Dry Pour Concrete - GOOD or BAD?

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it's dry pouring concrete a good thing or a bad thing I guess we're about to find out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now in all my years of working with concrete I have never heard anybody ask about dry pouring concrete but then a couple months ago my comments are exploding with why didn't you just do a tripod why don't you do a dry pour dry pour is way easier dude really ought to do a dry pour with that couldn't you just do a dry pour dry pour is way less work tripor dry pour in not too long after that I figure out why because I get this recommendation on YouTube for this video on dryport from this very Charming couple from Louisiana called Cajun Country Living in fact I will leave a link to that video right here and this video is exploding going viral now the concrete guy in me says this is never going to work there's no way you can get a consistent mix it can't possibly be strong enough but they not only go on to prove it with a project but they also have a slab that they've done a year ago with this really huge Chicken Coop sitting on top of it still looks great no cracks so now the creative side of me is thinking could this possibly work now I want to be perfectly clear about something and that is that I am not trying to disprove or discredit their video in any way shape or form in fact I very much like their video it was very well done and it was outside of the box and isn't that what YouTube is all about I mean I wouldn't have a Channel right now if it wasn't for that kind of thinking in fact don't subscribe to my Channel today please subscribe to theirs but with all that being said there was only one thing left I can think about I have got to give this a try all right I've got the form all set and ready to go I've excavated the area flattened it out real well threw my form down screwed in some Stakes leveled it out now I've got it level in the front and in the back on the sides I've got a little bit of a pitch just to draw water away from the shed after that threw down a one inch layer of gravel tamped it down really well we're ready to go isn't this great by the way that we're doing this project in front of the old shed Where it All Began oh that reminds me by the way if you don't know the story behind both of these sheds watch this video right here it is a great story but it's springtime now guys if you have an old dilapidated shed that has seen better days or if you're like me and you simply grew out of your old shed Now's the Time to look into getting yourself a bigger better space and I highly suggest going with a weaver Barn shed they have an amazing selection of styles and they really do have something for everybody and the best part is is that if they will either bring a shed right out to your property or build you one in one day I'm not kidding again Watch the video it's insane but I I cannot recommend them enough you cannot match their quality their speed or their designs weaverbarns.com guys check them out all right I'm about to put dry concrete in that form without getting it wet first it feels really weird I'm not gonna lie kind of feels like I'm putting my left sock on first [Music] foreign [Music] by the way I'm sure you've noticed that I didn't use any kind of metal reinforcement they didn't use any metal reinforcement in the video so I'm not gonna also whatever you do do not tell rapid set cement that I was using the slow cream I mean Quikrete [Music] thank you [Music] yeah great idea doing this on a windy day [Music] [Applause] it's gonna spread it out so far so good [Music] thank you all right now this is the the other very unconventional part about this whole thing is finish troweling it before it gets wet right now I'm rounding off the corners and I cannot believe that it is holding this rounded Corner being dry like this it's actually quite satisfying to do now in their video they took a dry paint roller and they rollered the rest of the surface to kind of blend it in with these marks that I'm making I'm not going to do that because I actually like the way this border looks and I don't really think it's going to affect our test in any way shape or form all right now it's time to hose this thing down but as per in the instructions I'm going to put it on the the Mist setting but as per our directions we're just looking to mist it just enough to make the top dark and then we're going to leave it for one hour then we'll come back and saturate it even further [Music] all right so the sequence is you missed it wait an hour missed it a second time wait another two hours then you can put it on the shower setting and do that three more times with an hour in between each showering foreign so I um I up got way too overzealous and too excited last night and I pulled the form off and I jacked the top up real good so I went ahead and took a gouge out of this corner and uh this back corner over here I did not give it a full 24 hours in the form like I was supposed to and I paid for it but this this is all on me I really don't think that this has anything to do with the system so I'm gonna give this another good 24 hours before I do any kind of break dancing on this so we'll go from there all right it's been a full 24 hours later and I'm going to stand on this uh for the first time not gonna lie I'm a little scared [Music] [Music] I know I'm just a little fella but I am a little husky and a little got a little weight to me here's the part that I broke up real good too [Music] I'm not gonna lie I'm impressed [Music] when I knock on this it almost sounds a little Hollow so I truly thought that I was going to make some sort of impression in the middle at least but I I haven't I gotta say aside from my up I am very shocked and impressed in the professional concrete world this is such a sacrilegious big fat No-No but here it is I I don't know what your names are but Cajun Country Living keep up the good work now I can't speak for its overall strength in PSI so the jury's still out on that but I mean we've definitely proved for something silly like this it's definitely good enough now you know me I would love to drive my truck on this right now but since this is a regular Portland base uh it wouldn't be very fair to drive on this for at least another week I think that what I want to do is I want to let this cure for 30 days then I want to drive on it with the truck but then I also want to crack this thing open too I think and I want to see if we have any dry spots in the middle of this so once I make that video look for that video right here another video I want you to look out for is how to repair chipped or broken concrete which will be coming up soon now obviously there's a lot of things that we don't know because of time and what's going on inside but I definitely could not get over how easy this was 100 thumbs up on that yes it took a little bit more time because I had to babysit it so much with drenching it down with water but I had so much time in between to do other things and building the form and pouring the dry concrete I think took me less than an hour from there it was just taking the time to water it down this is definitely not the failure that I thought it was going to be and color me impressed thank you I can't believe I just did a dry pour I feel so dirty but I liked it I guess we're about to find out got him oh took a gouge out of this corner and uh this back corner over here [Music] this was this was all on me this was me at but this this is all on me I really don't think that this has anything to do with the system so I'm gonna give this another good [Music] yes [Music] foreign I did not give it a full 24 hours in the form like I was supposed to and isn't this great that we're doing this in front of the old shed by the way [Music] Little Dot little dogs always think that they have something to prove and then they keep parking at you no matter how much you try to make friends with them they just keep barking all right especially when you're trying to run dialogue
Channel: Michael Builds
Views: 738,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dry pour concrete, dry, pour, concrete, diy, do it yourself, easy, fast, concrete slab, how to, Michael builds, cajun country livin', cement, gravel, good or bad, good, bad, home improvement, WEAVER BARNS, weaverbarns.com, world of concrete
Id: CLhz4xoHbT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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