No, you cant just keep repotting your Monstera

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I have to repot my monstera I'm not even sure if you could see me that well but it's been a year and it's time to repot my massive monstera I have a bigger pot it's wider but the same actual height and I have to put in another steak because the One Birch Bark pole that I used last time my monster kind of snuck away from that pole so I actually have to fix this thing when you're repotting a monstera your pole needs to be against the back side of the plant the part that you're seeing right now is the back of the plant you can tell us the back of the plant because along this side all you can see are the aerial Roots huge cluster of aerial Roots if you follow the stem going up you can only see aerial roots and all of the leaves are facing in this direction so once I take this out a new pole is coming in and it's gonna go right here so that it can tie the stem to the pole and it can continue climbing up and provide great support for this plant so two different stems in this plant two different poles you don't always need two poles or one pole per each stem but it is helpful if your stems are in different directions let me show you what pot I have I have this size pot and you can't just keep repotting your monstera forever because eventually it's gonna be too much to handle this is the second largest pot that I have the next plot is the exact same width but it is about like six inches deeper so this year it's gonna get pot in this pot next year it's going into the largest spot then after that this thing is going to get its head chopped off I'm going to reroute it and start it in a new smaller pot so I can just continue with the same largest leaves you should wait for the soil to be dry it's much easier to get it out of the pot that way if you're by yourself it's much harder especially if you have a giant monstera but one thing that I do suggest is I guess you could call it like a wrestling move technique so basically for the wrestling move technique you go this way you put your legs around it like this like you're gonna crush a watermelon and then you just Crush in the sides like this this should loosen up a lot of the soil and as you do this just turn and keep turning and then it's gonna get looser and looser once you do that enough you can try to pull it straight out but we'll see if it works out see super easy now that it's out Roots super healthy um it's not actually filling up as much as the pot as I thought it would but I'm not going to I'm not going to stop now I'm going to follow through with this repot just check the roots once you do this make sure that Everything feels firm it smells okay if you smell any kind of rotting that's a good sign that you probably have some kind of root rot and now I gotta mix my soil usually I have a super premium soil mix with my monsteras and other airoids but when you're starting to deal with plants this big kind of have to wing it use more potting soil than you usually would and just try to fill in as much perlite a little bit of orchid bark if you can I do have a little bit of Horticultural charcoal left over so I'm just going to dump the rest of that in as well as a couple handfuls of worm castings so because this pot was about as tall as the previous monstera I'm just gonna have a small small layer of soil at the bottom which I already have some pre-mix left over I'm adding Fox Farm ocean Forest to my soil mix I usually use that as my more premium potting soil it's really really light and it has a lot of perlite in it I'm gonna dump in the rest of my Horticultural charcoal and some orchid bark [Applause] a couple of handfuls of earthworm fastings and I'm not going to add any perlite right now if I start needing more soil then I'll fill in on some perlite so now that I filled in a little bit of soil I'm gonna add my birch bark Pole make sure it's securely up securely up to where my aerial roots are at the back of the plant and then I'm going to secure it with some velcro tape double-sided velcro plant tape okay and then from there it just filling it one of the main things that you have to remember about repotting mods there is that you really don't need to be that gentle these plants are really Hardy the roots are fine as long as you're not over watering this plant you're gonna be fine there's no reason to be afraid of doing a repot if your plant is really really big get a friend to help you like I said wait till the soil is dry it makes the whole process much easier but you know you can do stuff like this anyway like the video if it was helpful and see you next time
Channel: Kill This Plant
Views: 936,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monstera deliciosa, swiss cheese plant, monstera, how to repot a monstera, repotting monstera, monstera deliciosa soil
Id: RD7y59grK3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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