Why Magnus Carlsen Believes Hans Niemann Is Cheating

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in my last video I reviewed the game between Magnus Carlson and Hans Neiman from the 2022 sinkfield cup I thought that the Scandal would be over after that game but since then there have been so many more developments to the situation I've been wanting to make a follow-up video for a while now but every day some new information comes out nevertheless I'll try to break down the entire situation with the timeline so that everyone can understand what's been going on so on September 19th 2022 Magnus Carlson was set to face Hans Neiman in the Julius bear Generations cup an online round robin tournament held on chess 24. this was a highly anticipated matchup because it came just two weeks after Magnus had lost to Hans in the singfield cup withdrawing from the tournament the very next day so it's not a surprise that the entire Chess World was waiting to see what would happen in this game unfortunately the game itself was a bit of a letdown Hans Neiman had the white pieces and he opened with one D4 Magnus replied with Knight F6 and after Hans played C4 on move 2 Magnus actually resigned the game this confirms that Magnus is still continuing to protest against Hans and that despite his silence on the situation we know that it has something to do with cheating so obviously the Chess World was in shock that Magnus was still refusing to play Hans but the story gets stranger from here one day after their two move game at the generations cup a photo of Magnuson Hans playing chess on a beach was released this photo was taken during the FTX crypto Cup in Miami approximately two weeks before their game at the singfield cup fellow top 10 player Anish Gary actually claimed to have seen the game in person and he even went over it in a video giri claimed that Magnus played extremely well and crushed Hans with the black pieces twice despite playing questionable openings I'm not going to go into Super heavy detail with these games but I will show the basic ideas here so Anish giri claimed that he remembered two games from the beach uh Magnus played Black in both of them so we're going to go over both of the games very quickly they're not super relevant to the actual situation regarding the cheating and the drama but I do like to add some valuable chess instruction in these videos so yeah like I said Hans at White in both and in the first game this is all from anisha's memory by the way so he did mention that it was a little hazy and that sometimes he tried to remember the move order but he could have been wrong but basically this is the breakdown so he claimed that Hans started with D4 Magnus played D5 and Hans went Knight C3 so after Knight C3 Magnus played Knight C6 Bishop F4 and then E5 and here um I believe that Bishop takes E5 is the correct move however Hans played D takes E5 which is very natural and obviously this just a Blitz game so it's not that serious but basically D takes E5 was played Magnus went G5 Bishop G3 and D4 it already looks super sharp Hans went 94 and after H5 H4 Bishop F5 uh Hans played the move 1982 note that he can't take on G5 because of Bishop B4 check and then like after C3 D takes C3 White's completely busted so after Knight D2 Anis said that Magnus played G4 and then he didn't go uh any further than this he just said that soon Magnus played F6 and completely crushed Hans so that was what that's what Anish giri said he covered it on like chess piece India I mean you can guys can go check out that video if you want but basically in the second game Magnus again he had black so um so Han's opened with D4 Magnus Blade Knight C6 Hans played Knight C3 Knight F6 E4 and D5 so Hans played E5 here and after 97 he did not play Knight takes D5 because if Knight takes D5 black had this really nice trick with Knight B8 and you can't really hold on to this D4 Pawn if you go like Knight C3 black can just take on D4 with the Knight If you defend the Knight with either Bishop C4 or let's say like like Pawn C4 then looks like black can just go E6 and after you go back Knight takes D4 or I guess Queen 64 can be played so that's why Hans didn't go for um E5 and Knight 65 he played E5 and then Knight F3 here Magnus played Knight B6 and Hans went H3 preventing this bishop G4 stuff Magnus played H6 which actually surprised a niche he expected him to play Bishop F5 but H6 I guess the point is that after let's say like Bishop D3 black can play like night before so that's the idea but Hans didn't do that he went A3 instead after Magnus played Bishop 5 he went G4 Bishop H7 E6 F takes E6 Bishop D3 so already this looks really good for Hans but Magnus had a really nice way to get out of this he played Bishop takes D3 Queen takes D3 and E5 and at first glance it looks like black is just getting completely demolished here but it's actually not bad at all after Queen G6 check King D7 D takes E5 black just played E6 and he was actually totally fine Hans played B3 Queen E8 Queen D3 Queen F7 and this is where a niche really stopped talking about the game but he just said that basically Magnus got his Bishop out to C5 his rook in the game made some sacrifice down here and he crushed him again so basically that's it for the two games I didn't want to go into ridiculously heavy detail because this wasn't recorded anywhere it was just recalled from anisha's memory and honestly the moves themselves aren't relevant to the cheating scandal I just wanted to make sure that each of one of my videos contains some useful chess instruction now regardless of what happened in those Blitz Games on the beach there's one important thing that must be stated in the photo Magnus and Hans seem to be amicable they had also played each other several times in the crypto cup that week and it seems that Magnus had no problem playing against him in that event so what does this all mean well let's look at the timeline in August Magnus and Hans played against each other in the crypto cup with no issues and they also played a few friendly games on the beach in September however we witnessed a scandal regarding potential cheating at the sinkfield cup and two weeks later we saw Magnus continue to protest against playing Hans this means that somewhere between August and September Magnus Carlsen probably received some information regarding Hans that made him suspicious August also happens to be the month in which chess.com acquired the play Magnus Group which was founded by Carlson himself my theory is that through the acquisition of play Magnus by chess.com Magnus was granted access to some previously undisclosed information regarding Hans after all Hans has already admitted to cheating online at the age of 12 and the age of 16. maybe Magnus just found this out during the deal or perhaps Magnus realized that he had cheated in some other instances that we don't know about these are all questions that the Chess World is asking and fortunately it seems like we'll be getting answers soon although Magnus has refused to answer most questions regarding his decision throughout this week he has clearly stated two things one he mentioned that he thought hans's coach Grand Master Maxim delugi was doing a great job perhaps suggesting that Maxime plays a role in this entire ordeal but more importantly he said this with a bunch of questions on this I only have one that I feel is hanging because with your actions you have put 19 year old name on in A Storm of allegation so I'm just wondering will you come with some evidence next week again that is uh uh that's gonna be uh be addressed uh next week so there you have it a lot has happened in the Chess World this week but it looks like Magnus will finally clarify what has been going on in a few days I really look forward to hearing his response and seeing if it contains any evidence because if Magnus doesn't have anything concrete this could do irreparable damage to hanza's Career if it hasn't already Grandmasters seem to be really divided on this topic there are a lot of super GMS who agree with what they believe Magnus is insinuating but there are also a lot of strong players who have come to hans's defense personally I still stand by the statement I made in my last video which is that based on the games I've seen so far I have not seen anything too outrageous and thus I do not believe that Hans is cheating I got a lot of interesting comments agreeing with me on my last video but I also got a lot of comments that disagree with my opinion which is obviously fine but I still believe that unless Magnus delivers concrete evidence with proof of cheating Hans remains innocent I'll keep you guys updated on magnus's response in a future video but until then I just want to thank you guys so much for watching this video don't forget to like And subscribe if you enjoyed it and want to see more of my content and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Gabriel Sam
Views: 347,482
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Id: T1OBEY99inw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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