Top 5 reasons not to move to Canada | Why Canada is broken

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Canada keeps aggressively promoting itself as an attractive country to integrate but why does it care about people in other countries obviously not it's just because it desperately needs those immigrants money and cheap labor in order to prop up its economy wait but immigrants also benefit from getting into Canada as it allows them to have freedom high standards of living jobs housing Health Care at least for those who work hard does it my answer is if a recent immigrant is absolutely no after three years in Canada I see it as one of the most overrated countries in the world very high taxes and almost cost of Life very few well-paying jobs with insane competition for them small salaries no access to health care whatsoever houses cost of Fortune streets are flooded by homeless people crime is on the rise the government does not even pretend they care but just keep raising taxes and impose new restrictions but massive numbers of immigrants keep coming to Canada deceived by Propaganda that ridiculously call it one of the best places to live in the world in order to move and settle in Canada I spend huge money and more importantly a lot of my lifetime can I call it my home no I'm waiting to get my passports and I'm very likely to leave after that I view this journey as a very expensive way to get a decent passport the country itself is currently not suitable for immigration at all a lot of Canadians who understand the current state of the country are moving out as well I know at this point some of you are thinking oh he's just a loser who prefers to complain on the internet just work hard be patient and you will have a great life in Canada like someone did 25 years ago that's how I was thinking about this kind of negative videos as well before I moved to Canada I thought like I'm not that complaining loser guy I will work hard and I will succeed but then I actually moved here and discovered that Canada has dramatically changed in the recent years maybe it was a decent country for the previous generation but it's completely broken now even if you are a well-educated work hard even pick up a second job you're still poor in Canada because everything costs a fortune as all your hard-earned money are being wasted by the government but let's move on to five most important reasons why Canada is broken and absolutely nobody should immigrate here now number one you will not be able to earn enough money here to have a normal life it's not about working hard versus being lazy it's about how the system has been set up I'm working as a software engineer with a salary above the average and my my wife graduated from a Canadian college and she's working as well and yet we can afford only taxes rent and food we have no chance to own a house we are basically One Step from being homeless I see that most of my colleagues struggle financially as well I see those Highly Educated people whose experience in their 40s delivering food in ubereats in the evening because that's the only option for them to stay afloat I see educated and experienced people taking two jobs just to pay rent Canada's official policies to bring new immigrants in use the little savings they have use them as cheap labor in order to prop up the otherwise failing economy giving back as little as possible until they are frustrated enough to leave the second reason not to move to Canada is that you will have to wait something like half a year or even longer to see a doctor if you develop a serious health issue there is a real chance of dying while waiting for your doctor's appointment and it's not an exaggeration it's a reality I've been living in Canada for more than three years and it's impossible for me to see a doctor we pay high taxes that are supposed to finance health care but we have no access to it our money is wasted on a bloated government with very stupid activities that bring no value back to us third reason is a crisis in Canadian politics all the politicians whom I know here from the mayor of my city to the Prime Minister are not working to make this country a better place their only motivation is to keep staying in power whether to satisfy their narcissism or to make more money Canadian Parliament looks to me like a circus I have not seen them taking a single decision that contributed to my life in a positive way just a bunch of very expensive useless suits pretending they are working for the country but they just work for themselves our prime minister is completely out of touch he lives in some parallel universe where the budget balances itself and houses are being built by themselves he and his cabinet are showing off by saying how many more billions of taxpayers money they wasted on various policies they that have brought no real value to Canadians but just contributed to inflation which is basically a theft when the cost of housing tripled in price in the last 10 years and salaries remained mostly flat and yet he has been in power for almost a decade already and Canadians just reelected him for a third term I don't get it this is just a fake democracy to me some kind of a smart imitation at this moment I like what conservatives are saying and I will vote for them however I do have a suspicion that it's all just the theater and it doesn't matter liberal or conservative the government would just pursue their own selfish interests and do not care about the country and its people at all fourth reason not to move to Canada heads in the sand mentality of Canadians even those who do realize that the country has been going downhill and these in a serious crisis would rather be silent about that or leave the country than make steps in order to improve it the majority of their population is busy surviving and not participating in politics assuming that the government knows their business and some of potentially the brightest Canadians like young professionals especially doctors entrepreneurs are leaving Canada in significant numbers clearly weakening its potential kind of a brain drain they do not see their future in Canada Canadian culture have been nice plays a role here as well because it does not help to openly State and address those problems and it also prevents from providing honest information about the state of the country to potential new immigrants if you are in Canada and say something negative about it it almost feels non-canadian because you are supposed to be nice and positive your text to death you are forced to become homeless you die in the waiting room of a hospital that's okay just be nice but don't say anything negative about the country or its government if you look close enough you will find that almost all the blocks that are ridiculously called in Canada one of the best places to live in the world were created by real estate agents immigration lawyers and others who have a business incentive for people to move to Canada that information is just misleading those people failed to find a job that actually brings value to the economy in a meaningful way and turn to be real estate agents and immigration lawyers I mean moderate numbers of those people do bring meaningful value to a healthy economy but in its current state in Canada they are just desperate to fool people into using their fraudulent Services even though they might not even realize why exactly they are fraudulent it is because Canadian economy is currently based on scamming hundreds of thousands naive people to immigrate here spend all however small money they have but more importantly the most valuable years of their lives working on low-paying jobs with almost no chance to stay in the country long term no chance to own a house no chance to access health care after many years of hard work and enormous chunk of the income to be spent on taxes fifth reason not to move to Canada is that you will not be able to own a place to live here unless you already have hundreds of thousands of dollars I have an above the average salary my wife is also working we have maybe a year worth of savings but we cannot afford buying anything we are so fed up with all this that is happening in the housing market that we've stopped even thinking about buying a property in Canada it's just plain ridiculous completely artificial and I don't want to participate in the sponsor scheme in any way even if it continues to go up to the Moon indefinitely the general sentiment on housing prices in Canada currently is that they will always go up because the government will keep bringing huge numbers of new immigrants keep restricting the construction of new homes through meaningless bureaucracy and taxing everything to death including developers and potential home buyers and keep the value in Canadian dollar by printing more of it but how can you have a million dollar homes going up in price forever in the economy with the average salary of fifty thousand dollars the only industries that is really working in Canada is immigration 500 000 new immigrants per year are going to flood the country in the next few years according to another wise government's decision which will make the crisis even worse as there are no jobs no houses and no doctors for them recent report shows that at least 30 percent of immigrants want to leave Canada the real numbers are higher because some people don't want to sound too negative some people wouldn't accept that they've made their own choice even to themselves there is so much pressure from your family your friends back in your home country and from your own ego that you'd rather not accept the fact that you've made a mistake and Kennedy is not the country you imagined it would be even ukrainians who came here to escape a war are moving out as they see no perspective in Canada not all of them but significant part I honestly think that so-called quiet program is extremely hypocritical people in Canadian government knew what awaits ukrainians here and yet they used this opportunity to scam even more immigrants to the country in this situation they deliberately took a decision to take advantage of people running from a war to use those people's life savings to prop up their freaking investment properties prices after the quiet program has started there's been a flood of videos from ukrainians who came here hoping to build a new life realized that Canada is a completely different country to what it's promoting itself to be and left already I heard multiple stories like that from all the major Canadian cities there is just no housing no jobs no health care and prices on everything through the roof and zero intention to fix any of those problems because it's it's all by Design someone might call this video complaining I am calling it a contribution to the cloud of information in order to hopefully make it more balanced I fell into a trap of believing those overly optimistic videos about how great Canada is I'm just saying very specifically that Canada in the year 2023 is now the place to immigrate to that's it as a recent immigrant I'm pretty sure that Canadian immigration program in its current form should be stopped completely halted until this Mass with housing Healthcare Mental Health crisis democracy crisis is not figured out if you are interested in getting real information on the various aspects of the current state of immigration to Canada not government or real estate agents propaganda I've put together everything I've learned about Canada in a series of Articles or I can call it even a short book please find the link down below and that's it for this video I hope that information helps someone if so please give this video a like And subscribe to the channel thank you for watching
Channel: Angry Canadian Immigrant
Views: 575,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top reasons not to move to Canada, Why you should not immigrate to Canada, Top reasons not to immigrate to Canada, Why you should not move to Canada, 5 reasons not to move to Canada, 5 reasons not to immigrate to Canada, Why Canada is broken, Why people are leaving Canada, Pros and cons of Canada, Is Canada worth it, Is it worth to immigrate to Canada, Leave Canada, Why leave Canada, Canada immigration, Immigration to Canada, Immigration to Canada in 2023
Id: OlKbssRy5aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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