Why ONLY One Jedi Fought Their Way Out of Order 66 - Star Wars Explained

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who was the Jedi that fought his way out of order 66 greetings acolytes and welcome back to the archives when Order 66 was issued every Jedi in the Galaxy was caught completely off guard those who were immediately shot in the back only lasted a short while while under the constant barrage of blaster bolts a typical Jedi would have been able to fend off a volley of blaster fire Maybe by imprecise Shots by thugs but by clone troopers they were far too accurate and many Jedi died from what we've seen so far many order 6 survivors were clever Jedi who use misdirection and favors from others in order to stay hidden or padawans who were small and slippery able to hide and get away but unfortunately an overwhelming majority of Jedi Masters died as they were quickly surrounded by all of the Troopers while trying to protect young padawans most of the time all the while that we have studied this phenomenon one question always crops up every now and then the Jedi were all extremely powerful shown to be able to take on small armies by themselves in some cas es so why weren't any of them capable of just fighting their way out of order 66 well my friends one Jedi Master did a Jedi who didn't just run from his clone troopers but slaughtered every single one of them so join us today as we open a holocron and discuss what made Asher rodet so much more capable in order 66 than all of the other Jedi the story of Asher rodet is a long and extremely powerful one which we plan to cover in several videos moving forward but as a background ashad begins his story on tne as a tuskin Raider the son of a legendary Jedi named sherad hatat the Jedi sherad had chosen Exile despite being a great hero of a past War as he felt that all the praise and admiration of the Jedi was leaning him to become more selfish into the dark side after surviving the harsh desert world of katne he was taken in by a tribe of Tuscan Raiders who he eventually gained the respect and even admiration of eventually being named The Tuscan Chief sherad would unite many tribes of the tuscans and lead them to victories across the jundland wastes having a son by the name of ashod in the process ashad was born very gifted in the force considering his father's own abilities and having to survive in the harsh environment of Tatooine caused the boy skills to hone even sharper sherad would train his son in both the ways of the force and the ways of the sand people the constant struggle of survival mixed with the Jedi Arts caused asharah head to be an extremely powerful Jedi Knight by the time he was only 15 as a demonstration of his skill he was able to perform a force repulse which matched the power of kiad Mundi however tragedy would strike when Asher Rod's father was killed by the Assassin or a Singh the young tuskin now desired to become a Jedi like his father and the Jedi Master kiad Mundi allowed him to join the Jedi Order and begin his training ashod would take his father's lightsaber with him alongside his own which he had constructed becoming a highly skilled wielder of jarai dualblade fencing on his way to nigh Hood ashod would show signs of danger in his training he was incredibly powerful but prone to spouts of anger and aggression having been raised as a Tuscan Raider menthod he still had their ways ingrained within him everything meant survival everyone was an enemy it took a long time to hammer in the Jedi principles in Asher rod and even then he gave into his anger when he met Aura sing again Asher Rod nearly killed her but reframed yet he still felt very guilty about his actions he was ready to be exiled from the Jedi himself begging kiotti Mundi to send him away forever however it would be Mundy's old master who had a different plan for the tusin the Jedi Master dark woman Ana curo was an Infamous figure within the Jedi she was known for her controversially extreme methods of training and had a reputation for making proper Jedi out of troubled students after he began training with Ana curo the Tuscan Raider would eventually successfully make it to nigh Hood where he would eventually serve in the Clone War ashero just like his father became a leader in the war and an important figure moving forward many battles were won under his leadership as just like his father he had a neack for leading others especially rallying rough Troopers together for aggressive cordinated attacks there would even be a time when ashod would come into contact with Anakin Skywalker and would comfort him when it was assumed that Obi-Wan had died during the Battle of jabin despite Anakin's Prejudice for the sand people the two would share a tender moment over Anakin's trauma and bonded as a result of it ending with ashod choosing to finally take off his tuskin mask and never put it on again when he was a Jedi showing to Anakin that he too was human perhaps Master Asher rodet would have gone down in history as one of the most unlikely but accomplished Jedi in the entire order he would have been renowned famous and respected that was until the great Jedi Purge when those three Infamous words were spoken by cyas aerod had been on a planet with his troops just like every other Jedi in the Galaxy according to ashod het he had been scouting ahead alone into deep separatist territory that's when he felt a horrific Tremor in the force he quickly turned to base camp only to find the bodies of his Jedi compatriots lying dead the Troopers had all turned on him in that moment and opened fire but ashad hetet was not like the other Jedi wielding both of his green lightsabers in tandem he easily squatted aside each and every Bolt from the soldiers that attacked him allowing his passion to finally burn over and run free his old tusken aggression shined forth and ashod cut down every single clone in his path yet he showed restraint and kept a single one of them alive only long enough to extract information out of him after this ashad head desperately turned to Jedi comms looking for other survivers only to find all lines silent he then reached out to the force in the Galaxy but fell to no other Jedi Master het had come to believe that he was the only Jedi survivor of the entire Purge sensing nothing abandoning his Jedi way devastated het would start to slowly slip deeper into the darkness Dawning his tusin mask once again and returning to the world that he knew of Tatooine it was here where he found his old tribe and decided to become their Chief the way that his father had before many years would pass before Asher rodet would finally meet another Jedi one Obi-Wan Kenobi but that is a story for a later video but we now want to decipher the mystery how is it that ashad het was strong enough to kill his clone regiment when other Jedi were not the answer is not as simple as the fact that he was innately strong many Jedi at the time were exceptionally talented and even Jedi Council Members were surrounded and faed despite their Mastery in the Jedi Arts unfortunately we only know of the story from Asher Rod hat telling his Viewpoint so his detail so his details are sparse but we can gather that he allowed his aggression to take command while not flying into a blind rage he definitely flashed back to the Tuscan Way the way of survival that's what Asher Rod is after all a survivor he's a born and raised Survivor but he was different unlike many Order 66 survivors who know how to hide run and cover their tracks ashod het survived the sand people Way by becoming the Predator instead of the prey it was a Tusk an initiation right for the young men of the tribe to slay a CR Dragon when they came of age which was how kiot Mundi first met ashaad thinking about that now it's an interesting moment of foreshadowing for Asher Rod's future but it was from this rough raising on Tatooine that he learned to turn any encounter to his favor it was uncharacteristic of het to turn tail and to run and I would say that he only went back to his tribe on Tatooine because it was the only home that he knew now that the Jedi were gone otherwise I believe he would have faced down wave after wave of Imperial Troopers had he decided to going out like a Tusan what ashod had done that most of the other Jedi didn't do was possess a Fierce Instinct for survival the Jedi teach to let go of their life and to accept situations that they cannot change since they lacked passion when it was clear that they were being overwhelmed they would give up where Asher Rod fought ashod refused to die on sheer principle the idea of succumbing to death this way would be a disgrace to his Tusk in half and his father his continued obsession with life and fear of death would later lead him down a very dark path of Sith Hood one that we will be covering later but anyway my friends what are your thoughts on Asher Rod head being one of the only Jedi to cut his way through an entire Battalion of Order 66 of highly trained clone troopers and how his Tusk and Heritage saved his life and do what cyas deemed impossible to stop Order 66 but anyway my friends what are your thoughts on this what are your thoughts on Asher Rod hat and the fact that he cut through clone troopers in order to survive do you think that more Jedi would have survived if they have done this and what are your thoughts on ashod as a character as always my friends thank you so much for visiting the channel today and May the force be with you
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 56,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Asharad Hett, Darth Krayt, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Jedi, Sith, Darth Krayt Darth Vader, Darth Vader, Palpatine, Revenge of the Sith, Order 66
Id: IkK3QLrV4uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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