter or a verse and stuck another one in there  since day one no but what happens because I liken   the word of God to digging for gold you can get  some gold dust in a riverbed by panning for gold   you can get a little gold little my new Nuggets  by scraping the surface of the ground but if   you want the mother lode if you want to get down  there to where the goal is really stratified you   have to go deep and as you go deeper and deeper  and deeper you get to a greater amount of value   in terms of the goal you're looking for so the  word of god is like that it it just keeps giving   birth to new facets in Revelation because we can't  contain everything at once anyway from a spiritual   perspective and understand all that's going on  with it so we have to we want to find out what   does the Christian Church as a whole and Christian  leaders in particular teach about the purpose of   suffering in the life of the Christian I call  these again concepts of suffering second fact   we have to know man look at what does the Bible  have to say about these teachings concerning the   concept of suffering what does God say man says  this what does God say what man says is only   valid when it lines up with what God says if man  is going north and God is going south we got a   problem okay now we looked at several concept I'm  not gonna go through all of them again in detail   but I just want to mention them concepts number  one was nothing now this is what Christian leaders   say nothing can touch the child of God without  God's permission so we accept each hurt each   problem each difficulty as from his hand seeking  to learn from it all that he would teach us using   all the resources of God at our disposal and  asking him to make it turn out for our good and   His glory that's a concept we talked about that  one second concept with the by and the history   of the church both demonstrate that God's Way for  the suffering of his people has not always been   the way of escape but the way of endurance that's  just man's concept people are men humans are smart   I mean to be so dumb no I mean it's it's like an  oxymoron what I mean the package says this could   cause cancer and you still second on it that's  craziness yet he can build a spacecraft that can   go to the moon but suck on a cancer stick to send  him to an early grave so what I'm saying is we   humans are intelligent they're smart but without  God's infusion of knowledge their smarts usually   ended up not doing that much good over the long  term there may be some immediate gratification   but in a long-term it doesn't seem to do as much  good as was intended when they started out with   it now concept number three was sometimes he  God allows us to suffer so that we may grow   spiritually that's a concept not Bible and we  looked at scripture that refuted that going away concept number four God uses suffering God  uses suffering and trials to discipline us it's amazing but here's what happens as I for  stated man is is he's smart he's intelligent dumb   but intelligent and what happens because of his  intelligence his smarts in the absence of what the   Word of God has to say about an issue or situation  or about life man because of his intelligence will   come up with something that sounds reasonable  when you don't know what the Word of God says you've I know you've heard the expression I think  I used the last time you've heard the expression   experience is the best teacher anybody ever  hear that well that's because somebody learned   something and you know hopefully you did learn  something after going through all that mess you   went through if you didn't you really are stupid  you know but it's not the best teacher it is a   teacher granted you you should learn something  through the experiences that you go through it's   not the best way to learn they told me don't drink  and drive and I looked at the police report of   somebody that did drink and they did drive and he  hit a wall and they went their head went through   the windshield and they died instantly so that  bolsters up the idea that drinking and driving   not too cool well I don't need to get drunk  go through the windshield to find out you know   what that didn't pay I'm in the graveyard they  had six foot under didn't pay I learned through   your experience so it is a teacher but not the  best so what men will do because of not knowing   the word of God they will with their smarts come  up with something that seems reasonable to them   this is an idea right here God uses suffering and  trials to discipline us Jesus says in revelation   3:19 as many as I love I rebuke and chasten but  they fail to realize what they're talking about   and in the context which he said that in the  book of Revelation it says our Christian life   oh boy this is our Christian life if we are to  become what God wants us to be must be one of   faith plus suffering God has his divine plan for  shaping our lives and that plan often includes   suffering what I mean anybody here ever ever have  children ever children children she had to raise   from babies up I don't know about you even when  my wife and I were going through all the stuff   we were going through economically and being  deprived of stuff I never wanted my kids to go   through anything that was painful hurtful to harm  for harmful or deprive them of the better things   of life yeah I never wanted that for my kids how  can God is far more loving than we are why would   he want us to go through stuff like this God has  his divine plan for shaping our lives and that   plan often includes suffering now the thing about  that statement so the rational mind that doesn't   know the word that might sound reasonable based on  experience but they don't they never tell you what   the Word of God says about them and that's the  dangerous thing the fire of chastening purifies   our lives and deepens our spirit if our Savior  was made perfect to suffering how can we expect   to escape well you can't put yourself in the same  category and thank God we don't have to the things   that Jesus went through we would never go through  wouldn't ever have to go through number one none   of us have ever started out sinless we came here  slid out of our mother's birth canal with a sin   nature Jesus never had one so he put up with stuff  in a way we would never have to simply because we   don't have it he didn't have a sin nature and  the things he went through those things were   not for his benefit they were for the world for  God so loved the world he volunteered to do and   receive and accept and go through all the stuff he  went through for our benefit so that we would not   have to ultimately go through it so you can't  you you can't put yourself next to Jesus as a   measuring rod in that sense he was sinless and he  had to put up with sinful situations in his life   we don't know what that's like we came here born  in sin conceived in iniquity environment for the   sin so that concept is not a good one now we left  off with this one last time we actually covered   it but I want to go back to a concept number  five and I'm with you that's where I Twitter   go to Hebrews chapter 30 I mean temperature living  done chapter 30 go get smart okay Hebrews chapter chapter 11 now we read this before but I want  to I want to re-emphasize and reinforce eyes   the reenter size because this I've used the  expression before and it might sound quaint   in that might might sound trite but it's really  not it's a statement that's full of truth you   know it I don't know what I was gonna say I had  something else on my mind got crossed up with my   I thought he'll come back Wow alright Hebrews  chapter 11 if you ever see I have it verse 30   it says by faith the walls of Jericho fell down  after they were encircled for seven days by faith   the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did  not believe when she had received the spies with   peace and what more shall I say for the time  would fail me to tell of gideon and Barak and   Samson and Jeptha also of David and Samuel and the  prophets who through faith subdued kingdoms worked   righteousness obtained promises stopped the mouths  of lions quenched the violence of fire escaped   the edge of the sword out of weakness were made  strong became valiant in battle turned to flight   the armies of the aliens women received their  dead raised to life again others were tortured   not accepting deliverance underline the words not  accepting deliverance those are powerful words now the person that came up with this  concept missed it by 47 million   miles he quotes this he says others were  tortured not accepting deliverance some   were delivered and some were  not delivered that's not true watch this now he says others were tortured not  accepting deliverance some were delivered and   some were not delivered according to the will  and plan of God well if that were true then   that would invalidate the Bible big time because  the Bible said he's no respecter of persons so   he left some folk escaped and others had to die  that dog won't bark that fish doesn't stand a   chance to swim crazy right here oh my this is  what this is what the human mind void of the   scriptures will come up with look at this women  received their dead raised to life again others   were tortured not accepting deliverance how  could you have a choice of not accepting or   accepting unless you were given the opportunity  to accept or reject I mean this is I I don't I   don't understand how they missed this it said not  accepting deliverance well if they did not accept   deliverance deliverance had to be available to him  so it was a matter of choice on their part not a   matter of god it was a matter of choice he gave  them a way of escape they and here's what it said   they they didn't accept it it says women received  their day raised to life others were tortured not   accepting deliverance that they might obtain  a better resurrection what is the resurrection   period what is resurrection being raised to  life what's better than being raised to life what's better I mean I need to know what's better  if I'm raised to life Jesus was raised to life   he was resurrected quick what's better ha what's  better what is better they didn't know themselves   there's nowhere in the Bible that says you gonna  have a better resurrection if you do this what man   I'm happy about the resurrection but how they  came up with this concept some were delivered   and some we're not delivered according to the  will and plan of God the will and plan of God   if it was God's plan and God's will for them  to suffer then why give us this impossible   dream that not accepting deliverance that it was  God's will how do you not accept I mean if God   has decreed that that's what's gonna happen  how you gonna stop it incredible no no and   we looked at what the scripture said let's  look at it again 1st Corinthians chapter 10 if you do if you study back in the early days of  history particularly in the continent of Europe   doing what was called the Dark Ages somewhere  along a line Satan Satan got into the church   and brought in a doctrine that was totally  unscriptural and that doctrine was that in   order to be a genuine good Christian you had  to die for the Lord so Christians accepted   death without fighting back because they thought  some kind of way they got the idea that what God   wanted them to do was die for him that Jesus  wanted his followers to die for him so they   didn't fight so there were wholesale slaughters  where they killed Christians like he would go   out and chop weeds because they didn't put up  a fight so Satan Satan he tried from the day of   attempting to get rid of Jesus to get rid of his  followers and from the beginning of the church   age way back into what we call the dark ages  Satan was on a rampage to kill the Christian he   thought he could exterminate Jesus by getting  rid of the Christians so he he he went about   killing them left and right burning him in oil  I mean just all kind of crazy cutting in half   cutting their limbs off just all kinds of thing  to get them to recant and to turn from Christ   and what what what blue Satan away was that he  discovered no this might be this might this might   not sit well with some of you but just just way  what I said don't take it personally just look   at the facts so Satan found out that the more  Christians he killed the more they proliferated the more he got rid of then he thought they just  kept coming oh and I get this done so he changed   his tactics if he can't get rid of him join him  so he instituted denominations now see we're not   talking about I'm not talking about individual  people have you ever heard the word deception   have you ever heard the word deceived how many  dogs that cats do you know that they've ever   been deceived excuse me you ever heard of a  horse being deceived humans can be deceived   humans can be deceived and they have been so the  individual person can have a right heart do the   wrong thing for the right reason and because  we have freewill God lets us do what we want   to do I mean I I use it I usually restriction  all the time and it sounds you know whatever   but it's true I mean just to look around you and  look at look at all I don't see anybody in here   now maybe somebody way in the back but I hope  not but I don't see anybody in here this naked know everybody I see it looked like they had  some clothes on and guess what God led all of   us out of our houses this morning with what we  have on now have you ever read in the book of   Genesis where after after God expelled Adam and  Eve from the garden said he put us put an angel   there with her flaming sword to guard the way  of the Tree of Life so nobody would come here   when you got ready to step out of your house of  wherever you live was there an angel there with   its flaming sword you can't wear that you got to  go back in and put the other thing on no God God   let you out the house let me out of the house  with this I made a choice and God let me have   the house he'll let me out of the house with  denominationalism but dad would that's been   Satan's greatest weapon he found out I don't  need to try to kill him just confuse him I'll   kill more of them by confusing them I mean just  think about your common sense so you don't take   it personally but then smart didn't know the  nation's think about it if the denominational   Church world if it were of God and since the Bible  tells us that God is not the author of confusion   then why would he not have told all those people  to started all these different denominations to   tell say and teach the same thing Bible says God  is not the author the confusion and the church   world it thrives on confusion again we're not  talking about individual people you're talking   about systems I don't have anything against  anybody but but Satan started the denomination   the Holy Spirit did not that's why it's Omsk all  these isms and all these things name attempting   to name the name of God in the name of Jesus  and just as office a nine dollar bill from   the Bible because 99% of them they don't teach  the Bible they teach what the denomination says   about the Bible that's a big difference first  Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 no temptation   traveler test has overtaken you except these  writing to Christians now has overtaken you   except such as that come into man notice is not  common to Christians common to man it's not just   Christian to get cancer Amanda it's not just  men that get Christian cancer Christian's do   Commons is coming to man so he says no temptation  traveler Chester's overtaken you except such as is   common to man or mankind but God is faithful who  will not allow or permit you to be tempted tried   or tested beyond what you are able but with the  temptation traveler tests will also make the way   of escape that you may be able to bear it and/or  go through it look at this but with the temptation   will also make the way of escape yeah dad right  there shows you if God were the one bringing the   temptation and then he gives you a way to escape  the temptation doesn't he have enough sense to   know that we'll always take the path of least  resistance we always we're always gonna get   out of it if we can that's just human nature so  the thing is self-defeating look but with the   temptation make the way of escape what what's  the purpose of escape get away from whatever   the problem was in that right so if God were the  one bringing the temptation trials and says then   he gives you a way of escape what good did it  do to tempt and try you and then he gave you   the way to get away from it and you got away from  it so what good did the temptation try to test do absolutely ridiculous so so here again this is a  second scripture that lets us know about escaping   from temptation trials integrated in Hebrews some  did not accept deliverance that wasn't God's fault   that was their choice there's always a way out  and so many times when you're in something because   you're so caught up in the issue the negativism  of the issue you don't see the temptation trial   to test I mean you don't I mean you don't see the  way out again going back using my own life we went   through we went to all kind of stuff we need to  repossess the car and the TV and all that kind   of stuff and I'm financially we were just under  the gun and I'm there were days I just sat and   cried on the inside of myself I couldn't figure  out how to get out of it but apparently we did   cuz we're here now but at the time I could see  nowhere because you can get so caught up in what   you're going through the answer can be right there  you won't even see it because you're so caught up   in the issue at hand rather than finding out okay  Lord where is the way I never said that in any of   the issues that I ever had all the stuff I went  through before I learned how to walk by faith   in that vici I never stopped and asked God okay  Lord how can I get out of this I mean I'm Holly   loud oh mercy Lord boy what is that he's saying  nothing that's not getting out but I've got to   open my eyes spiritually and physically find out  okay what's the escape route look at it this is a   promise of God no temptation trailer test has  overtaken you except such as is common to men   so whatever we going through whatever you're  going through and it's no big thing in other   words it's not something unique it is unique to  us at the time we're going through it nobody knew   nobody knew yeah somebody else knows they've gone  through it too come on so he says no temptation   trial attest has overtaken you except such as  is common to man but God is faithful who will   not allow you he won't even permit it to be  tempted tried or tested beyond what you are   able but will with the temptation also make the  way of escape that you may be able to bear it and   or go through it come out on the other side  clean as a whistle now watch this keep your   finger right there in first Corinthians and  go to Matthew chapter four it will make this   very plain exceedingly plain again you'll have  to hire somebody to help you this understand no you got Matthew four okay keep your finger  there and look up at listen I'm gonna read this   again in Corinthians and I'm gonna flip over  to Matthew and show you something it says no   temptation trial or test has overtaken you  except such as is common common to man but   God is faithful who will not allow or permit you  to be tempted tempted tempted tempted tempted beyond tempted beyond what you are able but  with the temptation trial a test will also   make the way of escape that you may be able to  bear it Matthew 4 verse 3 this is Jesus in the   wilderness temptation now when the tempter came  to him he said not when God came to him when   the tempter came and so who is the tempter read  all the rest of the chapter and you see that is   talking about Satan so Satan is the tempter God  is the deliverer I love it so for them to say   in reference again to Hebrews 11 where the person  is giving this concept tagged that in says others   were tortured not accepting deliverance no he got  right there tell you what how could they accept   what wasn't there how could they reject what was  never offered to them others were tortured not   accepting deliverance some were delivered and  some were not delivered according to the will   and plan of God so so this concept this minister  who ever worked he makes it all on God's side of   the legends it's God's fault so again as I said  earlier it invalidates the scripture because   without question that has to be a respecter of  persons why wouldn't you let them all go free   or kill them all that would be the only way to be  consistent to let them go and some not go you're a   respecter of persons and that would invalidate the  Word of God he's not a respecter of person they   they wouldn't accept deliverance deliverance was  made available to him so I believe I'm supposed   to get out of every temptation trial to test that  the enemy would bring to me but I have to be wise   enough sit still long enough and be quiet enough  to find out okay Lord werewolf what's the way out   sometime it made me set to take fighting somebody  jumps on me physically in try to take some away   free you saying I'm you go lie down on the ground  go for it I'm gonna put up some kind of fight you   know I might lose in the natural because the guy  or person or person might be bigger than me I'm   sitting down and let nobody take nothing away  from me that's nobody but the devil God doesn't   take things away from us he's not a thief now I  looked at the scripture last time but I want to   look at it again I wanna I want to visit it again  go to John's Gospel chapter 18 because again we   have sometimes we have concepts or ideas in  our minds that we came across over time and   they've been they've been stated so often we think  they're truth because they've been stated that way just like the concept experience is the best  teacher I've heard that for years but when you   look at it it's not true not the best teacher  it is a teacher I said that before you should   have learned something too what you went  through woe unto you if you didn't learn   something from it but that wasn't the best way to  learn they have to have your hand cut off no okay all right John chapter 20 18 rather 18 18 18 don't  get the 18 okay let's look again at verse 33 that   the Impala entered the praetorium again call jesus  and said to him are you the King of the Jews jesus   answered him are you speaking for yourself about  this or did others tell you this concerning me   Pilate answered am i a Jew your own nation and  the chief priests have delivered you to me what   have you done jesus answered my kingdom is not  of this world if my kingdom were of this world   My servants would fight fi ght fight My servants  would fight why so that I should not be delivered   to the Jews but now my kingdom is not from here  when I saw then first time I saw that I mean I   read it for years you know all of a sudden one  did just just blew up in my face oh my God look   at that I can see now justify justifying going to  war not overtly going to war to take over somebody   else but to defend yourself against somebody  who's trying to take things away from you Jesus   said I didn't say this Jesus said it you just  said he said My Kingdom is not of this world if   my kingdom were of this world My servants would  fight but see that that docile idea that we've   had tradition about Christian he's supposed to  just take whatever they dish out - you know some   wouldn't defend himself because that thought  they were out of the will of God I'm not this   is from Jesus he said he said my service would  not lie down and be run over they would fight I ain't looking for no fate but this is this is this means God does not want  Satan to just lord it over us all right is going   to a new concept concept number six Christians  listen to this Christians automatically attract   demons who are constantly harassing disturbing  and attempting to destroy but God uses this for   a purpose also the trials that often come into  a Christians life are the fulfillment of God's   gracious purpose as he seeks to build up his  child in the most precious faith developing in   his loved one the christ-like spirit that leads  to joy and gold now notice how they put this in   here with as they seek to build up his child  in the most precious they developing in his   level and the christ-like spirit the christ-like  spirit says I'm gonna fight we just read it but   look at look at this it's incredible Christians  automatically attract demons to our constantly   harassing and disturbing in that's true Satan's  shooting at us all the time and attempting to   destroy John 10:10 the thief comes to steal  kill and destroy no problem with that but   God but but but see but but if every bit better  but God uses this for a purpose also the trials   that often come into a Christians life are the  fulfillment oh my god the fulfillment of God's   gracious purpose as he seeks to build up his  child in the most precious faith developing in   his loved one the christ-like spirit that  leads to joy and gold whatever happening well well what what what what what does the  scripture say mark chapter 16 mark 16 mark   chapter 16 Christians automatically attract  demons who are constantly harassing disturbing   and attempting to destroy that's true but God  uses this God uses it in other words God uses   these demons that are constantly harassing  and attempting to destroy God uses this for   a purpose also he uses it for a purpose he uses  it okay mark 16 if you haven't seen I have it now   this is Jesus the Christ speaking verse 17 said  and these signs will follow those who believe   in my name they will cast out demons didn't say  anything about going to bed with him going for   a walk with them cats around so apparently  he didn't want them to have an effect upon   us but because we're in this environment which is  dominated and presided over by Satan it's up to us   to do something about the demons not up to God  he already did it by giving us authority right   here look look look at it and these signs will  follow those who believe in my name they will   cast out demons not marry them cast them out cast  him out me get rid of them God not using demons it's amazing how do they get this concept God's gracious purpose as he seeks to build up  his child in the most precious faith developing   in his loved one the christ-like spirit  that leads to joy and gold okay let's look   at another one well you only have to look  at this one everybody here knows this one   John 10:10 in reference to the demon Satan  the thief only comes kill deal destroy I've   come that you might have life and have it more  abundantly alright go to Ephesians chapter 4 Christians automatically attract demons  who are constantly harassing disturbing   and attempting to destroy but God uses this  for a purpose also Ephesians chapter 4 if   he has that have it verse 27 nor or as the  traditions that neither give place to the   devil nor or neither give place to the devil so  that tells me and this is extremely exciting to   me that tells me that if God tells me not  to give the devil a place then that means   that the devil cannot have a place in my  life or circumstances unless I allow it   otherwise it would be fallacious of God to say  don't give him a place if I couldn't keep him   from having a place it would be pointless to  tell me don't give him one and I I love this   scripture because it uses a very pregnant word  the word place there is an awesome awesome word notice again don't nor or neither give place to  the devil this word placed in the Greek is the   word towpath t OT Lacan Tom t.o.p OS and it is  the Greek word from which we derive the English   word typography you know what typography mean  what it has to do with has to do with the lamb   the lay of the land contours mountains rivers  streams everything rocks pebbles whatever all it   the surface of the earth but why says so what God  is saying don't give the turkey a rock don't give   him a pebble so he can't dad you see that doesn't  mean that he won't shoot at you but shooting at me   is of no significance if I got on my body armor  got my shield of faith that's why you need one   Ephesians 6 that's why you need because you are  going to be shot at but that's what that's why   you have armor if God wanted you to succumb to the  onslaught of the enemy he wouldn't have given you   any protection but if I don't know I have armor  and if I don't use or know how to use my armor   I'm still gonna end up being a victim but that's  not God's fault that's my boat I actually is the   church's fault the organized Church world's fault  for not teaching the people I'm a move on though   it says north or neither give place to the devil  I just love it so the devil can't have a place in   my circumstances unless I give it to him and I  can give him a place by a consent of ignorance   takes me all the way back to Hosea 4:6 destroyed  if I don't know I can't protect myself right and   oh the thing about it's all in the word God gave  it to us in his word but the church hadn't been   telling folks I was in I've said it a thousand  times I've been I was in four denomination over   17 years never heard nothing about destroyed  for lack of knowledge that statement I never   four different denominations I never heard  that destroyed for like I thought I never   heard anything about put on the whole armor of God  never not one time armor I didn't know what that   was from a biblical perspective I never heard that  term before I never even oh I never even heard the   term demon in the form that I was in over 17 years  man I said 17 years a long time don't you wish you   could just had 17 years to your life right now  just just add it on wherever you are right you   add another 17 plus what you already have going  for you man that 17 years that's a long time never   heard it never heard it I never heard anything  about resistant of them I never heard anything   about not giving to not giving place to the diplom  sack a team act like the devil was real or that he   really existed it's like them you know the guy  with the red suit and the pitchfork and horns   and all that Wow and and and the devil was taken  Christians out and the Christians were thinking it   was the will of God simply because God didn't  stop him not realizing the balls in our Court you got it you've got two choices two  basic choices you can return the serve   or you can let the ball go by and you  can lose the game you don't fight back   the opponents going to take over okay  go to James chapter 4 concept number 6   Christians automatically attract demon who are  constantly harassing disturbing and attempting   to destroy but but God uses this God uses  this incredible God you it's always God okay James chapter fo if you have it say  I have it okay verse seven says therefore   submit to God resist the devil and  he'll eat you alive without salt therefore submit to God resist the devil  and he will flee from God know from you now some people get confused about this word  submit to God in order to submit that God   needs to submit to his word because God and His  Word are one I mean say yes to God's Word that's   the way you submit to God if you're not a doer  of the word you're not submitted to God and if   you're not submitted to God the devil can tear  you up and there's nothing God can do about it   and you deserve every knot you get on your thick  head and every bump you get on your backside I said that with love hallelujah and I'm finished  we have to stop this program is now available to   you on CD or DVD to share with your family and  friends CD copies are available for your love   gift of any amount DVD copies are available for  your love gift of $15 or more for the ongoing   support of this ministry call the number on your  screen or write to apostle Frederick Casey price   box 90,000 los angeles california 90024 and  join us again on the ever-increasing faith   network bringing to you the power of faith  to transform your life the Bible teaches and when I stand here and tell you the dr. price  went through hell for four months we have to   really stand on the word we could look at what we  saw we have to look at what we believe and it was   some hard times my girls can tell you dealing  with life call eight hundred nine two seven   three four three six or go to faith domergue  technology next time on ever-increasing faith   but what is so very interesting is that there  are 27 different Greek words they have all been   translated into English as su MFP are produced  by ever-increasing Faith Ministries and you
Channel: Fred Price Jr
Views: 1,419
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: fred price jr, Dr. Price, Christians, Suffer
Id: 5H5hpx1-sBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 28sec (3268 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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