why people keep Killing their Monstera

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monstera deliciosa is supposed to be one of the easiest plants but you would not believe how many people are asking for help but the good news is we're all doing the same thing we're all over watering it here's how you could over water this plant start with this mindset to kill your plant I want to give my plants some room to grow so I want to give it a big pot you pick a home that's way too big for your plant you pick a soil that retains a lot of water and maybe maybe you even use this trick to perfectly repot your plant now your plant is in its new home and over the next few hours it's trying to pull in water through the roots and into the leaves but it's full it can't take in anymore unfortunately it's only pulled in water from an insignificant amount of soil surrounding the plant the soil is still soaking wet but most importantly the soil has no oxygen as days pass the lack of oxygen is slowly destroying your roots plant killing bacteria is thriving in here a week or two has gone by and you stick your finger in the top two inches of soil it feels mostly dry but anywhere past this point is still an absolute swamp you water your monstera and the whole process starts all over again until the eventual demise of your plant what you actually want to is your plant to go from soaking wet to dry quickly this is how you do that in four ways many of us are not waiting long enough for the roots of our plant to develop waiting until you get closer to the ramen noodle Zone will help your plant take in more water from the surrounding soil which will help the plant dry out faster many of us are increasing our pot size by far too much as a general rule one to two inches in diameter in the standard sizes is a safe choice to upgrade smaller size increases means less surrounding soil to stay wet which will help the plant dry out faster you can also consider using terracotta which dries out faster than plastic many of us are strictly budget plant Shoppers and we're getting the most basic soil which is fine but this soil is very dense and it holds a lot of water you could add substances like perlite or orchid bark to lighten it giving the roots more oxygen helping it dry out faster if you are on a budget just focus on smaller pot size upgrades and wait until your roots have filled out more of your plant before you start to repot it this soil can be perfectly acceptable the most important factor is light the higher light your plant is in the faster it can cycle through the water in your pot if you are living in a tropical or subtropical climate with your plant outdoors in super high light the less important it becomes to worry about soil pot type or even what your roots look like but for the rest of us light tends to be the thing that's the most out of our control we only have certain window facing certain directions often obstructed which leaves us in less than ideal situations increase light where you can but focus on the roots pot size and soil and this plant will be immortal over watering isn't about giving your plants too much water at once over watering is watering your plants too frequently actually no wait a minute it's not even that over watering is just creating an environment where there's no Oxygen for your roots and your soil isn't drying out quickly enough if you needed proof that a monstera can survive just about anything as long as it's not over watered check out this monstera Rescue video
Channel: Kill This Plant
Views: 536,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monstera deliciosa, house plants, swiss cheese plant, monstera deliciosa care, indoor plants, monstera care, repotting monstera, swiss cheese plant care, monstera deliciosa soil, monstera deliciosa pot size, monstera plant care, repotting monstera deliciosa
Id: lg6G0tG1tK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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