DRY POUR Concrete SECRETS For a Perfect (no stone) SMOOTH Top Finish! Walkway / Easy Steps dry pour

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all right everybody this is my uh four by four four foot by four foot cement dry pour slab that I just put in took 48 hours and literally a 10 year old kid could do this so if you're thinking about putting in a dry pore cement slab go for it it is so easy and look how awesome it came out I'm going to show you step by step how I did it I'm going to put everything in fast forward so you can get through it really quick we don't waste any time um really quick some tips when she's slightly wet use a broom top to create some cool looking lines across the surface you can kind of see where I did that you also see I have a bevel top right here did that with a brick again you dry pour it then you just lightly Mist it let it dry lightly Mist it again when it's about 75 dry come back with a brick because the brick is going to be a lot harder than the cement and just start sanding down any beveled edges you can round those Corners if you want to just from using a brick and then I brushed it off with just a brush before I painted it I like to paint you know this is around our pool so we like to just hose everything off at night have everything looking crisp and clean so I painted that top it's a Light Beige um here we go step by step dry pour concrete with a couple tips show y'all how easy this is to do get it going yourself foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you
Channel: official Teddy Zane WARRIOR
Views: 146,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dry pour cement, Dry pour, Dry pour concrete, Dry pour pool, Dry poor stamp, Dry pour driveway, Dry pour walkway, Drive pour sidewalk, Dry pour sidewalk, Sidewalk, Cement, Pour cement, Pour concrete, Mix cement, Mix concrete, Dry pour cement, Dry pour, Dry pour concrete, Dry pour pool, Dry poor stamp, Dry pour driveway, Dry pour walkway, Drive pour sidewalk, Dry pour sidewalk, Sidewalk, Cement, Pour cement, Pour concrete, Mix cement, Mix concrete
Id: IxOzZgAxkiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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