Why Marvel is Cutting Captain Marvel Out of The Franchise After Avengers: Endgame

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why Marvel is cutting Captain Marvel out of their franchise after Avengers end game at this point Avengers endgame has come out destroyed every box office record that has ever happened and proven that it would live up to its unbelievable hype fans were able to get answers to a number of questions and were left with all new questions which is good since we are officially into phase four so having questions is important of those questions there are some very important ones that we have after watching the movie for example who is the random teen at the funeral why didn't it hole do any big-time fighting yet again and finally why did Captain Marvel end up so heavily underused when it was all said and done leading up to the release of Captain Marvel's movie we were being led to believe that she was meant to be the ace up the sleeve of Nick Fury and was supposed to be the most powerful hero yet basically she was supposed to be the big bad for the good guys unfortunately her solo movie was just about getting her memory straightened out in an end game she was on screen for roughly 20 minutes total considering the movie was 3 hours long that's pretty short amount of time so far she's had all of the hype but nothing nothing has really been delivered for starters an end game everything she did could have easily been handled by another hero perhaps the Scarlet Witch for bringing the fight to Thanos by de way to be fair even in the three-hour movie we can't have everyone featured heavily but in Captain Marvel's case she was mysteriously brought into the fold thanks to the page from fury it wasn't really a difference-maker these facts have led us here at up next to assume one thing Marvel is cutting Captain Marvel out of the franchise after Avengers and game of course we've come up with some reasons why this may indeed be the case before we look at Marvel surprisingly small role for endgame let's look at why people assume she would have a big role in the first place the biggest reason that most of us assume Captain Marvel would have a massive presence in endgame was that her sudden and mysterious prominence in the larger MCU cannon starting with Nick Fury reaching out just as he was about to disintegrate at the end of infinity war as the architect of Avengers Fury has always prided himself as a man with all the answers so it's said the reason that if he used what could possibly been his last few moments of existence making sure Captain Marvel returned to earth she must pretty me [ __ ] essential to do in the save and day job before we hop into the video remember to subscribe and turn notifications on and don't forget to leave a like and comment down below saying he did so and we'll try to respond to as many as use we can look at Avengers end game before we look into our other reasons we need to explore her appearances in Avengers end game fans assume and rightly so that she was going to play a bigger role than she did with fury spending his last seconds painting her before dusting we are automatically taught to viewers crucial to making everything right theory has been the man with a plan it has been responsible for everything related to the Avengers anything he does is supposed to have significance yet this didn't seem to happen with Captain Marvel well besides the lack of actual action we have also to consider what seems to have been false buildup for example during infinity war Thanos mentioned how he began everything roughly two decades prior which was right about the same time that Captain Marvel was said it give or take a few years will grant that Marvel tried to rationalize her lack of appearance on not being as needed as other places since Earth had heroes but seriously maybe she wasn't as needed but it didn't really help boost Captain Marvel as the future Marvel Cinematic Universe pillar bringing her in as she was then there's also the solo movie itself it was released right before ventures endgame and had pretty much zero to do with endgame even the end credits seats were faked this made the timing pretty much suck for a release but we were waiting for the real payoff which didn't happen all of these factors leading into a lackluster appearance and Avengers endgame despite her high pretty much indicates that Marvel didn't really have any plans for her or if they did it wasn't executed effectively to say the least the castmate factor we're not gonna spend too much time on this since it's largely been debunked but even untrue rumors have a grain of truth the rumor is that brie Larson's Captain Marvel cast mates don't like her and the rumor is that this dislike goes as high up as the Disney CEO anytime someone brand new comes on the scene there is always going to be some friction but overall we have to say that everyone has been welcoming so far however let's look into some changes that have occurred that could spell trouble down the road before Captain Marvel fans already had powerful female heroes with Black Widow and Scarlet Witch plus we got new ones thanks to the introduction of black panther and his kingdom along with Thor's travels bringing his Valkyrie this means that Marvel didn't need to bring in another female hero as they did where's the potential conflict comes in as how the other female cast members get treated it's been rumoured that brie has an up to 7 picture deal while Elizabeth Olsen it's a short live TV show on Disney Plus depending on how things move forward we may see less of Captain Marvel in favor of other more popular female heroes especially if there's any truth to the bulk of the cast not getting along with Bri time will tell on this one but it's still possible new properties are available let's discuss something that is Gerren need to happen and could have great impact on the future of Captain Marvel Marvel executives have new toys to play with thanks to the merger with Fox with this one massive deal nearly every Marvel hero and villain is back under the Marvel umbrella which means that the sky is the limit when it comes to stories that can be told since the early 2000s with the first x-men movie superheroes and groups of superheroes have become exceedingly popular with a lists like the Fantastic Four or the x-men available now there may not be as much room for Captain Marvel Plus with the x-men alone you get ties to Black Panther thanks to the relationship between Panther and storm spider-man thanks to his thighs with said group and then there's the x-men vs. Avengers angle and it can finally happen Captain Marvel has no such obvious ties as of yet and it remains to be seen if Marvel executives will pursue her storyline beyond her second movie the easy answer is to just release everything and make every movie you can but that's just reckless and least the problems this one executive said when she mentioned that you cannot have too many Marvel movie x-men superhero movies out there will cancel each other out she said each one has to be distinctive with so many possible stories available to tell Marvel executives will have to be really careful how they proceed on some characters how they proceed and some characters may fall by the wayside like Captain Marvel since she hasn't really built up her fan base yet the multiverse speaking of new the latest trailer for the upcoming spider-man movie has officially mentioned the possibility of multiverse in the trailer fury mentions back is from Earth just not ours the snapped or hole in our dimension to which Peter Parker responds are you saying there's a multiverse any comic fan will tell you that dead characters can come back in some way especially if the multiverse is brought into the equation Iron Man died an Avengers endgame oh well universe number 43 to 54 has one that's still alive now we have Iron Man back which means we don't need anybody new to set up we're not saying that's exactly what will happen but the fact is that the possibility exists now thanks to this exploration the likelihood of the multiverse being a real factor of face 4 is quite high in our opinion this concept was introduced in Doctor Strange but was relegated to the mystic realm which means it's not very accessible with Marvel bringing this concept to a normal albeit spider-man enhanced person the concept becomes much more accessible plus storyline wise this concept represents the smoothest way to introduce the heroes and villains we mentioned previously so for the characters like Captain Marvel we may just see her disappear into another universe and never return she's been great at disappearing so far just not that important everything we've covered so far leads to one shocking possible conclusion Captain Marvel will disappear because she's just not that important in the grand scheme of things think about it Marvel has an abundance of female superheroes to bring to life now between x-men Fantastic Four and other groups there's no lack of diversity to be had plus we have to look at how she's been used so far everything she did in her solo movie was about her had nothing to do with the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe save her supposedly inspiring the name of the group created by fury while she barely had any screen time in the biggest movie event to date the excuse has been made that the universe is his big place and she has to help were needed while that can be accepted at face value let's consider that maybe it's because Marvel has no idea how to actually plug her into the existing storylines and therefore have no real use for her behind pumping up diversity final thoughts let's look at the facts as they stand she was barely seen in avengers endgame and her solo movie pretty much could have not existed and we wouldn't have noticed as far as crucial things go this doesn't hint at any real longevity to her character so far however we know she has a second solo movie coming so there's a chance that she could become more important by then but we'll have to see we know that Marvel has a lot more heroes and villains they can introduce so they by no means have to stick with Captain Marvel how the next couple of movies succeed or fail will help determine the direction Marvel decides to go will be interesting to see what happens with the multiverse as a concept and in execution phase four is largely undefined and has no clear direction that we can see this gives Captain Marvel equal chances of being important or just fading away again it's all about how Marvel Studios proceeds from here Marvel Studios is going in the right direction as far as diversity goes but that doesn't mean that it needs to be on the shoulders Captain Marvel for now spider-man is on Zack and the other Marvel movies will be released next year or the year after so we have a lot of time until everything becomes more clear we'll be getting our tickets for spider-man and hope to gain more insight into the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and we just may get more information regarding Captain Marvel's future in the meantime for now stay tuned and we'll be back with more spoilers theories rumors and more about everything related to Marvel [Music]
Channel: UpNext
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Keywords: captain marvel, marvel, marvel studios, endgame, avengers endgame, captain america, marvel cinematic universe, guardians of the galaxy, avengers: endgame, marvel comics, marvel avengers endgame, avengers endgame trailer, captain marvel brie larson, the avengers, captain marvel review, avengers, captain marvel sjw, avengers: infinity war captain marvel, avengers endgame new trailer, thanos endgame, marvel universe, marvel studios phase 4
Id: Sb2OcdlSmEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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