Why NO ONE Plays: Yoimiya | Genshin Impact

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Even though there aren't many of us, we are a dedicated fanbase 💪🎆🎆

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/DeadBushy 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

I've already accepted Yoimiya's flaws so it doesn't matter if she's still underperforms on the current meta. But then when Itto came, I was very disappointed when he can still connect his Normal attack string despite being interrupted. That kind of gimmick is a good buff for Yoimiya for that consistent and juicy 5th hit damage

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Dei307 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

Informative as always! I hate that some people still think these are "character bashing videos".

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Hot-Campaign-4553 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

honestly saying, after a month, spamming NA for 10 seconds became boring. Now waiting for c6 YunJin (c4 now, husk already farmed) to give Yoimiya another try, big pp numbers and attack speed might be fun! Anyway, Yoimiya is top waifu and excellent lighter, so she is still one of mine regularly used characters, while majority of others is forever on bench, even full meta ones like c6 XL or XQ

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Professional_Kale_66 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

There are a lot of wrong points in the video tho hope u correct them

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/KoJaKa06 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey guys welcome back to another episode of why no one plays freakenchin today's character is someone i've been looking forward to talking about for a while but since it took me so long to get to her i genuinely forgot she existed for a bit better late than never though so let's talk about naganohara yoemia the best character in the entire game by leaps and bounds no i'm not saying that because she's my editor's favorite unit she's the greatest character in all of genshin and i'm totally not being held at gunpoint saying this if this is your first time watching a why no one plays episode i'd like to first make a quick disclaimer that this is not a personal attack i'm not disparaging anyone who likes uh mia nor am i saying she's a garbage character that's unusable the goal of this video is to pinpoint noticeable issues within her design that make her unpopular to use by the general playerbase so i'm looking into this from the perspective of those who don't play her or don't want her hopefully in doing so we can find possible ways to fix or improve their gameplay or perhaps there might be something she is going well for her that not many people know about by the way i'm almost positive there'll be people mentioning this in the comments so i want to bring it up right now a writed user by the name of party confetti made a fantastic post dissecting everything wrong with yuemia as thoroughly as they could and a lot of my points reference theirs i just want to give a quick shout out since this is compiled with the help of the yoy miami's discord so without further ado let's crack open the video now despite lacking popularity yoy mia plays a noticeably major role in the inazuma storyline without spoiling too much she can be described as your typical civil disobedience character someone who opposes the established order but does so very discreetly such as smuggling refugees and whatnot aside from that she would probably be very close friends with clee given that they both have a fascination for making the big booms she even has her own little side story quest that you're required to complete alongside ayaka's before progressing through the next part of the archon quest some may have seen it as tedious filler but i actually thought those two were important to establish a lot of world building it helps us get to know what's going on in their daily lives in yoemia's case she's a town favorite and gets along with the locals on a familial level character-wise she's very much like amber in many ways hardworking in earnest with a spring in her step and she has a very pure-hearted look on life even amidst the cold realities of the vision hunt decree it's safe to say she's a very memorable character checking off one of the two biggest contributors to a character's popularity that just leaves us with the other gameplay similarly to yen faye yoy's introduction came at the tail end of the massive wave of pyro and cryo units and by that point the playerbase was understandably fatigued by the lack of roster diversity ayaka was able to meet great success on account of being known long since beta and she's currently the best melee crier unit in the game so the community was able to overlook the fact that she was another cryo character amidst the sheer number we've had up until that point yoy mia had to face the same over-saturation at the other end of the icy hot so the deck was stacked against her from the beginning while there were jokes made about her being a more expensive version of amber what with them both being pirate bow users amber's usefulness or lack thereof was established long before that point and there was a good amount of curiosity as to whether or not yo nia would continue the trend of five star bow users being pretty top notch she definitely had the opportunity to make a big first impression looking back it missed the mark literally right at the gate it was made painfully clear that yoimia's impetuous ready fire aim disposition carried over to her performance in combat unlike the other five starboard users who load most of their power in charge shots elemental skills and bursts yoy mia's primary source of pressure lies in her normal attacks she's designed for consistent damage as opposed to burst which seems to be a running trend for a lot of pyro units in this series out of volvo users yoemia has the highest base damage scaling in her normal attacks capping out at almost 200 percent at level 11 on the last hit something else to make note of is the damage disparity from hits 1 and 2 to hits 3 and 5 jumping from 130 all the way to 167. it may not seem like much when you pit it against the raw power of elemental bursts but for a normal attack these numbers are quite impressive not even a charge attack yoymia does actually have a multi-charge attack just like kanye but for the most part this is for added flavor nothing in a repertoire incentivizes her to use that over her normal hits so i went over this in further detail in my video on catalysts but when it comes to range attacks in gangshin they're notorious for having ambiguous range and poor usability bows and catalysts automatically lock onto the nearest possible target shooting in their direction there's presently no popular range indicator for ranged weapons and more importantly no way for you to decide who your character targets both units are able to circumvent this by switching to aim shot mode assuming a third person shooter point of view which lets them straight side to side without changing the direction they're facing though that being said child straight up switches to melee with raging tides and venti is for the most final quick swapper because yoimiya is the only five star bow user who uses normal attacks for the bulk of her damage she's at the mercy of the game's frustratingly inconsistent auto targeting it's very possible for her to straight up miss all of her attacks if she's up against the moving target and trust me there's no shortage of cliffs where she even misses hilotrols and slimes it's not just her auto attacks either the ukin's taxi phrage is also prone to completely whiffing because unlike other bursts which cover a large area this one's a projectile that has an extremely small hitbox essentially meaning it will only hit one target her elemental burst locks onto one enemy on cast meaning if they change position during her animation it just misses and there's no explosion on contact either like u's frost flake arrow much of this issue can be resolved by simply giving bow and catalyst auto attacks heat seeking properties so that they follow their target no matter what yoy mia can rack up serious damage but all the damage in the world means nothing if your shots don't connect speaking of damage let's look into just why her normal attacks are some of the strongest in the game on top of her high base damage she has several things that boost her combat pressure niwabi fire dance is a 10 second buff to herself that abuser with pyro on hit and causes them to deal bonus damage at level 13 if i'm reading this correctly she's supposed to do 70 bonus damage with each hit or rather her attacks are modified to deal up to 170 percent as normal damage as it doesn't explicitly say bonus damage the way xiao's ultimate does even so that's pretty insane although when i was doing research for the video apparently a yoyo mia with a level 10 normal attack and level 1 speed on burst talents out damages a yoymia with an 888 spread i don't know how conclusive that is so if anyone can clarify in the comments that'd be appreciated moving on her talents and constellations are also conducive to making her autos hurt more tricks of the troublemaker provides her stacking pyro damage bonus with every auto attack while new lobby fire dances active nagano had a meteor swarm her c6 increases her normal attack damage through rekindling arrows which stem from her aimshot charge level 2 and her other non-3 talon constellations increase her attack pyro damage and uptime by a considerable amount make no mistake yoimia has a lot of potential firepower in her kit due to his damage distribution much of her strength is backloaded requiring you to go through her entire 5-minute animation in other words if you're so much a sprint jump gets staggered your entire combo resets and with how bow users have some of the worst endurance out of any weapon type yoy mia has to put herself in tremendous danger if she wants to tap into her damage without the assistance of a heavy shield user like zhong li yoy mia is prone to getting staggered a lot and she doesn't step back far enough with the normal rotation she has to reposition barring attack speed modifiers it takes her three seconds to get to her final auto attack that's three seconds you have to stand still for a lot can happen in three seconds melee units naturally don't have this issue as many of them use their charge attacks anyway there's also something about a burst that makes absolutely no sense it marks the primary target with aura's blaze which explodes very good amount of pyro damage when their target receives further damage by our party members the burst damage on duking's taxi rage contrary to its very flashy animation is complete garbage the real damage comes from the mark which can proc every 2 seconds or so for up to 5 times or 7 times to see one but the condition is that she herself is unable to proc her own skill okay something i noticed about mihoyo cognosphere or hoyovers whatever they call themselves now is that they add in these strange restrictions with the intent to prevent a character from becoming too strong they made clay's burst disappear when she swapped out when it could have been fantastic in making her sub dps they make kokomi's attacks essentially lose the ability to crit something that's not really made up by the bonus damage from her health and healing bonus they may shinyan scaling awkwardly split between attack and defense all cause they thought if they didn't have those limiters they'd be crazy overpowered but most of the time they wouldn't even have been overpowered in the first place yoemia's elemental burst is one of the worst in the game according to her own player base there was absolutely zero reason for her to not be allowed to proc her own mark now you could argue that in almost every situation you would be swapping between your party members anyway true rarely do you ever want to stay on one unit for more than i don't know like eight seconds in that case it's all the more reason why this restriction should not exist at all it's an inconvenience more than a form of skill expression and the payoff isn't even well worth it as a comparison let's look at euler's glacial illumination the burst damage in and of itself is okay not great but it's serviceable the real kicker is from her lightfall sword which gives her 7 seconds to attack up to 30 times increasing the potential damage each time i'm pretty sure it's impossible to get all 30 stacks fast enough but if hypothetically you somehow pull it off eula's elemental burst can dish out and i'm not even kidding over sixty five hundred percent physical damage you just saw a clip of her doing almost five and a half million damage in one hit yoymia is another unfortunate soul that loses a lot of viability for no particular reason whatsoever it doesn't quote unquote balance the character it just makes them feel very unsatisfying to play at a glance one might assume that this is an opportunity for her to be a good sub dps in theory yes yoy mia does have a good amount of party support such as the bonus attack from summer night's dawn and the rs blaze but ask yourself this would you rather have that or would you rather have bennett or shannon yoy mia effectively is restricted to pure auto attack damage and again to her credit she does a lot 45 bonus power damage from c2 and past the towns the uab fire dance boosts her auto attack damage even further and on top of that she has very high base damage numbers she's more than capable of whooping ass with the rest of them there's so many things about her that make it harder to do so many of which should have been fixed before her release the problems don't end there though her kit is virtually devoid of area coverage as you already know normal attacks from bows can only strike one target at a time even charge attacks for that matter the only reason kanye was so good is because the frost lake arrows explode to deal aoe damage yoemia's skill is a buff it's not damaging ability that leaves just her elemental burst which as i mentioned before has a very small hitbox it's almost impossible for you to hit more than one target bow users heavily depend on their elemental burst for the majority of their aoe damage gagno venti eloy and child all have humongous ultimates lack of any summons of mopping capabilities means she's an infinitely worse choice for maine dps for any situation that isn't just fighting a single enemy i may be mistaken but she might very well be the only character in the game period who is exclusively single target i'm pretty sure everyone else has area damage in some way shape or form someone else brought it up and i think it's pretty funny she's a fireworks maker with no aoe damage would think a firework is a massive explosion this wouldn't be too much of an issue if her single target damage was so ridiculously high to offset this and like i said with the right support and setup she can very easily deliver but at beggar's belief why would you choose her over someone who can do similar damage but to everyone around them not just the one standing in front yoy mia overall is just a walking inconsistency her auto attacks have been consistent accuracy her elemental burst is inconsistent timings her dps while potentially high is inconsistent her own talents are inconsistent summer night's dawn affects her teammates but not her aura's blaze can only be triggered by allies not her now fortunately most if not all her problems can be addressed with external help anyone who provides a shield can lessen the need for her to reset her combo especially if you have zhong li there is no one who wants to geo daddy more than her lack of area coverage is manageable anyone with persisting effects like kazuha shincho may be shangni if you're surrounded by a bunch of small fry then your sports can do all the work for you or you could spam the crap out of overload if you like with visual and beta on a side note yoimiya loves shincho if there was no internal cooldown in this game and you could chain vaporize one after another yoy mia would get a massive indirect buff as she can chain vaporizes shinto almost perfectly i say almost because you know she still misses but if you're concerned about accuracy you could just get a team that holds enemies in place like venti or john lee she has workarounds so it's not completely unsalvageable but again therein lies the same issue that plagues every unit in this series why bother that's what pisses me off so much about a lot of these characters these restrictions have no place in the game getting rid of them won't suddenly make yoimia the best unit in the game it will simply designate her as a side grid if you're not a fan of using hutau then no worries you can use uimia that's the ideal scenario and it's how things are between ayaka and ganyu at the moment both of them are top tier despite both being cry units the nuances in their gameplay allow for a player to decide if they want to employ one or the other and since spiral abyss mandates two parties what's wrong with having multiple strong pyro cryo electro geo hydro etc it's always good to make sure players have different options to consider and on the subject of restrictions a lot of yoy mia's can be easily fixed addressing your problems with auto targeting is a very elementary task genshi was made in unity i'm not the best to game programming relative to some of my classmates back in school but i could probably figure this out in like 20 minutes singles for auras plays in second pass of talent it's as simple as checking a box the more wide no one placed episodes i make the more it boggles my mind as to why they do things like this most of coaching's problems are oversights right she functions perfectly fine it's just that it would be nice if she had a bit more but stuff like yo mia are conscious decisions the developers have to intentionally code the game to be like this joy mia is not a weak character she's not like jan fae who just doesn't have the damage to compete she has more than enough damage but she can't even access it herself it just makes no sense you know what writing this video gave me a good idea for another one i should make a video on incomplete characters there are far too many units in the game that are broken on a fundamental level i'm gonna do that next anyways that's gonna be it for today this one was a little ranty but whenever i do research from one of these episodes i try to look for silver linings or redeeming factors that can incentivize players to give her a second chance and then i run into so many of these design choices that are just so confounding to me there's no rhyme or reason for them to be like this it's like designing a car that can't drive backwards but regardless i hope you enjoyed the video if you have please be sure to leave a like and subscribe consider following me on twitter joining my discord server and checking out my other white no one plays episodes if you haven't yet but for now thanks so much for watching and i look forward to seeing you again soon in the next episode take care [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Vars II
Views: 361,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, yoimiya, genshin, genshin impact game, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact gameplay, genshin yoimiya, yoimiya build, genshin why no one plays, why no one plays yoimiya, vars genshin impact, genshin impact yoimiya, genshin impact yoimiya trailer, yoimiya rerun, yoimiya gameplay, yoimiya sucks, yoimiya missing, yoimiya problems, vars ii genshin, why no one plays yoimiya genshin impact
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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