Why Mamie Van Doren RAN from Hollywood after Marilyn Monroe's death!

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and the tears I've known Like a Rolling Stone where  would I be if I just read books dear you guys just Feast your  eyes on little old instantly I take the money will your husband be home soon I hope not and it  just keeps right on hurting all the time big towns   and small towns they're all just towns the Golden  Age of Hollywood was definitely filled with a lot   of glamor and a lot of sensuality but what grew  more in popularity was the blonde bombshell and   there was such a thing called the three M's  which was Marilyn Monroe Jane Mansfield and   Mammy Van Doren many people don't know that much  about Mammy vandoren it's a day generation while   Marilyn Monroe went on to be an iconic figure  because she passed away at such a young age and   Jane Mansfield suffered the most tragic death  also which skyrocketed her to iconic status   as well and I did videos for both women Mammy  Van Doren is still alive today still kicking   it still has a lot of Vitality and youth and has  not received the same accolades as a Maryland or   or Jane Mansfield today we are going to dissect  her life with what made her so iconic as well as   some of the injustices that she did endure in  the industry and why she walked away from the   industry after the death of Marilyn Monroe and  James Mansfield but as always hey friend welcome   to my channel Karine Alourde where we Deep dive  and break down the most iconic Stars through   history if you're not yet subscribed please be  sure to do so and turn on your notifications   so you never miss an upload now let's get into  this video then Doran was known for her acting   and modeling career and she was referred to as one  of the most voluptuous actresses of her time she   appeared in over 30 movies including teacher's  pet the girl in black stockings born Reckless   and the Beat Generation she was often cast as an  attractive but dangerous temptress which made her   quite popular in her Heyday Mammy vandoren never  won any major Awards but she was nominated for   a Golden Globe for her performance in a blonde  jungle in 1961. in her prime Van Doren was highly   influential and her popularity drove the rise of  the teenage sensual symbol phenomenon in the 1950s   her image on magazine covers and movie posters  was a major part of the pop culture of the time   although she is well known for her movie roles  in glamorous Persona her musical career has been   somewhat overlooked then Doran released several  albums throughout the 1950s and 1960s including   the girl who invented rock and roll and sensual  sound despite her talent and popularity she never   won any major Music Awards however her songs  were well received by her fans Who Loved Her   sultry voice and catchy lyrics so why is it Manny  vandoren's music is well known today perhaps it's   because she was overshadowed by other music  legends of her time such as Elvis Presley and   Little Richard additionally she was best known for  her acting career and many people simply weren't   aware of her musical talents endurance impact on  the entertainment industry has been compared to   that of other legendary actresses such as Marilyn  Monroe and Jayne Mansfield speaking of Maryland   in Mansfield do you know that Mammy Van Doren  walked away from the industry after their deaths   and the Golden Era of Hollywood Fame and glamor  were the norm but Fame came at a cost the 50s and   60s were the peak of Hollywood's substance problem  Starlights of that era were overworked underpaid   pressured and above all vulnerable Mammy Van Doren  a Hollywood icon experienced and witnessed the   ugly side of Hollywood firsthand in an interview  with Fox News the cinema Legend revealed that she   left Hollywood in the 60s to protect herself and  her son from the substance and death that plagued   the industry she confessed that her contemporaries  including Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield had   died leaving her alone in detected she felt that  Hollywood had become a dark and dangerous place   where nobody was safe Hollywood starlets were  breaking under the pressure of maintaining their   Public Image while struggling with their personal  demons substances were easily accessible and it   was common for celebrities in their entourages  to indulge in them the overdose rate was high   and the death toll was Rising starlets were  having a hard time separating their own   in Persona from their real life selves many  of them were forced into the very lifestyle   that they portrayed on the big screen vandoren  who was known for her acting in pinup modeling   could not bear the stress of living in such a  toxic environment she wanted to give her son a   better life free from the consequences of Fame  fate had dealt her a bad hand her marriages had   fallen apart and her career as a sensual symbol  was Starling she realized that she needed to   make a change she also had a problem with house  Studios and the media portrayed her telling the   Los Angeles Times and I quote I was groomed as a  so-called sensual symbol a rival to Marilyn Monroe   and from then on whenever my picture appeared in  paper it was sex kitten sex symbol sex goddess sex   pot I've accepted it and I'm flattered but in some  ways it's been a hindrance to me because I haven't   been able to be taken seriously as an actress  it's such a shame that you are put in a category   of dumb blonde but that's what they did in the 50s  you fought the system but you didn't win in quote   she was a symbol of sensuality and sensual  appeal and seduction and many of our movie   roles were considered scandalous at the time the  Catholic Church a very powerful and influential   organization at the time was amongst her most  vocal critics one of the reasons why the Catholic   church and other conservative groups came against  Manny vandoren was her provocative role in movies   such as the girl in black stockings sex kittens  go to college in the B generation these movies   depicted Mammy as the archetypical bad girl  who used her sensuality to manipulate men and   achieve her goals they were seen as promoting  immoral behavior and sending the wrong message   to young people in addition to her movie roles  Mammy Van Doren was also known for her risque   fashion choices and public speeches she often wore  revealing outfits that showed off her curves which   was considered scandalous by many at the time she  also spoke openly about her desires and her views   on intimacy which further offended conservative  groups as a result of this backlash Mimi and   faced many obstacles in her career here she was  blacklisted by the big studios and had to rely   on low budget Productions to stay relevant her  reputation suffered and she was often ridiculed   by the media and her peers in Hollywood despite  this Mammy never lost her spirit and continued   to work hard to prove her worth as an actress and  it's like our Kate Moss video that we did and how   she exposed the modeling industry we see that they  put this models in this situation and then exposed   them and turn against them so Mammy Van Dorn was  told to be this sensual figure and was told to be   the competitor for Marilyn Monroe and to have this  persona but when she faced backlash the studios   distance themselves from her while they were the  ones pushing it so they're like scapegoats for   all of these Studios they'll use these starlets  to make their money but when the public comes   against them then they wash their hands and they  leave you out to dry and you have to figure it   out yourself and there was no rights or anything  like that during those times like there is now so   a lot of these starlets just bared and grinned  and and just suffered all of the backlash on   their own and in recent years Mammy vandoren has  spoken out about the Discrimination she faced in   her career she claims that she was unfairly  targeted because of her sensual appeal and   that the Catholic church and other conservative  groups were threatened by her independence and   outspokenness she also notes that her Legacy as  a Trailblazer for women in Hollywood has often   been overshadowed by her scandalous reputation in  hindsight Mamie vendoran made a wise decision to   leave Hollywood she managed to escape the toxic  influences of Hollywood's substance culture and   instead she devoted her life to worthy causes like  animal rights and cancer research Mammy vendoran's   exit from Hollywood is a prime example of how the  negative aspects of Fame can influence one's life   it serves as a cautionary tale to all current and  aspiring Hollywood stars today just remember that   whatever they're asking you to do once the  public turns against you you will be left on   your own and they will not care if you overdose  okay now let's get into her beauty before we go   even further while the endurance natural hair  color was a rich brown she underwent several   bleaching sessions to achieve the Platinum locks  that became her signature style so that she can   compete with Marilyn she even admitted to wearing  hair extensions at times to enhance her volume as   hair but her beauty secrets extended far beyond  her hair vandoorn was a fitness Enthusiast who   kept herself in shape with a strict diet and  exercise routine she favored light healthy   foods like salads and soups and loved to swim and  hike to stay active she also credits her youthful   appearance to avoiding cigarettes alcohol  and excess of anything and she speaks on   that so passionately she really believes in not  indulging when it comes to Fashion vandoren was a   trendsetter who knew how to turn heads she favored  curb hugging gowns bold prints and eye-catching   accessories that accentuated her natural beauty  her signature makeup look included bold red   lips and winged eyeliner that highlighted her  piercing blue eyes but it's no secret that much   of endurance appeal was her attempt to imitate  the legendary Marilyn Monroe and her early career   she was often Typecast as Monroe's rival and was  even advertised as the next Maryland her physical   transformations to emulate Monroe's style included  going blonde wearing similar iconic outfits and   even adopting Monroe's signature breathy voice  and mannerisms Maryland was really the goat of   that era did a video for her already if you guys  are interested but it seems like every Studio   wanted their own version of a Maryland while some  have criticized vandoren for her perceived copycat   status she maintains that it was all in good  fun and as she embraced the role in fact she   and Monroe were rumored to be close friends at one  point unlike many other Marilyn Monroe imitators   kind of like a James Mansfield and Diana Doris  Marilyn actually liked Mammy Van Doren and they   were friends so there was no bad blood there and  Marilyn was known to not like the others but she   got along very well with Mammy Van Doren but Mammy  Van Doren did not get along too well with Jane   Mansfield but she still felt the impact of her  death and so let's get into her childhood where   I couldn't really find pictures of her parents  or anything like that her childhood is pretty   Under Wraps Mammy Van Doren was born as Joan  Lucille Oleander on February 6 1931 in a small   town called Rowena South Dakota her parents  Warner Carl Orlando and Lucille Harriet were   Swedish and French descent respectively growing up  Mammy's family was very poor and her mother worked   various odd jobs to make ends meet including  waitressing and clerical work Mammy attended   several schools throughout her childhood mostly  in the South Dakota area however she dropped out   of school at the age of 14 to marry Jack Newman a  man several years older than her unfortunately the   marriage didn't last and Mammy later remarried and  had two children despite her difficult of bringing   Mammy always had a zest for life and loved to sing  and dance she would often perform at local talent   shows and pageants where she discovered that  she had a true talent for entertaining mommy's   pageant days began in her early teens where she  would often enter local competitions in beauty   pageants her for striking looks and nacho Charisma  made her crowd favorite and she soon began winning   titles left and right after winning several local  pageants Mammy entered the Miss South Dakota   pageant and came in second place this opened up  many doors for her and she went on to compete   in the Miss America Pageant as Miss South Dakota  although she didn't win the title Mammy's Beauty   and talent caught the eye of several Hollywood  producers her friends and family described her   as a vivacious and outgoing person who always  loved to have a good time her personality is truly   infectious and it's clear to see why she became  such a popular actress and model now let's talk   about her career first of all how did Manny Van  Doren get her start in the industry well according   to her Memoir playing the field it all began when  she was discovered by Howard Hughes The Eccentric   billionaire and film producer Mammy had already  won several Beauty contests and was working as   a model in Los Angeles one day he was spotted her  at a pool party and offered her screen test mommy   who was only 18 at the time accepted and was soon  signed by the Universal Pictures What's creepy is   that he was preyed on her also because she was  young when she came into his office he asked her   what was her relationship like with her parents  how old was she and was she a virtuous girl   meaning does she still have her innocence now why  would you need to ask a little girl that they did   go on to have a relationship together for several  years as he cultivated her career we're going to   see that pattern with Howard Hughes because I'm  working on a video for him he just Mammy's first   role in the 1953 film forbidden was small but  memorable as she played the sensual assistant   to a mad scientist her striking blonde hair  voluptuous figure and playful personality caught   the attention of audiences and critics alike Mammy  quickly became a rising star and appeared in many   films in the following years such as teacher's pet  with Clark Gable and Doris Day the Beat Generation   with Stephen Cochran and Ray Danton and a big  operator with Mickey Rooney and Steve Cochran one   of mammy vandoren's most famous and controversial  Works was a 1958 film Untamed youth which was my   favorite and it was not controversial at all she  played the sister of Lori Nelson which I haven't   really announced in on my list also gorgeous  very brilliant actress but they were performers   that did nothing really but was sent to prison  there was police officers I was just looking for   Youth and then taking them sending them to this  judge that would take all of these Youth and give   them to this cotton picking owner who would  have these youth go pick cotton in his field   and they tried to correlate it with slavery right  so the youth did nothing they were all white Youth   and they were picking cotton and slavery was  already abolished Etc but a lot of the cotton   Pickers felt like now that slavery is abolished we  can't get black people to keep picking cotton for   us so what are we gonna do let's take prisoners  and have them do it and let's arrest people for   the smallest offenses so that we can have more  laborers in the South to make money so it was   a political film to me they might have seen it  as controversial that way but then there's also   the aspect of immigrants because they had these  Mexican law enforcements that were given away   their own people Mexican immigrants to come work  at these Cotton Fields also for like minimum wage   they were feeding them dog food the whole movie  is here on YouTube for free I suggest you guys   go watch this Untamed youth there's just a lot of  it's still modern today it's still relevant the   picture is still clear the acting is phenomenal  the singing the performances everything I really   love the movie I don't see why they would say  it's controversial but I I guess during those   days everything was controversial but despite the  critical backlash and censorship which accused the   film of being a bad influence on young viewers  where maybe they didn't watch the movie I don't   understand it became a cult classic and cemented  memory status as a sensual symbol but I really   take it from me the film literally was not they  were tripping so go see for yourself I think it   was just a political statement they did not like  in it and they did not like the rawness of the   movie but there was nothing suggestive in the film  whatsoever throughout her career Mammy vandoren   made films for various Studios such as Warner  Bros Paramount Columbia and American International   pictures she worked with many directors and  actors Mammy also dabbed a television appearing   in series like 77 success strip and released  several albums however many van doran's path   to success was not entirely smooth in her Memoir  she recounts how she struggled with depression   alcoholism toxic relationships she also faced  discrimination and censorship due to her outspoken   attitude and controversial image many even during  flourished in Hollywood but her cinematic success   was accompanied by setbacks and controversies and  despite her immense popularity among audiences she   often faced criticism for her acting abilities  many critics felt that her Talent was not up to   par with Hollywood standards she also encountered  stereotyping and typecasting which at times made   it difficult for her to obtain the roles that she  wanted her last film while technically speaking   she has not retired yet as she still occasionally  appears in movies and TV shows however her most   recent film credit is a 2013 horror comedy Vampira  and me in a documentary about a Pioneer in TV   horror Hostess named Isla normi who Mammy knew and  admired in the film Mammy shared some memories and   insights about her friends in a cultural impact  of horror now let's get into our relationships   Naomi Van Dorn was known for her magnetic charm  and stunning looks over the course of her career   she developed a reputation for having affairs  with some of the most notable celebrities of her   time this includes Clark Gable Burt Reynolds Jack  Dempsey Steve McQueen Clint Eastwood and Warren   Beatty a few and Quincy Jones of our people  and Quincy Jones said that at the time he was   not obsessed with Marilyn Monroe because he was  dating Mammy Van Doren and he thought Mimi Van   Doren would give Marilyn Monroe a run for her  money but come on if you have to compare your   girl to somebody else then the other girl already  won right but who are her husbands and what did   her most scandalous relationships entail let's  dive in vandoren was married three times her   first marriage was to Jack Newman who we spoke  about he was a writer and actor but the marriage   ended in divorces stated in 1951 she then married  Rey Anthony a band leader in 1955 and the day two   divorce in 1960 her final marriage with Sir Thomas  Dixon a businessman in 1972. this marriage lasted   until 1991 when they divorced so what did her  Partners have to say about her Steve McQueen   described vandoren as a person with an Eclectic  personality Jack Dempsey said she was a sleep   girl but a little too hot to handle and Robert  Evans the producer and Studio executive called   her a wonderful woman who had a very special  place in my heart and as you can see she was   both loved and feared she was too outspoken for  these men too hot to handle she was to herself   and she does deserve the same popularity as a  Marilyn Monroe or Jane Mansfield before she dies   she's still here with us you know so give her her  flowers now don't wait till the person passes away   and then you make them turned on Twitter and all  of that or whatever support her now please leave   a yellow heart in the comments that symbolizes  blonde for Mammy Van Doren if you watch until   the end and don't forget to thumbs up this video  if you like it and also comment below is there   anyone else you would like me to add to my list  coming up I love you guys so much thank you for   tuning in if you like the music you're listening  to the link is in the description until next time
Channel: Karine Alourde 🇭🇹
Views: 74,692
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Keywords: blonde bombshell, mami van doren death, mamie van doren, mamie van doren at 90, mamie van doren bio, mamie van doren biography, mamie van doren collection, mamie van doren dead, mamie van doren details, mamie van doren facts, mamie van doren marilyn monroe, mamie van doren net worth, mamie van doren spouse, mamie van doren today, mamie van doren tribute, mamie van doren update, mamie van doren wiki, mamie van doren young, marilyn monroe, marilyn monroe mamie van doren
Id: mZuGVp7wtlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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