Why NO ONE Plays: Chongyun | Genshin Impact

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hey guys welcome back to another why no one plays episode the past two installments of the series featured units who in my opinion the future wasn't very kind to as their designs individually make a lot of sense and are well thought out yet the game lacks the content and challenge to make their playstyles shine either that or they've been supplanted by someone who achieves the same end result partly due to said content having little to no nuance in strategy but the one that i think received the shortest end of the stick would have to be chongyon he was always viewed as a worthwhile character to have in the early days of genqin and his natural synergy with his best friend shinto was a big contributor to the eventual formation of the national team which has since been rebranded to the ryden national team at his expense so for today's episode we're going to be talking about shinhu's nephew the popsicle boy himself you guys know the drill i've repeated the disclaimer so many times at this point so dltr chongyon means please don't be offended this is not a personal attack i respect you for playing him this video is purely a retrospective analysis on why chongyon is unpopular i have nothing against him but anyways let's get started having brought out the original 20 characters sergey's released a lot lately i've stressed that the reason why more than half were called out of the quote-unquote meta was because the game's challenge or lack thereof effectively dumbed down the need for anything that wasn't just raw damage and large coverage both razer and noel specialize in a niche playstyle with the former having very consistent uptime and the latter boasting equal parts endurance and force ordinarily these would be quite handy to have in an action rpg except right now the game's balance is heavily predicated on quick swap elemental burst rotations pushing razer out of the game and there never is a situation where you're on the receiving end of so much damage that it warrants a dedicated tank or healer eliminating noel as well now i'm fully aware that doesn't invalidate either character's viability while genji's difficulty being low means that strategy is more or less thrown out the window in favor of brute force that also means you can use whoever the hell you want to to complete this game's content however there is one advantage those two have no one else can do what they do or at the very least not in an apple's dabble's way one would have the same first impression towards chongyon whose kid has niche utility that's constructed in a way so as to be usable in tandem with a good number of playstyles early on with his only competition being kaya and chichi chongyong was regarded as the best choice when it came to filling out the cryo slot not that there was a whole lot of selection to begin with as i'm sure you're aware by now hoyo wasted no time filling up the roster with the torrent of pyro and cryo units as quickly as possible not only introducing extremely powerful five stars but even four stars whose attributes eclipse chongyoons by virtue of having been released later on more importantly with the advent of inazuma last summer we've been facing a growing number of electro based enemies all of them are especially vulnerable to cryo damage accentuating the necessity of characters of that element but chongyun wasn't included in that discussion remember when it comes to character popularity in any game there are two important factors to consider the first is their appeal such as their appearance personality their role in the game's lore what have you second they're practical applications and the value of both is primarily determined by first impressions how compelling charming and necessary they were when advertised and released however one privilege that 4 star characters had passed version 1.0 that the original ones didn't is exposure character demos teasers gameplay reveals and collected miscellany episodes never happened for chongyon noel razer and so on although for some reason they did for xiangling and official this meant that at the beginning very few players could establish a personal attachment to chongyon since hoyo didn't do all that much to market him and trust me when i say that mattered a lot the story didn't do him much justice either unless my memory is escaping me much like noel i don't recall a single instance of any meaningful involvement in the plot for him even simto had a standalone questline the only times i remember running into tongyun was when he was simply tagging along with shinto or rather getting dragged into whatever his entrances and shinto felt like dragging him into tongyeon had virtually zero exposure in-game or on their youtube channel so there was never an opportunity for us to like him as a character unless we personally dug into a story but there was also no incentive to do that either since we were never given free samples of him so to speak i bet you ninety percent of people watching this don't even know why he's always eating ice pops objectively speaking for the general player base tonyan is an entirely forgettable character with no first impression to go by there was no way for the majority of players to form any attachment to him to some of you especially chongyon means all of this might sound completely asinine i'm sure he's an interesting character with the q personality once you get to know him but it doesn't matter how amazing a character is if the community is never shown those qualities character loyalty is essential for maintaining a unit's presence even as they fall off just look at the kurtzing mains myself included who are oding on copium every day in the hopes that she'll one day reclaim her rightful place as the true electro archon one day they feel this way because she has a special place in their hearts she has appeared several times throughout the stories such as in the battle against hostile or in shangling's cooking event speaking of changing she's one of the most recognizable 4 stars in gangshin why well we see her so often like every time there's an event that takes place in niue the first person you meet is shangni and she's very involved in those events so with no formal presentation of his character and role in the story upfront the only other way he would have drawn attention to himself was through how good he was in game for day one players many of you might remember how early on characters like bennett and xingcho were rated very poorly due to not having big presentations themselves it wasn't until people discovered how overpowered they are in combat that made everyone go nuts about using them in their cases their strength and gameplay made up for the absence of appeal unfortunately this is where the short end of the stick scenario takes place even further at the time chongyon's two key selling points were and actually still are his ability to imbue his party with the cryo element which was pretty good to have since the most obnoxious enemy during the early days was the hydro abyss range and cooldown reduction i'm going to touch on the second aspect later on in the video as for the first his elemental skill layered frost would create a circle of ice for 10 seconds much like bannon's ultimate that would infuse any melee weapon with cryo damage and with a cooldown of 15 seconds that's pretty good up time to have he could summon the field then switch to his main damage dealer to benefit from the cryo if memory serves most people would pair up tongyeon with shangling so that she could solo chainmail for days his elemental bursts like the other day 1 4 stars is a big burst of damage cloud parting star hits a circular area right in front of him for damage once again similarly to ben assault it has a very low cooldown of 12 seconds and a cheap energy cost to boot cheongyun along with shangning bennet and simcha form the first iteration of the national team which involves switching from one unit to the next and using their elemental burst then their skill afterwards to generate energy it was highly efficient and effective even for free to place but right out the gate you may have noticed that there's something about his kit or rather something missing a follow-up effect this leads us to his first problem out of all the members of the national team chongyon offers the least amount of offensive enhancements his elemental skill does offer cryo infusion but no increased damage or the like with steady breathing he can increase their attack speed by 8 but ironically any party composition that you would want to use him on is quick swap burst rotation as for cloud parting star it's a simple burst of cryo damage granted it's arguably one of the strongest in sheer power considering at level 13 it does 300 damage per sword and there are four swords at constellation 6 but the overall dps increase for his team is noticeably worse than that of bennett changling and shincho the only noteworthy boost he provides as a support is the cryon fusion now given that no one else to this day can imbue their teammates to cryo you would think that's a handy tool to have but therein lies the next problem and the one that i think buried any chances he had of standing out amongst the crowd cryo as an element is all about pressure a lot of members from his roster have moves that last for a very long time and cover wide areas ayaka's kami satohar zometsu dania's celestial shower diona's signature mix rosario's rights of termination chi-chi's herald of frost shin who's divine maiden's deliverance pretty much everyone has an elemental burst and or skill that applies persistent cryo damage to several enemies in a wide area so even though they don't explicitly give their teammates cryo attacks they circumvent that by having prior damage on the field and a massive amount of it i might add this may be seen as either a good or bad thing depending on perspective but in most cases it's a good thing a lot of units don't want to have their normal attacks overridden by an element that isn't theirs more likely than not your main damage dealer if it isn't chongyon is invested in bonus elemental damage such as kuching with an electro damage goblet or d-lug with a pyro goblet so switching their element to cryo would actually be counterproductive that's why people intentionally leave bennett's final constellation locked to avoid any problems with this forcible pyroinfusion although nowadays that's no longer an issue seen as new units have been fusions that cannot be overridden but then that renders chongyon's only significant utility source completely worthless base chung in any way yes yes i haven't forgotten about c2 i'm getting to that but what about his usability as a main damage dealer then after all his elemental burst is nothing if not damage chongyon is the only true cryo greatsword user and genchin as they're making this video yula also will to claymore but she focuses on physical damage above all else why this hurts him so much is because that consequently makes him the only cryodamage dealer who cannot abuse freeze one of if not the strongest elemental reaction in the game due to having no internal cooldown thus allowing you to stun enemies in place indefinitely reason being heavy attacks against frozen enemies supply shatter a conditional follow-up reaction to freeze that does physical damage and prematurely unfreezes the target i should mention that shatter's damage is only affected by the level and elemental mastery of the character and can not deal critical hits the damage scaling on it is nowhere near high enough to compensate for the loss of preventing your opponents from moving or attacking this heavily undermines cheongins ability as they mean dps not saying it's impossible but part of why cryo has taken over pyro as the best offensive element in the game as of late is because of their access to freeze and many of its units coincidentally happen to be able to trigger it almost effortlessly with either shinto kokomi or mona backing them up furthermore this makes them the class of the best up time in the game for example one advantage ayaka and ganyu have over hutao despite the latter having a stronger knockout punch than either of them is that they still deal damage even while swapping to their support futo only does damage while she's the active character and no blood blossom doesn't count anyone with persistent damage in some way or form is naturally going to be rated very highly and that's the big reason why rosaria is slightly better than chongyon even though they both do kind of the same thing with no persistent damaging effects when he swaps out his uptime completely vanishes these factors combined make him suboptimal to use as a main dps i suppose you could argue that being a 4 star he's more accessible than the others which i agree with to some extent cryo may be the strongest offensive element in the game but it's also the most expensive given that it has the highest number of 5 stars at 5. despite that there's a high likelihood that anyone who's played this game for a while has at least dayaka origanyu seeing as they're some of the most popular characters in the game as well essentially tongue faces extremely stiff competition that has only gotten worse over the past year and change ever since gany was released cryo has gradually acquired more and more units who can do everything he can and more typically with less investment much of that stems from him not really doing a whole lot let me show you his constellations ice unleash causes chonging's last normal attack to do 1.5 times his attack stat as cryo damage in an area he was basically suffering from yoymia syndrome long before uemia came out claymores have the worst attack speed in the game and any instance where you get staggered or stunned cancels out your attack rotation meaning you'll pull this off a lot less frequently than you might think also it's just an extra couple thousand damage at best now i'm guessing all of you chunyun mains have been dying for me to get to the part where i talk about a second constellation atmospheric revolution does have an interesting benefit anytime he or his allies use an elemental skill or burst within layered frost their cooldown is reduced by 15 now the reason i took so long to get to this part is because of selection bias [Music] let me explain lisa who i made an episode on a few months back is the only character in all of genshin who reduces enemy defense at base form no constellations or anything others can do it with constellations but something i remember people saying in the comments of that video defending her is that she's the only one who can do that in a vacuum yes defense reduction is a very rare ability to have but by having lisa on your team you lose more damage and uptime than gained from that defense reduction since lisa herself doesn't offer anywhere near the same kind of damage as other characters chong's cooldown reduction boost may sound fantastic on paper but in practice if we were to compare him to say auntie shinhun she overpowers atmospheric revolution's uptime boost through raw damage now if it were say 25 instead of 15 then that can be up for debate but i think you get where i'm going with this no instance showcases this more than what happened with the ryden national team originally it consisted of chongyun shangrin shinto and bennet the appeal of this comp was that it was very free-to-play friendly requiring no 5 stars but the key weakness was that everyone had to stack up massive amounts of energy recharge to be able to spend their alts which reduced their damage then came riding shogun who alleviated that problem while providing a bigger dps boost to the national team than chongya it was either 15 cooldown reduction or 18 to 20 bonus elemental burst damage simple mathematics nothing he had was worth keeping over shogun he just doesn't do enough to warrant a spot on his team unless you have a personal attachment to his character and personality but in light of him having no time in the spotlight there aren't that many people with a personal attachment to him in the first place honestly i feel bad for the guy out of the og4 stars he was the one screwed over the most by circumstance at the very least are noel or razer they have a gimmicky playstyle that can be fun and appealing for those who are bored and want to try something else but cheongyu's playstyle is very generic he uses standard issue burst rotation support in the same vein as sucrose or the other national members yet hoyo decided to make all of them really strong while he stayed weak i know in my well designed characters video i defended them by saying they had no benchmark or reference point but i wonder why they limited him so much you have someone like bennett who not only gives spyro infusion but health regeneration pyrocleans and a massive attack boost to his party you have singto who turns anyone into a one-man hydro reactor on top of his rain swords doing crazy damage each and all you did for chongyon was given regular damage i failed to see where this disparity and power budgets came from anyways i think we're going to end it off here if you guys enjoyed the video it would be awesome if you gave it a like and subscribed consider following me on twitter joining my discord server and checking out my other on place episodes after this one but for now thanks so much for watching and i look forward to seeing you again soon take care [Music] you
Channel: Vars II
Views: 345,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact game, why no one plays chongyun, genshin impact chongyun, chongyun national, chongyun and shenhe, chongyun team, chongyun build, chongyun, chongyun discussion, genshin impact chongyun hangout, wnop chongyun
Id: 0tnqKBl4eNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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