Why Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando Is My Favorite Video Game (R&C Month)

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Hands down my favorite r&c game, beat it 20+ times

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 20 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Smokey9000 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 11 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

So in Xmas it will be 17 years I own this game

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/outfoxingthefoxes šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 11 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

All time favourite game.

Weapons were amazing, Locations were amazing, The further you went the more intense the enemies became.

Two arenas. Two wastelands. Bliss.

The section where you enter the Megacorp facility was incredibly hard for me as a kid. When I first did it I was so happy.

Glad to see everyone else enjoying this gem.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Cold-Teal šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 12 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

That opening vista on Yeedil though... you just know ***t is about to get real.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/castle_reberse šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 11 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

A game that's taken me a while to appreciate, but my god it's such an amazing game and sequel. In particular the soundtrack is downright eargasms throughout.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Hentarder šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 11 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Already commented on the video but great stuff man!!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/rerorichie šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 11 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

The one I like the most is almost legal. :)

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/macaryl95 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 12 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

I own not one not two but three copies of this game! I have played it probably 40 times through. Own 2 ps2 copies and the ps3 version. R17 on ps2 version and r14 on ps3 version if I recall and have played through a few other times on separate save files. One of the best games ever made even if I dislike a couple levels. Testing facility mech fight is my least favorite level in any RandC game. Tabora is my favorite.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/kyleW_ne šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 12 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

as a kid i got stuck on the thugs 4 less boss battle where you have to use those turrets. so i never beat it until recently and i was so suprised to see it was quark behind it the whole time lol. it was nice finishing parts of the game iā€™d never seen before

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 12 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] my oldest christmas memory is from 2003 when my aunt dressed as santa giving four-year-old me a copy of ratchet and clank ii going commando i did get the original rnc the christmas before but i don't have a clear memory from when i received that game maybe that's because it happened earlier but then how does that explain my lack of memory of getting the third game for christmas in 2004 who knows but it might explain why i have a deeper connection to rc2 than any other video game even within my favorite franchise in this review video i will explain why going commando is my favorite game and no i'm not referring to removing my undies although that does happen at the end of the game as a clever way to allude to the innuendo title that's just one reason that makes me love this game so much now let's get into the rest dr james t full bladder reporting on megacorp experiment number 13. this update is strictly classified if you are watching this you're fired insomniac games started production on gong commando a few months before the original ratchet and clank released and it was developed over the course of only 10 months which seems insane given its quality it released exclusively for the playstation 2 on november 11th of 2003 and met with high critical reception cultivating a 90 on metacritic it also sold about 3 million copies so it's safe to say it was a commercial success and i can see why the game later got remastered on the playstation 3 as part of the ratchet and clank hd trilogy in 2012 and just so you know that's where i recorded the footage for this video that explains some of the bugs and weird lighting so the footage might not always back what i'm saying but i hope it will suffice [Music] so you need me to go on a dangerous mission in another galaxy the story takes place sometime after the original starting with ratchet and clank being interviewed for an episode of behind the hero in their home on planet weldon the duo describes the events that have happened after they defeated chairman drake and while they're living a very quiet life at the moment ratchet is etching for some action fortunately for him they're kidnapped to another galaxy by abercrombie fizz widget who's the boss of a big corporation literally named megacorp he offers them jobs ratchet becoming a commando granting his wish for some action whereas clank just wants to relax so he's given a lovely apartment and the position of head accountant this widget explains that a masked thief has stolen one of megacorp's experiments eventually labeled the protopet so ratchet's first mission is to stop that thief and deliver the protopet safely to this widget all right i've got an illusion of some moonstones all traded for a vision of that hypnomatic part you have learned much young one from the premise i just described it sounds like there's not much to go on with the story but that's just a fraction of this continually escalating plot while clank seems to be absent from the action he's soon involved after being captured by the thief and rescued by ratchet ratchet and clank succeeded in retrieving the protopet but it's revealed shortly after that the thief is a female longbacks named angela cross who used to work for megacorp and is trying to stop the corporation from unleashing the protopet menace to the galaxy so far ratchet and clank haven't questioned who they're working for but after realizing the protopet is dangerous and to be released as a pet they team up with angela and go against megacorp granite they still don't suspect fizz widget because they assume he's just a senile old man but they do try to warn him emphasis on try angela previously recruited the mercenary group known as thugs for less but loses their assistance after they're hired by megacorp itself who would obviously make them a better offer it's very fascinating to see characters alignments change over the course of the story not without reason either making for a very dynamic plot that constantly keeps you guessing which i think makes for good writing the main villain isn't easy to pinpoint either as the question of who is also gets redirected constantly first seeming to be the thief than either the thug leader or megacorp itself well it actually turns out to be captain quark disguised as fizz widget which was quite the surprising reveal but it wasn't out of nowhere due to hints laid out beforehand you're shown snippets from behind the hero which documents quark escaping prison so he was pretty much bound to show up at some point while that doesn't exactly hint at him being this widget this widget himself does not only do quark and fizz widget share the same voice actor but this widget fails to pronounce sophisticated words as a byproduct of quark stupidity even so quark's plan is actually really well thought out as he escapes his failure in the solana galaxy by starting anew in the bogon galaxy where he's unknown so he has the opportunity to become a hero again how does he do that by initiating the protopet menace and putting an end to it on live holovision the ingenuity doesn't stop there as he specifically abducted ratchet and clank so that he could frame them for unleashing the proto-pet menace which would act as payback for them ruining his image in solana of course cork's stupidity still manages to prevent his success in the end from something as simple as putting a battery into a device backwards deteriorating the protopet instead of improving it nearly costing his life when people talk about their favorite r c villain they usually point towards doctor nefarious chairman dreck or percival tachyon but honestly captain quirk is my favorite i might be biased since he's my favorite character in the series but that doesn't take away from how great he is as a villain coming up with such a clever plan that's tied to an understandable motivation which manifested due to events from the prior game he's also downright hilarious which brings me to the wonderful comedy this game has to offer going commando might be the funniest game i've ever played and that title says it all really being an innuendo for not wearing underwear an aspect of ps2 era rnc that i highly appreciate is that pretty much every character has the ability to be funny at least once even those that aren't supposed to be very comedic have their funny bits like angela cross's clumsy tendencies or darla gretch calmly commentating such bizarre settings that sometimes affect her in more ways than one i'd also say the main duo was another example because while they can be funny that isn't their main stick they actually feel quite laid back mostly just seeming to move the plot forward but they're fun to follow and their personalities complement each other really well ratchet was made kinder due to negative feedback to his personality in the original and while the leap may be questionable it is a natural progression after his growth in that game i wouldn't say is as interesting as he was before but i still very much enjoy him same with clank who actually seems to have been made a bit more aggressive since his comfort gets repeatedly disrupted but he still sticks by ratchet despite that so their friendship is very much present the characters that are supposed to be super comedic are absolutely hilarious especially after mentioned quark watching him intentionally sabotage ratchet and clank while acting cnl is fun to see and it's impressive how many complicated and made-up words were included in the script the secondary villain known as the thug leader also fails to articulate himself sometimes and while he seems like a strict boss he's actually quite wholesome allowing his fellow thugs to take breaks like picnics or pizza parties his feng shui act was also quite adorable with cletus earning himself a write-up for breaking his boss's mysterious appearance i'll admit that a flaw with this story is how he suddenly just vanishes after you defeat him for the third time did he die or did he survive yet again and just not bother anymore either way i wish it had been addressed the mystic also has nonsensical traits spouting the most random that ratchet and clank have to work around in order to understand which does get annoying for them but entertaining for me i also want to mention the mathematician who is a very minor character but is so memorable from the way it talks his lines always contain some math puns like subtracting someone's head from their shoulders or dividing losers from winners all the while sounding like a pro wrestler making it even funnier the dialogue overall is so snappy and filled to the brim with humor and that's just covering the interactions perhaps the funniest parts of the game are the adverts i mentioned that the thugs for less have a wholesome side to them and nothing showcases that better than their prison ad which is presented in the calmest voice possible with a prison that appears to have even better service than the ones in norway it's the irony here that makes it so funny and even ratchet points out that it doesn't seem so bad the introduction to intergalactic gladiators has such a fondly over exaggerated advertisement that honestly seems very accurate to certain commercials who have in real life it starts out with a generic prompt to enter the competition but escalates when the narrator calls you a big fat liar for thinking you have it in you it continues with such a seamless narration describing the legendary gladiators chain blade and b-tube roller that are made so memorable because of that i also love the ys-billy sad commercial which features an innocent kid who fears for his life as he's forced to interact with a dangerous protopet i love how he screams and calls out for the police it seems megacorp really doesn't give a about ethics not only do these commercials provide some excellent comedy but they also contribute to the game's well-defined world building it's fascinating to see how much megacorp has reshaped places throughout the bogon galaxy which is demonstrated quite well in the documentary for tabora that planet used to be a rainforest filled with life but is now an easily navigable desert to quote the documentary why did they do this to mine crystals for bolts making your life richer yeah there's a very apparent theme of capitalism in this game with plenty of commercials and drastic corporate practices not to mention that many of the characters you meet will only give up information if they're paid that's seen as an annoyance to many players and yes it is a bit irritating having to pay to continue especially since weapons and armors are so costly but i like how it adds to the game's underlying theme and i myself don't struggle with the game's bolt economy nowadays these paywalls are also highly relevant to today's gaming landscape where certain games require you to pay for microtransactions in order to receive benefits over others sometimes to even be allowed to continue playing the paywall that's most reminiscent of this is the computer that charges 10 000 volts which ratchet vehemently complains about it almost seems like a prediction of the current age something this game has that every other rc lack for some reason is a masterpedia which describes all the enemies you've encountered in a very charming manner might i add i love this small edition as it gives context for the enemies and some of the descriptions are really interesting take these squirrels for example that are experiments megacorp abandoned because squirrel rights groups protested or these two added crabs that are made more interesting due to the existence of the one-headed crab who's far smarter and composed in comparison the most fascinating monsters however are these bipedal hounds that are basically gadgetron's version of the protopet since they were also meant to be pets but were discontinued for being deadly overall while the writing might not be some of the best that gaming has to offer i find it very competently crafted especially for a game that prioritizes gameplay in fact it might be this very prioritization that allowed the writing to feel so natural because instead of being treated like a separate entity the writing seems to enforce the gameplay in several ways gameplay is what determines whether something is worth playing or not as they are called video games so how does going commando fair in this aspect bloody brilliantly if i do say so myself it not only improves basically everything from its predecessor but it also adds lots of innovations that later on c games would capitalize on first off ratchet controls so much better with faster and smoother movements and doesn't slow down to a fault whenever he uses his wrench something that has also helped this movement is the addition of strafing real strafing anyway which makes aiming and hitting enemies so much easier than before even so going commando is still no slouch in terms of difficulty and might be as hard as the first if not harder that's because enemies are way tougher and designed around the strafing mechanism so that the combat didn't end up being too easy i'll admit that some of the challenge does come from a lack of checkpoints so that's something that could have been improved but at least the game doesn't punish you for dying other than sending you back to the last checkpoint of course believe it or not but dying can actually be a good thing since that means more bolts and experience and there's no life system so your progress won't reset thankfully i alluded to gaining experience which is another innovation that made a big impact on the games moving forward it's called the nanotech leveling up system in which killing enemies will not only upgrade your health but also your weapons depending on how much you use them this system is a great incentive to keep using even the weaker weapons so that you're eventually rewarded with stronger ones there are also weapon modifications that you can buy from slim cognito with platinum bolts these modifications can be useful for making weapons stronger or to give them a lock-on mod which definitely comes in handy for the weapons that are hard to aim with going commando has the biggest arsenal of weapons in the series standing at a whopping 24 provided by none other than the underused weapon manufacturer megacorp okay six of the weapons are made by gadgetron and you can actually get five of them for free if you own them in the original which is an awesome feature it's just a shame that these weapons are so weak and can't even be levelled up but the sext weapon makes up for it the rhino 2 is a machine gun with a hundred powerful missiles that can drain the final boss's health in mere seconds it might be my favorite weapon in the game but it does have tough competition against the plasma storm which is probably my favorite non-rhino weapon in the whole series it's such an efficient crowd clearer that takes out most enemies with ease most seem to argue that the bouncer is the best weapon and while it is great i honestly prefer the somewhat similar mini nuke it's pretty much as powerful as the bouncer but has quicker reload time and the fact that it's one of the two weapons you start with makes it all the more impressive i won't go into the rest of the weapons as that would take ages to cover but going commando might have the best roster in the series despite having a few weak ones here and there the gadgets are also pretty neat i don't know if it's the best selection the franchise has to offer but it does have some really good ones including the returning swing shot and grind boots but also the new dynamo tractor beam and hypnomatic the dynamo is such a creative gadget allowing you to create platforms out of thin air which leads to some cool platforming challenges it's fun using the tractor beam to position platforms destroying stuff with bombs and even taking control of security bots so that you can be granted access to places many claim that the hypnomatic appear too late as you can only use it in the last three levels and yeah it could have had more uses but i thought it was well utilized for the time it was given the robots you hypnotize can jump shoot and take over other robots and they control surprisingly well the game has two hacking devices and while i'm not a fan of the infiltrator as it's largely based on trial and error i'm very fond of the electrolyzer it requires you to focus your attention on the whole screen but it's not too demanding to the point where it becomes frustrating lastly the charge boots can be a godsend for quick traversal especially in the big collecting areas clank has also gotten a few improvements and additions to his gameplay although it is largely the same as it was before clank still uses gadgetbots to do his betting or microbots as they're called under megacorp but this time he can also command bridgebots hammerbots and a lifterbot who don't add much but enough to spice things up a bit clank's movements feel better and the sections are short enough so that they don't overstay their welcome which i felt was the case with orcs on in the original clank sections are still nothing to write home about but they're serviceable and did get improved a bit ratchet and clank games have never really offered that much content so it's fortunate that going commando is one of the biggest in the series it's the second installment which compelled insomniac to basically double everything you start out with two weapons there are two upgrades for most weapons two hacking devices two flying gadgets two gladiatorial arenas two hoverbike races two giant clank stages and two collecting areas this mindset of adhering to the two really helped create a lot of content and ways to further progression while still being varied every time you finish a minigame or maxi game as insomniac calls them you're rewarded with plenty of bolts which is something the original would have really benefited from due to the aforementioned paywalls and expensive weaponry it certainly helped this game and it's even better in challenge mode there the rewards you receive are much larger plus it's possible to cultivate a bolt multiplier which can go anywhere from double the amount to 20 times as much so while you have to spend a lot you also earn a lot all the same the gameplay variety wouldn't have mattered if the maxi game sucked but thankfully none of them do and i really like them for the most part the ship sections are probably what i hear the most complaints about regarding this game and while i agree that four sections are a bit much i've come to enjoy these over time rnc's most other ship sections are honestly not as good and this game actually allows you to upgrade the ship for a smoother experience i do wish you'd be able to upgrade it earlier though since it's only possible right after the second segment which can be tough without upgrades whether you like the gameplay of these sections or not at least they provide some stellar atmospheres on the flip side the gladiatorial arenas are the most hail darn c maxi games and i can see why as they keep core gameplay elements while acting as training grounds to gain experience honestly i think the arenas are a tad overrated since i prefer the combat to be accompanied by more open areas than platforming but i can't deny that they offer some fun challenges and actually the best boss fights in the game the other bosses are sadly a letdown since most of them are too easy and not very engaging to fight against there's also the absolutely annoying thug leader boss on planet's nevillac which is easily the worst part of the game as the gigantomag takes far too long to beat and the game wants you to use turrets rather than your arsenal to take it down the final boss isn't much to brag about either being super easy but i think it's overhated it might not be an epic battle against cork or something but it does offer some cool ideas like the mutant protopet using ammunition from megacorp weapons against you and you can even use the tractor beam to hurt it with bombs anyways back to the maxi games the hoverbike races are really fun and while not as flexible as the hoverboard from the original i think the hoverbike controls better and has a much better sense of speed it's similar to f-zero probably not as deep mechanically but for a racing maxi game it's pretty impressive giant clank was a really cool idea in the original but i found him too slow and restricted he's so much faster in this game and i love how abnormally high clank can jump it's so satisfying the only issues i have with it is that the boss can be hard to reach if you lost sight of it and your health drains unusually fast sometimes which can result in cheap deaths but i don't often encounter these problems anymore these sections also highlight the game's spherical moons of which there are three and those were really impressive at the time even though they're not perfect mechanically most people bring up super mario galaxy when talking about spherical game design understandably so as those games perfected them but there's no denying how innovative going commando was for being able to implement them lastly the collecting areas can get boring since the valuables are scattered across empty maps but they're a useful way of earning bolts and experience and they're easier to find after obtaining the mapper completing them is thankfully optional and that's a good thing about these maxi games sure you are forced to participate in them but that usually only entails a short challenge so if you're not fond of them you can always ditch them after their obligatory missions i myself usually do them all since i'm a sucker for completing this game before concluding the long gameplay section of this review i want to dive a bit into the level design while they may not be quite as open as they were in the original they're not super limited like in up your arsenal either and they do have a lot of interesting ideas to offer on megopolis you can control these cranes to rearrange platforms and kill enemies on no tech you have to freeze bodies of water with the therminator at the right moment so that the water is high enough to reach later areas bolton has a lot of gravity ramps including magnetic walls you have to descend while fending off enemies behind balconies that you can use for cover and smoke has the gimmick of using the levitator to fly across far away platforms there's always something new to do in these levels despite their similar layouts which makes levels fun and distinctive i'm not completely sure what's my favorite level between planet bolden or yidl but i at least know that yidl is my favorite final level it's very linear like you'd expect from a final level or any level leading up to a boss fight but it's still packed with content and utilizes most of the gadgets you've come to rely on that's not even mentioning the brilliant atmosphere which transitions nicely into the next segment of this review the presentation of this game which is referring to the visuals and sounds is fantastic even for being so old this game is turning 17 and yet it still holds up so well it does of course help that it has a very cartoony art style that aged well and despite lacking detail for today's standards i can find less faults with it than a lot of big aaa games nowadays that strive to look as realistic as possible the developers themselves know how good these environments look as you're always presented with the panorama view of each place you visit showcasing the scope and atmosphere of the level in a single shot i'd say this game has some of the best opening shots in the series including usla magdar nebula barlow smog grelbin and especially yeedle that's just so ominous with a tall megacorp building looming over you surrounded by all that darkness it does a great job establishing the final level and showing what you're up against the worlds are comfortably designed with a varied color palette diversifying each place you visit even when levels share similar aesthetics like the snow planets grelbon and siberius you can still tell that their atmospheres are completely different the presentation really benefits from the attention to world building as it makes for a consistent motif throughout many of the levels while still feeling like their own locations i love that there are megacorp stamps and advertisements all over most of the levels showing megacorp's total control of the bogon galaxy an especially interesting case of this is planet barlow where gadgetron lies in ruins due to megacorps takeover these details do such a good job at immersing me into these environments and that's not even mentioning details exclusive to each level like interactive slot machines in the maktar resort destructible rockets on planet ordaino or the whole swampy aesthetic of planet usla which is incorporated into the level design the coolest detail might be found in megopolis where cleaner bots will come out after you destroy garbage cans basically making it bogon's version of singapore the character models might look outdated today but i think they still look good despite being rough around the edges ratchet has such a cool design made even cooler with armors and clank is simple yet effective there aren't many characters returning from the first game but the ones that do still look consistent as ever may be aside from the shady salesman i mean he looks the same but his model has been stretched out for some reason the new character designs are also very good and fit right in with rnc's style i particularly like the irony of the protopet's design making them out to be harmless pets when they are in fact ravenous beasts it somehow makes them scarier of course good character models won't really matter much if they aren't accompanied by good animation but insomniac have been really careful in that regard to make them as natural and dynamic as possible just look at how smooth the animations are in the scene it's super impressive and even beats some later on sea games in that regard voice acting is also an important facet of a character and it's exceptional throughout the game with voices very reminiscent of cartoon characters the mystic's voice cracks me up pun intended and he actually shares the same voice actor as ratchet which shows range ratchet actually got a new voice actor for this game because mikey kelly's portrayal of him in the original wasn't received the best even though i liked it myself i do think james arnold taylor fits ratchet better at least past his rebellious face so it was a good choice in my book david chao's clank always kills it it's amazing how robotic he can sound and it's all natural no external methods required jim ward as captain quark slash fist widget is also incredible he really sells the bumbling idiot but also delivers a good villainous performance when he needs to i lastly give a shout out to the thug leader voiced by none other than steve bloom whose intimidating voice coupled with his wholesomeness creates comedy gold the best sound design might come from the awesome soundtrack composed by best r c composer david berchow i think this is my favorite of the series and for sure one of my favorites in gaming it has such unique techno sounds that fit the series's futuristic settings so well it's also very varied with badass tracks found in levels like bolden todayno and aranos com tunes in tabora joba and grelbin in addition to ominous music in snivelak usola and yidle the ship sections basically cover these musical types so there's variety to be found in those as well it is true that two sections share the same music but that's because the first section is so short and can't be revisited and since that's one of my favorite samples i'm glad they brought it back i'm not an expert when it comes to music so i might not have a say in how well these tracks are composed but i can say they're some of the coolest background music i've ever heard and that should count for something this game is very generous with bonus content maybe more so than any other game in the series which is another reason why i love it so much there are two playable arcade games the first of which seeming to be based on the 1962 game space war and the latter may be loosely based on 1978 space invaders these are extremely simple and not much to rave about but i much appreciate their inclusion as it chose willingness from the creators to provide to the players one of these can actually be played on a pyramid-shaped console in clank's apartment using the dynamo which is a really cool easter egg by far my favorite easter egg in all of gaming however is undoubtedly the insomniac museum which is something that didn't need to be implemented but it was and it's such a clever way to show behind the scenes stuff there's even more of that to be unlocked in the menus like a short but informative documentary on making the game some charming cut commercials and a slideshow of concept art that has been nicely edited together with the awesome tordeno music playing in the background it all showcases a great deal of care and effort put in by the developers which i highly respect that's not even mentioning the remaining extra stuff like the amusing endorsement deals in comic about clank's day off they might not mean much in the grand scheme of things but fun little secrets like these really contribute to the game's lasting appeal while this is my favorite video game i have absolutely no qualms that it references other games in fact i find it very welcoming there are plenty of jack and daxter easter eggs with one poster in clank's apartment and two others with a near vicinity of one another on planet damocel damocel also features a small clip of ratchet and clank imitating jack and daxter's power cell animation which is such a fun little tribute even that's not the extent of jnd references as ratchet actually plays both the precursor legacy and jack too and then rage quits because he sucks at playing video games he also plays the first sly cooper which was much needed advertisement for that underrated gem ratchet even plays his own games still somehow failing miserably but it serves as a good sneak peak of what to expect this is why going commando has my favorite title screen in gaming as it's chock full of references not only to its own games but to others as well it shows such good companionship between game companies you really love to see it subject 23a please report immediately for crotchetizer testing well duty calls [Music] after having made my longest review yet i've explained in detail why ratchet and clank ii going commando is my favorite video game it has a simple but tightly written story containing many twists that keeps you guessing and the characters offer some comedic dialogue making them extremely likable the game's numerous commercials are especially hilarious and add to the engrossing world building the gameplay of this sequel improves so much over its predecessor by ironing out its unpolished aspects while also introducing a lot of fun new gameplay elements that are here to stay in the franchise's future the game looks great even today having an art style that aged wonders not to mention good character models with smooth animations the soundtrack is awesomely unique and is fun to listen to even outside of the game something else i absolutely love about the game is that it features so many bonuses that show a great deal of love and effort by its developers including easter eggs that serve as a celebration of gaming and the ones who made them in terms of flaws i can't say there are that many but i'd say the most apparent issue is the selection of boss fights as most of them are easy and one of them is super tedious also while i do love the writing gameplay and presentation none of these aspects are perfect and longer development time could have brought more polish still it's impressive how well it turned out regardless and each element come together to form such a well-defined hole going commando is a masterpiece of a game deserving the review score of 9.5 out of 10 and it's most certainly a 10 in terms of the enjoyment i have with it it would take a hell of a lot for another game to surpass it i'm arcade on and hopefully you'll see me next time
Channel: Arcaedon Luminos
Views: 60,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ratchet & Clank, Ratchet and Clank, Going Commando, Locked and Loaded, Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando, R&C, R&C 2, Ratchet, Clank, Captain Qwark, Angela Cross, Abercrombie Fizzwidget, Thug Leader, Mystic, Mathematician, Review, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PS2, PS3, HD Collection, HD Trilogy, November 11th, 17 years old, Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando Review, My favorite video game, Best Ratchet and Clank game, Ratchet and Clank 2, Ratchet and Clank 2 review, Megacorp, Ryno
Id: ZwjTv4_8Btg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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