Why These Superweapons Absolutely EMBARRASS the Death Star

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breeding space fares of the Galaxy and acolytes of the force welcome back again to our archives the Death Star was historically one of the most disrupting inventions in all of the Galaxy the ability to destroy a planet may be insignificant next to the power of the force but that doesn't mean that it's something to be sneezed and scoffed at this kind of power could cause utter Devastation on a scale that is something that does not come around very often and it certainly leaves an impression even the force itself was wounded by the sheer amount of Life lost whenever the Death Star blasted Alderaan to pieces in the history though there were many super weapons that were created and conceived the starforge could use the power of the force to endlessly create ships and droids for war the malevolence contained a massive ion cannon that was capable of disabling entire fleets and there have even been some planet-busting weapons such as the shock drum but very few weapons compared to the sheer power and efficiency of one Death Star a weapon that could obliterate a planet with one shot however in our research we have uncovered several technological Horrors that could actually outclass the Death Star by a significant margin today my friends we are going to be opening up a holocron and bringing you a list of five Super weapons way more dangerous than the Death Star this list will be using both Canon and legends and our picks were based purely on weapons that prove Superior destructive capabilities than the Death Star did so with those stipulations aside let's begin at number five we have the weapon known as the sun raiser created during the Great Galactic War by The Sith Lord by the name of Darth mechis the sun raiser was literally a super weapon that created other super weapons much like the star Forge the sunraiser Drew upon solar energy to power its mechanized Shipyard the weapon was capable of producing several extremely destructive pieces of technology to put it simply where the starforge could generate fleets the sunraiser could generate other super weapons this may be a strange choice for this list since the sun raiser itself technically didn't work directly to destroy anything however we are measuring this on a scale of overall General destructive capability and upon doing the math the sun raiser has the potential to be far more destructive than the Death Star on the fact that where the Death Star could only destroy One Planet at a time the sun raiser could generate multiple super weapons all of which could focus down on a planetary Target at once making the sun razor far more efficient and effective in maximizing its Target numbers among the super weapons created by the sunraiser there were five that we know of for certain the names of which are the gauntlet the emperor's Shadow the undying the ascendant Spear and the silencer all of these super weapons normally would have taken decades to produce if not longer however the capacity of a single Sun raiser the Sith were able to produce two or three such super weapons within all only a single year keep in mind that it took almost 20 years for the first Death Star to be fully conceived and constructed admittedly while the five Super weapons we just listed were inferior to the Death Star but collectively they come out to proving the sun raiser is far more efficient especially in the business of mass death and now at number four we go to the weapon that is responsible for the complete destruction of the entire voltar system a weapon known as The Cosmic turbine originally created by the celestials themselves The Cosmic turbine was a device capable of manipulating gravity on a mass scale in fact it was part of a collection of other huge pieces of technology that the celestials in the early days of the lore used to put the voltar system together this technological creation of Life eventually would be poisoned and it was turned into a weapon in the year 4250 BBY during the third Great Schism when a group of dark Jedi splintered off from the rest of the jet I order and fled to the voltar system to regroup after being defeated the group had failed in their previous attempts to destroy the Jedi and had been disgraced in their defeat but soon they would discover the large technological Marvels left behind by the celestials the dark Jedi then devised a plan to use these Marvels most specifically the cosmic turbine against the Jedi turning its destructive capabilities on Coruscant fortunately though the dark Jedi underestimated their controlling and understanding of celestial technology and quickly lost control of it after its activation only after a few days an accident occurred with it when the machine and the dark Jedi were trying to regain control the cosmic turbine devastated the entirety of the voltar system as it exploded along with all of the other celestial-made machines in what became known as the voltar cataclysm in a rare moment the powers of Technology outweighing the powers of a group of dark Jedi and now we have to to acknowledge one whether we like the sequels or not and that is of course Starkiller base while some say that using an entire planet to create a super weapon is a bit much there is actually some Merit to this the first order made their mark on the Galaxy by proving that they were more than a terrorist group they needed to instill a Galaxy full of fear wherein the Death Star had already harnessed that fear as we've learned from the third season of the Mandalorian and Ahsoka the new Republic did not take the threat of the first order and Imperial remnants very seriously and the destruction of the hosnian system by the Starkiller base was the ultimate mic drop a direct result of the new Republic's ineptitude now admittedly even in Star Wars Legends upping the difficulty to the fact of destroying more than one planet at once is difficult but not impossible and a weapon that frankly puts Starkiller base to shame is known as the sun Crusher unlike the sun razor this weapon lives up to its name quite literally this was a super weapon that had the power to forcefully make stars go supernova effectively giving it the ability to wipe out entire solar systems what also made the sun Crusher unique though was its size as it was nowhere near the size of a planet rather the sun Crusher was only the size of your average star fighter something this small with that insane amount of destructive power is mind-boggling but that's not all if it's small size and horrific capabilities weren't enough the sun Crusher was virtually indestructible in order to survive the supernovas that it caused the sun Crusher had a shell that was made of layered Quantum crystalline armor a material so strong that it could effectively repel even turbo Blaster fire Han Solo once rammed the sun Crusher straight through the bridge of a stardust Warrior without taking any damage to drive home just how powerful this thing was it even survived a glancing Blow from the Prototype death star super laser the main weapon of this little craft was Torpedoes that fired that traveled at near light speed firing a single torpedo it would burrow into the star's core releasing dense pockets of energy that rendered the star's core unstable initiating a chain reaction that forced the star to go supernova the resulting explosion destroyed every planet and all life in its path in a matter of hours but what of its Origins the sun Crusher was a secret Imperial project organized by Grand Moff Tarkin that not even Palpatine knew about a pivotal play for Tarkin perhaps to take on the role as Emperor the weapon would be lost though after the battle of Yavin the secrets of the sun Crusher dying with Tarkin himself all these weapons are absolutely terrifying and after that previous entry It seems impossible to top however we have one more super weapon what could follow destroying an entire solar system perhaps wiping out an entire universe and now my friends we arrive at number one known as the shock device a name which sends resounding chills at even its mere mention the shock and device is a machine capable of Destruction on an unimaginable level a level that it seems impossible implausible even however when you hear about the specifics then you will understand that the device may actually have held some truth to it the shock and device was created by the shockney scientists from a time-long past this scientists believed that the Universe needed to be rebooted and given another chance at life all the chaos and destruction the endless Wars and all the untold death that had driven him mad has caused him to put his genius into one final kill switch the weapon was intended to accomplish this by destroying the planet shocking and hurling its fragments through hyperspace to collide with other planets setting off a chain reaction that would eventually destroy all matter and essentially end the universe theoretically allowing the birth of Another Universe by causing essentially a second big bang we use the term theoretically because obviously this device was never used and no records of its test and capabilities ever existed ergo it is unknown whether the claims of its true power are accurate as the shock and device was never completed thankfully despite this though the threat of something like this happening is too great of a risk the shocking device had been rediscovered in 4aby when it was accidentally dug up and activated on a lonely world Luke Skywalker and his friends ended up finding it and discovering the history through a video demonstration left behind by the scientists the countdown had been initiated and the heroes were able to shut it off before the complete activation of the device Luke would then seal up the machine back underground where it belonged and made sure it was never found again and thus the mystery of the shock and device continued perhaps the machine really was all Theory and no substance since it cannot be confirmed whether or not it worked at all but also Perhaps it is true and it was the will of the force for Our Heroes to find it and shut it off before it wiped out all existence but now my friends do you believe in the power of the shock and device and if not which of these super weapons do you consider to be the most terrifying let us know your thoughts in the comments down below and as always May the force be with you
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 134,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Death Star, Star Wars Superweapons, Jedi, Sith, Ancient Sith, Revenge of the Sith
Id: 97JnOgoGdCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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