The Dark Truth about Fake Gurus - The Thing I Never Talk About...

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to the studio this is actually my second time filming this i am your host your internet detective but i'm sad to say um i just found out that three of my video files that were planned were corrupted because i muted my mic somehow uh so get some coffee guys because uh i'm gonna pull a late night here try to get some more content out for you guys because there's no way in hell i'm going bald this month let me tell you right now guys today i want to talk to you this throwback thursday if you don't know what day it is just so you know that's why we do this throwback thursday hello you're almost at the end of your week hang in there on thursdays as you guys know we go back in time to learn the lessons of scammers so we can learn not only about them but also ourselves a little bit of psychology of who we are and together we can be a more educated population fall for scammers less and in general learn to empathize with each other more i don't know if this show actually does any of that but uh it's aspirational guys today we're talking about the dark truth about conmen something that i've kind of had to come to grips with because you know on the show we kind of make fun of these people we put paint them in the worst possible light but there's a truth that i've been avoiding about the true con men listen there are kind of your bottom feeding conmen but then there's the top tier and at the highest tier what i haven't been addressing and what is so uncomfortable to admit is how likable con men are and i know you're saying steven no these guys are they're they're scammers no no it's okay to admit the truth which is that if you watch look i was watching the napoleon hill interview right because i did that last throwback thursday and one thing i came away with is look if you can just strip away that the lying the the fake success the fact that he was totally phony with it all this man is actually extraordinarily likable i hate to say it and remember before you begin writing that your online limitations are those which you set up in your own mind or permit others to set up for you i mean he's just kind of this uh humble looking guy i'm not saying he's some kind of saint or anything like that but i'm saying if you listen to him without knowing all the backstory about him you'd find him to be likable you'd find him to be oh this is a guy i'd like to be friends with that is what is so difficult to deal with with conman is that the reason people get involved with a lot of these scams and the reason they keep going back to them is because of the charisma and the cult of personality a lot of these characters so we're going to be going through some history with a lot of different characters like this so i can make this point to you of really how dangerous this kind of thing is and with that i'd like to turn to perhaps the most troubling modern version of this that i've seen ladies and gentlemen this is joseph james a trading instructor on youtube now before i tell you what he did let's just watch one of his videos and just pay attention to how this guy acts all right guys back to work tonight tuesday evening it's january the 12th 2020 my name is joseph and as always welcome back to your nightly newsletter first impressions great if you guys met this guy in the street you didn't have any context he wasn't featured in a coffeezilla video you'd probably find this guy likable maybe a little chatty a lot of these guys are a little bit chatty but uh you know they're high energy smiling you can't probably see it with the black and white but he's got these blue eyes just hypnotizing me bringing me in telling me this is a guy i can trust that's actually how you card people actually is by being and appearing trustworthy this is something hard for people to accept and the reason i finally wanted to address it is because i keep getting the same email basically saying hey what do you think of this guy i think he might be a scam but he's so likable as if con men are supposed to come out and tell you that they're conman as if they're supposed to wear like a dark robe and like you know a wizard hat and announce themselves no that's kind of the point they're likeable but of course you go through he's thinking what actually does he do behind all this aff ability what's actually the end result well oh look at this he pitches you a course every day at eight o'clock eastern time monday through friday i'll put the link you need the description of this youtube video i'll also put a big button for you to click on the trading blog so getting registered for tomorrow morning's trade room is pretty darn easy easy as falling off a shetland pony as they say just easy as falling off a shetland pony now guys who is this man probably a lot of you guys haven't heard of him well he runs a channel called school of trade uh now i think it's been shifted to joseph james or something like that but it used to be school of trade and as you can see the site is still branded that way why do i bring this guy up and why is he in throwback thursday well it's because of what happened to him in 2017. see this video is from yesterday like he's still selling this course right now but you know what happened in 2017 this man paid 4.9 million dollars in trading system fraud and as you can see the thing that says fraud on it literally has not changed see the u.s commodity futures trading commission charged this guy with paying restitution to defrauded investors totaling 4 million and a 1 million dollar penalty for doing what he did now i won't read all of this to you but basically uh this guy was not really making the money he said he was making with his course and so they find him now obviously has the course changed a lot i mean we can just kind of go off of this what do you think if this is what the course looked like before and of course he's selling now today right now after paying four million dollars back to investors and one million dollars to the government it still looks like this what's the point guys these people don't stop even when they're caught they don't stop and let's look at this comment section i've been watching you since may 2020 when i started training so a new trader here you think he has any idea of what happened with the cftc jay joseph james is your mentor traitor priceless dreams come true 2021 good stuff jj hey thanks for the video this is a guy who was convicted by the cftc and forced to pay a penalty for what he was selling and he's still selling it and people are still buying it which goes to the irrationality of people who are both scamming and also something we don't talk about is being scammed there's an allure to the person scamming we can't ignore that guys we can't just pretend these people are clowns which a lot of them are but at the highest level the best scammers they have a real like magnetism to them and you know this isn't about you know your small-time gurus this is about people like this this is kevin trudeau ladies and gentlemen if you don't know who that is that's because he's been in jail for contempt of court among other things he had a lot of run-ins with the government for selling his shady products he was also always telling you you're gonna have the mega mind memory you're gonna have he sold that course he sold like weight loss cures he sold like money making cures basically he's always selling something else and every time it didn't live up to the hype so kevin trudeau eventually was silenced he ignored the court he got arrested right so classic scammer but this man even now after being in jail for years still has people die hard supporting this man to the point where there's an entire group of people that are trying to free kevin trudeau early and they send him money uh to his mailing address at prison and they send him letters like he's got a whole fan club that have followed him even into jail they're basically worse than bts fanboys and fan girls okay these people love this guy despite the fact that his products did not work now of course a few people are going to say well i tried his weight loss thing i injected myself with hgh or whatever it was and oh i lost 10 pounds this guy was a known con man but yet he had a magnetism to him it's hard it's easy to dismiss these guys as oh kooky whatever scammers they are but there's something kind of there as well that's very interesting to think about because if you're going to protect yourself and others you can't think these people are going to show up telling you they're going to scam you or going oh ha ha i'm going to get you if you guys met this guy that [ __ ] you probably like him that's the thing many of you may know that years and years ago back in actually 1989 i did a program called mega memory it became one of the most popular self-improvement series of all time when i did that program mega memory one of the things i did was i made a big decision to expose both corporate and government corruption and particularly at that time i was exposing how the department of education was trying to force the drug ritalin oh yeah so that's actually like how okay this is great so this is what a lot of people do is they tie themselves to causes while scamming you right so while getting these fees while riding around in yachts and boats and luxury cars this guy's basically saying hey i was trying to help the common man i'm trying to expose everybody exposing big pharma exposing all this stuff so they play on your biases so this is pretty long but basically he says you know i'm this big victim who's been cheated uh and even when you go to a lot of the videos where he's being exposed they have a bunch of down votes on him because all kevin trudeau's fans don't want to believe it here's one of the videos uh controversial tv pitch man kevin trudeau jail he's got like 25 down votes and then the top comments are basically like free kevin trudeau things it's so sad that the government will frame someone as a scammer and use major media to convince the public it's like dude the guy is a scammer this is in a video by the way which exposes kevin for running yet another scam of this like membership club or whatever which then he says oh i i don't have any control over are you using gin as a personal piggy bank to live a really lavish lifestyle and avoid paying this judgment well i think that's a legitimate question but even if i was what's the point i'm screwed i can't own anything for the rest of my life so i'm not going to start a company and put it in my own name it'd be dumb and i certainly can go to friends relatives neighbors or whatever and say listen you start a company and i'll help you out and there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing illegal about it and guess what it ain't my asset that argument may put you in jail we'll see i have an insane yeah it might put you in jail kevin uh i think time is told on that subject moving on from this we're going to talk about another uh con man who has really just rebounded shockingly well from his scandal you know brian rose has really totally given up the idea of ever pursuing the digital freedom platform or making that a thing in fact if you go to the donation page for brian rose you know that thing the big freedom platform he was pushing now it just redirects to his mayoral campaign he's completely forgotten about it is he gonna sue google is he gonna get free speech back nah don't worry about that now he's running for mayor so he's completely grifted everybody that money's gone it's been scammed and yet when you go to his videos the comment section which used to be all dislikes is back to what it used to be like no scandal everybody here is just agreeing with brian and um you find out that he doesn't really doesn't really suffer any consequences for it this is like a bitter pill to swallow if you get really invested in this stuff and it's why i really stopped getting invested in what happens i just try to save people from these scams but at the end of the day if you look across history of scammers and how their career goes they will always have victims kevin trudeau when he gets out of jail soon you think he's gonna go on the straight and narrow all of a sudden hell no he's gonna go right back to pitch him baby pitching new stuff i guarantee it i think he's about to get out of jail and i think this will be borne out napoleon hill even if people knew that he was a scammer back then what happened people still followed him you got school of trading gets indicted by the cftc or you know pays all these penalties what's he still doing he's still selling the course people are still watching the videos it's hard to understand uh from our perspective but we have to understand it nonetheless because i think it gives us an insight into human psychology we like people who sell us the dream we like people who are narcissistic who say they have all of the answers it's tough you know what it's not just brian rose goes to the tippity-tippity top we've got a old d trump you guys know him and listen i'm not getting relax hey a lot of you guys uh you shrank back on me just now in your seats you go wait wait a second wait a second what's he gonna say about d trump i'm just gonna say this we're keeping it not political guys we're keeping it away from politics just look at what he did before politics before having anything to do with politics he was running a scam with acn which is a multi-level marketing company where he endorsed them it's a great relationship with acn and the more i learned about them the more i like and respect them okay uh he ran a scam with trump university we have amish to tell us all about that he also ran trump network his own pyramid scheme right and yet each time you know he'd have to have victims of course but he just kept just moving on didn't care and he keeps moving on and guess what eventually he eventually gets the white house and you know what he's still doing it because he sends me i'm on his emailing list i'm on trump's emailing list yeah i'm a big deal guys president emails me uh he's always trying to get money from all his people on his email list and he keeps saying hey if you donate now i'll give you a thousand percent matching on your donation now is there any truth to that no that's a total lie and a known scam by politicians which is somehow legal where they tell you that your your donation is going to get a thousand percent matched it's a complete demonstrable lie and you know we don't care we move on and the reason i'm telling you guys this is not to bum you out it's not to it's not to make you sad it's to help equip you for understanding the trajectory of con artistry and to help you understand don't try to end con artists forever people always ask me you know how can we help shut them down i don't know the to ask the federal government to do more they they really don't they don't do a lot but until then you can just inform people if they don't listen they don't listen just inform your friends don't let you know your family get involved in these things but other than that that's basically all you can do because at the end of the day there's something psychologically irresistible about con men to most people and it's just it's a hard truth about life and to close this off i want you to just listen to donald trump pitch the trump network because i think it's a great case study in how selling the dream even when you know it's a scam can be compelling because they prey on your existing insecurities they pray off the injustices in the world you're going to hear him talk about how unfair it is that you don't have a fair shake at life and how he just wants to help you so try to listen to this uh trump pitch with fresh eyes because if you can understand the psychological manipulation behind this if you can understand why this works you're not gonna have to watch another coffeezilla video again i hope you will but yeah i hope you learned something i'll let this play out i'll see you next time hello i'm donald trump and welcome to the trump network i want you to know why i'm so excited to be a part of this great organization at no time in recent history has our economy been in a state that it is today it's a mess the economic meltdown greed and ineptitude in the financial industry have sabotaged the dreams of millions of people americans need a new plan they need a new dream the trump network wants to give millions of people renewed hope and with an exciting plan to opt out of the recession let's get out of this recession right now with cutting edge health and wellness formulas and a system where you can develop your own financial independence the trump network offers people the opportunity to achieve their american dream i'm still looking for dreams i'm doing damn well in life but i'm still looking for the dream it's a winning combination because it means you and your family can benefit financially from our breakthrough program follow our step-by-step success system that will help you grow your business this journey is going to be a fantastic one and you're going to have a lot of fun the trump network is positioned to help millions of people overcome the recession and achieve the success they've always dreamed of i hope you're going to join us it's going to be fun and hopefully very profitable you
Channel: Coffeezilla
Views: 460,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffeezilla, fake guru, scam, make money online, get rich, get rich quick
Id: U4nzvSsBKnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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