10 Times The Glass Was NOT Strong Enough

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like and subscribe right now or this spider will be in your bed tonight we all love visiting the zoo to see your favorite animals however we don't go to the zoo expecting to have such close encounters with big animals today we're going to be taking a look at times like glass was just not strong enough almost taking the lives of the guests at the zoo be sure to watch this entire video as you won't believe some of these crazy encounters also make sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel to never miss a single upload that being said let's get right into it number 11 gorilla breaks glass at nebraska zoo in this first clip we have a crazy incident where a gorilla was able to break through the glass barrier at the nebraska zoo in the video you can see the as she looks at the male gorillas the first three layers of protective glass zoo curator dan cassidy says with three gorillas aged 17 to 22 trying to establish dominance in the same space they're bound to see testosterone and aggression as these gorillas transition into adulthood this must have been super scary for this little girl and her family i cannot imagine what could have happened had the gorilla got a hold of the girl however the zeus says this isn't the first time they've seen this before it's common for the glass to break because of environmental or engineering causes gorillas also beat on the glass to make sounds that scare off their peers definitely a crazy experience number 10 polar bear throws stone and breaks aquarium wall at zoo next up we have another encounter at an aquarium this time where a polar bear breaks through the glass that surrounds his cage in the clip we see two men standing by the tank and watching the polar bear swim around things seem to be going well until the polar bear picks up a rock and throws it at the glass wall we could see the glass shatter and the men jump in fear luckily the glass didn't completely shatter but this must have been a scary experience to say the least we don't know what exactly caused this beard to throw a rock at the wall but it was probably to defend his territory number nine gorilla cracks glass window in san diego zoo the gorilla exhibit at the san diego zoo was temporarily closed after an aggressive guerrilla interaction which took place just last saturday in which one gorilla hit the glass-feeling window damaging it robert de la pina and his family were excited to be back at the san diego zoo after its temporary closure amid the pandemic while visiting the lush rainforests to see the gorillas something unexpected happened as we were watching them all the gorillas were running around the enclosure they were getting riled up said de la pena in the clip we see one gorilla start to run at full speed and jumps into the glass completely shattering it this must have been so scary for anyone actually standing behind that glass but luckily the glass was pretty strong but obviously not strong enough to completely stay intact definitely a crazy encounter number eight monkey breaks glass enclosure with stone at zoo in china now this one is a bit less scary and more funny but definitely one we had to include on this list today this clip features a monkey who is attempting to escape from his habitat in a china zoo a monkey was filmed the breaking and glass pane of the enclosure it was in with a stone at a zoo in central china's hennan province the staff later removed all the rocks in the enclosure because of this this would be a lot less scary than having a huge gorilla or lion break through the glass but it's crazy to see how much a small monkey was able to crack the glass and almost escape from the zoo number 7 bear jumps on card trying to get husky inside alright not all of the animals on this list were found at a zoo the next story took place in the sequoia national park in california when a man and his dog found something interesting on the side of the road it was a bear which is a very common find in this park and just like any other visitor at the park they were amazed at the sight of it so they decided to stop their car and admire the wild fiercest animal hoping it would eventually go away however the bear just got closer to them to the point that it started to climb the car and even jumped on the trunk of it good thing the car has windows the bear tries so hard to get in the car but the glass is luckily very strong it looks like the bear was going after the husky who was sitting in the car anyways this must have been a very scary experience as it isn't every day that a huge bear just jumps onto your car out of nowhere number six lion tries to pounce on little girl but slams in the glass instead up next we have another crazy experience in which a little girl almost got attacked by a huge lion at the zoo as the girl peered into the lion's enclosure her parents spotted a female perched on the top of a rock crouching down as if stalking her prey they quickly realized that she was eyeing up their daughter the little girl continues to laugh and play as she watches the other lions going about their business completely unaware that the female is slowly creeping up on her then suddenly as she turns her back the lion pounces smashing into the glass and beginning to claw at her this must have been extremely scary for the little girl and her parents especially this girl had no clue what was going on and thought the lion was just being playful little did she know this could have been the end of her number five lion attacks car on safari ride one of the most unique experiences in the african continent is to visit a safari riding through the wild and seeing some of those animals is one thing you must do while you're there but for some of us africa is a bit too far inexpensive so we go to local safaris that try to recreate the experience for us the next video on this list is from a visit to a guatemalan safari in which a lion attached himself to a spare tire that was on the back of a car the car began to drive away and the lion just kept chewing on it i'm not sure if the lion wanted to play or if he was actually just training his teeth to have a proper meal later on one thing is for sure those guys lost the spare tire they had but i'm sure they're thankful it was just a tire and not somebody's life number four marker cracks glass in a zoo sometimes we try and don't succeed well that's what happened with this big horned marker at the zoo in the clip we see the animal attempt to slam into the glass barrier and a zoo cage the marcor tries over and over again but can't seem to break through the glass luckily nothing was broken as the animal was not strong enough to break through at all this could have been a very scary incident that wouldn't have ended well but luckily it did number three mandrill escapes from the enclosure in this next clip we have a crazy one in which a man drill actually escaped from the enclosure at the zoo in the clip we see a group of man drills running around and playing as spectators at the zoo watch from the outside however one of the man drills decides to take a little dip in the water and well eventually escapes from the entire enclosure what's crazy is that everyone in the scene just sits around and watches like it's nothing the mandrill ends up getting out and running away from the enclosure luckily the zookeepers realized and ran after the man drill and were able to contain it and bring it back to its cage but this could have been a very insane story had the monkey got away number two young tiger escapes the zoo in this clip we have a baby tiger who is able to use its sneakiness and swift speed to get out of the cage at a zoo in the video we see the tiger attempting to climb up his cage but the zookeepers quickly come to the scene to stop the little tiger from escaping however the tiger aggressively hits one of the zookeepers and jumps on top of the cage the zookeepers chase down the baby tiger and thankfully are able to contain it before it completely disappears this must have been so scary for the zookeepers as they not only got attacked by a tiger but it also found a way to escape thank god they caught it number one chimpanzee escapes from zoo in japan caught after falling from power pole this clip shows a chimpanzee which fled from the zoo in northern japan and tried desperately to avoid being captured by climbing up an electric pole the chimp had been on the loose for over two hours before a team came to help the chimp down and bring him back to the zoo however the champ tries its hardest to escape and live in freedom as he does not want to go back to that place i guess eventually the chimpanzee actually falls off the telephone pole it was climbing up and the safety team down below safely catches him imagine looking outside and seeing a huge chimp climbing in the electric poles well that's exactly what happened here luckily nobody was hurt in the incident including the chimp and officials were able to take the animal back to its zoo cage
Channel: SkyDiverge
Views: 4,699,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The shark tank wasn't high enough..., The glass wasn't high enough..., zoo, animals, escape, animals escape zoo, animal compilation zoo, animal break glass, zoo animals breaks glass, when animals attack, animals just cant get what a glass is, glass animal attacks, The Glass Wasn't Strong Enough..., Gorilla breaks glass at Nebraska Zoo, Fell into Animal Enclosures at Zoos, top 5 best, 100m, 10 Times Where The Glass Was Almost Not Strong Enough, zoo animals
Id: TzRWfaBjx6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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