Orca Encounter Goes Wrong (Ultra HD) August 23, 2019 - SeaWorld San Diego

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as one interconnected ocean at vast expanse critical to life on Earth and there's no better animal to represent the story of the ocean with all its splendor and uncertainty than that killer whale or as its and typically known for sinus vodka there's a record of the ocean from the southern [Music] this rail story is the ocean story [Music] [Music] welcome to serious orphan counter I'm amber and I'm honored to introduce you to this intriguing and majestic animal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there is nothing like being a killer I love cuffs and learning more about them and their natural behaviors we hope those are confounds will help you better understand these magnificent creatures and all that they represent [Music] [Music] [Music] while they are found in every ocean focus living off the coast of Iceland are quite different than those near Costa Rica in fact there are residents through all types or eco types of killer whales [Music] and ecotype dislikes the differences between killer whale size visible form great social structure and habitat as you can see the differences are subtle but noticeable when compared side-by-side [Music] orcas are adapted perfectly to their environments regard to effect and even the whales black and white coloration has avoided it camouflages the outline of their bodies in the water making it easier for them to surprise and catch their break [Music] tonight [Music] when viewed from above the black of the whale blends in with the dark depths of the ocean when viewed from below the Orcas white bellies match the brighter surface of the water that's lending with the light of water giving them the perfect camouflage [Music] killer whales truly are a natural wonder and thirty-year-old work it will help me show you at the surface top in Rebecca's your treatment stabilizing whales at the time and also Huff's regulate their body temperatures [Music] the flippers on either started in her body or her pectoral flippers [Music] the tale of our [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] killer whales of Chinese social ills a well-defined social structure and working parties always there buddy manifold though just half the size of her male counterpart she is in charge it's all about that it's extreme not size because they live and work as a queen orcas need to communicate with sounds and body language work is useless for a publication or a navigation [Music] whistles to socialize in the park and calls for coordination and hunting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] vocal development studies here at SeaWorld show that early on capsular vocalization from their mothers but as they grow they learn from others close to them as wealth this is a bottlenose dolphin call that should be learned and even taught other killer whales here at SeaWorld in fact orcas are the largest members of the Delta feather [Applause] Wales here and in the wild you smoke Eliza to communicate all the time my column is body language is part of your communication is used to show dominance and to get noticed for example a mother [Music] but when they really want to be heard [Music] [Music] you get a better view of their surroundings while they hunt [Music] killer whales in the wild [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the ocean and mr. Jose Casilla and catch their prey every day they cooperating to survive in that line notions of a wall [Applause] the Opus hinting techniques cause very nice details themselves no mr. coordinate with each other and to disown every night with the fish confused [Music] [Music] [Applause] every spirit as his feelings by pulling them up right off the beach [Music] right here [Applause] [Music] nothing into the [Music] [Applause] [Music] hunting abilities around the world [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you just got these waves crashing in front of you but you can't truly imagine how much water to this place unless you experience it firsthand luckily we have a brave volunteer who's going to feel power of the waves created by the winds [Music] all right you guys so what's your name sweetheart now have you come on down here go ahead and have a seat so sit down so just like this sweetheart on your bottom right there [Music] [Applause] all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] all types of animal [Music] [Music] [Music] in this example we see the larger male Orca surround a sperm whale forming a perimeter while the females continue to drive the well forward until it reaches exhaustion the calves then move in to join the adults in the group whatever they're great killer whales always cooperate and hunt together making them a highly successful predator [Music] plays an important part of everyday life for killer whales in a while it's how they teach they grow [Applause] [Music] here at SeaWorld [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the wake of the boat [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the other way I would like to be touched from to rub their bellies on rock so they can we observe Barlow's doing a similar behavior to British Columbia would [Music] you'll often see killer whales imitating each other other in the wild we see it here at zero all the time the whales are always mimicking and learning from each other [Music] [Music] playful behavior does have a purpose if you see that's fish in the wild [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that wouldn't be a killer society that's a male [Music] communicating to get where you belong to the social structure be in the mail at least six years old so he is very low on the social structure 54 year old female allow forty to communicate with the carny there that is unacceptable to give them a couple comments you can see that their behavior has already started to fellow out complete communication with Makani [Music] is some communication about regard awesome sound an operator up there to see where he wants to start back in so as soon as you're already in a booth we'll ask the animals to cooperate with us we'll have the trainer's come out and we'll be pulsars to demonstrate that we're offering you an opportunity to participate they choose to participate but if they don't want to of making to continue communicating with one another then unfortunately that would be the end of the presentation because they are the priority we want to respect them so give us a couple of moments you see where we're ready over the book and we'll continue or get out oh thank you so much for your patience everybody [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] research and quality of life all of our military take an active role in their own health and while we are also trained on a variety of assessing their behaviors there's a lot less about keep them healthy but one of those we can ask them job role over after their tail flips like you guys are seeing right now with McCarney so we can check their health [Music]
Channel: Tilikum16
Views: 2,398,721
Rating: 3.4669957 out of 5
Keywords: seaworld, gone wrong, orca
Id: 4oJaG4RZ-PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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