Why RIGHT Before Our Flight?

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can someone please remind me why on earth you wake up early to go on vacation I feel like that defeats the purpose it's only an hour before I usually wake up but still I'm not the only one that thinks that she's not happy this is gonna be fun no no I know that you're tired right now but are you excited for Hawaii are you excited yeah it's okay we're gonna go see everyone right now in fact they're calling right now Oh give me a smile that's my girl the family is here it is time to walk the front door let's do this excuse me lady evidently Lunas snuck that out are you ready let's do this that's tighter than the airplane are you ready for this story I'm ready for the story okay so we're down there trying to get into the gate number on TV the number wouldn't work for me nothing suggested that we get your mother out there to press on because she's got softer fingers so she goes over there and presses on leaves her door open in the car and I say when the gates start opening you got a run because I didn't want it to close on us before we got through the gate start opening so she started running she ran a hundred yards to it's very early in her defense and she ran 100 yards ago what do you do I ran away her heart was beating right there and I stepped on a snail we're here at the airport Luna we're about to go on a plane are you excited say Hawaii this is so nervous let's get that car seat up don't worry I'm coming for you you're getting your suitcase Luna are you gonna follow data come on sweet bean this way Luna keep going Luna go in the building good girl hey Luna Luna you can't abandon your bag you got to check it okay Luna Hey okay just ignore me it's okay dad doesn't matter look it's Brian Brian Brian Paulo good day for tuber who cares good job Luna good job doing the stairs all by yourself good job mom you're doing the stairs all by yourself - yes Luna hold my hold daddy's hand what do you think of your first pre-flight check with the TSA there's a new look there's a new item now you got to do food you got to take food out of it you got to check all your food Kuki tuck [Music] are you eating just the chocolate why do we put my bag your hand in the apples now Luna are you sharing with the girls she's like thinking about whether she wants to or not so you want to know something funny I do really Nana's choice of food fur that plane do you want this legs man you chose to bring eggs on the plane hard-boiled eggs that are tuna you said for a trip to Hawaii No don't be nervous I got my Invisalign off I still have a couple months of refiners though anyways out here what did you and I do for your birthday we went to soup plantation right with who just us it was just us what did you eat there I was a blast and then what do we do afterwards yeah we wasn't hung out a duck pond late at night and it was raining cuz I'm gonna make the final video what do you think where you going babe oh my gosh alright not that fast here we go guna look at me look tumbleweed come on come believe what's the difference Brian is this your first flight with your family no this is number two where'd you go Hawaii oh really yeah we're taking off right now she's so concerned she's like what is happening what are all these g-forces we're in the air her ears my ears turn off the fasten seatbelt sign that's my girl give my my kiss you we're almost better girls okay how's it going babe over we are and we just landed Luna Luna Luna you do nothing cheer - we're in a plane do you see the plane what you think Luna feel better what what's what's that Ben Gracie you chickens over here in a giant yellow jacket - what chicken with a chicken what Oh like an actual chicken I thought you were like saying it was something else that yellow jacket is enormous whoa that is the biggest yellow jacket I've ever seen I don't see any chickens though chickens okay so the first place we go to what McDonald's or Walmart there isn't there's no target away so we got a bunch of groceries Luna what do you think about our fines that's good that's good news oh you like goldfish Luna in manator man you are just hardcore ignoring me today hey kidding she's been up for like a gazillion hour Luna there's a chicken behind you you see it that whoa there's a rooster right there what you think about that luna-chick all right here we go I look through there that's crazy it's like a canopy of trees Luna jenefor Stokely we talked about this excuse me mom Oh relax dude thanks ah there I was prepping for Hawaii tinkle tinkle sprinkled donut you got them a Bingle Donna Aloha Mahalo my family's leaving without me and she's running bastard look at this place this place is cool hey hey hey slow down sir let's slow down can't we see what our room looks like there we go all right now explore the one place you're allowed to explore and run there you go kiddo it is now 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. it feels like 8:00 p.m. maybe 9:00 p.m. but our time it's 5:30 p.m. time Matt this girl right here watching a little bit of ratatouille aren't you Lina after I ignore me for the eighth time today anyways she turned around for a second tried to drink a bottle of soap caught her but she got a bit of it on her tongue and embarked up her dinner so yeah it was McDonald's so karma I literally hadn't eaten any food all day right now oh there's a step there good to know no but as you can see behind me this is absolutely beautiful so beautiful hopefully it's gonna stop raining but even when it's raining it's absolutely beautiful the whole family's here it's gonna be it's gonna be awesome so thanks for sticking along with us
Channel: Project: 863
Views: 1,855,451
Rating: 4.9454398 out of 5
Keywords: hi5 studios, hi5, high five, matthias, matthiasiam, matthiasvlogs, matthias vlogs, behind the scenes, family friendly, vlogging, office vlog, vlogs, paul, click crew, battle universe, matthias vlog, mathias vlogs, luna matthias, hawaii, family vacation, family vlog, fun family, vlog matthias, comedy, vlogger, vlog, team edge, no swearing, hi5 studios vlog, hi 5 studios, hilarious, hi5 universe, team edge vlogs, kid friendly, daily, mathias, first time, plane
Id: E_KjrX7YHgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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