Why 'Messiah prophecy' haunts Netanyahu

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the Bible says that there is a Time For Peace and a time for war they've made a mistake of historic proportions we will exact a price that will be remembered by them and Israel's other enemies for decades to come Israel has responded with Fury fighter jets taking aim at Targets in the Palestinian territory more than 10,000 people have been killed since this conflict began as the Israel Hamas War drags on backlash against prime minister Benjamin nanyu is growing at home former Israeli Prime Minister eud has heavily criticized Netanyahu he's the worst person to have to uh deal with it I think that he is really in a nervous breakdown a person who has uh portrayed himself and presented himself for many years as Mr security failed in the most fundamental obligation for his citizens which is to provide them with security today netanyahu's leadership is on the verge of employ in deeply unpopular with his own people and under immense pressure from the International Community this is a fall from grace for a man who was reportedly told by one of the most powerful Jewish religious figures in the world that he would be the one to welcome the Messiah [Music] 40 years ago when Netanyahu was Israel's ambassador to the United Nations he met mahim Mel schen the leader of the kabad lubovich movement known simply as the rebe he said you know you're going to this house of Darkness the UN which was uh very very unfriendly to Israel at the time they called it the house of Darkness and he said even in the greatest Darkness if you light a candle it spreads a a great light that can be seen from [Music] afar the rebe reportedly believed Netanyahu had a mission from God to prepare Israel for the coming of the Messiah or in Hebrew the mosiah over the next decade the two men developed a close relationship soon after entering Israel's parliament for the first time Netanyahu PID his respects to his mentor back then Netanyahu was probably the only Ally that he could work with in Israeli politics he obviously demands from Netanyahu to take some steps to hen the coming of Messiah which is to make Israel a more religious Place H and to take certain concrete steps uh in this regard and Netanyahu says I defin I'm definitely doing that the rebe never visited Israel not once and yet from his home in Brooklyn he was able to influence Israeli politics his influence was recognized by American politicians too US presidents paid homage to him establishing and proclaiming a National Education and sharing day in honor of his birthday and please give my War regards to the reev on this his 86th birthday men menel n was born in 1902 in the Black Sea port of Nicol which was part of the Russian Empire but now part of Ukraine he and his wife lived in Berlin and Paris before fleeing the Nazis in 1941 seeking refuge in New York where they put down Roots a decade later in 1951 he took over the kabad movement from his father-in-law who died the previous year menim schen revived and grew the movement for over 40 years years until his death in New York in 1994 his followers in Brooklyn were devastated most of them believed he would never die they still believe Rabbi manakum schneerson will be physically resurrected as Messiah the Messiah a physical Resurrection when he's going to come back in his full Glory imminently and redeem the entire [Music] world currently the center of the Kaba C center of the ktic movement is in Brooklyn um in a in in a neighborhood called konight so it is an American movement in terms of its Center but it is also a global movement one of the biggest purposes of kabat is to bring those corent called Lost Jews back into Judaism so uh habat has its own rabbis and emissaries appointed all around the world it is a global movement headquartered in Brooklyn the kabad movement has a presence in every state in America and in over 100 countries around the world with a particularly high focus in Europe and in Israel it has hundreds of thousands of followers and runs synagogues schools drug rehabilitation centers and Care Homes on the face of it the movement has been for the betterment of Jews around the world but according to one analyst its modus operandi has provided a template for a terror group we have good reasons to believe that fetto got inspired from the kabat movement one of the high ranking uh members of the feta movement was praising the kabat m in the sense that the uh kabat used to send his its emissaries and rabbis all around the world just like fetto was doing sending out uh teachers to Central Asia and to Africa and to other parts of the world for over 40 years the charismatic re led the movement his $1 donations including to Netanyahu came with a blessing to his followers and a reminder to give to those less [Music] fortunate a couple of years after this meeting the rebe reportedly told a young Netanyahu that he would one day become Prime Minister of Israel and would be the nation's last leader before handing the scepter to the Messiah this first part of the re's prediction came true 1996 when a 47-year-old Benjamin Netanyahu became prime minister for the first time but his government fell just 3 years later for a while Netanyahu withdrew from Politics the re's words faded into history until a decade later Netanyahu became prime minister for a second time nyu's second Premiership lasted for over 12 years until he was eventually ousted by his political opponents another setback for anyone who believed in the re's messic prophecy but Netanyahu was back just a few months later forming a coalition with ultra Orthodox and religious Zionist parties he began his third premier ship almost exactly a year ago and it's been a tumultuous year his Hardline government has massively accelerated the construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank considered illegal under international law it's also provoked massive protests by attempting to grab more power for itself at the expense of other branches of government the protest threatened to bring down netanyahu's government but then on October 7th everything changed breaking news out of Israel this morning where Hamas has launched a surprise attack a massive surprise attack hundreds of Hamas Fighters poured across breached border points they attacked by air Land and Sea taking Israel by surprise with many in his own country blaming him for the worst security failure in Israel's history Netanyahu is once again relying on religious language to Rally the country the Bible says that there is a Time For Peace and a time for war this is a time for war that kind of language is recognized by Evangelical Christians in the United States who are still able to influence us policy in the Middle East Netanyahu took that Bible verse from Ecclesiastes 3 Netanyahu spent many years living and working in the United States and has always believed in his ability to influence America and today his relationship with President Joe Biden may not be perfect but that confidence at least outwardly is still [Music] [Music] there today Netanyahu compared his war with Hamas to Israel's battle with the amalec in the Old Testament you must remember what amalec has done to you says our Holy Bible and we do remember and we are fighting the AMAC was one of Israel's Arch enemies and in some parts of the Old Testament God commanded they should be destroyed some commentators believe this is what Netanyahu is signaling with his biblical references amalik is is a sign of people where there are wor evil people and they try to take away Jewish people from God to Divine them for God and to take them away from God he's doing the same thing what amalik has done he's doing what amalik has done so how he coming to speak in the name of the Torah in the name of the Jewish religion when he don't believe in the Torah he don't believe in God Benjamin Netanyahu is known to be a secular Jew but he certainly saw the value in being associated with the rebi whose presence is still felt in Israel even 30 years after his death sitting alongside his Zionist and Ultra Orthodox allies Netanyahu may or may not believe in God but he certainly believes in retribution visiting violence of biblical proportions upon the people of [Music] Gaza
Channel: TRT World
Views: 1,245,238
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Keywords: Benjamin Netanyahu, Messiah prophecy, Netanyahu, The Rebbe, benjamin netanyahu documentary, netanyahu Messiah prophecy, netanyahu documentary, the rebbe and bibi netanyahu, the rebbe israel, trt world, trt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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