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[Music] you know it's in our nature to see angels as beautiful and to see Shailene to see Delta's as ugly and in fact we often associate that with people around us so we'll say that she looks like a little angel or that he looks like a devil and this is something that a lost parents attic even alludes to in the Quran that the women in the time of use of Friday his sit up when they saw use of Christ time they said that this is Melek when kitty this is just a beautiful angel and the prophets lie 7 as well when he saw a man whose hair and beard were all unkempt and he came to the message that way prophet slicin told him he should comb his hair instead of coming to the message of looking like a Shaitaan so it's only natural that we associate these things this is just in our filter that angels are beautiful and that Devils are ugly however we find instances in the Quran and the Sunnah where a loss of parents eyes describes angels with a very very severe harsh appearance now we have to love them all loss prantera tells us in the Quran Karim Encana I do only La Romana except that whoever is an enemy to allah subhana wa ta'ala and the angels and they're also and the messengers and jibraíeel and we can then I lost patada is an enemy to the disbelievers so that means we have to love Malik the keeper of hellfire we have to love is Lafayette who blows the horn we have to love the two angels that will ask us in the grave that we fear them we have to love them the keepers of hellfire lost cantata calls them violent schita that they are very severe in their appearance the prophets Weiss that I'm even when he saw Malik when he saw you know the keeper of Hellfire Malik also lost by some described the frightening appearance I mean Malik the prophets light son was shocked that he didn't smile he didn't laugh he didn't greet the prophets I said I'm the way that other angels did and when was also I some asked to be nice and I'm about that to be nice and I'm said that if he was to smile at anyone it would be you but he's never smiled since Hellfire has been created and so even though the prophets license saw him that way and the keepers of Hellfire are severe and one kept on Nakia the two angels that come to us in the grave have a very frightening appearance they don't necessarily look that way a loss of Hannah Matata is capable of making their appearance in a certain way however all of them are created from knew of all of them are created from light and all of them are beautiful but a loss of Anuradha changes the appearance to certain people depend on who they are and depending on who those angels are as well so even with the angel of death when he comes to us and when he comes with his helpers everyone sees him differently well lost Kanaka dimensions to us the believer as he's leaving this world he sees very beautiful faces the prophets I saw them he mentioned to us that when the Angel of Death comes with his helpers who come with the Kevin who come with the cloth that would carry the soul of the believer they come reeking of musk of a beautiful smell a beautiful scent they're extremely beautiful extremely comforting in their sight and as the aims of death approaches the believer feels a sense of comfort right he doesn't feel scared at all I'm gonna be rounded aziz rahim allah as he was passing away he started to see these angels in the face that's called a little on the avada means the presence the presence of the Angels as you're about to leave this world I'm gonna burn out that Aziz he smiled then his face lit up and he said model have been behaving welcome to these beautiful faces let's heal ASAP he will do the instant when I John that clearly don't belong to human beings or Jim he was delighted because he recognized that these faces were so beautiful that they could not be anything but angels as opposed to the disbelievers as opposed to corrupt evil people the prophets Lysander mentions a very frightening appearance that would cause the soul to actually hide within the body and these angels to scream at that soul and to rip it out of the body may Allah protect us but that tells you something that Allah Azza JAL can change the appearance based upon who you are and so if you are a beautiful person then you will only see beautiful angels you will never see you'll never see any angels that would have a frightening appearance they would only be beautiful a loss pintada also sometimes allows the angels to come in human appearance so gibreel alayhi Salam who's the greatest of them came in human appearance at times Allah mentions to us the guests of ibrahim alayhis salaam when they came to bore him at ease them to give him the glad tidings of his hop and after his hop as well yeah cool now they still couldn't eat or drink right so they still couldn't escape that part of the limitation on their desires and that caused the brawny mice not to fear them but nevertheless they had a human appearance likewise we see the handsome young men that were sent to rule 20 some the people ruled by some the same angels of course appeared to the people as handsome young man as a fitnah to them Mario Martinez Saddam when sees when she sees them to maja Veselin Sevilla gibreel appeared to her as a complete human being a beautiful human being and sometimes even in human form you know the Angels can come to non-pom people that aren't prophets people that aren't necessarily receiving any form of divine inspiration a loss of contact sometimes sends them as a test or as a Bushra as a glide tidings to a person rasool ossify son he mentions to us in a hadith narrated by abu huraira of the ilaha that there was a man that was visiting a brother of his in a village and a loss of parents had a sense an angel to them on the road this is not a prophet just the regular man and the angel said to him in the form of a man where are you going and he replied he said I'm just going to visit you know a brother of mine that lives in such-and-such village and the man responded and said is you know do you owe him something is there some sort of worldly transaction between you to see if this is truly the only reason he's going to visit him you know for the sake of a loss of kind of incident and so the man says no I just loved him for Allah that's all I'm going to visit him because I love him for Allah so the angel responded in the form of the man obviously it said indeed a little lucky you make I'm a Messenger of Allah that's been sent to you and the LA I have BEC that Allah loves you come after the way that you loved your brother so that's a good situation and then we find that sometimes the angels are sent in human form to test people there's a very famous hadith inaudible Hadi where the prophet slice and I mentioned that there was a blind man a bald men and a leper and a loss of Connaught either sent an angel to them and the loss of my notes how to ask them what it is that they wanted so obviously each one wants it out of out of whatever it is that was hindering their you know hindering them or that was causing them to have a certain appearance a lost penalty Allah allowed the angel to cure them so the lepers the leper was cured from his leprosy the blind man was cleared from his blindness the bald man got a divine hair transplant you know the angel rubbed on his head Marcelo you had a full head of hair and they were giving him wealth one was given camels one was given carols one was given sheep then Allah tested them by sending the same angel to them in the form that they used to have so the man that used to be blind saw blind men and so on so forth so they're capable of that as well when a loss of penalty out of the sides and we find musa alayhis salaam there's a very peculiar hadith with musa alayhis salaam that rasool was ice themselves and this is an authentic narration that when the Angel of Death came to Musa Islam more science them punched him in the face and his eye fell out right in that could be literal or just to show the impact of the hit of Messiah he set up and the angel went and complained to a loss of pen or town Allah restored him obviously and then he came back to my science and I'm explaining who he was so some of the scholars some of the commentators they say that Musa didn't actually know that he was the Angel of Death because he came in the form of a man and he thought that he was just someone snooping around his house that just entered into his house and that's why musai Sam reacted that way in any case we find that they're able to assume many shapes and many forms now a lot of people will say well then can I see human angels it's very unlikely and the last thing you should assume if you saw something strange is that you just saw a human angel however Allah knows best that can happen and we asked the last part out that we're surrounded by the Menotti can whatever form they may be you
Channel: The Daily Reminder
Views: 204,997
Rating: 4.9572296 out of 5
Keywords: Prophet, Muhammed, Mohammed, Muslims, Sheikh, TDR, Quran, prophet, Muhammad, Islam, Muslim, Koran, ALLAH, bayyinah, institute, young, muslims, ilmfest, twins, faith, peace, conference, quran, mercy, mission, iera, icna, mishary, afasy, recitation, tafsir, nasheed, arabic, english, mufti menk, omar suleiman, 2020, muslim, parents, marriage, nikah, umar, omar, seerah, ramadan, Yasir Qadhi, shaythaan, satan, the daily reminder, dua, ramadan 2020, ismail menk, mufti, Jibreel, angel, suleiman, scary, mikael, mikaal, angel of death, musa, ibrahim
Id: pBCn8TY4270
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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