Why Millennials HATE GenZs At Work -Millennials Decoded

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the Millennials in Generation Z have the Peter Pan syndrome they don't ever want to grow up the first generation to be born when the internet you all said additional 10 minutes working with Gen Z's is not easy action's ears feel underprepared for a constantly modernizing job market less likely than prior generations of workers to go along with long hours they'd rather leave a company than actually address the conflict and the frustration the struggle the memes of older Generations trying to manage and trying to cope with Gen Z's is really just the beginning all of this comes from just the handful of gen Z's old enough to work today but there are 30 percent of the population and will become 30 of the workforce in just a couple of years us Millennials trying to manage them we often forget how much gen xers and Baby Boomers hated us we were the lazy and the entitled we were the ones that quit their jobs really easily right so why does every generation struggle so much to deal with the next one and how true is it that Millennials work less or or that gen z's are even worse it is really the topic of countless articles and papers and rants but the truth about how each generation has been forced to adapt and to navigate the reality of eventually replacing the older ones is not a simple not to crack but let's give it a shot foreign there's also the the millennial past thing because you know when you you know the regular pause right when no Millennials are shooting their own uh their themselves on tick tock yes exactly that's the million across tell me that you're a millennial without telling me that you're a millennial you're going to see in just a minute just how hard us Millennials have had to work to accomplish anything but that actually brings me to our sponsor for today which is accuflow I actually signed up for accuflow before they offered to be a sponsor of one of our videos mostly because my calendar was getting a bit out of hand and the magic of accuflow is that you just simply drag and drop your daily tasks into your calendar and it'll automatically block that time for you so you can capture any task anywhere with the accuflow command bar to stay on top of your day on your phone or your computer really the magic of it is that accuflow can centralize over 2 000 apps including Gmail and Google meet and slack and click up so it's just a matter of dragging your click up task literally into your calendar I'm also a sucker for keyword shortcuts and accuflow is perfect for that super easy to use Simple commands that help you organize your days and weeks and the cool thing is that accufloat goes way Way Beyond just the app side of it there's a huge Community around it with a lot of tips and workflows that you could use yourself you can join the thousands of professionals that are using accuflow to improve their productivity and then discover why accuflow is already being an unfair Advantage for them at work just click the link in the description for more information let's get back to Millennials denzy Millennials Gen X and Boomers can they all work together happily okay so let's get the first thing out of the way where does this generation split come from time for a little timeline of the 20th century history Generations are very much defined by historical events a generation is about 20 to 30 years enough for a child to grow to become an adult and to have children so after the Great Depression that started in 1929 a quarter of people in the U.S lost their jobs and and this expanded to other parts of the world as well people lost savings and houses and often had barely enough to eat so the babies born during this time grew up in this really harsh environment then World War II started in 39 which made things even worse so these kids they grew up to be hard-working disciplined and respectful of authority this wasn't a moment to question anything or to have big opinions so they are generally called The Silent generation after the second world war which ended in 1945 there was this post-economic boom birth rates increased the economy recovered in part thanks to the war itself but that's another story and these are optimistic kids the ones born in the 50s and the early 60s they were hardworking and ambitious they were born in this time of social change in the US the Civil Rights Movement a wave of feminism things were great and they saw a government that was acting to make everyone's lives better so they trusted the government not only that television became widespread it's this window into a new world view and these are of course the Baby Boomers and they're probably your parents we know because we know how old you probably are because our Democrat perfect metrics anyway then comes Generation X and and statistics say that they're probably your cool Uncle kids of the silent generation born during another uncertain economic time so that post-war Bonanza for the Baby Boomers was over there was again inflation unemployment slow economic growth High interest rates by the FED familiar with life today anyway also the government made some mistakes so gen X's learned not to trust the government or or large corporate so growing up Boomers saw gen xers as lazy and arrogant the name Gen X even comes from their desire to have this identity that was different from the past Generations before that weren't identified with letters so that's when the whole XYZ thing started and as they became adults the internet happened this meant change insecurity jobs being replaced not only by technology itself but by this new globalized world and yes we have some gen xers watching hello gen xers because after that came us remember our parents are probably Baby Boomers so they probably did well in life we were born in a tech World Tech that we adopted as skints the 80s were chilled they're they're stable access to Tech gave us this new world view which made us generally optimistic generally open-minded it's a world that we wanted to explore as well and then of course we fathered social media we had a cool childhood but we were slapped in the face as we were coming of age this could be the most serious recession in decades can't look at it after you buy it but it's so hard we've had an eight-day losing streak in the day Traders say this is the crazy this day they have ever seen in these markets the 2008 crisis not only left thousands of people without a home or without a job it made entire world economies attack if you're a millennial you are probably in your 20s and looking for your first job during the 2008 crisis and and suddenly it was all gone people 25 years old and younger saw 20 unemployment rate in 2010 worse than any other generation all our lives we had been told that we needed to invest in real estate to own a home because it was safe and being an adult man owning a house and suddenly home was this shitty investment so Millennials became of age with no jobs and no homes and no savings this wasn't easy for the Next Generation either and this is exactly the world that gen Z's were born into many Millennials were still in school but some would have to deal with this massive change in education public universities had budget cuts and private universities had to raise tuition then the US government had to save itself by saving the big Banks and an education is the budget that got cut and millions of Millennials and gen Z's saw their parents lose their jobs for many gen Z's it's probably one of their earliest memories as kids and they didn't know it back then but the consequences of this time would mark their entire financial future so this means plain and simple that after a relatively chill childhood the first job for most Millennials was during a recession and this meant hustling let's look at hours per week in the US here's how they've changed per decade by 2021 83 of Americans reported working more than 40 hours a week and 23 of them say that they would work more than 50 hours a week and the same goes for the entire world here's the average work week per country with some countries not not all of them 40 of Millennials worldwide have more than one job in some countries more than 50 percent of Millennials have two jobs usually one of them a freelance gig so 50 hours is definitely an understatement to many we are no longer the Millennials we are in fact the burnout generation anxiety work ethic and even childhood we're told that everything is great why don't I feel good last year over half of Millennials reporting having burnout well 58 of already working gen z's are feeling the same you can call us lazy if you want but there are some real tangible accounted extra work hours compared to the previous generations another one of the problems here is that Millennials never really had money in the U.S net worth for Millennials dropped 34 since 1996. when they were the same age Baby Boomers held 21 of the world's wealth while Millennials only hold 5 percent increasing our wealth is almost impossible in the US if a millennial went to college for example there's really a good chance that they had student loans to pay up that's not what our parents had to do to get education Millennials today earn more money than all of the other Generations at their age but this is big but they have way less wealth thanks in part to that 2008 crisis before 2008 gen xers had twice the assets that Millennials have today we make more money but it's not enough the middle class where most grew up in is disappearing yes we we Millennials we want experiences not things yes we waste a lot of money in Starbucks but realistically we are scared shitless of not being able to afford a mortgage we saw this happen we witnessed it as we came of age 25 to 30 of Millennials still live with their parents because they just can't afford a place of their own and so it's not entirely strange that Millennials value other things like a job that motivates them or one that aligns with their values there is a good chance that we Millennials will continue to work our asses off for the rest of our lives so why do people call us lazy everyone questions the youth that's that's a fact dare I say it's normal especially when the youth wants to change things and so gen xers and Boomers saw us as lazy and entitled and disloyal to tradition or or without a work ethic they may perceive us as being more interested in work-life Balance than in in building a career or maybe frustrated by what they see as a lack of loyalty or commitment to their companies part of this struggle also comes from growing up with such different cultural norms and Technologies but here's the irony that's how Boomers and gen xers were perceived by their older Generations they wanted to do things their way it was just a different set of things that matter to them that they managed to change when was the last time you were one of these to the office marriage no thanks almost 50 percent of Millennials have seen their parents divorced buying a house can't afford it job security what job security and now Millennials have gone from employees to becoming managers and bosses and and gen z's are joining as well my reality is of course very different but also kind of related I am a startup founder we built a team from nothing and it's a team that up until a couple of years ago was only made up of Millennials like me and part of the motivation for this video was well how the hell do I motivate a gen Z to work harder I like to think that we don't fall into many of these problems at slight bean and most of our team definitely accept the founders operate on a 40 Hour Work Week schedule but that's not always the case with the rest of companies Amazon and Salesforce laying off 18 000 and 8 000 people Microsoft they are cutting jobs 150 000 Tech workers have been laid off in 2022 alone we're in the middle of one of the largest layoffs in the tech World in decades but just a few months ago things were very very different so when you're working 50 or more hours a week and your boss comes asking you to give 110 percent well aren't you already doing that and it's not just about time young employees now need a connection they need to feel part of the company or otherwise they leave before the layout is in Tech seventy percent of gen C's said that they wanted to change jobs within 12 months but that changes significantly by generation but there's one more historical event that we haven't touched on both gen Z's and Millennials share and I'm bringing the aftermath of 9 11 are parents struggling to make ends meet through the more housing market crash go watch your whole video about it but there's one more one that not only defined us but that will continue to Define generations to come covid 19. 103 people died just in Hubei Province alone deadly coronavirus officially hitting the U.S tonight the governor of Washington declaring a state of emergency there's one word that summarizes the pandemic uncertainty the world changed in a matter of weeks and we all had to adapt but gen Z has faced an extra challenge because the moment the pandemic came in their generation was seriously lacking in the job experience Department compared to other Generations at the same age and then put yourself in their shoes for a second you're 18 maybe 20 years old the world's at your stage you just got into college and then all of a sudden you can't go out in the prime of your youth plus the economy is bad so if you didn't have a job before things were looking even rougher to find one now and we didn't know when it would end it was years and it took a toll in all of our mental health the impact the pandemic inflicted on everyone is just beginning to show but the numbers are frightening especially for these younger Generations while the pandemic was entirely new for everyone older Generations they had gone through some stuff you could balance risk differently we lived through how bad things got when our generation defining moments had happened but this was the first defining moment for Gen Z's research shows that half of gen Z's struggle with depression anxiety and hopelessness and out of those half of them cite economic uncertainty as one of the main reasons for their a depression but this was entirely different for other Generations now it's not all bad though companies Now understand that they have to change their views and that's a good thing Millennials are forcing a change in the workplace after all 44 of Millennials are minorities which is a historical High surveys have revealed that about 70 percent of people consider diversity in the workplace as an essential aspect of work gen z's are even more dead set on diversity that has another measurable impact in companies as minority CEOs have consistently increased over the years granted we still have a lot of work women CEOs are still lagging behind but we've seen tremendous progress that can't be ignored and then there's productivity with everyone working more and more nobody cares about nine to five anymore and if they do well don't it doesn't matter as long as you fulfill your goals you can work whenever and wherever you want 45 of full-time employees in the US work remotely at some point during the week so in the end we Millennials questioned these things years ago and now some of that has paid off and yes some credit to the pandemic but of course older Generations really struggle with this change Boomers don't like the change that we have forced but it is kind of their fault if you're part of the five percent of Boomers in our audience don't get mad hear me out Boomers come from this baby boom this period when a lot of people had a lot of babies that massive population would have control over a lot of decisions for the years to come and they also inherited a country that was rich so they're a massive generation in terms of numbers with a lot of political power today and a lot of wealth so they got to spend it but not their Fortune but the Futures Fortune Boomers borrowed a lot of money a lot here's the GDP to debt ratio right when the last Boomers were born in 1966 and here's how dead has risen since Boomers have taken hold of political and economical decisions Boomers reduced taxes to maintain institutional upkeep many blame them for the sheer magnitude of the 2008 crisis because we weren't the ones buying houses or pumping the price in this housing bubble they also didn't care much about the environment these are the US emissions over the years right around when Boomers wear at their peak of their financial of power emissions skyrocketed but then look at how that has changed and evolved as more gen xers for example have begun going or being part of these decisions this is of course combined with more Awareness on climate change but the point was that Boomers believed that their ways were the right ways but conditions have changed and everybody had to fend for themselves now we live in an era of of this affordability crisis and it's only a consequence of the past echoing back to this chart at the same age Boomers had 21 of the world's wealth well Millennials only hold five percent Millennials on gen Z's Live In Perpetual insecurity even some gen xers as well so they need that extra income and then platforms allow people to use that free time which is less and less every day to earn a few extra bucks and take a look at how each generation uses freelancing platforms to make extra money in the US in India that percentage grows to 6 62 percent of gen Z's and 51 of Millennials and the same goes for almost every country it's estimated that 30 to 40 Millennials and 40 to 50 of gen Z's globally have a freelancing side gig titled and narcissistic self-interested unfocused lazy well suddenly they had to adapt and use the tools at their disposal and many times just to make ends meet considering the time of Crisis that we've lived through and and a crises that are caused by factors that are completely outside of their control we Millennials and gen Z's we we are working our asses often despite everything that we've faced we have to keep going the numbers are there and yes there are Generations that break tradition but for good reason honestly we're just trying to survive an economy that hasn't been kind it's easy to judge The Young and the inexperienced and the ones with no idea on how to fix the mistakes that previous generations made but we don't have a lot of possibilities to do so so that's why Genesis and Millennials and the generations to come are looking for other ways of living if a job doesn't offer a place where where you can feel at home or safe or included you're leaving for a better one it shouldn't be a surprise that we now cherish work-life balance because that kind of seems like all we have left if we're going to spend that much time at work 61 of Millennials believe that they'll never be able to retire a lesson that has made a dent on gen Z's who in Western countries for example have become one of the highest saving Generations around no YouTube video or self-help book or financial advice will change who we are and what we do with our money we are defined by the world we grew up in which is defined by the generations that came before us we are stuck here we're stuck struggling for that work-life balance we're stuck in a planet that we're still too young to leave but that will not be around if we keep destroying it at this pace the best we can do is be better than our parents at making it easier for the generations coming after us thanks a lot for watching [Music]
Channel: Slidebean
Views: 196,284
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Keywords: slidebean, caya slidebean, company forensics, caya, startups, startups 101, gen z, generation z, gen z humor, simon sinek, gen x, gen z vs millennials, gen z memes, generation x, simon sinek millennials, gen x vs millennials, slidebean startup 101, millennials vs gen z, millennial job interview, work from home, startup work, startup work culture, startup work from home, boomers, ok boomer, baby boomers generation, baby boomers, baby boomers vs millennials
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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