Why I moved to Montreal

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have lived in Paris unreal which is one of the most gorgeous cities in the world I have been all over Europe and recently I've decided to live in Montreal Canada why well to answer that question we need to go back in time I've moved nine times in my life nine times holy cow that's a lot not just to be for a little bit in another place I'm talking about moving actually moving taking all of your stuff in life and going to a different place to live there for years foreign moved to another place because I felt there was something missing think of it you've probably moved at some point in your life at least you were not an apartment or a house right and maybe you want to move to another city or a country as well but what is that that you're missing what is that there you want to find when you move we all have different reasons maybe it's because of safety maybe it's because of the work Marketplace maybe it's because a person you want to be with whatever the reason there's something we're trying to find in that new place so why Montreal life through a lot in me in the recent years I feel and I felt like I needed to move I definitely had my reasons to move somewhere else didn't know where to go though I was already living in Canada in Ottawa at that point and if I were to stay the options were limited as you may know there are mainly three large cities in Canada although I should say dense there are many three dense cities in Canada or very dense cities in Canada Vancouver Toronto and Montreal I ruled out Vancouver right away because it's further to it's on the west coast and it's further from places I like being like Europe or Brazil Toronto was an option but to be honest I didn't really think I wanted to live there it's fun to be there for a few days but for me personally it feels a little bit too modern too solos I don't know it's just how I feel about the city that's the impression I got every time that I've been there but again that's very personal so it's fun but do I really want to live there so I was left with Montreal Montreal felt wrong I don't know how to describe it but I think it felt like the wrong choice because he was never the plan I hadn't even considered Montreal when I came to Canada so it felt like it wasn't a good choice now a few things most people in Montreal speak French as their first language and guess what I speak French although my French is slightly different my French is the French from France and here they speak with a different accent I should be fine right right Montreal is quite close to New York City and the time zone difference from Brazil it's just one hour or two hours during winter other than that I didn't really know that much about Montreal I actually debated if I should go back to Brazil or you know if I shouldn't moved to Europe I eventually told myself you know what might not give Montreal a shot okay so at this point I have a lot to say about Montreal like a lot a lot and I feel I need to start with the bad things about Montreal and there are bad things about this city so break down this part in three topics the language barrier the healthcare system in the winter so let's jump into it some context here I went to high school in France so French is kind of a first language to me when I speak French I don't really have an accent it's really like a French person speaking and before moving to Quebec I've never heard a person from Quebec speaking French I didn't even know that it was different from a french-speaking person at all but it turns out some of the words and some of the expressions are vastly different from the ones we use in France and that sometimes can cause confusion I'll give you an example a friend from Montreal and I went to Quebec City a city that is two hours driving from Montreal and we were having breakfast and she turns to me and says now if your friend means to bother to be fed up with so I thought she was saying that she didn't like Montreal anymore when what she was actually saying was I miss Montreal so it was a confusion that lasted for five minutes where I was like move to another city if you don't like Montreal anymore because I was like no but I I like like you know so anyway it caused confusion he couldn't understand each other for five minutes I also noticed that every time that I would speak French to someone from here in a more formal context my energy would get drained and this is very weird because I speak the language perfectly but at the same time because of the accent it becomes just much harder for me to assimilate everything that has been said and to keep interacting this doesn't happen with people that I already know like friends but it does happen in a more formal context if I go to a meter for example if you just speak English and you don't speak French at all and you don't want to learn French Montreal can be a tough City and not because people don't speak English here they do I would say most people do speak English but they're also very proud of their French heritage in the French language is something that they have been fighting for for long so if you don't even put the effort to speak French this can be regarded as a lack of respect to some degree I've seen situations where a Quebec person would pretend not to speak English to someone who's trying to speak English to them and would pretend not to understand what they were saying and then five minutes later I speak perfect English to someone else and this happens because they don't want you to assume they need to speak English to you because they are in their Province where technically French is the first language they think you should learn French and speak to them in French if you're here in their Province and I don't think they're wrong especially if you live here this is a very polemic topic here the Health Care System Quebec is notorious for having if not the worst one of the worst Healthcare Systems in Canada now remember the Health Care system is free in Canada which I think is great it's just that Quebec falls behind the other provinces I won't pretend I'm an expert and I can just provide solutions to the problem and just offer my solutions to the province um I won't pretend to do that but as far as I know Quebec just doesn't have enough doctors and doesn't have enough Healthcare Professionals in general you can go to an emergency room in weights 12 15 17 hours just to be seen by someone and this is the emergency room I actually had a problem where I had to see a doctor and I waited 12 hours to be seen by someone to then be told that it was nothing when in fact it was something and I did have to go under surgery so anyway this is definitely a downside of Montreal and the Quebec Province overall [Music] foreign parts of Canada or if you are you know from very good parts in the world you're going to say yes it's cold and there's nothing we can we can do about it but if you're not from from places that are this cold like most of Europe or South America or Asia in general um you've no idea what's coming your way it's called it's actually really cool I'm talking about -30 here so everything is different everything changes during winter things we never have to worry about in Europe or in warmer places things that to this day I look and I say wow that's insane we'll give you a few examples your wardrobe will change dramatically these are just few of the things that you have to have in order to live in Canada or at least in in cold parts of Canada winter jacket so here it says this is my winter jacket it's made of goose down which tends to be the warmest type of insulation for jackets and it's really good it withstands you know cold winds and in cold temperatures so I'm pretty pretty happy with it and one thing that I didn't know like you see in the movies sometimes especially if you're from I don't know a warmest place a warmer place in Europe or um or somewhere somewhere else there's not s code here as in as in Canada you would see in movies this kind of fair and I never understood exactly what I thought it was mostly Aesthetics and kind of design thing um but it isn't it really is for there's no snow falling this will protect your face because you put it of course the hood and this will prevent that snow from falling into your face and uh in rice so it's pretty uh it's pretty good base layer of different types of base layers this one is the one that I use for snowboarding because it's the warmest so I like I like to keep that one for a snowboarding but I have thinner the ones I have you know for just for different types of code if it's too too cold then I tend to walk to use the warmer ones if it's not as cold and also how I layer so I like having this variety to play with winter boots I have two winter boots uh this is the one that I use the most the black one and just because it matches most of the things that I have and as you can see it has this fleshy thing inside um I have a brown one again I'll deficit thing inside they are quite warm both of them but this one is the one that I would say is the warmest gloves or mittens there's also different types of gloves so this one are leather gloves um not as thick as you can see so they're kind of vary inside they you know they have this fleece thing and these ones are very thin and I use them also when I go snowboarding because I have a thinner layer um under my my warmer gloves so even when I do take my gloves off I still have a thin layer of protection you'll be walking on snow when there's just no grip for your shoes and then you have muddy snow resulting from you know warmer weather which makes a mess every time that you step inside when I have a car Welcome to Hell here's just a small list of things that you have to have if you have a car that you wouldn't need in most places on a winter tires special windshield washer fluid the one that doesn't freeze shovel to remove the snow out of the way snow brush of course tire traction map you know because they use salt to to solve this no now you have salt being thrown at your car at all times so you have to think of that too and protect your car against corrosion and the city has to remove the snow from the streets including the places cars are passed so you have to take your car elsewhere otherwise you'll get a fine if your car is in a four-wheeler how are you going to get out of that pile of snow yep there's that too Juliano the way you say it this place looks like hell why do you live there well let's talk about the very good things foreign was a very safe City if you compare Montreal to large cities worldwide you'll see that Montreal is one of the safest cities out there and I can see it on my day today especially women I think women generally speaking feel safe here walking on the streets at night giving deserted dark places so it's a great thing that you can walk and not have to worry about your phone your watch or your car Montreal has Charmed me from day one the first day when it got here I went for a walk and I went to the old part of the city we call it Old Montreal and it's a very beautiful neighborhood closely downtown it's almost 400 years old and it's home to one of the most beautiful architectures in North America with some of its buildings dating back to the 17th century I could not talk about the good things here without mentioning the history the rich history and cultural diversity of Montreal Montreal was an early French Settlement India has played a significant role in Canada's political cultural and economic landscape Montreal has been a hub of immigration Commerce in Innovation and it has been the site of numerous events and developments that have shaped the country and its history over the years people from all around the world have come to Montreal to live and work and have brought with them their families and their traditions this has created a Melting Pot of cultures that have enriched the city and made it one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world I personally think it's one of the most beautiful things a city can have and generally speaking Canada is embraceful of diversity I've I've experienced that wherever I went but I just think Montreal has more of it [Music] and it's fascinating to be able to be around people with such different interests and passions and traditions I've been reading the history of Canada to try to understand the country better and there is this government General um his name was John Butcher that in 1937 said that immigrants should retain their individuality and each make its contribution to the National character that each could learn from the other and while do they cherish their own special loyalties and traditions they cherish no less than new tradition and loyalty that Springs from their Union and to me that is incredibly powerful and beautiful in times like ours um where we're so divided and there's you know there's so much conflict it's nice to see a place where it's possible it's definitely not perfect and not everybody Embraces that concept here but at least I feel there is an intentional effort to get there the vibrant food and entertainment scene food is amazing like I said Montreal is incredibly diverse so of course you'll have restaurants with every possible cuisine in the world Montreal is home to famous plays in amazing events all year round especially during summer where the city seems to become a huge party venue [Music] we have all kinds of festivals and staying home almost seems like a sin everybody's doing a million things every day and you can't you can't possibly stay home [Music] terrible for productivity I should say also the supermarket this is going to sound a bit crazy but it's not everywhere that you can find good produce in good supermarkets here in North America or at least that has been my experience [Music] so I'm pleasantly surprised to see we have good supermarkets here probably a great French implants here we have amazing varieties of cheese [Music] and I love cheese and finally winter yes that exact winter I was talking about in the first part of this video see winter is not just about muddies know and no removal and extreme cold it's also about a rusty nap in the comfort of your home it's about chalets it's about wood fire having good wine and good friends to share it with it's about ice skating sliding in my favorite one of all snowboarding [Music] oh and it took me a while to figure that out winter can be depressing for some people I've seen many people struggling to get through winter in good mental health but I think you can change the way you look at winter and instead of looking it as a Dance season you can try to make it fun and enjoyable and snowboarding is a good part of that for me the more I do it the more I enjoy it to the point where now I look forward to Winter because I know how much fun I'll have going to the slopes riding with my friends and then later going to a restaurant and sharing a good time [Music] now I enjoy so much the snow because of snowboarding but also why skating and going to the mountains going to chalets and cooking more comfort food having great wine with friends that I don't know if I'd be able to live in a place where he doesn't know yes I said it foreign [Music] was going to be enough for me I really didn't I could live anywhere in Europe literally you know I'm not saying Montreal is better than the cities you can find in Europe that's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is for me personally Montreal is good enough so I don't want to move to the point that I don't want to move to Europe or to Brazil and that's saying something foreign [Music] my time here I am filled with a sense of gratitude and joy every day I'm reminded of the simple joys in life [Music] whether it's walking through the bustling markets taking in the sights and sounds of the city or sipping coffee in a quaint Cafe in Little Italy I'm constantly surrounded by Beauty [Music] am I going to stay here for the rest of my life I don't know probably not [Music] but for now I call the city my home I hope you've enjoyed this video I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Juliano Goulart
Views: 8,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G6Logo6dNrQ
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Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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