15 years analyzing chess I've never seen this before

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I've been analyzing chess for over 15 years now and avidly watching it on YouTube as a fan for a similar amount of time and in all that time I've never seen what I saw in this game now this is the part where you may be thinking how old is this hobo looking dude because by the way I'm trying to grow some kind of beard here dude to be shaving it soon to grow a mustache from November but that's another story anyway I'm 32 years old for the record so this game here Hans Neiman versus Alexandra ostravisky was played in 2020 and it's a very high accuracy game first came to the attention of everyone through the suspicious video that yosha did or it was a video of suspicious games and this one came back as a hundred percent in her analysis with Gambit man now the chess.com game review tool brings this one back as 95.2 so a high accuracy game regardless now let's see what happened Hans had the black pieces and you're in for a tree so E4 was played E5 followed Knight F3 Knight C6 and now Bishop C4 goes in for the Italian game so Knight F6 in response invites Knight G5 the fried liver black then goes D5 Etc but D3 simply played by white standard stuff and now hands here goes Pawn to H6 the main moves Bishop C5 developing preparing to Castle coming outside the pawn chain Bishop E7 also very solid but this H6 move as well as taking away the G5 square there's some aggressive intentions here of going G5 if White Castle's too soon so C3 now from white standard stuff prepares D4 later sometimes B4 D6 from black and now Knight beats D2 this is what I'm saying about white just holding off castling fearing the G5 move and now hands goes a different Direction with Knight beats D2 on the board he goes Pawn G6 here so now we had D4 from White and this isn't the best move you know better is sort of castling developing some pieces rookie one when you go like this you immediately weaken E4 and you give black quite a few different options to take advantage so hands carries on with Bishop's G7 here you'll note there's a kind of question mark exclamation here so the computer wanted to take on D4 immediately but we won't go down that route both players now castled and now we see takes on E5 here and this is quite an important move because say you go Rook to E1 for example a standard looking developing move well the problem is that black takes on D4 Pawn recaptures you don't normally want to give white the big Center but this is the quick follow-up you get D5 in and because you're hitting bishop and pawn you're forcing that resolution of the tension say something like this good game for black White's got the eye Solani here in the center of the board you can Target that pawn later so coming back here takes on E5 was played and now hands plays a more ambitious move here so taking with the Knight is the most kind of classic positional move because you improve this piece which is slightly worse than this piece arguably and because you're hitting the bishop you're forcing an exchange there's no Knights D4 and this is just a decent position for black you've I mean it's fine for white but you've solved your opening problems here so Pawn takes was played more ambitious now we had Pawn to 84 gaining some space on the queen side and now we see Hands going Queen to E7 here and he then follows with Queen to F6 which is interesting wasting a Tempo and it begs the question could he have started with Knight to H5 which we soon see and the answer is yes if White NOW goes B4 you can go Queen F6 so he could have done that I want to point out because he goes Queen to E7 now we get B4 and now Rook d8 so he cleared the square for The Rook makes sense white moves the king no Queen sorry now Knight H5 came targeting this Square here but it always to temper with the queen because the queen soon comes to F6 so rookie one now played obviously develops The Rook but also frees the F1 Square for this Knight to Pivot back sometimes the bishop and once the Knight moves you open up this dark squared Bishop as well now Queen F6 this is the move I was talking about and it's a kind of waiting move because if you go Bishop's G4 straight away then H3 can come the Knight still covers this one and you've either got to take which is good for white or Retreat and you've wasted a Tempo so Queen F6 just the kind of waiting move now we had the Knight retreating back and now hands goes Bishop to G4 once that Knight's gone there's no H3 obviously you can shatter the pawn structure really good for black so instead we had this Knight now hopping back to D2 if you cover with Bishop E2 by the way it's a bit passive and also this Knight now hits F4 hits that Bishop big Initiative for black so the Knight drops back here and now we had this Knight sinking internet4 classic move Knight E3 was played hits this bishop so it dropped back to E6 and now white carries on developing again the computer doesn't love it as most precise it wanted captures here but okay just human chess now Bishop f8 so it covers this long diagonal prepares to challenge this powerful piece and also you're no longer just staring at your own E5 Pawn so the bishop took on E6 Queen recaptures and now you'll see the computer doesn't like this next move it wants Knight F3 here just to add some protection around the king but Knight B3 was played Aid a more ambitious move eyeing the B5 square and there's some logic to this you want to go B5 exchange the Bishops synchronize Knight but the problem is that black can cover with Pawn to B6 and then turn the attention to the king side and start attacking your king which is now a night short since you rotated it around to the other side of the board now this next move might look slightly strange so G3 is kind of logical to kick the Knight but then you weaken all the light squares you know swiss cheese around the king and you can also give this check you've got access to this square and it's a bit uncomfortable so white goes Pawn to H4 looks weird pushing pawns on the side of the board where your king is but the idea is that then you can go G3 and if the Knight comes to H3 well it's not sitting in front of the pawn blockading it Etc so A5 now from hands not forced but he wants to clarify things on the Queen's side B5 kicked on and now you could go Knight B8 here coming back to D7 and then some kind of journey into here potentially but instead we had takes takes and Knight E7 going on a different kind of route and maybe one day Hans wants G5 Knight G6 to get at that white king So G3 now played this was White's idea this was the follow-up and this is where hands unleashes the first of four brilliant moves in a row now probably black was expecting maybe something like Knight D3 here but it's not a good move then Rook D1 comes and White's actually just taking over the initiative here or if you don't go to there and you come back here well again you're kind of back pedaling where's the attack so can you guess what move hands played in this position here so in this position he played Queen to H3 double X Glam a brilliant move so this is considered a brilliant move by chess.com's game review gives it two exclamation marks and we now see four of these brilliant moves in a row and that's the thing that I've never seen in one game of chess four of these in a row I've seen four in a game even more than four in a game but never four in a row so we'll have to have a look at what conclusions we can draw from that at the end of this game but first let's see what happened so what's the idea well if you take the Knight and this is actually the best way to play actually but white didn't do it well then we recapture we're kicking this one and the best defensive move is Knight G2 now you look like you want to go F3 straight away and make the king but the problem is the nighth hopped straight back and actually covers the square it just came from now things are just level the attacks kind of well it's not fizzling out but you can't can't bring more Firepower in it's just not the right move so after the night back pedals then G5 is the best move you want to rip open this G file if you possibly can so H5 is best to keep all the files closed now Queen G4 prepares F3 because this time the Knight is pinned but here's the key defense which potentially white missed from afar which is Knight to D4 so you cover this F3 move now if it gets played you take and queen E2 and if you pause here do a piece count material count things are actually level White's doing fine it's just a roughly even position and if instead in this position here by the way you try and Sack Rook for night well then this Rook opens up laterally again in F3 if F3 you can give that rook and once again White's doing fine here so this is the problems for black to actually continue the attack if white finds these defensive moves Black's still doing okay a but not easy to see all of that stuff so instead of taking on F4 this is where Instead The Rook drops back to A1 so probably preparing to challenge down this D file Here and Now can you guess the second brilliant move which hands Neiman played in this position so with black to play hands played pawned G5 that idea I mentioned earlier looking to rip open files and also opens up a square for this night to potentially join the party and now here why it makes a fatal blunder so again you should go Pawn H5 just to keep things closed as much as possible but we have takes on G5 and this is where Hans now plays his third brilliant move again if you want to think about what this move could be then please have a think and pause okay so this is the weird one for me hand simply takes back the pawn right you were maybe looking for something kind of crazy Etc now chess.com is giving that as a brilliant move I haven't looked into the details of when this kind of algorithm would you call it or the formula or whatever drives a double X Clan versus a single X clam Etc okay it's giving the most obvious move on the board a brilliant move but fine that's the third brilliant move in the row now we have the D file Challenge and now here's the fourth brilliant move again feel free to look for it what does hands play here so he goes King's G7 again to my eyes a pretty logical move because you're preparing rook h8 and sure enough we had captures Rook recaptures now white finally takes the plunge and takes on F4 what else to do but rook h8 and this move brought resignation from the white player so why did they resign well you're getting mated and you can't avoid it so this is a threat of checkmates so F3 is the only way to actually give the king some room but then we check here King F2 and you bring down the Rook now you can either bring the key up to G3 or block with the Knight I'll show you both this one the queen captures King goes you win the queen okay this is completely lost anyway plus we're about to May using the queen coming to C3 all over and if instead you don't block with the Knight you come to G3 well then we can take with check King goes and now you can make like this you can use the pawn to finish the job so a really beautiful finish now if we come back to those four brilliant moves in a row what conclusions can we actually draw from this so it started with Queen to H3 so to go four brilliant moves in a row it sounds kind of superhuman you know was hand using an engine in this game was he just playing on his instincts obviously that's for everyone to make their own judgments but for me personally when I look at this game it does look like quite a human way to play I would say this is the most brilliant move to go Queen to H3 but if you back pedal the Knight and once you see you can't go Knight D3 then you don't have a ton of other options other than just being completely worse and once you realize how complicated things get with this Pawn recaptures kicking the knights then you can really start to see the appeal of this variation and sure enough it was good for hands to play so Queen H3 was the tough one but after this Rook a to A1 I would say G5 is very very human captures of course you take back and then King G7 to use the H file so all three of the brilliant moves following for me were really easy to find but the queen H3 one yeah tough who knows if you used an engine nothing's been shown as evidence he did over the board yet I don't believe he did personally but like I said these things are tough could be very subtle anyway I hope you enjoyed this one if you want to see the latest edition of the cheating scandal Saga the documentary series are recorded then check out the video on screen do subscribe to never miss a future video and thanks very much for watching see you soon
Channel: Epic Chess
Views: 208,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic chess, chess, epic, chess analysis, 15 years analyzing chess and I've never seen this before, hans, niemann, hans niemann, hans niemann chess, chess cheating, hesscheat, chess cheater, hans niemann cheating
Id: zl8zFeP1ovw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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