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welcome to the knowledge athum channel the channel for interesting historical and amazing scientific facts Forbidden Knowledge famous people secrets and entertaining mind-blowing achievements and conspiracies in January of 1913 an unexpected letter arrived at the doorstep of renowned British mathematician Godfrey Harold Hardy penned by an obscure clerk from the port trust office in Madras India the letter contained extraordinary claims of mathematical breakthroughs though initial Impressions dismissed it as yet another missive from an eccentric Enthusiast Hardy's closer examination revealed a startling truth the letter was a testament to the breathtaking Genius of its author shrinivasa ramanujan born in 1887 in Mass India ramanujan displayed an unparalleled aptitude for mathematics from a young age by his early teens he had outpaced the knowledge of college students and independently delved into advanced mathematical Concepts despite limited formal education ramanujan's innate Talent propelled him to master subjects beyond the reach of many seasoned mathematicians however ramanu Jan's Journey was fraught with appalling challenges hindered by extreme poverty and the lack of academic support he struggled to sustain his passion for mathematics yet it was his unwavering Dedication that caught Hardy's attention when he received ramanujan's persistent third letter finally recognizing ramanujan's unparalleled potential Hardy extended an invitation for him to join the mathematical community at the UN University of Cambridge despite initial hesitations ramanujan embarked on a transformative journey to England where he astounded Hardy and his peers with his intuitive Brilliance of unmatched proportions through collaboration with hardi ramanujan refined his Raw Talent unveiling a wealth of groundbreaking theorems and insights that had eluded mathematicians for centuries including names such as Robert Hook and Isaac Newton his contributions to number Theory and Analysis earned him a claim and recognition culminating in his election as a fellow of the Royal Society and Trinity College in his lifetime the mathematical genius shrinivasa ramanujan produced around 3,900 mathematical results all of which he seemed to invent independently remarkably nearly all of his claims have since been proven perfectly correct even the most profound ones leading to the opening of new areas of study and inspiring further research such was the impact of his work that it led to the establishment of the ramanujan journal a scientific publication dedicated solely to math influenced by his theories but ramanu Jan's Legacy doesn't stop there as Science and Mathematics have progressed his work has found relevance in fields that didn't even exist during his time areas such as computer science electronic engineering and including the study of black holes have all benefited from his insights for instance ramano Jan had even developed a formula that would later be used to describe the different properties of black holes despite the fact that the concept of black holes was completely unknown during his lifetime mathematicians and SCI scientists have been puzzled by ramanujan's seemingly intuitive grasp of Concepts that were far ahead of his time some like Ken Ono of Emory University and Freeman Dyson of the institute for advanced study at Princeton attribute his abilities to a kind of Intuition or magic tricks that remain beyond our understanding ramanu Jan himself attributed his mathematical prowess to his family goddess Nam J claiming that equations held no meaning for him unless they represented thoughts of God he described receiving visions of complex mathematical formulas after dreams of his family goddess which might seem eccentric but they parallel the experiences of other legendary thinkers throughout history such as Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton this phenomenon of sudden inspiration is not unique to ramanujan also Dimitri melie the creator of the periodic table claimed that the entire table came to him in a dream including elements that had not yet been discovered Albert Einstein famously conducted thought experiments to derive his groundbreaking theories while even Steve Jobs claimed to have received inspiration for the iPhone in a daydream these instances of sudden inspiration might find an explanation in the concept of the akashic records this idea originating from the Sanskrit word Akash meaning the essence of all things suggests a universal database of human knowledge and experience accessible to anyone at any time proponents of this concept argue that even religious texts hint at the existence of such an incredible profound database also Nicola Tesla was a fervent supporter of the akashic records describing them as a repository of all human knowledge he believed that his own ideas and inventions were inspired by this Universal database could it be that individuals like ramanujan Einstein and jobs were accessing this wealth of knowledge when they experienced moments of sudden Insight the existence of the akashic records might also shed light on other Mysteries such as the simultaneous discovery of inventions and scientific theories by multiple individuals Mozart's prodigious talent and the near simultaneous development of historic inventions like the telephone and airplane could be attributed to access to this Universal database for Raman nuan the question remains if he did indeed access the akashic records how much knowledge did he acquire and what insights might he have left for future Generations as his work continues to yield New Revelations and applications it's possible that ramano Jan's contributions to mathematics May extend even further into Realms such as time travel anti-gravity and Limitless energy apart from the question what ramanu Jan could have accomplished further if he was given the time one thing that he already did is proving himself standing next to Immortal giants like Albert Einstein Isaac Newton and Nicola Tesla due to the the fact that no other mathematician in history produced so much on such an advanced level of math science that he can be regarded with ease as the greatest mathematician in recorded history a status equal if not Beyond those of Newton Einstein and Tesla a warm welcome everyone Edward here just a quick hello to my subscribers with without you my channnel would be meaningless my channel is about useful knowledge of the world of people of politics of History the universe natural medicine Health Science and much more interesting wisdom being a knowledge junkie myself I'm aware that knowledge is very important and equals power in life so please help me continue my passion And subscribe to my channel thank you and enjoy my videos thank you for watching please subscribe give it a thumbs up share and hit that notification Bell to stay updated for our latest videos
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Keywords: Sure, Ramanujan biography, Indian mathematician, Ramanujan mathematical genius, Ramanujan number theory, Ramanujan theorems, Ramanujan formulas, Ramanujan contributions, Ramanujan mathematical legacy, Ramanujan notebooks, Ramanujan prime, Ramanujan pi formulas, Ramanujan mathematical puzzles, Ramanujan awards, Ramanujan quotes, Ramanujan 1729, Ramanujan infinite series, Ramanujan modular equations, Ramanujan continued fractions, Ramanujan partitions, Ramanujan lost notebook
Id: X80Vr84VouI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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