Why NO Aquarium In The WORLD Has A Great White Shark!

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like and subscribe right now or you're gonna have terrible luck for the next week if you've ever been to an aquarium you would notice one thing immediately well not immediately but you would notice it eventually and it's the fact that the aquarium has no great white shark and that's not only true for the aquarium in your state alone it's true for aquariums all over the world but why is this so why can't we capture great white sharks and get them in aquariums are they impossible to capture or have we just not thought of it well there are 10 good reasons why you've never seen a great white shark in an aquarium and you only need to continue watching to learn these 10 reasons reason 1 will definitely make you mushy number 10. they are difficult to capture first off let's get a few things straight a lot of aquariums have tried to capture great white sharks it has just proven to be impossible this is because a great white shark is one of the hardest sharks to capture this is not only because it is large but because it is also quite aggressive for example man could only even capture one as recently as 1955 while you might say that 1955 isn't that recent and that's true but we don't even know when man learned to capture wild animals like lions and tigers our ancestors have been doing that for so long that many kings had tamed wild animals in their palaces however our first attempt at taming a great white shark came just about 70 years ago to make things worse that first attempt was a failure the first great white shark to be held in captivity was just held for less than a day so yeah before you can even think of having a great white shark in an aquarium you have to capture it first and we can tell you that that's not easy at all number nine they are difficult to transport great white sharks are large animals some reach up to 20 feet and can weigh up to 100 kilograms that's a lot and one thing that we've learned over the years is that transporting an animal of that size from one side of the ocean to another isn't the easiest thing in the world for some aquariums the trouble just isn't worth it given that great whites are difficult to capture the fact that aquariums have to go through so much hassle to transport them again just makes the whole venture unrealistic we know what you must be thinking well aren't orcas and dolphins in aquariums well none of them are quite as large and aggressive as great white sharks number eight lack of resources how rich do you think your regular aquarium is do you think they're rolling in wads of cash or do you think they're struggling to get by don't worry your answer literally doesn't matter the fact is that it's way too expensive to catch a great white shark and many aquariums just don't see it as being worth it scientists say that to catch a great white shark you'd have to provide a few things the first thing you'd need to provide is a tank and an open water panel this is because you can't just tag a great white shark drug it put it on ice load it in a plane and then fly it over to wherever the aquarium is it just doesn't work that way to transport even a small great white shark you'd have to have an open water pen that can hold at least 3.78 million liters of water with a depth of at least 10.6 meters in addition to that the aquarium has to keep the great white shark in an open water pen that can take 15 million liters of water before even transferring it to the aquarium's facilities as you can see all this would cost a lot of money and only a few aquariums can actually afford to pay this much to have a great white shark but what of those who can paint why don't they have a great white shark number seven great white sharks get injured during capture now human beings have actually captured great white sharks before it's not like we've not been able to get these animals into tanks and open water pens no we've been able to do that however the problem is the sharks and the condition they're in when they're caught when we do eventually capture great white sharks we always injure them in the process now these injuries are not usually very bad at least when the sharks first get them but for some reason after getting the sharks in captivity the injuries get worse and that's not all the sharks actually get more injuries while being in captivity great white sharks are naturally nomadic animals this means that they love to swim about and as such are always finding ways to escape their tanks this can lead to them aggressively hitting the tanks and injuring themselves when these sharks get injured enough times they get weak and they die that's why most great white sharks that have ever been caught die a few days after being captured but that's not the only reason why great white sharks are unlikely to survive in captivity number six great white sharks don't like being in captivity an aquarium has actually once successfully caught a great white shark but the shark didn't live longer than five weeks there have been different theories about why this is so but scientists have been able to come to a conclusion and the conclusion is this great white sharks really really really hate being in a tank or an aquarium or in any place where their freedoms are restricted scientists have figured that this is because they actually do get depressed when kept in glass tanks in fact great white sharks that are kept in cages have been known to headbutt the glass barriers and even refuse to eat to make things worse these sharks get extremely aggressive during their depressed state this aggression of course leads to injuries and this leads to weakness and this leads to failing health which eventually leads to death this perhaps is one of the major reasons why a great white shark has only stayed alive in an aquarium for five weeks number five they are a danger to others and themselves if a great white shark is kept with any other shark the likelihood that the great white kills it and eats it within a day or two is very high so not only is catching a great white shark a chore on its own it can even be expensive in other ways imagine buying a pet and finding out that that pet killed the other pet that you had before that's exactly what it's like and as you know the other marine animals that the great white may kill are actually pretty expensive to get it's not an easy task to get them and most aquariums can't deal with sharks killing each other in their facilities to make things worse great white sharks rarely allow even human beings to feed them this sometimes leads to them to die of starvation one of the reasons great whites don't like being fed by humans is that they are hunters and as such they need the thrill of the hunt to survive they aren't gonna get that thrill by being fed by some puny little humans number four lack of food let's talk a bit more about food shall we fully grown great white sharks eat seals and sea mammals and they eat them in a copious number they aren't just light snacks that they take to feel bouncy these are their natural prey and they judiciously hunt for them now we know that the first rule of keeping an animal is to make sure that you can feed it if you've ever had a pet you know that your biggest job as a pet owner is to feed your pet now for aquariums the situation is the same if they want to have great white sharks around they would have to throw in lots and lots of sea mammals into the sharks tank every day unsurprisingly that is one thing that aquariums can't afford to do this is because the favorite meal of great white sharks are sea otters and sea mammals and both these animals are highly endangered species number three failing health even when great white sharks are captured and kept in cages they usually suffer from failing health this is due to a lot of different reasons of course but there's one that's extremely important you see great white sharks aren't like other marine animals they aren't domiciled in one region they are open water animals and cannot be confined in fact tagged sharks have been known to swim hundreds of kilometers within a few days it has been shown by scientists that the nature of great white sharks is incompatible with cages and because of this their health often deteriorates after being caught now it's time for today's best pick our picture today was sent in by a subscriber remember if you come across a picture online and would like to know its origins you can send it into us who knows your picture may even get featured in a future video number two experience despite all these problems some great white sharks have been captured and displayed by some aquariums however their experience with these animals shows everyone why it's impossible for great white sharks to be on display in aquariums in 2016 an 11 foot long great white shark was caught off the coast of japan and for a few short days the great white was the only great white in an aquarium in the world however after a few days the shark mysteriously died this isn't a one-off accident either there have been many attempts to get great white sharks in captivity but most have ended in death it just appears that these animals do not want to stay as captives and if we force them to stay then they just die before we move on i've got a little challenge for you that'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal you just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 25 years of amazing luck try it it really works number one it's humane this is probably the most important reason why we don't capture great white sharks and keep them in aquariums it's simply wickedness to take these animals who do not want to be captives and keep them in a huge glass jar for our benefit staying in aquariums depresses great white sharks and limits the freedom that they crave so much capturing them and keeping them in cages ultimately leads to their death and we've evolved past doing such inhumane things for fun and that's the reason why you can't find a great white shark at an aquarium it's basically the best option for the shark and for us and that's it we're done for today we hope you enjoyed this video as much as we enjoyed making it for you don't forget to like and subscribe and remember to have an amazing day
Channel: 100M
Views: 5,941,614
Rating: 4.8266659 out of 5
Keywords: top, education, 100m, great white, great white shark, white shark, aquarium in the world, aquarium, shark, sharks, shark tank, shark week, biggest shark, great white sharks, great whites in aquarium, no aquarium has a great white shark, biggest shark in aquarium, wild shark, sharks in captivity, sea world, largest shark, biggest shark in the world, cannot be tamed, shark aquarium, great white shark aquarium, top 10, top ten, top most, list, facts
Id: qU9l0nkLnKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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