Future Proof Your Tech Career In the Age of AI

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so in my last video are tech jobs back where we looked at some trends that indicate that tech jobs are back on the rise I got a question in the comments asking should I be then a generalist or a specialist to which I answered be a generalist in the fundamentals and then a master in one future proof skill to which someone then asked what is an example of a future proof skill well this video is my answer to that question so AI it's here everyone wants to be like hey it's just a fad it'll go away or I think it's stupid I'm ignoring it and that's fine but it's not stupid it's not going away billions of dollars are being invested into new startups a large majority of businesses are adopting AI in some capacity and the most groundbreaking thing is it's simply accessible to everyone and this has changed the game outside of the discussion of ethics and the fact that you can feed it very selective data to promote your own agenda or other abuses it's here The Floodgate is open you may disagree with it that's fine you always have the right to be wrong but let's start out first with some truth and that truth is that the majority of you developers will never actually train or develop models even if you wanted to get into that particular field there isn't really an entry level for that yet many AI researcher or data science roles require Advanced degrees and lots of experience and I wouldn't recommend you go that route at all unless you just had some strong desire for it and it's not because you can't learn these things it's just a position that isn't well suited for entry-level skills which would be the level of skills that most of us have on the intricacies of machine learning and the like so when we all think of training models and deep learning benchmarking evaluating data set sets and all of that just toss those plans away because there are two other Associated roles required for any AI to operate and those two roles are better suited and exciting for us developer in operations guys and girls now as a side note I could mention other roles that I think are going to continue to grow like cyber security but it's not really what we specialize in as developers and if we try to shift that direction it's not really the easiest thing to do with all of these attacks going on nowadays everyone wants a seasoned cyber security technician on their team not really a newbie I.E it's not a walk in the park to get into that industry right now even as a developer doesn't mean you shouldn't do it demand is on the rise and will continue to be but what I want to get at in this video is it may be wiser to see where you're currently at and what you could add to what you already have to Future proof yourself and like I was saying I think there are two positions that are more in your wheelhouse where you currently stand in your skill set in fact there's a great article out here from a chip huan explaining this new AI stack so this middle area this isn't really us we're the other two we're all think we got to learn all this super technical stuff here in the middle we don't so let's look at these other two so the first field that will remain highly relevant is infrastructure underlying everything AI is the infrastructure layer the hardware the cloud service providers the GPU access to compute to train models operating systems security networks monitoring logging all of that is required so the roles of cloud engineer platform engineer Ops engineer they're valid Pursuits and they're not going anywhere and I know you might be thinking well aren't there already a billion people AWS certified sure it is but how many have taken their Cloud expertise and learned to build on top of AI and this is where you have to put in the time to adopt this new skill to add this new skill to what you currently have with the many companies racing to incorporate AI into their systems whether to analyze data or make predictions or to just offset some menial tasks where do they even begin well they obviously aren't going to try to build a data warehouse in their own facilities no they're going to borrow compute from AWS or Azure or gcp in fact I would wager that their already in the cloud to begin with and this is why I've stated before if you're already well-versed in Azure you should consider one of the AI certifications which will train you to help businesses adopt AI in the cloud in fact this would be a great Consulting business and a book to note here a book that we read in the Travis media Community is a book called The Business case for AI which walks through how any company can begin to incorporate AI into their business process even the simplest things have had major impacts on small companies so you already understand the cloud and the technology that brings it all together now go get an Azure AI engineer associate certification and if you look at some of the things you'll learn you'll learn how to use Azure AI Services you'll create computer vision Solutions with Azure AI Vision develop NLP Solutions with Azure AI Services Implement knowledge mining develop Solutions with Azure AI document intelligence and develop generative AI Solutions with Azure open AI service so any company out there wanting to do any of this stuff and they're in the cloud I think it would be wise to know these things and to have a certification to to help a business Implement these services and in getting this certification you're learning these AI Technologies like generative AI computer vision NLP and you get Hands-On with how to implement them but you're doing so from an operations Viewpoint not an AI researcher scientist Viewpoint you're keeping the same Specialties that you currently have while adding on the skills that they will be coming to you for you're learning how to implement the things that these Specialists have in theory and in planning only so that's first all AI requires underlying structure and if you wanted to take this further you could learn more about what's mentioned here in this article tools for serving like nvidia's Triton compute management with Sky pilot and Vector search in databases so Vector search in databases like pine cone definitely learn these and by the way Vector search is not something new the other two though in my opinion the tools for serving in the compute management may just be icing on the cake for the roles that I'm describing here so learn it don't learn it whatever and a great way to learn not really any particular brand of software but the actual AI Concepts themselves is with a tool like today's sponsor brilliant brilliant.org is a great way to learn Math logic and computer science interactively brilliant is fun practical and has thousands of lessons from basic to Advanced topics from computer science and programming algorithms python AI logic and other tools to help you level up your skills or keep those skills sharp and it's built for busy people like me and you like I said you can Master big Concepts in as little as 15 minutes a day maybe you want to dive deeper into large language models neural networks big data or just learning the basics of python building programs on day one with the built-in drag and drop editor today I decided to work through a refresher of llms and how they work with chatbots and virtual assistants by storing possibilities about which words come next based on preceding words and like I said brilliant can help you solidify those AI logic and coding skills and underlying Concepts that apply across different fields to try everything brilliant has to offer for free for a full 30 days visit brilliant.org Travis Media or click on the link in the description you'll also get 20% off an annual premium subscription now back to the video second application development isn't going anywhere sure AI can write code it can speed up our workflow but these AI apps they're still front-facing they're applications that offer some AI service to their customers thus they all need to be developed and maintained now the difference here is you're not just building some landing page with HTML and CSS those days are really gone and can be easily done with AI or no code low code Solutions but what's required of you now is the knowledge of integrating AI into these applications and this requires a good understanding of llms and predefined services like open Ai and Lang chain it's no longer they will handle the AI I'm just building the page it's more like you build the page and the app and integrate these llms yourself in a way that your company wants you to so if you're like what is Lang chain then you're already behind now I personally don't think you need to dive deep into machine learning and advanced math and statistics and all of that there are experts for that stuff but you're the expert for this stuff but you do need to know how to build these types of AI startup apps and it will require knowledge of the latest tooling you should already have built an application with open Ai and you should be able to put a prototype together pretty quickly of some of these rapper applications that's a minimum and most things now they just wrap Chad GPT that's why I don't care to really sign up for any of it because I already have Chad GPT and I can easily create my own agents and all of that but still your company will want one and of course things will advance from here if you have not done this and you need a simple app to build then check out my video here where I build a chat gbt interview bot I'll put a link above or below to that llms they power chatbots NLP applications and really much of what's going on out there at this stage like browser extensions Bots think slack Discord in web and desktop apps if it's a custom model you'll probably not be involved in that training but you'll need to know how to integrate these into your applications and how to interact with some of the more popular apis out there that means you have to be able to join in on the discussions and have understanding of what's being assigned to you those training the model doing the research doing the testing they're not deploying it or making it easy for people to interact with so I would suggest taking your current developer skills sharpening those skills yes that's the most important thing and then start building some simple AI apps using open AI or Lang Jan take your pick or some other solution out there there's a bunch of them build a few things push it to GitHub and start to understand some of these additional talents that you need to tack on to your current career take a look at the startup that are appearing now how would you build those apps have a look at open ai's assistance API which allow you to build AI assistance within your own applications in these assistants they have instructions they can leverage models tools and files to respond to user queries again that's where we're at today ensure you'll just end up with another rapper application that you see everywhere but it'll be specific to a certain industry or profile and you can do neat things with it so my point here is that choosing skills to learn that will serve you well in the coming years doesn't mean you have to go and get a pH h d in machine learning or Advanced statistics and it surely doesn't mean quitting programming and becoming a plumber but instead it requires taking the expertise that you currently have and adding relevant AI knowledge onto it so that you stay marketable infrastructure isn't going anywhere it's part of AI and programming is still required as all these AI apps are front-facing and need to be built and maintained but you need to be able to answer the call when they come your way can you answer that call if not then there's your next steps if you found this video helpful give it a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed to the channel consider doing so and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Travis Media
Views: 27,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: future proof tech jobs, tech ai jobs, developer ai jobs, future proof jobs, ai tech jobs, ai technology jobs, future proof jobs 2024, future ai proof jobs, artificial intelligence, machine learning, travis media, future proof your tech career against ai, future proof your tech career, chatgpt, langchain, claude
Id: sw2Wxh2CpLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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