Why Minecraft Creepers Fear Cats

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in this video i solve the age-old minecraft mystery of why creepers hate cats there is a hilarious easter egg in minecraft where if you place a creeper and a cat near each other the creeper will get scared of the little cat and run away the creeper has alluraphobia meaning fear of cats while this is very amusing as an easter egg have you ever wondered why are creepers scared of cats in the first place there was only one other mob besides the creeper in the entire game that has ilurophobia fear of cats in this video i solve the age-old minecraft mystery of why creepers hate cats creepers aren't scared of any other mob so there must be a specific reason for why they hate the cat before we begin please consider subscribing if you're interested it helps tremendously and enjoy the video to be able to fully understand why creepers hate cats we will need to look at the mysterious backstory of the creeper the creeper has an interesting past we need to take a deeper look into the minecraft creeper itself the creeper is no ordinary mob in an official minecraft book called the minecraft mobis theory the book shows us the insides of the creeper taking a deeper look at the image the creeper seems to be made of organic parts like bones ribs and maybe organs but there is also stuff inside the creeper that is not organic for example the tnt and redstone the creeper might have a heart as well but it is difficult to judge in the picture there is an interesting line of text on this page of the minecraft obesity area it reads and i quote some say that the explosions distribute spores from which new creepers grow this could mean that the green stuff on the creeper's surface might be the skin or outer covering of the creeper this also means that the creeper is some kind of moss if creeper is a weird type of moss why then are there bones when notch was creating the pig he accidentally messed up the 3d design of the pig by accidentally raising the height he made a creature in the shape of a creeper it was added into the game as a new mob and it ended up becoming one of the most iconic mobs in minecraft a funny story so what if this is a sign that the minecraft creeper is a mutated pig the creeper could be a seriously messed up pig perhaps a failed or intentional experiment the tnt inside the creeper probably means someone or something put that in them a block of tnt in the middle of the creeper's abdomen is definitely not something that forms organically so here is the theory what if the creepers were some kind of man-made experiment here is where this theory starts there were people who once built the many temples and other structures in the game for example the desert temple stronghold mine shaft etc what if these were the people who created the minecraft creeper as well we are getting closer to figuring out why creepers have such a deep-rooted hatred or fear of the cat these people that made the creeper probably made them near the desert temple here is why i think so you see the symbol on the front of the desert temple could be interpreted as the egyptian symbol called the ankh which means life maybe in these desert temples for the first time they were able to bring their own man-made creatures into life by horribly mutating a pig quite dark if you think about it further proof of this is the chiseled sandstone on the wall that has a creeper symbol on it found all throughout the desert temple you could say that this is minecraft archaeology at its finest the minecraft chiseled sandstone on desert temple walls contain a cryptic message below it what could it possibly mean well what if the cryptic message on the chiseled sandstone is instructions on how to create the creeper maybe these little two by one holes found on the walls of the desert temple have creeper signs on them because that is where the creeper was first conceived or created too bad we can't read the messages on the chiseled sandstone though or maybe we can at first i thought the letters on the chiseled sandstone were the same symbols as seen on the minecraft enchantment table the cryptic letters in the enchantment table is a real alphabet called the standard galactic alphabet unfortunately the symbols on the chiseled sandstone are hard to decipher and don't seem to give a helpful answer if you want to pause the video and try to translate the message on the chiseled sandstone for yourself it doesn't seem to give any helpful information though but anyways it seems these people also wrote information on how to make the wither on red chiseled sandstone however the red chiseled sandstone block cannot be naturally found in the game only crafted so maybe the instructions were lost to time these people from long ago created creepers by mutating a pig and wrote their achievements on the walls but why would they fill the inside of their creatures with tnt here is where i'm convinced ready they also filled the inside of their desert temples with tnt as well these people clearly liked trapping things with tnt so what if they put some leftover tnt into the creeper so this could be why we have the modern day creeper the creeper later left and spread throughout the world as mentioned in the minecraft mob bestiary maybe when they explode they spread their spores onto the player and maybe other mobs too and those spores later grow into new creepers the creeper might also have gone rogue since they attack the player okay so that's great and all but still why do creepers hate the cats now that you know the creeper's backstory the answer will make a lot more sense remember how the creeper was made in the desert temple well i'm going to assume that this past civilization was based on the ancient egyptians it seems like when mojang was creating the desert temple they were inspired by the ancient egyptians because whenever you think of desert pyramid you probably think of the ancient egyptians also bear in mind there were other ancient peoples as well that had different cultures but for the people who made the creeper they had a civilization and culture similar to the ancient egyptians this theory would make a lot more sense as well if the ancient players had a similar culture as the ancient egyptians but anyways if you didn't know the ancient egyptians really loved their cats and that's not an understatement so these ancient builders might have really loved their cats and this is apparent since they can be found in villages and cats can be found as statues in woodland mansions so maybe when these people from long long ago created the explosive mutated creature the creeper they did not want them to hurt their precious cats so they programmed them to run away from cats and to not hurt them when they explode the cats ended up becoming a useful tool since the creepers ended up going rogue and now attacked the player the creeper still has the code and was programmed still to not hurt cats this could be another possibility as well if you don't believe in lore and stuff so here it is creeper is technically hiss by making a hissing sound and maybe they don't like being hissed back at and the cat can make a hiss sound it is a sound effect in the game and here it is maybe when the creeper hears a cat make a hiss sound it thinks the cat will explode like creepers do and tries to walk away that'd be hilarious if creepers ran away because they thought cats explode like creepers since cats can also make a hissing sound maybe the cat in minecraft is secretly a little devil of sorts that the creeper has a deep-rooted fear of just putting that out there people who are cat lovers or dog lovers or neither might have different opinions on that though not taking any sides on this one but anyways continuing with the story we now know why creepers are scared of cats what might be happening is that the creeper was created and programmed by the ancient builders to not hurt the cat because the ancient peoples thought of the cats as a sacred species we might have also figured out the original purpose of the desert temple it could have been the shrine where the first creepers were constructed so this is why creepers hate cats there is another interesting fact as well creepers are not the only mob in the game that have hyalurophobia a fear of cats did you know that phantoms are scared of cats too phantoms won't attack you if a cat is nearby but that mystery though will have to be solved some other time
Channel: Dragonic
Views: 510,904
Rating: 4.9118624 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, creeper, creepers, cats, game theory minecraft creeper, game theory minecraft, what is netherite in real life, what is next after netherite, minecraft things you didn't know were in real life, dragonic, minecraft theory, minecraft story, unsolved mysteries, minecraft creepers fear cats, why do creepers explode, why do creepers drop music discs
Id: 6bMnIzW7WCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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